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emmastarr 12-07-2011 11:34 AM

Feeling low post treatment
Hi ladies,
Finished herceptin about a month ago and have felt very low this past couple of weeks - I have no real appetite, feel teary, don't want to socialise etc which is very unlike me. My breast nurse suggested that I speak to a counsellor to help me get through things - not sure if that's really my thing. Was wondering if any of you guys have felt like this and what you did to get through things? Have my bone scan tomorrow, so am a bit nervous about that- which is probably not helping my mood either!
Thanks as always, Emma x

PinkGirl 12-07-2011 11:39 AM

Re: Feeling low post treatment
Hi Emma
You've entered what I call the Limbo Land of cancer. You've finished
your treatments and have to live between check-ups. I think all of us
have had a case of the 'blahs' during this adventure we're on. You sort
of have to re-define yourself. I'll never be the person I was before this
cancer nonsense but some parts of me are better now. Do what you know will work for you ... I got myself interested in something ... something to look forward to ... Put a smile on your face and think of everything good in your life ... I'm sure the 'blahs' will go away.

snolan 12-07-2011 03:07 PM

Re: Feeling low post treatment
I felt very scared when I finished my herceptin in Aug. It took about a month and I found myself not thinking of it as much. I try to keep myself busy (which isn't hard with 2 young kids). You do have to reinvent yourself. Having appointments all the time to one every 3 months has taking getting used to. I remember being so mad that this cancer thing was disrupting my life schedule then I don't know what to do with myself when I don't have appointment. It just takes time to adjust, hang in there and enjoy being at the stage you are at (as there are many more stages still ahead).

Cam 12-09-2011 02:23 PM

Re: Feeling low post treatment
Hi Emma,
Sorry you are going thru the "blahs". I just had my last Herceptin treatment Dec. 2nd. My blahs started a couple of months prior. I also noticed my patience level changed. I speak my mind but I also cry at the dumbest things!! Its gotten a bit better since I had my breast surgery complete. Its much easier to sleep now with silicone implants rather than the expanders. I'm just happy that part of my life is over for good, I hope. My whole life changed, I had a better social life, more energy before. Hopefully I will, in time, get that all back. I hope the same for you and everyone else who are going thru and have gone thru this. To better days to come!!

Jackie07 12-09-2011 10:37 PM

Re: Feeling low post treatment
Hi Emma,

Speaking to a counselor sounds like a good idea to me as you seem to be experiencing post-traumatic stress depressions. Like you said, a professional will help you sort through things.

I was introduced to the term 'trauma patient' three years after my brain (tumor) surgery and subsequent job loss. Just like you, I 'lost appetite, felt teary, and did not want to socialize - which was very unlike me.' Eventually I was persuaded to seek counseling and it did 'work like a charm'! :)

With your tumor being grade 1, small size and no node involvement, I would think your bone scan was clear. Have you received the result yet?

Walking 30 minutes a day also helps improve our mood because of increased release of endorphin which is also known as the 'happy hormone'.

Sending you good vibes.

Jean 12-10-2011 11:03 AM

Re: Feeling low post treatment
Hi Emma,
Jackie gave you great advise (walking) is a sure way to help yourself on so many levels. I have found when walking it is hard to dwell on anything. It helps clear out the mind to enjoy the fresh air and what is around you. Also the benefits of exercise creates chemical changes that actually lift our emotions called endorphins. It is normal to feel what I call a bit of separation anxiety. Herceptin becomes very much like a life line to us.
We all have felt the concern of stopping the treatment as now we face the realty of being done with our treatment. Be kind and patient with yourself you have gone through much. Also consider the following facts: 1. You are dx. as an early stage Her2. and with the current treatment along with the new stats are impressive for us her2 gals. Life does continue after treatment just look at our site of the many early stage members who are doing great and you will also. Emma if you continue to feel
depressed then you must address that also. Part of the worry is normal but constant depression is not. Do see a professional to help you get past the difficult feelings you are having. The bright side of breast cancer (gosh never thought I would say that) is that we have advanced with herceptin treatment and women are being dx. earlier and earlier. Please reach out if you feel blue we are all here to support you.
Best Wishes,

emmastarr 12-14-2011 08:55 AM

Re: Feeling low post treatment
Hello girls. Thank you very much for all your messages of advice- am trying very hard to get a grip but am finding things tough. I am seeing my breast care nurse tomorrow for a chat and hopefully she can help me through things. Good news though, my bone scan came back normal, can't express how relieved I feel. Thanks x

chemteach 12-16-2011 07:49 PM

Re: Feeling low post treatment
I feel like that too sometimes. I only had 4 cycles of TCH and will be on Herceptin for a year. That 4th round made me so sick over Thanksgiving, and we decided 4 was enough. The tumor was very small and no nodes were involved. I know this will be behind me someday, but as the holidays approach, I guess I just get a little down. I have no hair, no breasts, no eyebrows, no tan and 10 extra pounds. Then I get a reality check at school, and there are students who have way less than I with bigger problems in their lives. And some of you are going through much more than I have, and I admire you all so much. Your words of encouragement and concern to those of us just beginning this journey are uplifting and exactly what we need to hear. You know that. Thank you. It's been a tough year, a really tough year.

pmm10414 12-16-2011 09:10 PM

Re: Feeling low post treatment
I know how you feel. I finished 18 months ago and I still have days that I worry. Remember that we battled this disease to live. Enjoy each day!

NanaJoni 12-16-2011 09:20 PM

Re: Feeling low post treatment
Oh, Chemteach, your post put me right back where I was in 2010. After 4 TCH treatments I was toast--the no hair, no breasts, totally defeated feelings. I had a hysterectomy back in 1999 and I told my husband I just felt like a coat rack-something to hang clothes on that had no purpose, gender or feelings. It was a real low point when I had to stop chemo before finishing all 6 treatments that were scheduled. But one thing about that low point - no where to go but up! It's been over a year now and life is better than I ever expected it would be again. I wish the same for you in this new year ahead.

pmm10414 12-17-2011 04:20 AM

Re: Feeling low post treatment
Amen! Life will never be the same, but I have learned to appreciate the small stuff more.

karen z 12-17-2011 05:17 AM

Re: Feeling low post treatment
Hi. What you are feeling is normal and has been felt by many of us on this site. Jackie07 and Jean gave you great advice!!
Hang in there. Try to walk or do some other exercise and do talk to someone or someones (support group) if you think it will help. You won't know until you try and you can always quit (or go to someone/another group) if you don't like. It is your choice- you are not "locked in".

pmm10414 12-17-2011 05:23 AM

Re: Feeling low post treatment
I enjoyed the support group I was in when diagnosed. You are able to share a common bond.

karen z 12-17-2011 05:47 AM

Re: Feeling low post treatment
I have gone to both support groups (although it took me awhile after treatment to want to go) as well as a couple of therapists who only worked with patients/former patients. I found both avenues helpful- at different times during treatment/post treatment. One thing I have been a bit disappointed with is that many of the wellness cancer centers (at least where I live) do not extend as many of the therapy and other benefits very far out. I guess at some point, one is supposed to be able to go it alone (although most of the longer term former patients I know have felt the need for services). Given the cost of "regular" therapy, reduced benefits, coverage, and access (not to mention that it might be helpful to speak to someone who is more likely to understand and actually be in the club), I think this is very short-sighted by some cancer centers.

Jean 12-17-2011 01:25 PM

Re: Feeling low post treatment
I remember when you were a new member. You have come a long way.....I understand how you feel. But as you already know hair and breasts does not make the woman. Soon you will be posting your cancerversaries and we will enoy reading them. Your hair will grow back and those ten pds. will go away (or not)lol...
but you will be the strong one. Hey they don't call us survivors for nothing. So happy that the TC portion is over for you.
Sending you huge hugs.

pmm10414 12-17-2011 02:00 PM

Re: Feeling low post treatment
Jean you are right hugs are needed right now. Life is so precious especially when you have friends to give you a BIG hug when you need it.

chemteach 12-17-2011 07:26 PM

Re: Feeling low post treatment
Thank you for those words. I didn't even know I needed them, but what a mood lifter you girls are. Most of the time I don't care about the breasts or the hair or the weight, but it creeps up on me now and then. Thank goodness I can laugh most of the time about all of this! I look forward to cancerversaries, and your hugs. Priceless!

pmm10414 12-17-2011 07:30 PM

Re: Feeling low post treatment
You are welcome. I guess they are something we take foe granted. It is like waking up in the morning. Look at that picture - you are smiling!

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