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DianneS 09-19-2009 02:28 PM

Vitamins after bc?
I eat relatively good but have been taking vitamin supplements.

I was wondering what a good supplement might be, if someone could recommend a brand? I cannot take anything with soy or soy lecithin (ER+). Any suggestions?

I have been taking along with multivitamins a product called AOR Network Synergy 4 x a day.

For those who have managed to stay NED for a long time, do you attribute this to diet as well as supplements and if so, what supplements/vitamins are you taking on a daily basis?

My friend's doctor said that you can mess up your system by taking vitamins...true? How do we know what area we are deficient in?

Thanks ladies,

Lien 09-19-2009 02:55 PM

Re: Vitamins after bc?
I think the most promising Vitamin for avoiding a cancer recurrence would be Vit. D at this moment. You are in Canada, so you might be a bit deficient.

Here's a post from Debbie L. to the Breast Cancer List (Hope it's okay to post it here, Debbie?) in which she expresses very well what I think about the issue.

If you open iTunes and go to podcasts, search NPR - it's the 7/20/09 edition
of "Your Health", where she talks to Michael Holick. I think you can do it
the other way 'round, from the NPR website also.
I'm listening to it again right now. Okay, 5-10 minutes of arms/legs, three
times a week. He hedges on that a bit with something like "probably enough
for most people". The hours are 10am to 3pm and in the spring, summer, and
fall. Obesity and aging decreases the amount of vitamin D made from sun
exposure. But he does say that even elders can make enough with the
recommended exposure a "couple of times" a week. This guy takes supplements
(including milk) of 2700IU's/day and plays tennis and cycles on the weekend
with sunscreen on his face only, and his levels are 50 to 60 whatevers.
Bathing suit on Cape Cod 15-20 minutes = 10 to 20 thousand units.
We've been covered up for thousands of years now, right? It's interesting
that we've somehow survived all this long time with this severe deficiency.
Again, while I am taking supplements and hoping this is making a difference
(I am pretty sure that it IS helping my achiness), I remain skeptical that
it's quite the magic bullet that some of the hype would have us believe.
And I also wonder if supplementation is the answer. I wonder if the reason
that some people's levels are so low has to do with some process in their
body - and if it's that process causing the diseases that are seen in
association with D deficiency. So that low D is a marker for whatever is
going on, rather than a cause in itself. I don't think we know that yet,
and it may be a different answer for each disease or condition.

There's loads of info in the archives of the Breast Cancer List: http://bclist.petebevin.com/

Look for info from Maria Rose B. She has investigated Vit D a lot.



Jean 09-19-2009 03:46 PM

Re: Vitamins after bc?
A growing number of researchers who have widely studied Vitamin D3 are almost begging the general public to consume more of this important nutrient. Due to Vitamin D3’s high safety profile in doses up to 10,000 IU per day and because of the wide role it plays in our health, consuming 2,000 to 4,000 IU per day of this nutrient at times of the year when sunlight is scarce is a prudent way to improve overall health. I would suggest you consider Vit. D3 not just plain V D. It will serve your bones, breast health, immunity, (vit. D3 regulates T cells) which are important to support a strong immune system.

Also, COQ 10 is another important vit. for heart health.
I believe if you search on the site you will find get detailed information on what some are taking.

Best wishes,

R.B. 09-19-2009 06:24 PM

Re: Vitamins after bc?
Hi Diane,

Here is a link to posts on Omega 3 and 6 fats, and two on vitamin D.




CLTann 09-19-2009 07:18 PM

Re: Vitamins after bc?
It is very confusing about the diet and supplements. I am of Asian race and have always had soy products as a part of food. My onc just suggested not to take highly concentrated soy and saw nothing wrong with tofu and soy milk. I consider the useful supplements are: vitamin D, curcumin, mushroom extract, omega 3 and less animal fats, i.e., less red meat. I have been a long resident in middle part of U.S.A. Bone supplement (Boniva) is a part of my med, in addition to Femera. I am a pharmacist in a major hospital. Hope the above info is helpful.

lizm100 09-19-2009 07:45 PM

Re: Vitamins after bc?
After my naturalpath did bloodwork and afterwards she advised the following: curcumin, vitD3, green tea extact (I also drink green tea whenever I can), Indole 3 Carbinol, mulit vit with no copper, iron, or boron, grapeseed extract (OPC3), CoQ10, Idomere (Iodone), melatonin, Biotin (to help with my fine hair) and calcium megnesium with vit. D3. I drink red wine a couple times a week and exercise regularly (brisk walks and weights) . I still need to work on stress reduction and getting more sleep. Wishing everyone the best.

Unregistered 09-19-2009 08:31 PM

Re: Vitamins after bc?
Where do you find a good vitamin supplier? What multivitamin do you take that does not contain boron and copper? A multivit without iron is relatively easy to find but after a quick online search, I did not find one without all three. Thanks.

AlaskaAngel 09-20-2009 09:13 AM

Re: Vitamins after bc?
Hi DianneS -- You and I live in the same environmental conditions in regard to vitamin D, and Lien is located similarly. I think it is interesting that one old-timer in the other thread was from Hawaii (more sun exposure).

Some time ago I ran across some research about the importance of exposure through the eyes to sunlight. If my memory is right, at least some of the research was being done by an Australian female scientist. I posted a link to it once, but am still searching for my copy of the research and the link. Sunlight through the eyes affects the pineal gland, which acts to regulate some hormones in the body and in particular, melatonin. Melatonin is being researched to see if it helps to suppress cancers like breast cancer; whether it does or doesn't, whatever the action is of sunlight through the eyes may be important.

What I am trying to say (and not doing a terrific job of it), is that it is hard to know whether increased supplements of vitamin D3 are the whole key or not. I too am taking the increased supplements -- but I also try to get natural sunlight exposure because of the possible influence of sunlight through the eyes. (I avoid wearing sunglasses -- we don't get enough sun as it is at this latitude.)


harrie 09-21-2009 12:30 AM

Re: Vitamins after bc?
Speaking of Vit D3, does anyone know if sunscreen blocks out the absorbtion of this impt vitamin? Where I live is very sunny and being BRCA2, my risk of melanoma is a somewhat higher, therefore i try to remember my sunscreen.

Becky 09-21-2009 05:20 AM

Re: Vitamins after bc?
Sunscreen does block the essential UV rays that stimulate the skin to produce Vitamin D3.

I take D3 (2000 iu - 4000iu per day), Fish oil, mushroom extract, olive leaf, multi, calcium, curcumin and CoQ 10.

juanita 09-21-2009 09:03 AM

Re: Vitamins after bc?
i have a problem taking the omega 3s. they make me sick to my stomach. i've tried switching brands and have had no luck. any suggestions?

lizm100 09-21-2009 09:36 AM

Re: Vitamins after bc?
Dear "Unregistered"
I buy most of my vitamins at my naturalpath's office, her husband who is also a naturalpath and I think a pharmacist too actually owns the company that makes most of the supplements I buy. The brand I use is by Vital Nutrients and it's call Mulit-Nutrients V with no boron, copper, or iron. This multi was formulated by the Cancer Treatment Centers of America. Here's the link with the info

I know if you google Vital Nutrients Muliti Nutrients V, that www. professional supplement center.com sells them too. They are pricey but they specifically manufacted for survivors such as us.

Another reputable supplement brand that is very reasonable is "Now foods" (I use their Melatonin, vitD3, biotin) which websites such as LuckyVitamin and SwansonDiscountVitamins carries at very reasonable prices.

I hope I answered you question.

Wishing you the very best.


lizm100 09-21-2009 09:38 AM

Re: Vitamins after bc?

according to my naturalpath, if you wear suncreen then it does block your absorption of vit. D. Having had basal cells, I need to wear sunscreens too so my naturalpath checks my vit. D levels regulary and adjusts my doses based on my levels.

Good luck,

harrie 09-21-2009 11:59 PM

Re: Vitamins after bc?
Thanks for the input on the sunscreen Liz and Becky.

DianneS 09-22-2009 08:22 PM

Re: Vitamins after bc?
Liz, what is the thinking about boron, copper and iron? Bad for cancer survivors?

Thanks for link. I will check into it.

Here's a link some might be interested in. They test and report on vitamins, etc.



lizm100 09-23-2009 06:44 AM

Re: Vitamins after bc?
initially I was explained why I need to avoid those "elements" and I think that it has something to do with not feeding cancer cells if there are any left but over time the information evaporated my brain...lol... and now I don't remember the reasoning behind it. I recall seeing info on the web as well but it is not easily found.

With iron, I was told told that it can be used short term if you are extremely anemic. I had to do this since I was anemic and have bounced back although my levels continue to be low. If I come across any info, I will forward it.

Jackie07 09-24-2009 01:54 PM

Re: Vitamins after bc?
I do not know if any of the supplements I took (just a short while) had caused my hepatic hemangioma to grow (supposed fueled by estrogen.) I am quitting all of them right now and my irritable bowel problem seems to have disappeared. The physical therapist had advised me to walk three 10-minute walk a day and do several other stretching exercises, inclusing one that relieves neck tension (once every thirty minutes while on the computer.)

Growing up in the semi-tropical area and then moved to the sunny Texas, I don't think I've ever been short of the Sunlight Vitamin - Vitamin D. But my very defected genes are different from everyone elses', so I can not say if others should not take certain supplement.

DianneS 10-02-2009 12:47 PM

Re: Vitamins after bc?

do you take them after meals? How many are you taking at a time?


lexigirl 10-02-2009 02:29 PM

Re: Vitamins after bc?
I had complained of fatigue to my pcp last week. He ran quite a few labs and sure enough everything was in the normal range, except for my vit D. It was really low. I am now taking 50000 iu's for 12 weeks. Doc will recheck at 16 weeks. I'll keep you posted...


Adriana Mangus 10-02-2009 07:37 PM


Is there a contraindication supplementing with copper after bc.?

I have been taking it for a while now, due to low red blood cells, not too bad, though, just take them to keep them regulated.

Thank you for your response.


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