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jones7676 08-06-2009 11:42 AM

I am very worried. The oncologist just called and I still have the infection in my intestines - another 2 weeks of meds and no chemo and a test next week to see if it is better.

Apparently, Ixempra has been unkind to my body as with many others I've read about on this site.

The good news is that he is calling my oncologist in Chicago to see if there is perhaps something else that can be offered and/or be as or more effective.

I'm having a hard time staying positive of course, but I'm trying hard.

I could also use more info about the helpful diet as I have read items here and there on this site. If someone would like to email me some good solid info I would appreciate it.

Thanks for reading my post.

Mary Anne in TX 08-06-2009 01:46 PM

Re: Worried
Hey Barb!
Wish I understood better about all we need to eat and watch to share with you, but I'm just learning. But I can pray and send love and best wishes to ya! ma

Midwest Alice 08-06-2009 02:35 PM

Re: Worried
My love and best wishes too Barb! Alice

whatz 08-06-2009 02:51 PM

Re: Worried
I would think part of the strategy would be to help build up your white counts. Based on my onc there was nothing I could do to nutritionally support the building of white blood cells but based on others input they suggested upping the protein (which of course also puts stress on your kidneys unless you make sure you dring enough). I'm not sure if you are dealing with diarreah or not. If you are I would assume "flushing" the system should not be an issue though again drinking enough fluid would be even more imparative. Sorry, can't be more specific than that since I haven't had a bout with this (yet) but that would be my starting strategy. Also yoghurts with "live" cultures. I'll keep my eye/ear out. Hang in there!

ElaineM 08-06-2009 04:03 PM

Re: Worried
Eating alot of fresh fruits and vegetables, lightly cooked or raw can help boost the immune system. The white blood counts and the immune system are connected.
If you have an intestinal track infection can you eat some regular yoghurt made from dairy or soy yoghurt that has the friendly or "good bacteria". If you don't like yoghurt can you take probiotics (good bacteria) in pill or capsule form which can be bought from most health food stores? good bacteria are things like acidophales (Excuse the spelling please.)Chemo can wipe out the good bacteria in the gastrointestinal track. I suppose that can lead to an infection, because other bacteria can become stronger than the good bacterial.
Good luck. Stay strong !!!!!!

ElaineM 08-06-2009 04:07 PM

Re: Worried
I almost forgot. different kinds of Mushrooms, Echinecea, and Astragalus can help white blood counts stay strong. You can get these things in supplement form. I never had to skip chemo. I never needed a blood transfusion. I never needed shots during chemo because I ate alot of healthy food and took these supplements and liquid iron for the red blood counts.
I never got a gastrointestinal infection either.

caya 08-06-2009 07:31 PM

Re: Worried

I don't have any diet advice, just big hugs and prayers for you. Sounds like the oncs. are doing their best to find the right treatment for you.

all the best

Becky 08-06-2009 07:42 PM

Re: Worried
All the nutritional advice you got is good. Get plenty of rest. If you can tolerate your Omega 3s - take your fish oil capsules - 8 per day divided throughout the day. Drink plenty of water and tea. Rest, rest, rest. Its the best thing for you.

Ask a friend or family member to cook you up a big pot of soup. And get more rest. Call in all your "chips" of people asking to help and have them help. Cook for you, clean for you. Rest is the best thing going.

Believe51 08-06-2009 08:17 PM

Re: Worried
Barb, I am so sorry that your body is hurting so badly. We are walking together through this and I can tell you I hear and sympathize with your feelings. Ed is recovering slowly and last I knew Joy was too, now it is time for you to recover. Do not be hard on yourself with this process, especially because it could be another week or two. Ed's last treatment was over 6 weeks ago and is starting to feel more like himself. He has been so frail for so long that we were very concered for his well being. If you are going to e-mail me please use my Yahoo address since my box here is full.

We are going to make it past this. We are going to recover right now, not be too tough on ourselves and then we will proceed. Rest is vital right now and you have nice advice already in this thread. I have been keeping you in my prayers Barb, I love you. Hang tough Sweetie and rest right now.>>Believe51

Karen Wheel 08-07-2009 12:39 PM

Re: Worried
Few of my favorites:




The Cancer Battle Plan Sourcebook (this is the updated version) by David Frahm
Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor – by Kris Carr

I sent you a personal note to your inbox – but if you didn’t get it – please email me at karen_mppseattle@hotmail.com - I have a lot of information and I personally believe this is the key to longevity and CURING this beast we are fighting.

Granted I am new at this battle- but there is a lot of great information out there and people are living and curing themselves --- yes, even tumors are shrinking and totally disappearing - with diet and nutrition. This is the only thing that keeps me positive as I know this is my “road” to live and conquer cancer.

Also, any others that want more info, please feel free to email me – we are in the fight of our lives and we need all the information we can to fight it!

Live strong –
Age – 44 pre- menopausal
No children – no pregnancies
2-09 – Biopsy – Cancer
3-09 – Partial mastectomy Right – 3 nodes taken but not involved
Tumor results: 1.5 cm – Stage 1 - Her-2 +++
Estrogen positive 80% - Progestin 10% - Ki67 postive 30%
4-09 – Started Herceptin (for 1 year every 21 days)
4-09 – 6-09 Chemo – 9 weeks of Navelbine
7-09 - 30 sessions of radiation (half way finished!)

Believe51 08-07-2009 04:44 PM

Re: Worried
Sending prayers and love to you and only you at this moment. I stopped and took a portion of my day to send positive vibes and well wishing to My Girl. Hope you feel better soon.>>Believe51

Sheila 08-07-2009 05:43 PM

Re: Worried
You have received alot of great advice...is there any possiblility of switching the chemos? I just read an article from Dr Edith Perez about mixing Navelbine, Xeloda and Herceptin....its worth asking.
Sending prayers and healing thoughts to Michigan....keep strong Barb...better days are ahead!

Karen Wheel 08-08-2009 05:30 AM

Re: Worried
One more thought I had...

I have found a really good active culture capsule that is manufactured in the UK but it is sold from a company out of Redmond Washington... but my handy-dandy trusted health god-pharmicist recommended this to me when I was back in the states in November - and I had a bad case of food poisoning ... and without drugs these just healed me up in like days! I still had some here in Italy (safely stored in the fridge) but the name is:
HLC high potency capsules -
by: Pharmax LLC. Redmond, Washington.

The pharmacy is "Clarks Pharmacy" in Redmond (it is literally next door to Microsoft) ;-) But you could call them and have them ship you some - if I remember it was around 20 bucks - a bottle or maybe 30 but it was fabulous! I would highly recommned this for a distroyed stomach - and much quicker than active yogurts - most of these have little effect by the time the actually get to your hands (or your personal fridge) .... yes, they were alive when they were packaged but they die easily.

My guy said these capsules were the best he had found in all his searches - and he was right - I was sold! I'm having my friend bring me a fresh bottle next month when she visits from Redmond. As they will keep for up to a year in the fridge....

Hope this helps - try it! :-) Karen

ElaineM 08-08-2009 09:09 PM

Re: Worried
This is one of the great examples of why we need a nutrition thread. There is alot we can do nutritionally to help ourselves. We have surgery. We get our treatments. We see our docs for a few minutes once in awhile. It is pretty much up to us to help ourselves and our bodies stay strong and prevent or miminize problems on a 24/7 basis. What we put into our bodies has alot to do with that.

Karen Wheel 08-09-2009 01:40 AM

Re: Worried
I totally agree! With all the drugs and treatments we are subjecting our bodies to - we need to try to build them up as much as we can to help our immune systems do their jobs of healing us from within!

A nutritional thread would be great ... somewhere for us to all dump our findings and experiences of eating, juicing, supplements, etc.

Even on "other" therapies - like massage, Reiki, acupunture ....

I think it is a great idea! Karen

Diane H 08-09-2009 07:51 AM

Re: Worried
You're in a tough spot right now Barb, but know that it's going to improve. I'm so sorry you have to deal with the worry and intestinal side effects are very hard. Sending out prayers and hope and hugs to you,


yankeebikachic 08-09-2009 12:56 PM

Re: Worried
I take mushroom supp. for my white counts and although they have dropped down a little from a year of treatment, I have never had to stop with meds because of low counts. Some people swear by it. Also, probiotics, yogurt etc to help the GI tract function can't hurt.

vickie h 08-09-2009 04:37 PM

Re: Worried
Dearest Barb

I'm sorry to hear about the IXEMPRA, I could only do 2 or 3 treatments myself before bailing due to health. Not a day goes by without you in my prayers. don't forget how much we love you, how much we stand beside and empathize with you.
Taking alot of probiotics right now will help build that healthy flora we seem to be lacking from the chemo. I took something called Critical Care (50 billion active) after my bout with ixempra side effects.
Please breath deeply, leave some of that worry behind if you can, and move int the direction of healing. My prayers envelope you now, as well as my love.
Hugs and Hope,

jones7676 08-11-2009 07:52 AM

Re: Worried
Hello to all of you and thanks so much for the encouragement as well as the tips and health advice that I will be exploring.

I have another "test" tomorrow on my digestive system and I am hoping for an improvement.

I have been doing a lot of "lounging" and resting and that is why I have not been on - also I was normally the person full of encouragement for every one else. It is a difficult role for me.

As I get info I will keep you posted and I hope you don't mind some of my boring self centered info..

Thanks again for all the help. I will be busy working on improving myself more.

Bless all of you!

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