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KsGal 05-31-2013 07:46 PM

Need to be able to...EAT!
Anyone have any suggestions on how to stimulate my appetite? Im not even on a harsh chemo right now..Im on Tykerb and Herceptin. Ever since I quit the steriods...i can't eat. I never feel hungry, everything sounds nauseating, and I can only seem to choke down one or two bites. I am drinking Boost after my two bites, but good gosh its frustrating. I've lost 31 pounds now since I finished the steroids. The only time I have really been able to eat somewhat normally was when I had to go back on a low dose of the steroids for a couple weeks. My liver enzymes are elevated, but apparently not enough to cause this much of a reaction. I am on antinausea medication, ondansetron, so Im not really sick to my stomach, but I do feel nauseous when I try to eat. UGH!

BonnieR 05-31-2013 09:04 PM

Re: Need to be able to...EAT!
What a conundrum! Could it possibly be a side effect of one of your meds? What does your doctor have to say? I'd there a nutritionist or dietitian associated with your treatment facility who you could consult with? I had some anorexia ( lack of appetite) during treatment but was able to eat small amounts of high calorie foods like cheese, eggs, yogurt etc in frequent small amounts. And Boost. I lost a good amount of weight but I managed to stay nourished. Let us know what you find out. Keep the faith

Deb33 05-31-2013 09:06 PM

Re: Need to be able to...EAT!
Please try acupuncture or at least acupressure - it is amazing for a variety of things but can really help appetite.

NEDenise 06-01-2013 06:42 AM

Re: Need to be able to...EAT!
I'm so sorry you're not feeling well! The Boost should provide enough nutrition...but do you have any decadent, usually forbidden foods that you could indulge in without guilt while you "bulk up"? You know...a favorite dessert, fried anything, chocolate, red meat... When I was in active chemo...I indulged myself...and it helped. And, I agree with Bonnie, big surprise, check with your doctor...drugs act differently in different people. There might just be an easy fix waiting at the end of that phone line. Deb's idea about acupuncture is a promising one too...especially if your insurance will cover it! (Hi, Deb!!)

Now... I certainly don't mean to make light of your weight loss...you're much thinner than I am, and can't spare the weight!

BUT...OMG...I soooooo hope that when I wean from the damn dreaded Decadron...
that I too am afflicted with 30 or 40 pounds of weight loss! Fifty wouldn't even be a bad thing!! Please God! Let such a scourge befall me! :) tee hee

Seriously...I hope you get an answer to this conundrum soon....and are feeling more like your old self before long!
Sending love and a big hug!

sarah 06-01-2013 06:49 AM

Re: Need to be able to...EAT!
Have you tried pasta???

Jackie07 06-01-2013 08:10 AM

Re: Need to be able to...EAT!
You can try to eat rice soup - half cup of rice cooked in 3+ cups of water. Rice is starch and can be dissolved by the enzymes in the mouth water. Just chew it real well before swallowing. Once your stomach is used to it, you can gradually add other stuff to the soup. Just remember to chew them really well...

BonnieR 06-01-2013 08:51 AM

Re: Need to be able to...EAT!
Denise reminded me that my onc gave me permission, even encouraged me, to have milkshakes, burgers. ANTHING high calorie that I wanted and could tolerate
Keep the faith

Becky 06-01-2013 10:06 AM

Re: Need to be able to...EAT!
If you can only eat 2 bites, try to do 2 bites often. 2 bites of full fat yogurt (Go Baby by Stonyfield is for babies who have to have full fat dairy and they are small yogurts). 2 bites every hour. You might have to plan better (so you have 2 bites of a wide variety of things) but you wouldn't have written if this didn't concern you. Two bites as often as you can. Have things ready - can of soup (chicken & rice) will last a day or two. Same with mashed potatoes that you can microwave your two bites. Alittle chicken or fish or beef - two bites. Canned green beans, corn etc.

NanaJoni 06-01-2013 10:07 AM

Re: Need to be able to...EAT!
I lost almost 50 lbs when I was doing treatments (sadly have gained back a good deal of it) but I found that I could tolerate things that were cold and sweet, i.e., sherbert, milkshakes, ice cream, Italian ices. Sometimes the cold and sweet would even stimulate my appetite a little. It is very hard to get back to eating, though - I would put food in my mouth and chew and then not be able to swallow it. Take it slow and just try to eat small amounts several times a day. I also like to freeze the Boost to slushy consistency.

Lien 06-01-2013 01:07 PM

Re: Need to be able to...EAT!
You could try putting chicken stock, cooked vegetables and some meat in the blender to create a smooth bland tasting soup. Sip cold or hot. Put it next to you and take frequent sips. Some rice in the mixture could help too. Use wholegrain, in stead of white, as it has more nutrients.

Sip milkshakes through a straw, in a covered cup, so you don't smell the aroma.

Make sure you are distracted while eating. Talk to someone who understands, watch tv, read a book.

Try to go for a walk before eating or eat a few small bites while walking.

Get checked for food allergy or intolerance. Perhaps the foods you have been eating for a long time no longer agree with you. Try rare foods like quinoa, duck, manioc, alligator, ostrich.

Take supplements and don't worry too much about it.

When my cat had cancer, she was ravenous. The vet said that some cancers make you hungry because they use up all the energy from the food. At least you don't seem to be dealing with that problem.

For decades I had trouble trying to keep the weight on. I turned out to be food intolerant and on the right diet (for me) I gained some weight and have no trouble keeping it on. A trauma or illness can set off food intolerance.

Hope this helps a bit.



Adriana Mangus 06-01-2013 02:13 PM

Re: Need to be able to...EAT!
Talk with your doctor, you have lost a ton of weight, so I wouldn't try anything else---my opinion---but getting advice from either a nutritionist from the hospital or directly from your doctor. You did not mention whether your doctor has any concerns about you loosing so much weight.

Please keep us posted.


KsGal 06-01-2013 11:26 PM

Re: Need to be able to...EAT!
Bonnie..Im on about all the same meds. I did talk to my doctor, he seemed to think it wasnt much of a big deal, and probably due to coming off the steroids and my elevated liver enzymes. Changed my pain meds from Lortab to vicoprofen, which is easier on the liver, reduced my Tykerb dosage and told me he would see me in three months.
It does concern me because, well, first off I want to have some good nutrition going in so I can get stronger, and second because Im afraid I wont be able to stop losing weight when I need to.
Denise...pfffftttt...I was not way smaller than you. And Im shorter than you, so I looked like...a larger bald version of honey boo boo. When I finished WBR I weighed 171. Now I weigh 140, and it took about four months. If I do eat, cold things are better...few spoonfuls of yogurt, a string cheese, really cold Boost. Today I ate a whole cup of yogurt and I was pretty excited, greek with banana in it. I'll check into the acupuncture, thank you for the suggestion. Adriana I see the doctor in a couple weeks, so I will call and see if he might see me sooner. Thank you everyone..if I find out the answer I will definitely share.

Lien 06-02-2013 01:37 AM

Re: Need to be able to...EAT!
When I sent those tips, I assumed you would have discussed this with your doc... ;-))

Do you have an onc nurse you could talk to sooner? They usually have tons of info too.

Glad to hear your doc isn't too concerned right now. It is normal to lose weight after stopping steroids, but I agree, you need good nutrition as well. And vegetables are very important! They have lots of cancer fighting nutrients.



NEDenise 06-02-2013 08:33 AM

Re: Need to be able to...EAT!
I always found/find that cold things go down easier too. In fact, I never was much of an ice cream fan...until BC caught up with me.
Did you ever notice a strange tongue fuzziness while you were on the dreaded dex? I've had that, in varying degrees for months now.
I've always LOVED (like to the point of obsession) frozen chocolate...but when the tongue thing is in full bloom...ice cream is the only thing that has the right texture, and a full enough flavor to really enjoy.

I can highly recommend Friendly's Vienna Mocha Chunk,
Breyer's Strawberries and Cream,
Green's Toasted Almond Coconut,
Any brand of Moose Tracks or Peanut Butter Cup,
Klondike Bars - I like the dark chocolate coated ones,
and Phillie's Graham Slam - which may only be a local thing...but I could go on and on! :)
Again, this from the gal who used to get a bag of chips when everyone else chased down the ice cream truck.

Now...not to belabor the point...but my dear friend...at this point, I will be ecstatically happy to ever see 171 pounds again. That would mean losing more than 50 pounds.
And you are so sweet to mention that I am taller than you...but, I'd have to be like...6 foot 2 to carry this weight comfortably! :)
I'm not a doctor...but you may have noticed that I often have strongly held opinions :) and I agree that as long as you can get that Boost down...and you take your vitamins...the weight loss is only concerning to me IF you miss the sensation of enjoying your food.
Otherwise, I say...kick back and enjoy the slimming down!
After all, we brain mets gals never know when the steroids might be needed again...and the ballooning will begin anew!

Keep your chin up!
Wish I could send you some of my extra weight to you along with the big hug!!

IrvineFriend 06-02-2013 09:28 AM

Re: Need to be able to...EAT!
I lost my appetite big time and was losing quite a bit of weight between cycles (I'm 5'6' and went from 145 which was very heavy for me to 125 lbs) in a matter of a couple months. I found I like VERY specific foods and could eat those. My BF's chicken fried rice, BBQ steak, and salmon and rice. I just experimented until I found a few things that surprisingly I could eat. All the things I typically ate and loved were out the window - sweets had zero appeal to me. But most things with rice and a protein, like chicken teriyaki or a piece of fish were edible. I also liked oranges, generally the little cuties because they were so small and I could eat an entire one or split one.

Good luck, I know I went close to three days w/o an ounce of food and that got a little scary but I got naueous and vomited when I started having hot flashes. That was worse than the chemo!


SusanN 06-02-2013 11:21 AM

Re: Need to be able to...EAT!
LOTS of great advice here...even for me as I've been struggling to keep the weight on...I'm 5'3, been down to 108 and usually weigh 115!!

My oncologist told me from the beginning to keep the icecream/milkshakes going!!!

I've also spoken with my nutritionist from the beginning...and yes, Boost, Ensure Complete...3 a day if I can't eat and have lost too much weight!

I like to through in my blender, frozen strawberries, blueberries, banana's...ice cream, whole milk, etc...when I'm up to it! Mix it up..or ice cream, little peanut butter & chocolate...or caramel...

For me...each day has a different flavor...


Adriana Mangus 06-02-2013 11:47 AM

Re: Need to be able to...EAT!
Love you diet, Susan!

StephN 06-02-2013 12:28 PM

Re: Need to be able to...EAT!
Denise, if you have put on that much weight I would start to worry about your blood suger. I am sure they have been looking at that, but some here have gone into type 2 diabetes as a result of taking Decadron.

For anyone on the dreaded Decadron - I had that while on Taxotears as well as during the brain mets episode. That drug always caused my metabolism to speed up and I was HUNGRY. Being lucky with having no nausea, but having horrible mouth sores, I had a hard time eating some days.

Broth with rice or some scrambled egg was the best I could do some nights. Once I started the radiation, I took Boost once a day. Then the weight creep started. Over time I put on 10 pounds, but think it was due to less activity.

With brain mets my sleep pattern was changed and this put everything else off. The ups and downs of the 8 hour cycle is VERY hard on us. But gaining weight was not my problem. I lost at least 6 or 7 pounds after my gamma knife while on Decadron.

We each have our own reactions and side effects. However, the appetite thing hits most of us. We just need to moderate the sweets as that is not a substitute for real energy.

NEDenise 06-02-2013 02:39 PM

Re: Need to be able to...EAT!
So sweet of you to worry about me! Blood sugar is being well monitored...and so far no problems. In fact, I had already started eliminating sugars and starches before the blood sugar issue was even raised. That may have something to do with it...or maybe I just have a very efficient pancreas. :)

Oddly, for the last several months, I've noticed that I don't ever feel hungry or full. I actually have to remember to eat when everyone else is out. I absolutely am not as active as I'd like to be...but I think that's improving with the decreasing dose of dex.

And...just like Jody and Susan's docs don't seem concerned that they're losing weight...mine are not at all concerned by my gaining...as long as all the blood work, and my blood pressure are okay. Of course, they don't have to look in my mirror every morning!
If everything goes as planned...it should only be another month or so until the dex is done...then we'll see about slimming down! So, for now...I just have to keep reminding myself that bloated beats brain swelling...hands down!! And keep trying to be patient! Not my greatest virtue...I know, I know...that comes as a shock...but it's true! :) hee hee

Here's hoping that by the end of the summer, I'll be able to post that I too am losing weight!! But more importantly, that my brain is NED!!

:) Denise

jml 06-03-2013 12:45 PM

Eat to your heart's desire...whatever that may be!Re: Need to be able to...EAT!
Eat WHATEVER you want WHENEVER- you want.
I've lost 25 lbs since finishing WBR in February 2012. I've always said that Decadron or WBR destroyed the eating center of my brain.
I just don't eat. I just don't get hungry. And I don't respond to hunger cues the way one normally should. I've lost my sweet tooth and and I don't like cold food.
I keep Ensure on hand and try to remember to take 5-10 gulps of the dark chocolate flavor multiple times a day. But often I forget.
You have to do what works for you. Yes, I wish I craved higher quality food, but when I have a taste for something, I have to eat it - which usually means 4-5 bites before I tire of eating. And my appetite is so temperamental now that I often have multiple take-out containers of half eaten food that I never go back to. Believe me, the homeless folks that search the trashcans outside of my condo often find an assortment of spaghetti, chinese food, sandwhiches nicely packaged and bagged with an extra napkin & a small bottle of H20. Sometimes they reject my offerings and I do get a little offended, but try not to ;(
So if a large iced tea and hashbrowns works for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and if I can remember to eat that often, that is what I eat. Until the next urge hits.

Don't put more pressure on yourself! Just remember that you have to be well nourished to fight the good fight!

Keep the faith

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