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TriciaK 05-25-2011 06:13 PM

Update from TriciaK
I have not been feeling too well for awhile so haven't been online much, but I do think of all of you every day. It has been a year since the diagnosis of my 4th cancer battle, and finding the right chemo has been a struggle. I feel good about the halavan we are trying now. I had one full round of halavan (infusion on two consecutive weeks, then one week off) and started the second round a week ago Tuesday. I was supposed to have it again on Tuesday of this week, but the oncologist decided I need to skip a couple of weeks because I developed a UTI and was prescribed 1000 mgs of cipro a day. I felt fine after the halavan, but after starting the cipro 3 days later I became very weak and dizzy, so much so that I couldn't walk. I saw the doctor Tuesday of this week, expecting to do the halavan again, but the oncologist decided I need to get off both the cipro and the halavan until I could get stronger. I am disappointed to miss the chemo, but hopefully will get strong enough to start it again in two weeks.
I am doing fairly well on the halavan I've taken so far. I have had an appetite and been able to keep food down. I am rapidly losing my hair but I can live with that, since I have several nice wigs. I think being able to eat is better than hair loss! I think I am feeling a little stronger after being off the cipro for a couple of days and hope we can get back on the halavan track in two weeks. If the uti is a problem I will try levaquin. My blood tests have looked very good and the ca 27/29 dropped in half after the first halavan, so I am feeling quite hopeful! An echocardiogram two weeks ago showed that my ejection fraction has dropped to 45, so I am not able to take herceptin, which makes me a little uneasy. My cardiologist wants me to have another echo next week. Do any of you on halavan take herceptin with it?
I was blessed with a new great-grandbaby last week, and have 4 more due this summer. I think that will make 46 great grands! I am so thankful for a wonderful family support group which really keeps me going. I have to stay around to meet all these new babies!
I try to catch up with this website at least once a week, and even if I don't post I am thinking of you and praying for each one of you. This site has meant so much to me and I thank each of you for all you contribute. Hugs, TriciaK

CindyE 05-25-2011 07:20 PM

Re: Update from TriciaK
Tricia -- So good to hear from you and how you are doing. You will be in my prayers and thoughts in the days to come. Take care and get stronger. God is in charge and He is there for you as you move forward in your treatment.

caya 05-25-2011 07:57 PM

Re: Update from TriciaK
Tricia - sorry you are not feeling well. I am the queen of UTIs ( a title I could do without) - here are a couple of tips:

1. Take 1/2 cup of pure cranberry juice (not cocktail) and mix it with 1.5 litres of water, you can add sweetener ( I use Stevia) to taste. Drink this all day long. Of course you may want to check with your docs/pharmacist to see if this will have any interactions to any meds you are taking.

2. Use 100% organic virgin coconut oil "down there". I apply it morning and night. You can buy it at a health food store - it comes in a jar, and is solid, but it warms in your fingers. I do this everyday, whether I have a UTI or not.

I hope your UTI clears up and you feel stronger ASAP so you can get back on chemo etc.

Congrats on your new grandbaby, you are an amazing woman and fighter.

all the best

Elizabethtx 05-25-2011 08:14 PM

Re: Update from TriciaK
Hang in there, Tricia, you just need to get past this bump in the road. Take care of yourself with natural remedies. The cranberry juice really works! I'll be praying you are on the mend and back to full treatment in no time!

ElaineM 05-25-2011 09:00 PM

Re: Update from TriciaK
Congratulations on the new great grandbaby !!!!!!! 46 Wow !!!!!!!! You have quite a clan !!
I am sorry to hear about the uti. Cipro (antibiotics) can be quite challenging. Go for cranberry juice or cranberries in any form for the uti. You can get cranberry supplements at a health food store if you can't get any cranberries or cranberry juice at your local market. You might also want to add some yoghurt or friendly bacteria (like acidophalus) since antibiotics wipe out good bacteria.
I would call the doc in the few days and ask if I could get some Halaven in one week instead of two, but then again I am pretty aggressive with the docs.
All in all I am very happy the Halaven seems to be working for you and your tumor markers are down.
Great job !!!!!!!! Keep up the good work.

Chelee 05-25-2011 10:20 PM

Re: Update from TriciaK
It's so nice to hear from you. I have been wondering how you were doing and was hoping you would post soon. I'm sorry to hear about that darned UTI and having to stop your chemo for now...but this too shall pass as they say. What a trooper you have been...you just keep pushing forward and I know it hasn't been easy.

That is great news to hear your CA27.29 dropped in half after just the 1st dose of Halavan. I'm sure it dropped double or more with the 2nd dose. :) That will teach those buggers to mess around with you! ;) Sorry to hear you had to temporarily stop your chemo, but it won't be long before you get your strength back. If you were that weak your body was screaming for a break...so hang in there.

Are you in the Guinness book of world records for having 46 grandkids?! lol My goodness Tricia...that makes me smile AND tired at the same time. HA. By the way...BIG Congratulations on your new grand baby. I'll be keeping positive thoughts for you...big hug coming your way.


Jackie07 05-25-2011 10:53 PM

Re: Update from TriciaK
Thanks for the update, Tricia. Cipro is a powerful drug (just finished my 10-day prescription) and you should be able to get back to the treatment soon. We'll continue to remember you in our prayers.

michka 05-26-2011 03:35 AM

Re: Update from TriciaK
Tricia, just to say I am thinking of you and hoping you can get back on Halaven in the coming days. The first results are very encouraging. Hugs. Michka

mamacze 05-26-2011 04:26 AM

Re: Update from TriciaK
Dear Sweet Tricia - you are a familiar face and one of the "ol' Timers" on this site. I often think of you and wonder how you are doing. I love seeing your face next to a new thread. Thank you for this update.
Halaven is a relatively new med, and I was wondering who might be on it and now here you are. It sounds like your response was good but then....ugh, a UTI. I did a quick med check on Halaven and see that UTI is a side effect that occurs with 10% of folk that are taking it.
So there you are. It sounds like the recommendations from our "UTI Queens" might be a long term regimen for you, at least while you are on halaven. And I understand your worry about a low ejection fraction keeping you off our beloved Vitamin H. Are you staying on top of your Omega 3's (salmon, fish oil) ...maybe that will help your ejection fraction a smidge?
In spite of all this constant hummmm of worry you have blessings that abound....46 great gran's.....wow! Blessings abound...spring has sprung....you have a daily reason to smile. I can't think of a better reason to shift my thoughts away from my worries and onto joy than a beautiful, energy filled, love runneth over, gran baby. Thank you for your prayers TriciaK; and know we are all praying for you.
Love Kim from CT

Pam P 05-26-2011 04:41 AM

Re: Update from TriciaK
Tricia - So good to see your post you strong and kind woman. Congrats on the new grand baby & those to come soon. I'm thrilled that halaven is working so well for you - hope you can get back to it soon. Hugs Pam

adelay 05-26-2011 04:52 AM

Re: Update from TriciaK
I've been hoping you would post soon to keep us updated. Know you are in my prayers as long with all my HER2 friends. Enjoy those babies...they are a blessing from above. Take care.

Joanna J 05-26-2011 05:10 AM

Re: Update from TriciaK
Tricia,I am so glad to hear from you....Sorry to hear abt all the bumps in the road,I am sure you will overcome....I love to read your posts on here....You Truly Inspire!!!!.....Prayers are going up for you. Joanna J

tricia keegan 05-26-2011 03:20 PM

Re: Update from TriciaK
Its so good to have an update from you Tricia, I too would call and see if the chemo can be done sooner, and agree with drinking the cranberry juice!

Know we're all thinking of you and wishing you well, you're an inspiration to all of us and we're right there holding your hand as you go through all this! x

krisvell 05-26-2011 03:48 PM

Re: Update from TriciaK
Hi Tricia;
I hope get thru the UTI real soon so you can be back on the Halaven real soon. Wow! you have so many great=grand children. You are truly blessed.
Healing wishes and prayers to you. We are waiting for your manuscript.
Hugs and Love,

Delaney 05-27-2011 05:01 AM

Re: Update from TriciaK
Tricia, hope you feel a lot better soon. You really have been through a lot. Enjoy all your new babies, I would love a visit to your house when you all get together, it must be just great! Heres hoping you'll bounce back to health very soon.

Sheila 05-28-2011 05:40 AM

Re: Update from TriciaK
Tricia, so glad to read that the Halaven is doing good for you, other than the UTI....when I get sick on Halaven, probably due to low whitwe counts, they always give em Levaquin....it seems to knock anything. I just started round 9 I beleive, and my CEA has gone from 16.4 to 2.1...that is the marker my Dr uses on me that is reliable. I am also on Herceptin every 3 weeks with the Halaven, although I have to remain on Carvedilol and Lisinopril to keep my LVEF above 50....Keeping you in my prayers Tricia,,,you are amazing, Congrats on the great grandchild and the ones to come!

Joan M 05-28-2011 05:47 AM

Re: Update from TriciaK

Praying that the infection will clear up and you'll be able to start your treatment again.


CoolBreeze 05-28-2011 06:26 PM

Re: Update from TriciaK
Hi Tricia,

I haven't been on your chemo but have had UTIs and can attest to the cranberry juice. Worth a shot anyway! And, congratulations on such a large family! I am horrible but when I told my oldest son about my liver lesions, I told him he had to make a baby now. :) He's been with the same girl five years. You are blessed to have those wonderful babies!

MCS 05-29-2011 11:57 PM

Re: Update from TriciaK
It is good to hear from you Tricia, you have given me very good advice in the past.

So here's my advice to you. Fight on. Keep thinking about those 46 grandkids and even 50 of them that you will see. You have serious problems like a lot of us but you are blessed.

Love you Tricia. Keep fighting for you and us


Kim in CA 05-30-2011 11:54 AM

Re: Update from TriciaK
Dearest Tricia,

Sorry to hear you're going through a rough patch right now. You have always been such an inspiration to me. Hoping you get back on track soon, so you can continue your treatments and welcome many more grandbabies!

Love & hugs to you,
Kim in CA

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