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Old 10-03-2006, 09:17 AM   #4
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 44
Question Thanks Montana and Kate! Hope to hear from others

I really appreciate your feedback; thanks for taking the time.

Even though I'm ER-, I did take Prempro for four years (1998-2002), and stopped with the stroke scare, and this was BEFORE my breast cancer diagnosis.

I still think, though the med. community would probably disagree, that the Prempro activated, accelerated or turned on something in my system, because that's when I noticed what was to become Paget's of the nipple.

As I said, I'm reluctant to take anything, but don't want to develop any significant problems with the lack of hormones in my system. I don't have these, but my mother-in-law has bladder/urinary incontinence; a friend has pain during sex, another has joint pain.) So, what can we do to prevent or slow down the aging or atrophy? Hope to hear from some of you others who have experience or info.


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