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Grammyof7 09-12-2016 05:34 PM

Just Starting Out and Scared To Death
I have been reading through some of the posts and I am confused and frightened. I'm 71 years old, just diagnosed with Breast Cancer - left side - 10 o'clock area - about 6-8 mm. Biopsy with ultrasound done. Small metal piece inserted. I am expecting results of the BRCA 1/2 gene on Wednesday. Lumpectomy scheduled for this Friday (9/16). I also have a positive HER2 and was told I would be going on Herceptin. I really don't know where to start here. Can you tell me the meaning of the following abbreviations.... THC, THCP, SE. There are others and I am trying to figure this all out. Any and all advice is welcome. Also, what do the "tags" mean at the bottom of this page?Thanks

jra40 09-13-2016 07:24 AM

Re: Just Starting Out and Scared To Death
Sorry to hear of your diagnosis Grammy, but you found the best support site to utilize for your journey. It's definitely frightening and I remember being in your shoes 6 years ago. There are many survivors on this board with great knowledge to help you out. I think the abbreviations are the medications you will be receiving in your chemo plan? Others will chime in if I am wrong.

Good luck and we will be here to help you out when you need us!


Carol Ann 09-13-2016 07:34 AM

Re: Just Starting Out and Scared To Death
Hi Grammy, I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis ... but if you are HER2 positive, this is the best support group on the internet.

Yes, the abbreviations you mentioned are for different types of chemo

TCH -- Taxotere Carboplatin Herceptin
TCHP -- the above plus Perjeta
SE -- Side Effects

Not sure about the Tags either! :) Please feel free to ask ANYTHING ... and you can also use the Search tab in the upper right corner under your name to look for specific topics here.

Good luck tomorrow with the lumpectomy! Once that pathology report is back, your docs will be better able to advise you about your treatment options.

Please keep us posted!

Carol Ann

sarah 09-13-2016 11:03 AM

Re: Just Starting Out and Scared To Death
6-8mm is very small. Hopefully the lumptectomy will take it all out which will probably be the case. Yes, it's frightening to hear the word "cancer" but yours has been caught very, very early and since you are 71, it will be less aggressive than if you were 40. Herceptin is a miracle drug and will ensure that you are cancer free. Your heart will be checked every 3 months because a small number of people can't tolerate it, hopefully you will be able to take it for the full amount of time. You may also be given a chemotherapy and probably will have some radiation on the area. This is all very usual and nothing to worry about. Chemotherapy can be tiring so if you do get that in addition to the Herceptin, best to plan to rest that day and the following day. In case you do radiation, radiation is always the same time every day for 5 weeks so chose a convenient time for you. After you finish chemo and radiation, you may be given a pill to take every day - Femara probably if you are Estrogen positive. This is best to take at night.
Remember that millions of women have gone through this and many have had advanced cancer and yet done very well. It's all very confusing and worrying for you right now but you will get through it and on this site you will find you have many caring friends ready to help make your journey easier and better.
Sites like breastcancer.org and the cancer.org may also be helpful particularly in preparing questions to ask your doctor. Always good to go into a meeting with the oncologist with a list of questions even if you don't ask them all, at least you know you will remember to ask those that you want to most.
Just something cancer doctors do: the surgeon wants to solve it all with surgery, the radiologist with radiation and the oncologist with chemo although they generally have a more rounded view point.
Take care and ask any questions you want to on this site, someone will answer and often there are people who are really knowledgeable and helpful

MaineRottweilers 09-13-2016 02:29 PM

Re: Just Starting Out and Scared To Death
Welcome, Grammy. A new diagnosis is frightening. I remember feeling quite lost and even in searching the boards for information, I was confused by the acronyms. Carol Ann covered the acronyms perfectly. There will be many more as you become engaged in conversation. Just let us know and we will clear them up for you. The tags can be used when you post to make searching posts less tedious. You can search for certain tag words but not many of us use that feature. It's just part of the BB software.

Again, welcome and I'm sorry for your diagnosis.

Lien 09-14-2016 04:33 AM

Re: Just Starting Out and Scared To Death
Hi Grammy,

Of course you are scared and out of your depth. Hearing the words: "you have cancer" is a terrible experience. I really thought I was not going to see my kids grow up. They were 3, 8, 12 and 16 at the time.

This will pass, but for now you are on a rollercoaster that you never wanted to get on.

It may help to know that I had a similar diagnosis 12.5 years ago, didn't get chemo or Herceptin, and am still alive and kicking. You will be getting much more targeted therapy than I did at the time, and although the coming months, perhaps year, will be hard, you will probably get through it without too many problems and then you will grow old without ever having a recurrence. Breast cancer has a much lower mortality rate than some other cancers.

Ask whatever you want to know, we are here for you. Vent, cry, express your fears; we've all been there.



Mtngrl 09-17-2016 07:11 AM

Re: Just Starting Out and Scared To Death
Dear Grammy,

Welcome to the club no one wants to join. If you have to go through this, it's best not to do it alone. This group is extremely knowledgeable and supportive.

Most people do just fine on Herceptin. They hardly even notice it. It's not chemo, it's a "monoclonal antibody." HER-2 positive cancers make too many of a particular kind of protein. Herceptin goes right to those cells and helps your body's immune system eliminate them.

I always tell people what a friend told me when I was diagnosed, "Don't worry about anything until you have to." Worry doesn't actually do any good, so it's better to focus on what you can do and what you can control. Eat well. Take walks and enjoy the outdoors. Watch funny movies. Meditate. Pray, if you're a praying person.

Another friend recommended guided imagery. I got some for relaxation and wellness, chemotherapy, and "cancer," and found it very helpful. They were actually all pretty similar, so if I had it to do over I'd just get one.

All the best,

Paula O 09-17-2016 05:38 PM

Re: Just Starting Out and Scared To Death
We'll be rooting for you, Grammyof7! ((HUGS))


SoCalGal 09-21-2016 08:09 PM

Re: Just Starting Out and Scared To Death
Welcome to the best online support community you could have! BTW Her2+ is the "good" kind of breast cancer - so don't worrry-- you're going to be around a long time, you might have to change your screen name to greatGrammy. Keep us posted, pun intended!

Grammyof7 09-23-2016 08:45 PM

Re: Just Starting Out and Scared To Death
Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments and support. I had my lumpectomy last Friday (9/16) and the surgeon told me that there was no cancer in my nodes and that he got all the cancer. Also I got the report on the BRCA gene...... NEGATIVE! So... it seems I have dodged 2 bullets!! Next week I go for my first checkup with my surgeon and there will be lots to talk about. I don't have a "stage" as yet and do have lots of questions. It took me quite a while to come out of the anesthesia (I was intubated) and almost had to spend the night. Thank God my son and wife came for the weekend and were there to help my husband and me out.

One question that I have for you all...... are any of you diabetics? If so, how is the Herceptin, Chemo and Radiation affecting you?

Thanks again for all of your responses. I'll be in touch after my appt. next week.

Grammyof7 10-15-2016 06:46 PM

Re: Just Starting Out and Scared To Death
Hi Everyone! I am back again.

I was diagnosed with Stage 1...

Port is installed..... very sore muscles. First Chemo and Herceptin this coming Tuesday morning (10/18/16). VERY nervous. There are pills I will take before I go... Decadron - 4 the night before with dinner and 4 with breakfast (to help with negative reaction to chemo?). I also have Ativan for nerves/nausea and Zofran will be given after treatment. Thoughts on these medications?

I will have chemo once a week for 12 weeks...... Herceptin every 3 weeks for a year...... radiation 5 days a week for 6 weeks....... and some kind of cancer pill for 5 years.

I am concerned about nausea/vomiting...... and that it will affect my busy schedule. I know I will have to rest when I get tired.... but it's hard to make any plans until I know how I will react to the drugs.

3 questions...... 1 - can you all read this? I am not sure I should be starting another thread or just add to my original. 2 - Also, is anyone out there a diabetic? I have D2 and understand that these treatments can affect my blood sugar in a negative way. 3 - Last question (for now).... how should I prepare for my first infusions........ it will be a long day!

Carol Ann 10-15-2016 07:30 PM

Re: Just Starting Out and Scared To Death
Hydration is very important! My oncology nurse told me to drink 3 liters a day of water/fluids throughout chemo. I got a 1 liter jug at Walmart and put 3 rubberbands around it, and removed one every time I finished a liter throughout the day.

It will be a long day the first time ... they give you everything slowly to make sure you don't have any reactions to the drugs. Take something to read, music, snacks (my center had snacks and soft drinks on hand) and a blanket in case you get cold.

The drugs they are giving you before/after the chemo will help with nausea/vomiting ... everyone is different though and if you are having a hard time, let your team know right away! Don't suffer in silence!

It IS hard to plan until you know how you're going to react. As much as you can, rest rest rest when you can!

I am sure others will chime in here with more suggestions ... I am not a diabetic, so I can't address those issues, but someone who can will answer ... yes we can all see this! :)

Carol Ann

MaineRottweilers 10-16-2016 10:19 AM

Re: Just Starting Out and Scared To Death
Bring a friend or two, a deck of cards and a notebook. It's a long day and you'll be more or less captive. I take slippers to all of my infusions because I like to tuck my feet up under me and I take my shoes off. Infusion rooms are cold, dress warmly and comfortably. Make sure you wear something that opens in front so they can access your port.

I like to color, journal, do puzzles and sleep now that I go to infusions unaccompanied.

Stay ahead of the nausea. Take those meds before you become nauseated and keep taking them for at least four days afterward. Drink, nothing tasted good, I had to force myself to hydrate. Sliced lemons and limes in water was about all I could tolerate. I tried some lemon crystal lite, it was ok. Fruit smoothies, watermelon and canned peaches also worked well.

Do not suffer any symptoms for more than a day, you do not have to tough it out. There are lots of things they can do for you. I was able to work through my first treatment but when I was redx'd, I wasn't able to work during chemo so it can go either way.

Love and luck.

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