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Sheila 02-21-2011 06:02 AM

Looking forward~~~
Tomorrow, I go for scans to see how the Eribulen is working inside...so ironic, as 9 years ago tomorrow, I was told I had breast cancer. The rollercoaster ride continues, and although I dont like rollercoasters, I am getting more used to each bump and twist along the way. I was thinking, what is the one most important thing cancer has given me? My answer is TODAY.....because before cancer, I took TODAY for granted, now I savor each and every today.

When I had a recurrence, I was told the outlook was not good...well here I am, still fighting, but enjoying TODAY!
Hoping this gives hope to those who are struggling right now.... none of us are guaranteed tomorrows, even without cancer, but we do have TODAY! Live for it!

Jackie07 02-21-2011 06:05 AM

Re: Looking forward~~~
Well said, Sheila. Here's to a good scan result 'tomorrow'!

Lori R 02-21-2011 06:19 AM

Re: Looking forward~~~
Dear Sheila,
Thank you for posting such an inspirational thought. I received news that the met in my liver is back . (I'll update my liver mets sisters in another post)

I was feeling a little blue and am wondering what the future will hold.

Thank you for the reminder to live in the moment!!

Best of luck on your scan, I'll be thinking of you. Lori

whatz 02-21-2011 06:19 AM

Re: Looking forward~~~
Ditto to Jackie07.

Pam P 02-21-2011 06:28 AM

Re: Looking forward~~~
Sheila, What wonderful thoughts and you are so right none of has any promise of more than today. I hope you get good news on the scans. Will be waiting to hear. Pam

Becky 02-21-2011 06:51 AM

Re: Looking forward~~~
You go Sheila!

Gerri 02-21-2011 07:46 AM

Re: Looking forward~~~

Nine years and counting - YAHOO! Good luck with your scans; we will all be waiting to hear the results!

krisvell 02-21-2011 09:04 AM

Re: Looking forward~~~
9 Years; that's wonderful. I hope you celebrate and get awesome results tomorrow. Your words are true inspiration to me.
I hope you feel my big hug to you.
Love, prayers and hugs;

Mary L 02-21-2011 09:29 AM

Re: Looking forward~~~
Sheila, your story is so inspirational. I wish you the very best and hope you get a great report tomorrow. Mary L

Ellie F 02-21-2011 09:49 AM

Re: Looking forward~~~
Very best of luck with your scans.I always appreciate the hope you give to us all.


ElaineM 02-21-2011 10:11 AM

Re: Looking forward~~~
Yes. Medical care has given us more yesterdays and today. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we will all have many more tomorrows.
Good luck !! We are all waiting for your results !!

TriciaK 02-21-2011 11:19 AM

Re: Looking forward~~~
Sheila, you are truly an inspiration! Tomorrow is a scary day for both of us: I will see my oncologist as we try to decide what chemo I can try this time. I am tempted to try gemzar again with something to help overcome the reaction of last time. I will be thinking of you and praying for you that your scans are good news and we both have more good "todays". I will be watching for your post and will also post my outcome. Whatever happens, you are truly in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, TriciaK

tricia keegan 02-21-2011 12:17 PM

Re: Looking forward~~~
True words Sheila and hoping for good news on your scan results:)

AlaskaAngel 02-21-2011 02:03 PM

Re: Looking forward~~~

You and I both have had our 9th anniversaries this year. As many know, our paths have been different. I have never once known you to be anything but quite human and entirely admirable as you continue on yours. Thanks for being you, and best to you.


chrisy 02-21-2011 04:51 PM

Re: Looking forward~~~
Nice sentiment AA. And I agree, Sheila is not just an authentic human, but a very strong one and a personal inspiration to me.

And imagine, Sheila, becoming so adept at riding that rollercoaster - although you never sought to be. Now you you ride it like a rodeo hero.

Sheila, I will be thinking of you tomorrow.

Much much love, my friend,

chicagoetc 02-21-2011 04:59 PM

Re: Looking forward~~~

Today is it! Sounds like a good lesson. I like your stamina/perseverance. You are a good role model!


sassy 02-21-2011 05:16 PM

Re: Looking forward~~~
Waiting for the celebratory post tomorrow!

You are truly and inspiration to us all and a perfect example of how to live and thrive in adversity.

Got you in my prayers.

kiwigirl 02-21-2011 06:07 PM

Re: Looking forward~~~
Congratulations. Thank you for your post they are words I needed to here.

Your courage and strength gives hope. All the best prayer it works for you. Regards Jacqui

Joan M 02-21-2011 06:51 PM

Re: Looking forward~~~

You have a lot of spirit and your attitude gives me strength.

I'm sending good vibes that tomorrow's scan shows good news.


Kim in DC 02-21-2011 07:13 PM

Re: Looking forward~~~
I looking forward also!


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