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Sherryg683 08-09-2007 09:21 PM

Recent post has been deleted.

tousled1 08-09-2007 09:31 PM


You are not crazy! Things like this happen quite frequently but unfortunately we don't know the meaning behind them. We can second guess but that does no good. Please just try and accept that it is a good omen and that your daughter's guardian angel is looking out after her all the time. I'm sorry to hear that your brother is not doing well. I believe in God and I also believe he works in mysterious ways. Just be thankful for everyday and don't try to read anything bad into things that happen. You are blessed.

StephN 08-09-2007 09:44 PM

A "loving presence"
Dear Sherry -
That is a MOST remarkable experience you have shared. I don't have a lot of time right now to respond. But want you to know that I have been "visited" on a couple of occasions and "they" were here to reassure me. I did not particularly pray for a sign, but they came anyway. I did hear a voice whisper to me one time just prior to finding my lump - and I did not know how to take it at the time, but understood shortly thereafter.

Mine have been in the daytime so there was no light as you describe. I am not a fervently religious person, but do believe in souls, angels and communication with in forms that are different from our normal way.

The added bonus that your husband has come through for you on this cross I believe is another sign that he is really with you and was trying to please you after all you have been through with the cancer and shingles lately.

Sometimes these things don't have any real explanation, but some would say is just some Good Karma coming back to us.

I will be interested in your further experiences or comments.

Margerie 08-10-2007 10:11 AM

I missed your post Sherry. But I don't think you are crazy to have hope there has been a good sign. I love the show Medium and got one of the books by the real life medium the show is based on at the library:


Allison DuBouis is a real person, with some interesting stories about angels and signs. It is nothing scientific, but the stories are incredible and give hope to those of us open to the concept.

Best of wishes for you and your family,


Sherryg683 08-10-2007 06:42 PM

I would like to think what I saw was a good sign, it just was so earie that it freaked me out and I deleted my post last night because I really sounded like someone who had lost their minds. Basically in a nut shell, I was putting my little girl to sleep in her bed. Every night I pray to God to grant me the time to raise her and if not please take care of my little girl, and always beg for some sort of sign that things would be OK. I was in the middle of asking him to take care of my little girl when this bright white light about a foot tall suddenly appeared over her bed on the wall, drifted back and forth , for about 5 minutes and came to rest on my hand several times. It then disappeared and did not come back. I have put her to bed every night and never saw this before. I spent about 30 minutes trying to find some explanation for the light but couldn't. I checked the curtains, wiggled the door, lamp anything that I though might have put off this light. But the way it drifted was too slow and methodical for it to have been a reflection of something. Last night when I put her to bed, the light did not appear. I was really freaked out all day yesterday and a little uncomfortable today but feeling better about it. I went from thinking it was her guadian angel, giving me a sign that things would indeed be OK for her...to something telling me to prepare myself for something. I am always the sceptic and want a reason or explanation ffor everything, I guess there's really no way of knowing exactly what this means..sherryg683

Melinda 08-11-2007 08:36 AM

I beleive that there are spirits/masters/ teachers/angels what ever you would like to call them, that all of us have surrounding us. They teach us, and guide us. For me I would feel blessed that this positive energy force was close to you and your daughter. THink positive.

chrisy 08-12-2007 08:51 PM

Sherry, thanks for reposting the short version. I am so moved and encouraged that you asked for - and received a sign that all will be well. I think we often do not recognize the signs that are given us - but I believe they are real.

My decidedly non expert opinion is that this must, by definition, be a good sign! You may not know now what it means, but I think you should take comfort. Angels visit in the service of love and hope.

I think you have received a very special blessing, thanks for sharing it.

harrie 08-13-2007 12:16 AM

That is very interesting and I think you are probably right in that it is a sign that everything will continue to be looked after, just what you were praying for.
I have had several signs come to me these past 8 months during this br ca experience. I believe I have some very special guardian angels watching out for me and many times I truely believe they sent their messages to me, in a variety of ways, to help guide me along the way. I say this in all sincerity.
Harrie (Maryanne)
PS...want to share one example of one of my signs....
My sister and I were driving on the freeway in LA on the way to my apt with Dr. Pegram for a consult to see if chemo is warrented for my dx. Ok, this vehicle cuts in front of us and the license plate reads: "1KIMO1"
Now the number 11 has been a VERY SPECIAL number to my sister and I for a very long time although at this point I will not get into the significance. "kimo" is a hawaiian name and is pronounced exactly like "chemo". Now what are the chances of me seeing our number 11 with the pronounciation "chemo" on it on a license plate in Southern California??!! My mother passed away from cancer 10 yrs ago, and I really believe that she was sending me a message to go for it (chemo).

Believe51 08-13-2007 12:08 PM

No Your Not Crazy, 'Cause That Would Mean I Am Too!!
First, I wish I read your original post because I would never think you are crazy, I would have been inspired. Let me tell you a quick story because you already know the signs I get with hearing songs. Well, I have been asking for signs especially recently. I visited a very depressed Aunt whom had a 'maple walnut' Yankee Candle but did not want to burn it because it makes her crave maple walnut ice cream (you know how I feel about ice cream!! LOL). It so happened that I had a half gallon of such ice cream and as tired as I was Auntie needed me. I left the house ice cream in tow and upon arrival I made her light the candle!! I WAS NOT GOING TO LEAVE THE HOUSE, I WAS TIRED AND IN MY JAMMIN"S FOR THE NIGHT!!

My little cousin who is 4 was playing quietly when I arrived and wanted more than anything to play with me. When my Aunt told him we had to talk first, we did so and I very discreetly mentioned that Ed was moving forward into his journey and now more that ever I needed some sign...and not the typical signs I get like music either. There was no way he knew what we were talking about. Let me mention that Ryan is a kind child who has manners and does NOT INTERRUPT.

All of a sudden he jumped up like someone poured boiling water on him. He did interupt and said with complete amazement, "Cousin Marie, did you just see that??". Ryan was looking perplexed until he realized he interrupted us, he apologized and then carried on. When we asked him what he was talking about he replied (still in amazement), "I just seen God, he was right here!!!" and the poor boy was kind of sad that we might have not!! We asked him what did he look like and where did he go?? Ryan replied as though it was a stupid question, "He looked like....like God and he left that way", Ryan pointed up to the ceiling and still was very very confused.

I have to say that warmth encompassed my body for the entire visit, especially right before Ryan spoke, I was so hot I thought I was having a hot flash. Still til this day I cannot describe the feelings I had that night. All I know is that there were too many factors that worked together for it to be a fluke. I truely BELIEVE that I had a visit, normally I would have thought maybe by my grandfather or an Angel, but I do believe this child. Yes he has been introduced to God in church and books, but what would drive him to jump up like he was shot?? It is not for me to understand.

It was the sign I needed, it was the sign I asked God for. There are visits all the time and people miss them. I really think that I was so busy taking care of Ed that I kept missing the signs, all I heard was the signs I get from music. We have messengers Sherry that come when we need a sign and maybe especially when we havemissed some.

No Darling, you are not crazy....you have recieved your sign, they are either God or his messengers. Consider yourself blessed to have recieved a sign, and no Sherry I think this time you may want to leave looking for a reason aside for some things are without reason. And yes Sherry, keep begging for signs and do not be too busy to recognize them like me!!

That is just one of my stories of signs that have nothing to do with the signs I get with songs, but I have to save some of the good stuff for later!! LOL

Keep Believing>>Believe51

MJo 08-14-2007 09:34 AM

I'm a skeptic, but hope it really was an angel or a benevolent spirit.

Andrea Barnett Budin 08-14-2007 11:59 AM

We Are Never Alone. Never...
WE ARE EACH SPIRITUAL BEINGS, WITH A MIND THAT DWELLS IN A BODY -- HAVING A HUMAN EXPERIENCE. The Spiritual Realm is our true home. Who we are, your Truest Self, is a Soul! I have learned this from reading and personal experience, since breast cancer came to me in 1995 when I was half a century old. Old enough, and desperate enough, to allow myself to OPEN to previously unknown possibilities.

There are two ways to live your life.One is as though nothing is a miracle.The other is as though everything is a miracle.(AlbertEinstein)

We live with Teachers and Guides and Guardian Angels walking with us, to guide and protect us, leading us where we need to go. These entities are just over your shoulder, a breath away. They can speak to you through your Inner Voice. They can also send you *signs*, in various forms. Please, Sherry, do not become freaked out by such blessings of love and reassurance.

I too wish I had read your original post. Maybe I sound weird to you, but I believe with all my heart in what I am saying. Maybe I have just become old enough to feel comfortable being *me* and sharing my beliefs. Usually they inspire others, though no doubt some think I'm looney. I'm okay with that. Especially when there's a chance I might touch another's person Soul and awaken it. It's worth the risk I think.

The day before my mastectomy, in July of '95, I walked out my back door and straight into my pool. I went right down the steps, not concerned as I usually was with the initial shock of cold, heated though I kept my *lake look* pool. I walked through the shallow end to the edge where the floor suddenly tilts down, into the deep end. I teetered there, shoulder deep, my arms outstretched and gently moving my hands, treading water rather effortlessly, tiptoeing mostly on my big toes. I wanted to feel alive, experience Life as fully as I could, cherishing each sensation. It was a glorious blue-skied day. I lifted my chin which was touching the water to the sun, my head falling back. It was all so serene and magnificent. I felt the warmth on my face and was reveling in it. Wanting a bit of pink for my cheeks in preparation for my hospital stay. The mastectomy and tram flap reconstructive surgery would mean 5 days and nights in the hospital, none of which I was looking forward to, but for cutting the cancer out and away from me.

Suddenly came the most powerful and authoritative *thought*! Or was it a force greater than me? Was it my Soul talking to me? What I felt profoundly was this -- I'VE SEEN THIS MOVIE, AND IN THE END, THE HEROINE LIVES! From that moment I KNEW I would survive! I knew that *I* was the heroine. Subsequently, I have read that in the Spiritual Realm, before coming to the Physical Plane, we (or our Souls)*view* our lives and agree to all that is to occur, to help us evolve and learn, to act as Messengers for Others whose lives will be touched by ours. We consent to our assigned Purpose, in effect signing a contract with the Universe. In Life, when we follow our passion, when time seems to fly by as hours pass, when we feel inspired, creative, deeply gratified and extraordinarily grounded -- we are *on purpose*! We are each here to grow and help others with love.

Thank you, Sherry, for sharing your experience. Don't be shy about saying what you saw, odd though it may seem at first. Breast Cancer Survivors have the unique openness of sensing miraculous happenings, recognizing them and accepting them, inexplicable though they may be. With the diagnosis comes a certain wisdom that was unattainable before. I hope you'll read my story on the Community Board. I'd love to share it with you. Because I wish for you all, my sweet Soul Sisters, to become STABLE/NED.

When I went in to the hospital just prior to my dreaded mastectomy, a passing nurse saw my gurney being wheeled down the hall. She asked me, How are you doing this morning? It was the crack of dawn. Then she stopped, balancing on her toes, and waited for my reply. Good! I said with enthusiasm. Good for you, she responded, a bit surprised yet pleased. They took my blood pressure. 120 over 80. I FELT ONE WITH THE UNIVERSE. Going where I was being led. Calling my desired destiny to me, with the power of my thoughts and vivid imagery. IN THE END, THE HEROINE SURVIVES... Andi http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201e05fca/06

mamacze 08-14-2007 11:03 PM

Dear Sherri,
You prayed earnestly to a loving God with a heart overflowing with love, care and concern for your beautiful daughter. If you pray with truth, honesty and cradle your words in love, what else could it be but an answer to your prayer.
Love Kim from CT

harrie 08-15-2007 11:37 PM

For Kim from CT
What beautiful and good words of advice Kim.

VaMoonRise 08-16-2007 01:00 AM

Please Don't Worry

You are in no way crazy!!! If you are then I am too and maybe more so and so are lots of other people, lol.

With everything that I and my family (Four of us, myself, my husband, sister & step sister) have been through recently we have been doing an extreme amount of praying. Each one of us individually has received what I can only classify as a supernatural occurrence. My sister was sleeping one night while here visiting and she was awoken by the feeling of the bedcovers being pulled tightly down towards the floor on each side of the bed, she said her first reaction was annoyance because she felt like she couldn't move, so while still in a groggy stupor she tugged the covers upwards and started to go back to sleep when it suddenly happened again, it only lasted a few moments just like the first time and then never happened again. She believes that it was either our Mother (who passed away from BC in 1995) or our Aunt (who not too long ago passed away at the age of 92) letting her know that they were there with us. Not long after my sisters visit I was admitted into the hospital over the weekend because they thought I had a blockage in my liver, luckily I didn't. While in the hospital the nurse noticed that I was not sleeping much at all due to the steroids I was on because of having had WBR just recently. Well, my husband was staying with me throughout most of the day & night while I was in the hospital but late at night he would go home to sleep because my step sister was also there with me in the hospital and she was staying the day's and night's with me. Well, one morning my husband came back to the Hosp. very early because we were expecting my Onc. to come by and to release me from the Hosp. When he arrived the nurse told him that I was finally sleeping and that she hated to wake me because it was the first time I had really slept since being there and that there was an empty room a few doors down that he could go lay down in or watch TV in until I woke up and that when I did she would come get him, so that is what he did. He was able to doze off and wasn't asleep for long when he was awoken by the feeling of someone sitting down on the bed but when he looked there was no one there but the feeling of someone sitting there still was, they only sat there a few moments before he could feel them leave. He believes it was his Mother (His Mom passed away from BC in 1990) or my Aunt, the same one who possibly visited my sister. The night my step sister, who is a big time skeptic of things like this, was able to leave and go home from her visit with us, she was laying in bed the night she arrived home crying thinking about me and ended up crying herself to sleep. She woke up in then middle of the night (she lives alone) feeling someone stroking the back of her hair in a very comforting way. It didn't scare her at all and again it didn't last for very long. She had the feeling that it was either my Mom or her Grandmother trying to comfort her. Just 3 nights ago while I was on the computer my computer started acting up, doing crazy things with the cursor while in a keyword box and making a beeping sound that sounds exactly like the box used in the infusion room when your bag is empty (My sister had a very similar thing happen to her just days before on her computer). My computer has never made a beeping sound like this before and it lasted for quite some time. My husband and his best friend happened to be standing behind me and my chair at the time because we were looking at a picture of one of their camping trips, they too thought it was very strange that my computer was making this beeping sound and the cursor was going crazy all in it's own. All of a sudden I had this overwhelming feeling that it was my 92 year old Aunt that I mentioned above (She was more like a Grandmother to me) and I said to my husband and his friend "Oh My Gosh! That is my Aunt Mary" and as soon as I said her name the beeping and the cursor stopped, I took in a big gulp of air and looked at my husband and his friend and as soon as I looked back at the computer screen the beeping and the cursor did it again for a few minutes and then stopped. I said "Oh my Gosh, I just know that is her, I have to IM my sister and tell her what just happened." When I first placed the cursor in the IM box to IM my sister the cursor again started to act crazy so I grabbed the mouse and started typing to my sister about what had just happened and was able to type quite a bit and as soon as I typed my Aunts name the cursor acted crazy for a few seconds even though I had my hand on the mouse, it only did it for a few seconds and then stopped and hasn't done it since.

Whether or not we are each right in thinking we know who it was that was visiting us and trying to comfort us doesn't really matter because we all felt with overwhelming feeling that it was a loved one who had passed on and who was trying to comfort and soothe us and to let us know that they were watching over us and that everything was going to be okay. Even my step sister the skeptic is now a believer. These kinds of things have happened to myself and to several members of my family over the years many, many times. Oh the stories I could tell you, you would probably be calling the white coats on me, lol. I think it happens to people often who are open and intuned to the thoughts or beliefs that there is life after death. I believe that Spirits and Angels come to people freely when they are most in need. Some people recognize it right away for what it is and some people try to find ways to explain it that have nothing to do with the after life. I feel sort of sorry for those that do that because they lose so much from the experience as oppossed to those people who recognize it for what it is and are able to gain so much from it.

I don't know if anyone watches Montel Williams or not but on every Wednesday he has a psychic on named Sylvia Brown. She has helped the police solve many missing persons cases and even has helped sketch artists and detectives in murder cases. Some people think she is a kook but I think she is authentic, I have watched her for years and the information she is able to give to people is often times incredible, she can give names and details of things that there is no way anyone else would know about except for the person who is asking her questions. She has written many, many books that are very interesting. I don't always agree with her on her beliefs of the after life but I do believe that she has a true gift from God and I am glad that she seems to use it for the true purpose of helping others and not like most psychics who are fake and who are only in it to try to make a buck. If nothing else she is worth watching on Montel on Wednesdays because it is so fascinating to watch.

Sherry, I truly believe that what you saw was an Angel and that he or she was there to comfort you and to let you know that you and yours are not alone and that your prayers are being heard. If you felt comforted in any way by what you saw and had no feelings of being truly alarmed, frightened to pieces or threatened then definitely take it as an Angel of peace and love. If you had any feelings of the opposite then I would take it as the great deceiver trying to shake your faith and confuse your thoughts. If this is the case then pray to God and Christ and tell Them that you rebuke the great deceiver and that you want Them to build a wall of armor around you and yours to protect you from anything having to do with him. If you had positive feelings about the experience then pray to God & Christ and thank Them for sending you an Angel as a sign of Their love and as a source of comfort. If you aren't sure either way then pray that God will send you the Holy Spirit to speak to you and to reveal the truth about what you saw, after you ask for this in your prayer quiet your mind of all thoughts, like in a meditative state and wait for a strong thought/voice that you know is not of your own making and that will be the Holy Spirit giving you God's answer.

Sorry this was so long but I truly hope that it has helped you some and not confused you more or made you think that I am a total nut job, lol. If you want to talk more about it please send me a private message and I will talk to you for as long as you want and about whatever you want to discuss, this goes for everyone on the boards as well. http://her2support.org/vbulletin/images/icons/icon7.gif

You and yours are in my thoughts, heart and prayers. Sending you lots of good vibes of comfort, peace, love, good health, never ending happiness. and that you and yours always have enough of whatever you need. http://her2support.org/vbulletin/ima...ons/icon12.gif

Love & God Bless,

Andrea Barnett Budin 08-18-2007 11:20 AM

I Believe. Absence Of Evidence Is Not Evidence.
Miracles happen every day. Sometimes we dismiss them as odd happenings that cannot be explained. Since my diagnosis and my Spiritual unfolding, I live OPEN to miracles. If we focus all our thoughts on the pain and the fear that comes with it (especially when facing cancer and our possible demise) -- we will live in suffering. HOWEVER, if we consciously choose to concentrate on calling our desired wellness to us all day -- we will draw that loving energy to ourselves, altering outcomes! WE EACH HAVE THAT POWER!

LIKE energy is drawn from the Universe to its' source. All of humanity has been empowered to do this. Scientists tell us that even geniuses use only 90 to 95% of their brains. Surely God intended for us to evolve to higher awareness of our abilities, and to learn to hone them. The time has come! You are the master of your fate. Your Soul has the might and the wisdom to conquer so much more than you ever dared to dream possible. You have the personal empowerment to achieve the unimaginable. You can consciously choose to become a living miracle! So be it. Amen...

He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare. ANGELS EXIST but some times, since they don't all have wings, we call them FRIENDS. Guardian Angels watch over us, but we don't know what to call them. Do not be afraid. Their consciousness is full of pure Universal LOVE. They want what you want. They seek to help, guide and protect us. They bless our lives.

In '01, I fell in a giant pothole on Long Island, skidding in the gravel, my right foot became wedged in a smaller hole within, pointed out at a right angle. I could not get up. I *knew* I had broken something. My foot and leg began to swell and turn black and blue instantly. My husband Paul came rushing to my side. A stranger appeared, dressed in what looked like a custodial uniform. I was in the street, just off the unusually high curb. He and Paul helped me to the sidewalk, with me hopping unsteadily. I'll be right back he said, and ran into the hotel. He quickly returned with a chair, which he put on the sidewalk for me, and helped me into. Paul had gone to get our car, to take me to the emergency room of the local hospital. I knew I had to have the foot x-rayed. The stranger had brought a large bag of ice and a large cloth napkin, so it wouldn't be too cold against my skin. He also brought a giant size bottle of water for me. He knelt at my feet and held the bag of ice in place. His kindness was magnetizing. I noted he was wearing a gold wedding band. That, and the uniform, somehow made me feel safe with the gentle man who I had never met. He said, I brought the water because -- no matter what, water always helps, in all situations. He made me smile.

After 6 hours in the emergency room, finding that my ankle was indeed broken, ligaments torn and I was in need for surgery, we returned to the hotel where we were staying. The next day Paul and I specifically looked for and asked for the nice man who had come to our aid. We described him, but no one knew of such a person or a tan custodial uniform. I believe he came to me midst my ordeal like the strangers who suddenly appear on mountain tops and save the life of a climber or hiker and who disappear just like that, with no place to disappear to.

So, take each miracle that comes into your life as a divine sign. You are never alone. Teachers, Guides and Guardian Angels walk with us. And listen to your Inner Voice. It is your Spirit talking to you, full of love and wisdom. Feel fully alive by cherishing each day and all those you love. Surround yourself with love and beauty, the energy of happy memories, in framed photographs and special quotes, Aunt Mollie's table, your parents' bookshelves, Grandma Goldie and Papa's marble plant stand and Aunt Annie's needlepoint footstool that she handmade. Keep four beautiful plants indoors to care for and remind you of your Oneness with All That Is. Nourish your Spirit. And become mindful that YOU are infinity more powerful than you think.

Some who have passed on to the Spiritual Realm choose to remain with us, guiding and protecting us. You can hear them, if you listen to your heart. Love is eternal. And highly therapeutic. Use Love to heal and be well. Always -- BELIEVE...!

Andi http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201e05fca/06

fauxgypsy 08-18-2007 08:32 PM

Sherry, I believe that many times we ask for a sign or a miracle, then when we get it we refuse to see. Shortly before my second PET scan, I was meditating, praying, whatever you want to call it, and felt a clear blue luminous light just pass over and through me. Since that night all of my scans have been clear. I cannot prove that that happened. I cannot say that it was that experience that made a difference. I too am skeptical, but it gave me such a feeling of peace. Maybe we just need to accept the moment and not question it. Ifit gave you comfort, accept that. You are not crazy.


tousled1 08-18-2007 09:32 PM


You are not crazy. My story is about a rosary. My father's sister passed away from ovarian cancer in 1959 and I was only a child then. Since that time I have moved so many times I've lost track -- moved from the States to overseas - moved a few times overseas -- moved back to the states. Shortly after being diagnosed with breast cancer I found a blue rosary in my dresser drawer and the cross was engraved "E.McC. 3-17-1959" I had no idea where it came from as I had never seen it before. After talking with one of my brothers - the historian of the family - I found out that the rosary had been my Aunt Eleanor's - my dad's sister. To this day I have no idea how it came to be in my possession but I feel that it was sent to me from my Aunt. I think she wanted to let me know that she's looking out for me and that everything is going to be ok. I use the rosary everyday.

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