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~Bellydancer~ 03-15-2008 01:13 PM

Sore throat continues......
Hello All!
I had to take a mini vaca to the "spa", a.k.a Emerg for dehydration on Sunday. I was in for 4 days. This throat thing is getting tiresome. I feel like my collar is a smidge too tight and still have difficulty swallowing. The Onc want's to press on and do the thrid Tx. Might as well, just have my bed ready and the I.v. topped up and I 'll do it. I am down 33 lbs since the first Tx end of Jan. I might as well have the Tx and be done with it already. I just hate the choking, vomitting, searing pain that I go thru. Once it is all said and done I hope that my voice and my throat go back to normal. Did anyone else have this type of reaction???? My Onc doesn't think that it is related to the Taxotere.

Mary Jo 03-15-2008 01:49 PM

Hi Michelle,

No, I did not have that type of reaction but I had Taxol and not taxotere. The real reason for this post though is to offer you encouragement, love from my heart to yours and a gentle hug.

I truly am sorry you are having to go through this.

Prayers for your throat to feel better Michelle....

Mary Jo

Jackie07 03-15-2008 02:44 PM

I don't remember having that much problem when I was on TCH. I think
they gave me the antiemitic medicine and benedryl sort of thing before starting chemo. And I was fine. Back in 2003, I also had to take antiemetic medicine at home for several days so I would not vomit. It is not fun to have the problem. I hope the doctor has given you something
to stop the reaction so you can eat normally and gain some weight.

Andrea Barnett Budin 03-15-2008 03:08 PM

Sending Strength And Courage Express To You...
Oh Michelle, This stinks. I was on Taxotere for 9 mnths and it was hellish. However, it did slowly but surely shrink every one of my multiple tumors throughout my liver, so it did it's job. I lost 33 lbs. But I did that over 9 mnths. I ate practically nothing.

I took dexymethazone the day before and the day of. I took Zofran (major anti-nausea med that knocks you out) and I kept a supply (cause it was a Godsend). For less nauseous moments, semi-queasy yucky feeling -- I took Phenergan. And that did the job. I did not vomit. I thought I was about to a lot, but the meds helped enormously. Major retching will surely start to hurt your throat! (Cepacol spray kind of freezes your throat so it hurts way less. Plus sucking on any candy will help get your salivary glands works which will help.)

ARE YOU DRINKING 10 GLASSES OF BOTTLED WATER A DAY??? EVERY SINGLE DAY??? LIKE IT'S A PRESCRIPTION??? You do not want to dehydrate. That is crucial to your health and well-being. I had this drummed into my head by several oncs and nurses. I stuck w/the program!!!

You should not be suffering this much. You need meds that work for you! If one fails, ask for an alternative. (For me Kytril and Compazine were useless, I quickly learned, and found my way to Phenergan.) Now I know I am talking about '98-'99. And I am talking about the U. S. But I am certain you have access to meds that will take your vomiting away! Please pesevere.

I am sending you a huge hug and lots of healing, positive energy, Michelle. First thing Monday morning, get on this! Sure, your onc should be taking this situation of yours to heart. But, no doubt, he/she is busy as heck and just can't love you as much as you do... So, Michelle, you have to take charge! Call and ask and keep on pressing till you get results. One med will work on one person, another will need another. No 'splaining it. It just is. With LOVE and LIGHT, my friend,
Andi http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/2b000001e1/06

Bill 03-16-2008 12:34 AM

Hi Sweetie, I'm sorry you're having such a rough time right now. A friend of ours at chemo. recommended trying "ginger drops", kind of like lemon drops for nausea, and they might help soothe your throat, too. She found them at a health food store. If you can't find any up there, and want to try them, let me know, and I'll send you some. Love, Bill

BethC 03-16-2008 07:14 AM

Michelle, I'm sorry you are so miserable! Definitely talk to your oncologist about the nausea - they should be able to give you more medicine. After my first session, my oncologist tripled the length of decadron and gave me Emend and Ativan. It made all the difference - I didn't feel great but I could eat and manage.
As for the sore throat, I had that the entire time. A couple of times I was convinced I had strep throat and went in for a strep test (always negative). It was really painful so I know what you're feeling. I know it's tough but these are temporary side effects and they'll go away once you're finished with the chemo. I told myself that the side effects meant that the chemo was working - and it helped me get through it.

~Bellydancer~ 03-16-2008 09:24 AM

Thank you all for your encouragement. Beth I am relieved to hear that the throat thing is not just me. I 'm sorry that you had to go through that too. Yes it does feel like really severe Strep. I try to drink but can't keep anything down. Even plain water. I am taking Maxerane every 4 hours.
Today i am feeling better. It is a beautiful sunny day here and i am going to go for a walk with the kids and "Bad" dog, Henry. He's not really bad just too busy and not getting the attention he feel's he deserves. Sucks when momma is not feeling well.
I am bucking up for the third and FINAL taxotere on the 27th. Then I can let things heal. Here'e hoping that Radiation goes by smoother.


BethC 03-16-2008 11:23 AM

I started radiation last Thursday and it is going fine. It takes about 3 minutes and I don't feel anything at all. They said fatigue and skin irritation could occur, but it wouldn't be for a few weeks probably. I've read over and over that daily exercise really helps combat the fatigue so my plan is to walk every day. When do you start radiation?

dory 03-16-2008 11:31 AM

Bellydancer...Boy do I know how your throat and tounge hurt. All the good bacteria we have in the gut gets killed off and works it's way up to the mouth. Sometimed I couldn't talk it hurt so much. It took a good year with lots of vitamins , and asidopholis before it turned around.The Drs can give you perscription for this as well.It's accualy thrush gone wild.
Stay hydrated too.

Soccermom 03-16-2008 11:47 AM

Dear Bellydancer,
Ask your Onc for some miracle mouthwash AKA "swish and spit" or in your case ,swish and swallow. I had recurrent "thrush" in my throat after recon surgery and I finally got some relief from the swish and swallow, oral antifungals & There are also anti fungal lozenges (troches) that are very soothing,

Hope to hear you feel better soon!

TSund 03-16-2008 09:36 PM

Hi Michelle,

So sorry that you are suffering.

Did they tell you to take a good anti-acid (Prilosec, etc.?)

Pro-biotic is also really important, and Ruth took L-Glutamine also.


harrie 03-17-2008 12:05 AM

Michelle, I was just thinking the same thing as Soccermom, maybe it is a fungus. Another possibility is ulcers (aphthous ulcers), although I have never heard of it in the throat. If it is ulcers, the normal course is around 10 - 14 days.
Did they take a look and was there any evidence of anything like that?

Jackie07 03-17-2008 08:49 AM

Soccermom is right. She reminded me that when I was having severe mouth sores (and throat problems?) during chemo (both in 2003 and 2007,) the nurse practitioner got me a specially mixed liquid (creamish pink that contains mallox and other ingredience) prepared by the hospital pharmacist. There was a name for it, I just can't remember.

MJo 03-17-2008 11:21 AM

I am so sorry you are going through this. Taxol wasn't so bad for me, but the A/C made me so ill that I only could tolerate three doses so I understand a little what you are going through. I was in the hospital too for side effects, and by the time I got there I really needed nursing. I think you are right (and brave) to take the third dose. We are fighting our own private war when we get treated for Cancer. You are winning! When I found out that Taxol/taxotere is made from the ewe tree and it is suspended in a solution made from castor bean, I thought to myself "anyone allergic to those two is in for a rough time." Maybe you are allergic. So let the doctors and nurses treat you and get you through the last treatment. When my chemo was over, I could feel my body healing as the weeks passed,a nd it felt so wonderful. And bad dog Henry will mend his ways.

~Bellydancer~ 03-19-2008 07:14 AM

They did some swabs, throat and nasal, but I've not heard anything back. They were convinced it is viral. Thrush sounds more like it. They can't see down the throat and didn't want to do a scope since I was so sore. There is nothing in my mouth except a little bit of sloughing of the tissue which is no biggie. My throat still feels swollen on the right side, like something is caught there. My nasal passages are really dry and sore as well. Thanks goodness for saline spray!!!. I STILL have laryngitis, 2 weeks. The kids and hubby love it as I can't "guide" them like I did before. LOL
Well I go on the 27th for my final Tx YIPPPPPEEEEEEE!!!!! Once I feel better, it Corona Time! I deserve it!
Thank you all for your support and info. I am so glad that Mimiflower told me about this sight.

jones7676 03-19-2008 07:37 AM

I also have battled sore throats, the lump etc...it finally moved into my chest and they did a spatum culture and found I had two bacterial infections. I was hoarse for over a month and finally went to my family doctor. He gave me a round of antibiotics, and it mostly cleared up, but I feel like it is still lurking in my body. After chemo my throat seems to get sore again and my sinuses act up. He referred me back to oncology for follow up and they do not want to give me a second round of antibiotics, so I try to just make it through it. I am on Abraxane which is similar. I'm hoping that I eventually fight it off and it goes away. I hope your symptoms improve soon too.

harrie 03-19-2008 11:34 PM

Bellydancer, hows your WBC?
Sound like you just have a mean bug. I tell you....this season, over here in Hawaii, the bug has been REALLY BAD!! I have never seen so many so sick with virals and bacterial infections. It is the worst I have seen in yrs. Myself included.
Hopefully you will get better very soon and you can enjoy your nice cold Corona with a juicy slice of lemon inside!!!

tousled1 03-19-2008 11:46 PM


I did Taxatore and also Taxol. I found Taxol a little easier than Taxatore. As for the sore throat -- get your oncologoist to prescribe "magic mouthwash." You may also want to try Biotene tootpaste and mouthwash that is sold over the counter. If you are getting so nausauted I would also recommend that your oncologist prescribe EMEND I found that that was the best for controlling vomiting/nauseau. Zofran comes in second and phenegran is okay if the nauseau is about a week after treatment. Are you receiving any type of premeds with your Taxatore - such as Decadron, Tagament, Benedryl or Aloxi? I found that the most important thing is to drink, drink, drink as much fluid as you possibly can. I also found that each treatment I had different things that would quench my thirst -- sometimes sprite, iced tea, gatorade, water, etc. I just drank whatever I felt like so that I could stay hydrated. You've made it this far so I'm sure you can make the remaining treatments. Then it will be nothing but a vague memory.

Soccermom 03-24-2008 10:57 AM

Hi Michelle.
I was wondering how your throat is feeling? I found the old pill bottle with the lozenges that I took for oral thrush...the name of the med is Mycelex (generic is Clotrimazole).They taste good and really help!

~Bellydancer~ 03-25-2008 08:12 AM

Hello all!
I am feeling stronger each day. I still have laryngitis. I am to see my family Dr. today. I assume that they have the results from the various test done at the hospital. Thursday it the big day......the FINAL taxotere infusion. I am torn, I want to be done with it but on the other hand wondering how it will affect me this time. I WILL get thru it and on to the next phase of RAD.
I hope you all had a nice easter. Happy Spring!!!!

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