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michka 11-25-2010 12:09 PM

Bad MRI.Liver Met
The RMI confirmed a 18mm met in the liver.
I am so devasted. I keep crying. I knew my neo adjuvant chemo did not work well, especially the 12 weeks of Taxol+Herceptin, so I was at high risk but I was stupidly hoping that after more 4 years and 4 months after discovering the cancer and 3 years and 10 months after mastectomy I was on a good path. But I wasn't.
Now what? A long agony? Is there any stage 4 with liver mets who could give me a good story? Sorry for being so depressed but the first treatments left my body so broken down and I have so many permanent pains that I do not feel like fighting. You are the only "friends" I can really "talk" to. I know you understand.
I haven't seen my onc yet.
As my brain is not working if someone could indicate how to find the threads that speak about liver mets, I would really appreciate. Love to all.

Lien 11-25-2010 03:04 PM

Re: Bad MRI.Liver Met
Oh Michka, I'm so sorry. Ofcourse you are devastated and not able to think. This is a shock and it will take time to absorb it. Having said that, I know at least two people who were diagnosed with liver mets who returned to NED status and stayed there for years. One of them over 12 years and still going strong. I'm sure you will get a lot of info from others on this site. There is still a lot you can do.

Hang in there!



tricia keegan 11-25-2010 03:20 PM

Re: Bad MRI.Liver Met

I'm so sorry, and I also know a couple of people who overcame this so please don't lose heart. Avastin is known to have a good response with liver mets too , searched this and found some info Rich had posted and hope it helps.

Stay strong as there's every chance you'll beat this too!

Delaney 11-25-2010 03:44 PM

Re: Bad MRI.Liver Met
I dont have liver mets but I am stage 4 and it took a good while to adjust to that, I still have bad days. But, I saw my oncologist last week and she told me that the liver and the lungs respond best to chemotherapy. So, there is hope and there are a lot of people on this site who have survived a long time with good quality of life with liver mets. I have just got the book 'Beating Cancer with Nutrition' by Patrick Quillan and its very informative, you might check it out. In the meantime get support wherever you can, especially here, and I wish you all the best with your treatment.

Chelee 11-25-2010 03:44 PM

Re: Bad MRI.Liver Met
Believe me...I so understand how your feeling...we "get it"! There are several ladies on this board that fought liver mets and won the battle. One member you can look up is "mamacze" (Kim). She was stage IV with liver and lung mets in 2004...she was put on Navelbine/Herceptin and got back to NED. She is being maintained on Herceptin alone and still NED. Then there is Chrisy which had liver mets and enrolled into the T-DM1 trial over 2 1/2 yrs ago and she is still NED and doing well...I'm sure she will chime in when she reads this. I'm no expert in this area but I would think you could even hit it with CyberKnife? Hang in there...you have some good options to go after this and put it all behind you. We are here for you. Hang in there.


Lauriesh 11-25-2010 06:00 PM

Re: Bad MRI.Liver Met
Hi Michka,

I am in a very similar place to you. I was 5 years and 4 months from my original diagnosis, when I was diagnosed with liver mets this July. I have 2 lesions , with the largest being 11 cm.

I am 42, with 3 kids and feel like 4 months later, I am still in shock. I started chemo -TCH- Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin and have had some regression. ( I will have another ct at the end of Dec)

I am also looking into targeted therapies, such as laser ablation, etc. I am going to Mayo Clinic in Jan. to discuss my options.

As others have said, there are many women living with liver mets for years. It gives me a lot of hope that we can be like them, one day NED.

Take care


chrisy 11-25-2010 06:25 PM

Re: Bad MRI.Liver Met
I am not at home right now and have a very poor internet connection where I am. So I haven't been able to find any of the threads on liver mets. But I wanted to respond to you. I have been on the bad news end of scans myself. so I know this news is overwhelming. go ahead and cry but try not to despair.

I can tell you, there are numerous threads here on the issue of liver mets - probably because there are a lot of folks who deal with that issue, and are discussing the many treatment options out there. My point being, there are a lot of people LIVING with liver mets (me being one of them)

The game has changed for you - from hoping (not stupidly, hope is never stupid) the cancer was gone forever, to dealing with a different situation. While stage IV cancer is still not considered curable, it is treatable and can sometimes be managed very well over an extended period of time. And there is much research, including her2 targeted approaches that are really encouraging.

You didn't mention specifically what the MRI revealed - but if you are talking about a single lesion of that size, you may have several good options for local treatment (resection, RFA, cryoablation, etc) that would remove or destroy the met. Usually people back this up with a systemic therapy but many have had great success - some even with curative success - with these options.
Whether you would be a good candidate for these type of treatments depends on the size and location of the lesion but you should definitely investigate these options.

There are also systemic therapies which can be very effective.

Sorry you are having to face this. I just wanted to offer a bit of encouragement that it can be done - that you can do it. Do not lose heart.


michka 11-26-2010 01:16 AM

Re: Bad MRI.Liver Met
Thank you so much for your answers.
Laurie, I remember your post. I felt so sad for you because you were over 5 years and here I am now.
I am seeing my onc this afternoon to discuss how to take this tumor out. Yes Chrisy, there is "only" one. If the tumor is eligible for cryoablation or RFA do you think it is better than a resection? I don't know much about the use of these technics for the liver but I would prefer. It seems an easier procedure. But is it? I read Rich's thread but it is mostly about lung mets.
Another question: I remember that it is wise to have the met analyzed to see if it has the same characteristics as the original BC. If I use RFA or cryoablation I will never know? Is it dangerous to do a biopsy? I read it could be if the tumor is highly vascular.
I would like to be able to discuss with my onc with a minimum of knowledge.

Trish 11-26-2010 02:04 AM

Re: Bad MRI.Liver Met
Sounds like you have some really good options available. Of course you are upset. It's always the transitions that are hardest. You had good reason to hope you were cured of breast cancer but now you have found out you have a chronic condition. It takes time to adjust to the new reality, but I'm sure you will once your treatment begins. I didn't have the cryo-ablation option available to me and I can't access TDM-1 yet. Never the less I am still feeling well and enjoying life as much, if not more than ever 4 years after liver met diagnosis.

Joan M 11-26-2010 07:29 AM

Re: Bad MRI.Liver Met

I relate to how you're feeling about the liver met. It's devastating when the cancer spreads. I went about three years with early stage bc, which was a good sign. And your going four years is better than that. There are many women living with mets and managing them. Thankfully, this met was caught early, thanks to follow up.

I had a lung RFA and would agree with Chrissy that a liver RFA or cryoablation is definitely an option, especially with a small lesion.

Since you're considering this option, it's important to speak with an interventional radiologist who is the expert on whether RFA or cryoablation can be performed. Also, a biopsy should be done to rule out liver cancer. I had a lung biopsy to determine whether I might have had lung cancer since there was only one nodule and I'm a former smoker. The biopsy would be put to all the same tests as a breast nodule, including HER2. But make sure it's a HER2 test. My lung nodule was give an EGFR test, which was a mistake.

I will PM you with who you can contact in the states for a recommendation if you want to consult with an interventional radiologist in France.


Emelie B 11-26-2010 02:16 PM

Re: Bad MRI.Liver Met
I know how you feel too, only when I recurred it was in my liver, lungs, lymph nodes and bones, but here I am 10 months out from diagnosis and I am so glad to say I am NED.
I did weekly Taxol, Herceptin and Zometa for 12 weeks then just Herceptin and Zometa, which is ongoing.
Hang in there and you will make it through this.
I know Lori R. has a lot of experience with liver mets and she will probably contact you when she gets home from a trip back East.
I understand the sadness and fear you are feeling, and I wish I could say that will go away, but for me it comes and goes, yet I am able to have a great time with my friends and family doing what I love to do.
I will be thinking of you and saying an extra special prayer tonight.
Be kind to yourself,

KDR 11-26-2010 03:56 PM

Re: Bad MRI.Liver Met
Hi, Michka,
I have liver mets. too. I was diagnosed at Stage IV. There are quite a few people here who will influence your positive side because there are "success" stories here. And the liver is one organ that regenerates. You have a lot of support and encouragement here and you won't give up. Everyone has bad days, even the cancer-free population. Be kind to yourself, have the bad day, and wait for the next. I know you will rise to the occasion!
This week I've been on Prednisone for a different condition. The drug was making me so weepy and pessimistic, I had a few bad days myself. Tomorrow, you will get up and feel different. I'm sure of it!

PatE 11-26-2010 06:47 PM

Re: Bad MRI.Liver Met
I also had liver mets, one 2cm lesion which was treated with Cyberknife - 3 treatments about 45 minutes each. I felt great, no side effects whatsoever. My pet scans show that my liver is clear, I was treated in August of 08. I have pet scans every three months and the last one (August 2010) didn't even mention my liver other than to say normal activity along with my other organs.
Please know there are a lot of women living very well with a stage IV diagnosis. Do your research on all the options available before you make any decisions, Cyberknife has a board that oncs answer question from patients you may want to try that. There was no interruption to my life, no one knew I was having treatment unless I told them. Please email me if you have any questions.
Best of Luck, hang in there!

Paty 11-26-2010 10:37 PM

Re: Bad MRI.Liver Met

I am so sorry to hear what you are facing, I can immagine how you feel. I do not have any advice, but wanted to let you know that I will be praying for you and that I am sure that you will find the treatment you need, France is a country with great medical resources. Keep hanging there Michka, remember BC is more like a chronic disease nowadays. Je t'embrasse cherie,


michka 11-27-2010 01:44 AM

Re: Bad MRI.Liver Met
I am investigating all the options for ablation and I read somewhere that Cyberknife is not the best choice for the liver because radiation stops the liver from regenerating. Can someone confirm? It seems such an easy and promising procedure and it worked for some here. If Cyberknife is out that leaves resection, cryosurgery or RFA. My onc thinks it can be taken out by coelioscopy and that it would allow to have a good biopsy. It still has to be confirmed that the location of the tumor is attainable that way. Can I be sure they take everything out with a coelioscopy? is this procedure risky? I am going to consult also for RFA. Joan sent me a good address.
I am trying to understand because when you go in to see the doctors in France they only answer if you ask very precise questions.

I thank you for encouraging me and trying to keep my head out of the water. It is so difficult. I want to wake up from this nightmare. I am not strong. I am so down knowing Herceptin does not work for me. I am trying to think about our beautiful AndyBB.

Ellie F 11-27-2010 04:40 AM

Re: Bad MRI.Liver Met
Hi Michka
Just wanted to say I am so sorry you are having to deal with this but I know you will get all the right answers from the women here on the board. Deciding which treatment to have is agonising and in the end I guess you have to just go with what feels right for you when you have considered the options.
Please try to stay strong and remember that this journey is a marathon not a sprint!

Sending positive thoughts across the channel.


Yorkiegirl 11-27-2010 06:28 AM

Re: Bad MRI.Liver Met
Michka, just want you to know prayers will continue for you. I'm sorry you have to deal with this.

Mary L 11-27-2010 08:31 AM

Re: Bad MRI.Liver Met
Dear Michka, You are in my prayers. I'm so sorry you had to have this happen. I always enjoy your happy messages. Best wishes for a quick recovery. Mary L

Pam P 11-27-2010 09:38 AM

Re: Bad MRI.Liver Met
Michka - I understand your fear and panic and wish I had a cure for that right after a cure for cancer. Lots of positive liver mets stories here on this site - I hope that gives you hope and strength. We'll be waiting to hear what tx options you choose and hopefully the 1st one will bring you to NED. Pam

Lori R 11-27-2010 12:31 PM

Re: Bad MRI.Liver Met
Dear Michka,
I am so sorry to hear that you must deal with a liver met. We all understand how devastating the news is that the cancer has returned. It does take time to process the news, grieve and then move forward. You didn't give yourself enough credit because I can tell that you are performing all the research to be your best advocate.

I am 3+ years living VERY VERY fully with a liver met. I chose to have cryoablation. The interventional radiologist used to perform Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA), but felt that using freezing allowed him to increase his precision as to the areas he was destroying. I wrote a very detailed explanation of my first treatment, so I'll find the thread and send it to you. Bottom line, a one day outpatient procedure and back to work on Monday. So, please don't despair.

Unfortunately, the liver met returned again so I had yet another, more aggressive cryoablation procedure. Again...one day outpatient. I am back to NED!!!! YEA!!!! It can be done.

Now that I have my brain back, I have a follow up with the interventional radiologist on Thursday (In 4 days). I plan to quiz him on many of the specifics....Is my liver regenerating? Can I have this procedure performed on multiple occasions? I also found a study comparing a liver resection to cryoablation to resection+cryo. The cryoablation statistically proved to be as effective as a liver resection which used to be quite invasive. I still haven't ruled out a liver resection at some point and if I chose that route I would investigate a laproscopic resection.

I hope my experience provides hope that all is not lost!!! I will also share as much factual information as I can locate.

You are lucky that you have a single met. That is a good first step.

Take care and more to follow....love and hugs, Lori

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