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Pray 08-20-2011 03:17 PM

I sure could use a pep talk
Hi, I'm feeling like I might be in trouble again! I've been keeping it to my self because it is my daughters birthday weekend and I don't want to make it about me.

I talked to my onc Friday because I have had lower back pain for three weeks (very mild and still have it) I thought it would go away on its own. Also a week ago shopping with the family out of no where my left shoulder started hurting rapidly with in two minutes I was in a lot of pain and it stopped an hour later.( It did happen the day before but very mild) its not in the joint but at the top part of my arm but not on shoulder or under arm. My mastectomy was on the Left! So I didn't think it was that big of a deal. Then Thursday night Just before nine the shoulder pain started quickly again same spot and lasted for seven hours! I was so frightend! My onc. is having me get lumbar and shoulder ct Mon. Please Pray for me! I so don't want to join the Stage four club! (no offence)

I would appreciate any same accounts that turned out to be nothing! Pep talks are always good.

Mtngrl 08-20-2011 03:37 PM

Re: I sure could use a pep talk
You're doing the right thing by getting the scan. Try not to worry. It doesn't do any good. It will either be something unrelated, or it will be progression. It is what it is.

People keep going with bone mets. A woman in my support group was Stage IV at diagnosis (with inflammatory BC) and she had/has mets to the bone. That was 11 years ago.

Of course you don't want Stage IV. Who would? Nobody here wanted to be in this club at all. But we don't get a vote, do we?

That's the best I can do for a pep talk. You're alive now. Your daughter's having a birthday. Every moment of life is precious.
Be here now, be fully present, and try to stay grateful and hopeful.

Pray for peace, strength, serenity, and healing. Healing doesn't always mean restoration of physical health. Sometimes it's more mysterious than that. But you are not alone. You are loved.

All the best,

ljbm 08-20-2011 04:00 PM

Re: I sure could use a pep talk
I know that it is hard not to worry but here are a few facts about worry. 98 percent of the things that you worry about never happen. look at the odds. They are in your favor. Second, you will have aches and pains, some worse than others. Next thing, just enjoy the day, each and every day. you are doing the right thing by getting it checked out. I too was a stage 3. 6.2 cm tumor, had a mastectomy and 15 months of chemo, radiation, and herceptin. One node positive. My family doctor told me to "go home and enjoy the life you have left". Guess what I found another doctor and 4 years later I'm still here and going strong. And if it is a progression, this too can be overcome. Live, love, pray, and give thanks each day!

MJo 08-20-2011 04:51 PM

Re: I sure could use a pep talk
Are you taking Arimidex? You can expect aches and pains from that! I hope your scans are all negative. I think there's a good chance they will be.

tricia keegan 08-20-2011 05:04 PM

Re: I sure could use a pep talk
I'm sure many have read my mets scare before but will repeat here in the hope of reassurring you, I had a hot spot show on a bone scan, inconclusive mri and clear pet/ct, the spot was too small to biopsy so had to wait two months to repeat these scans and the spot had dissappeared!!

The pain you have does'nt sound like mets to me and I hope you stay positive until you hear more, sending good wishes to you for something B9!!!:)

Rich66 08-20-2011 05:50 PM

Re: I sure could use a pep talk
Doesn't the fact that it's on the same side as the surgery give some probability to it being a muscle/scar issue from that and radiation?

Pray 08-20-2011 08:28 PM

Re: I sure could use a pep talk
Thank you everyone for responding. I did start Arimidex 6 days ago. Onc. thought it was to early for all this pain. Also I believe I stated the pain is NOT on the surgery side. I also had a bone scan 5 or 6 weeks ago and it looked good?

BonnieR 08-20-2011 10:54 PM

Re: I sure could use a pep talk
Once we have had cancer it is natural to think everything is cancer related. But we are elegible for "regular" ailments too! (altought I think we should be exempt!).
In my case, I developed intermittent shoulder pain and it turned out to be a torn rotator cuff.
I know it is so hard not to worry, but "it is or it isn't" as Mtngrl said. So just try to stay in the moment and save the worrying for when you might need it, if ever. And keep the faith.

sarah 08-21-2011 02:09 AM

Re: I sure could use a pep talk
Hopefully the scan will show that it's nothing.
Could it because you're using that shoulder more due to the surgery on the other shoulder? shoulder bag, sleeping, carrying stuff?
take care
health and happiness

pibikay 08-21-2011 02:34 AM

Re: I sure could use a pep talk
Keep your fingers crossed that the scan does not show anything.Hema is fought with bone mets in her spine and is going about fine these days.All the best for your scan

KDR 08-21-2011 09:20 AM

Re: I sure could use a pep talk
Best of luck to you. I wouldn't put too much emphasis on staging, by the way. There are lots of women who are dxd Stage 0, 1, 2, have surgery but still wind up with mets later. So do, some don't. I agree with Mtngrl, we don't get a vote. Stay in the moment. If you do turn up S4, doesn't mean your life is automatically cut down by 20 years either. Check out Kathleen Russell Rich on google.

KristinSchwick 08-21-2011 11:10 AM

Re: I sure could use a pep talk
As a young member (30 years old) of the stage IV club (only 2-3 bone mets in my hip/back), I can say that my met pain started slowly and didn't come on all at once. It got worse every day- I was limping by the time I had my pet scan. It hurt to push on the spot, it hurt to walk, it even hurt laying down. And these spots were only the size of a quarter on scan. On an unrelated note, my breast cancer was on the left and my hip pain on the right- so cancer doesn't stay to one side (but don't let that scare you).
And just in case it does turn out less than ideal- you are ER/PR+ AND Her-2 positive, which means you have lots and lots of treatment options. Hoping everything turns out okay.

Mary Jo 08-21-2011 01:52 PM

Re: I sure could use a pep talk
For me personally, I found that the first few years after diagnosis, every ache and pain was some sort of mets. It's tough at first. We're told to watch for symptoms BUT not to worry. Ya, ok! I, too, had a bone scan a couple years after my diagnosis and it was normal. I am now 6 years out and am still doing fine.

Of course it is good that you are being checked out. You should be. I have a feeling though all will be well and these aches and pains are not cancer. Praying for you.

Mary Jo

kathyG 08-21-2011 03:17 PM

Re: I sure could use a pep talk
Dear Pray, I sure could use a pep talk,
God is good. God loves you and holds you in His hands. He will never leave you or abandon you. He knows the plans he has for you, plans to prosper you in all you do. Trust in Him, He will not fail you.
By being checked out you are in His will and He will see to you in His perfect way.
Do not fear, for fear is not of God but is about punishment instead. ( 1John 4:18 paraphrased)
All things work together for good for those who love the Lord, for it is in Him that we live and move and have our being. He is the author and finisher of our faith.
Lean on Him and trust is Him, you cannot go wrong that way.
I pray that all the tests come out negative but you are in my thoughts and prayers either way. God Bless you.

Pray 08-21-2011 04:54 PM

Re: I sure could use a pep talk
Thank you, all of you! I am so glad to be connected to such a great support group. When I read your posts I truly feel that I know you personaly but in a way that every one else in my day to day life can not relate and this is so important to us. I am definetly feeling better about the tests tomorrow and I'm actually think I just might come out of it ok.

To the stage four sisters, I'm sure no one wanted or wished it upon themselves, I would never say anything hurtful to anyone with breast cancer. I pray I haven't offend any of you. Gods blessings to all of you. Please accept my appology if I have.

Becky 08-21-2011 06:02 PM

Re: I sure could use a pep talk
We have a member, Kelly A, who doesn't visit here much anymore but she used to have the quote - "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow worries for itself. Each day has its own trouble".

I think this is Paul's first letter to the Corinthians.

Basically - don't worry about things you think might happen.

We are here for you no matter what. Mary Jo said it best, every pain and pimple is cancer!!! Something we all go through the first few years out. This changes and goes away later - promise.

chrisy 08-21-2011 06:40 PM

Re: I sure could use a pep talk
I agree - don't worry about the unknown. You are doing the right thing by getting it checked out, and it's likely to be something not cancer. Could very well be the arimidex, with all the treatments there is a lot going on and you never know how your system will react.

And be assured, you have not offended any of us s4 ladies!

Rich66 08-21-2011 08:30 PM

Re: I sure could use a pep talk
"my left shoulder started hurting"

"My mastectomy was on the Left!"

Must have meant the other left ;) Hope it's a bunch of nothing.

Pray 08-21-2011 09:41 PM

Re: I sure could use a pep talk
Rich, Oops! I reserve the right to blame my short term memory loss on the chemo. I hear tell b.c. patients make misstakes too!

Sheila 08-22-2011 10:37 AM

Re: I sure could use a pep talk
I feel after dealing with all the things we go through due to breast cancer, we can blame anything on the chemo, or the cancer...I agree it is always best to get things checked that don't seem right, or don't resolve on their own. It is a peace of mind thing....and we all have those worries, doesnt matter how many years down the road we are. You will find the support and understanding you need on this journey from the amazing people on this site.
My bet is the arimidex...bone pain is so common with it.

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