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Britbee 01-21-2012 10:26 AM

Just curious
Since coming on these boards I have had three chemo sessions and met a lot of wonderful people. Some have been introduced to me through others, some I have met since I started a blog. I have found the blog to be very therapeutic and enjoy also reading others and their journeys.
Today I would like to ask a question about something that has been bothering me. I find I am a little more sensitive since I was diagnosed with cancer and so maybe this just me.
When I was first diagnosed I was sent to a very sweet oncologist who saw me through the first while until after my mastectomy.
When I went for my first appointment to discuss the first chemo session which I was to have the next day there was a lady oncologist sitting there that I had never met. Not saying she was not versed in my history and had a very nice manner but she was not the original doctor I had seen before. Same office, just different doctor.
She was there for my second chemo and by this time I was happy enough seeing her.
My third chemo it was a different doctor again and he did not even know I had a port! He asked how my veins in my arm were holding up. Obviously had not read my chart properly. Also he gave me a little talk about how there were no guarantees that I would be cured and set me back about a month mentally.
Ok sorry about being so long winded but my question is have the rest of you been tossed around like a beach ball between oncologists or have you seen the same one all the way through. The ladies I have already asked said they stayed with the same one. This is something I would prefer as how can anyone know me if they are different each time? Or am I being super sensitive and getting the care I need and should just get on with it??

NanaJoni 01-21-2012 10:40 AM

Re: Just curious
My oncologist is part of a large group of hematologist/oncologist specialists. In my two years of being under treatment and follow-ups I have seen another dr. in the group only twice when Dr. Shipstone was out of town. Also I saw a nurse practitioner once when I was having gastro problems but she had been with my onc at several of my appts so was well-known with me. If this continues you may want to specify a particular dr or ask whey you're being handed around- it may be typical of the practice so you might want to pursue another office. It really bothers me that you feel "mentally" set back by this. Your mental and emotional state are as important now as the physical.

ElaineM 01-21-2012 11:07 AM

Re: Just curious
Even if you go to a large medical group you have a right to request the same doctor each time you visit. The only time you should be seen by another doctor is when your doctor is out of town or has to attend a meeting. A person is usually more successful when that person can work with the same doctor most of the time.
Good luck and take good care of yourself.

BonnieR 01-21-2012 12:00 PM

Re: Just curious
Is this some peculiarity of Canadian medicine? Otherwise, I would ask to see the doctor of your preference. And you REALLY don't want to see that male doc again! We have to speak up and be our own advocates or we can get lost in the shuffle. Be the squeaky wheel when you have to.
Recently my dental office handed me off to a new guy. I told them I have been coming to that practice longer than most of the staff has been working there and I wanted MY dentist who knows me.
Anyhow, don't ever blame yourself for being "too sensitive". We are entitled to feel vulnerable and it is up to the professionals to put us at ease. That it what we pay them to do. Good luck and keep the faith!

karen z 01-21-2012 02:19 PM

Re: Just curious
I am not in Canada (Atlanta, GA, USA) but I have had one and only one oncologist (as well as one breast surgeon/one radiologist, etc.) for the last seven years. I was under treatment (lumpectomy/chemo/radiation/Herceptin) during 05-06 but I still see my same oncologist and breast surgeon when I have check-ups. I would insist on seeing the same person if possible (and one you like and think is good). I would put up a major fuss about that.

caya 01-21-2012 08:37 PM

Re: Just curious
I had my mastectomy at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto, had one breast surgeon, and only saw him before and afterwards. He discharged me after 3 years.

My oncologist and chemo treatments were at Mount Sinai Hospital, connected to Princess Margaret. I had the same oncologist from Day 1. Sometimes when I was going for treatments, another oncologist would see me, but I could always ask to see MY oncologist. For all the followups over the years, I have only seen my original onc. He just retired (-:, and he introduced me to my new onc. at my last visit.

all the best

sarah 01-22-2012 09:41 AM

Re: Just curious
I'm in France but...
Same chemo oncologist for every treatment over the 6 years and she's still there. Always saw my overall treatment protocol oncologist whenever I wanted and made an appt. to see him. I changed radiologists (my choice) and then only ever saw him, he was always there when I went through radiation and could slip in and see him if I had a question.
Seems very odd that you keep getting different oncologists. It is very important to have the same one because he/she knows your history and you and also because you need to feel comfortable enough with him/her to ask questions and talk about your treatement.
I could understand in a large hospital that during chemo the oncologists on call on the floor might change but not your leading oncologist.
Is this something to do with the hospital? Definitely speak to someone and tell them you are very uncomfortable with this. You should chose the oncologist you want, not just the one on call.
Sorry you're going through this when you're having your treatment.
take care,
health and happiness

tricia keegan 01-22-2012 01:15 PM

Re: Just curious
I'm in Ireland and have the same onc all the time and usually see her at my appts but not always, however during chemo I often saw the Junior Dr's under her which did'nt bother me as knew she was busy doing her clinic and usually they only needed to give me a new script for something and check my BP!!

Bunty 01-22-2012 06:08 PM

Re: Just curious
In Australia, under the public health system, I've only ever seen the same onc now for the past 11 years. Like Tricia from Ireland, sometimes through chemo I might see a Registrar, but my onc will always poke his head in to see how I'm doing.

I agree with other comments that you should make it clear what is your preference.

Cheers Marie

sassy 01-22-2012 06:24 PM

Re: Just curious
The first onc I saw was very kind and caring and told me if there was anything I wanted to do, get it done in the next ten years. When I asked if there was something about my cancer I didn't know, he replied "Oh, no--no". At that point my dx was stage two ER/PR positive-nothing on HER2 because I had not been tested.

Needless to say the ten year time line sent up all kinds of alerts and prior to staring treatment I decided to switch to a facility at a major research center. Good choice because when I heard about the release of herceptin on the national news and thought my cancer sounded very much like it, I asked my new onc (who did not realize I had not been tested) about it, I was immediately tested and stepped into that treatment protocol with Herceptin/Taxol as I had just finished A/C.

I had only one onc through initial treatment, then changed to a different one who had been trained by my onc and was at a facility closer to my home. Good decision there too, he was cutting edge and gave me treatment 7 years ago that are just now becoming the standard of care. As a researcher he was up to date on new developments.

I would want my onc to know me and see me. Your treatment should be a collaboration between you and your doctor, not a hit or miss by whomever happens to be there at the time.

Paty 01-22-2012 11:08 PM

Re: Just curious
Hello! I am in Mexico, i have always had same doctors during all my process. I would only change if I decide to do so.

MJo 01-23-2012 09:32 AM

Re: Just curious
I've had same oncologist for six years. I see him once a year now. Only time I saw different onc was when I was hospitalized during chemo for respiratory infection and my onc was out of town at a medical convention. I saw one of his partners then. I definitely think you should ask some questions.

CoolBreeze 01-23-2012 02:05 PM

Re: Just curious
I've seen the same one since the beginning, August 09. He's in a group of others and if I have an emergency when he's not there I might see another, but he is my doctor and he is the one I see each month. He came to see me when I was in the hospital too, which was for c-diff and not cancer, which I thought was nice.

I wouldn't want to switch from doctor to doctor in an oncology situation. When I was pregnant with my 2nd child, the OB practice I went to did this. But, they told me up front and they gave me an appointment with a different doctor each time so I'd meet them all and they all would meet me. That way, by the time the baby came, I would have had a chance to get to know all the doctors. For a delivery, it made sense to me and I accepted that as part of their practice - but for oncology, where your history can get very complicated I wouldn't want to do that. My file is about 9 inches thick right now, no new doctor can read through all that.

What bugs me for you is that they didn't explain that they'd do this and let you choose. You should talk to them and ask if you can have just one doctor. If not, I'd probably find some other practice.

Jackie07 01-23-2012 04:38 PM

Re: Just curious
I've had the same oncologist since 2003.

I think your first 'oncologist' was probably your breast cancer surgeon who's regarded as a 'surgical oncologist'. The oncologist you saw after the surgery would be your 'medical oncologist' who overseas your chemo treatment and other follow-ups.

It's possible that you were seeing different doctors because of the holiday season. It won't hurt to get a clarification next time: "Are you my medical oncologist?" You might get an answer like: "No, I'm the [oncology] nurse practioner," or "No, I'm a 3rd year medical student."

Most hospital have oncology team meetings at least once a week to discuss about patient care. Nurse practioners have been assuming more and more responsibilities these days. I hope you will get things clarified soon and get more comfortable with your team.

Sending you good vibes.

Britbee 01-27-2012 05:55 AM

Re: Just curious
Went to see the Doc Thursday 26/1/12. When another new face walked in I immediately told them I had issues I needed to address. It was a very nice lady called Cindy and she said she just wanted to go over some stuff about the DH chemo I was getting the next day first then I was free to tell her all my issues.
So all these fresh faces I have been seeing are not actual oncologists. There is apparently a shortage of oncologists in Calgary. There is way more cancer patients then oncologists, a fact which I find very sad, each oncologist has "helpers".
Most are Doctors in their own right but are like family Doctors or such. The lady I saw yesterday was a nurse with years of knowledge of breast cancer patients and she also had a Masters Degree in (I forget) something related. The actual oncologist meets with these people everyday and has knowledge of all his patients and gives orders for each which are carried out by his helpers.
Having found this out I still said my feelings about being passed around were still present and even if I saw just one of the helpers each time I would be more comfortable. She told me she would do everything in her limited power to make sure I saw the same person each time and made a note in my file. Another thing she mentioned was that my file was in disarray and she would take the time to put it in order. I mentioned again that different people had seen me each time so no wonder they did not know what was going on if the file was not in order.
Having said all that this lady was the most thorough I had seen since the actual oncologist and I felt better when I left after dealing with her. I was in there over an hour and was one of the last patients that day but she listened to all my concerns and addressed each one. I now have medicine to help me with that awful throat problem I had last time and she showed me my flow chart and told me I was in very good shape going into the next chemo.

Britbee 02-16-2012 01:32 PM

Re: Just curious
Just to wind up this thread. After complaining last time, I actually saw my real oncologist today!! They do listen after all :)

Mary Anne in TX 02-16-2012 04:50 PM

Re: Just curious
Keep standing up for yourself, girl!

KsGal 02-19-2012 02:24 AM

Re: Just curious
Im glad you got the result you wanted, and I hope it continues! On the flip side of things, I have seen the same doctor every time, and he is overloaded with patients that he looked at me on my fourth visit and said "Do you still have your primary tumor?". I've had a double mastectomy....ugh.

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