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Old 08-20-2006, 12:22 PM   #9
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Location: northshore suburb of chicago
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My onc told me that because of being node negative, stage I, clean margins, er/pr- he didn't feel that I needed taxol but I did question him about it after seeing so many or the forum members on it. I guess we have to have faith in our oncologist if you trust them and I do trust mine. We also have a very dear friend who is an onc and he recommended the one I am using and when I asked our friend, he said I didn't need taxol. I understand how you feel about concern over aches and pains. They say it gets better with time and the further we get from treatment of any kind. Hope that is true. Can't imagine how it must feel to be without any treatment to fight this beast.....scary. Thanks for your input Olivia.
Dx:3/06 had a lumpectomy April 19, 2006
Her2+ er/pr- Stage I Grade 3 tumor size 1.4 cm, node negative
AC 4 dense doses
34 radiation treatments including booster doses
receiving herceptin every 3 weeks since late August 2006 for 12 months
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