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lu ann 08-01-2007 08:06 PM

Today We Celebrated our 26th Anniversary
My Husband Tom and I celebrated our 26th Wedding Anniversary. When I was diagnosed with mets to my skeleton February 6, 2004, I didn't think I would live another 6 months to celebrate our 23rd anniv. I'm still here and have completed many milestones.

I turned 50 last year. I won a makeover at my beauty shop, complete with highlight, haircut, pedicure, manicure, flowers, and a cake. My oldest daughter wrote a letter for a contest they had about someone who deserved a makeover and I won. The shop does allot of benefits to raise money for good causes.

My children and mother in-law had a party for 65 of our family and friends to celebrate our 25th anniv. last year

My 2 older daughters moved into their own homes. Things have become more peacefull here and we have become closer. When they still lived at home they could not be bothered much with me. My middle daughter would lock herself in her room and not speak to me much. Now she and her older sister both call me almost every day. She wants me to spend the night when her boyfriend goes out of town next week. It will be like a PJ party. My younger daughter, Julie, is trying hard to stay out of trouble. She is hanging around with good people.

Tom and I went on vacation for the first and only time without our children 2 years ago. Yeah they had parties here, but so did I when the cat was away. Like mother, like daughters.

Today I woke up at 4am, which is not unusuall for me. I don't have set sleeping hours. I spent from 7am til 12 noon re-potting some of my houseplants that I'm giving my daughter for her new home. It feels good to plan things out and keep busy. I think it's the decadron still speaking.

Tom and I went to a new resteraunt for a late lunch. They gave us a gift certificate for a free meal (up to 8.50) plus prices are cheaper at lunch time. I had 12 baby clams as an app. and veal parm., cavatelli and a salad. The lunch parm was 10.95 and the dinner would have been 18.95. With our coupon we paid 2.45. I love getting a bargain. I wanted cassada cake for dessert so I took half my veal parm home.

We were going to go to an early movie but we were too late so we did a little shopping. My legs were pretty tired at that point so I drove the cart. I had fun zooming up and down the eilses at Jo Ann Fabric and Walmart. Tom is such a good guy to go shopping.

Before we came home we visited my mother in-law. She passed out in church last week and spent 4 days in the hospital. She found out she has some serious heart problems that are going to be followed very close. She's not alloud to drive for the next 6 months. We are always depending on her and now the shoe is on the other foot. Please keep her in your prayers.

Tom is on vacation this week so we have more time to play. We are celebrating his mom's birthday here with our girls and their boyfriends. It will be fun.

I guess I've rambled on long enough. I just want to let everyone know that you can be happy and sick at the same time. We are all terminal and I can think of so many worse ways to die then cancer. I have been given hope and I also got to know and experience things and people that I never would had, if it not been for cancer.

I love all of you
Lu Ann

Grace 08-01-2007 08:22 PM

Dear Lu Ann,

That was a very nice post. I'm so happy for you and your family, and I hope you'll be here to celebrate many more occasions.

Happy Anniversary to you and Tom, and I hope you enjoy the sleep over.

Bev 08-01-2007 08:24 PM

Happy Anniversary Lu Ann! Sounds like you're keeping busy. Would love to see the makeover photos. How fun.
Take care, Bev

chrisy 08-01-2007 09:25 PM

Luann, congatulations on celebrating another anniversary. And what a lovely post - you have a rich life indeed. Thanks for sharing.

lexigirl 08-01-2007 09:28 PM

Happy Anniversary LuAnn! It sounds like you had a fabulous day! Life is GOOD!

Hugs and Prayers,

suzan w 08-01-2007 11:22 PM

Happy Anniversary LuAnn...thank you so much for sharing your wonderful news. I love your optimism!!! And your love of life!!!

Beckie 08-02-2007 02:25 AM

Happy Anniversary! And what a wonderful post! There are many things worse than cancer, we have so much to be thankful for! I'm so glad you had such a wonderful day and life truly is good when we take time to be thankful. God bless!


tousled1 08-02-2007 04:08 AM


Happy Anniversary. Sounds like you and your husband had a wonderful day. Wishing you many more anniversaries. Can you post the make over pictures?

dhealey 08-02-2007 04:13 AM

LuAnn, Happy anniversary! You have given me hope that there is life during and after treatment. Keep on living the full life.
Debbie in North Carolina

Sheila 08-02-2007 05:05 AM

Happy ANniversary to you both! Thank you also for your heartfelt post. You have many blessings in your life.....and many people who love you...just having a husband that would actually go shopping is a huge plus in my book! May you be blessed with many many mores years together as a family. Oh and by the way, our daughters seem to appreciate Moms more when they move out!

Believe51 08-02-2007 05:17 AM

Milestones from one step, one day at a time!!!
Ramble away Lu Ann!!! Congratulations on your anniversary & Happy Birthday, what a beautiful way to start the morning!!! Funny how I was thinking so strongly of you this morning too, wondering how you were feeling a few weeks after WBR. I opened up my day with your words and what a gift it was to read all that happiness, for you my friend deserve that and much more!! Besides your Mother-in-Law, it sounds like you are off to a great start here. Continued prayers Lu Ann and big hugs for you!! Stay on that roll!!

Hubby and myself will be celebrating our 12th anniversary October 21st, (celebrated one last year after dx & will be 2nd=a true gift in itself because we did not think we would have this time too) Really know that glorious feeling you speak of Dear.

Thank you for taking the time in that busy schedule to keep us posted. You made me need a nap!! LOL!! But first, off to JoAnn's Fabric...LOL

And Yes Love, thanks for reminding us that my Knight In Shining Armor can be sick and happy at the same time. Sometimes it feels confusing, especially when you are having a great time and then it slaps you with the reality of having cancer.

PS How long are you staying on Decadron??

Waiting For A Miracle...and commanding one soon!!>>Believe51 (Marie G)

Becky 08-02-2007 05:45 AM

Lu Ann

That was one of the nicest and most happy and peaceful posts we have had on this board in a long, long time. Happy Anniversary and have a wonderful week with your hubby on vacation.


mke 08-02-2007 06:06 AM

Happy anniversary. Your post shows that serenity can coexist with BC.

Leslie's sister 08-02-2007 06:11 AM

Thank you
Thank you, Lu Ann. What an uplifting post.

Barbara H. 08-02-2007 06:47 AM

Congratulations and thank you for your post. It was uplifting to read first thing in the morning.
Best wishes,
Barbara H.

MCS 08-02-2007 06:53 AM

First of all. Congratulations on your anniversary. I agree with Becky, this post was so peaceful in the acceptance of all else we have.

I celebrated my 25th with a bold head at a retaurant with just my hubby and tw daughters. We went to Italy, but when came back, we had to bury my dad who became very ill during the trip from lung cancer and brain mets and was on tube support. So I was not able to celebrate it well.

This year for our 26th, we did nothing so it was a let down.

So reading your post gave me such a loving feeling that you are in a good home and family.

It's wonderful to read peaceful and true core happy stories from us.

Lots of love to you all

Maria (mcs)

Gerri 08-02-2007 07:54 AM

Happy Anniversary Lu Ann. In spite of - or maybe even because of -everything we go through life is good.

I wish you many, many more years of health and happiness!

lu ann 08-02-2007 08:51 AM

I don't know what feels better, the wonderful day I had yesterday or all the nice things you said. Thanks to all.

Today is another anniversary as well as tomorrow. My Mom went home to be with our Lord 25 years ago today, August 2, and My father joined them 16 years ago tomorrow August 3rd. I miss them but don't find this depressing at all. I will see them again.

As if the beginning of August wasn't busy enough, My mother in-law turns 88 August 4 and my niece will be 3 years old August 5th. August is a good month for our family.

Believe51, I will be on 1/2 doses of decadron alternate days through next week. Then I hope the fatigue disappears quickly.

I did play with my plants again this morning from 6am till 11am so I guess I have more energy then I thought. I'm good as long as I'm sitting down to do tasks. It's when I stand that I get tired and out of breath.

I hope I don't have to go back to the lung doc., but if the shortness of breath continues we need to investigate. My husband drains my left pleural cavity every 3 days. I need to keep the right area free from fluid. I can't imagine having to do both. What we do to survive.

I thought my mother was high maintenance being bedridden her last 5 months and my dad flushing her colostomy. I guess I had a good role model for a husband by the way he took such good care of my mom.

I need to look for the photo of my makeover. I have several roles of film that need developed. I'll get working on it.

Thanks again
Love and Blessings, Lu Ann

StillHere 08-02-2007 11:35 AM

Thank you so much for the feel good post. We do soooo need that! And yes, I love my children dearly, but having them live on their own is much easier to enjoy each other's company. Karen

Mary Jo 08-02-2007 12:22 PM

Hi Lu ann,

Happy 26th wedding anniversary to you and your husband Tom. Wow. What a milestone. Thanks for sharing all your blessings with us. As always, just another gentle reminder of how wonderful our God is to us. Something we need to be reminded of from time to time.

God's continued blessings to you dear one.

Mary Jo

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