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harrie 04-21-2007 08:32 PM

Min or no side effects from Herceptin?
I was wondering if there is anyone out there experiencing minimal or no significant side effects from Herceptin?
I would appreciate your feedback.
Thank you.

Chelee 04-21-2007 08:43 PM

Harrie, I just recently finished my yr of herceptin, but I can tell you when I *first* started on herceptin I did notice my stomach would bother me a bit. (But not bad enough to keep me from eating.) Actually it is hardly worth mentioning...that's how little it bothered me. The main thing I would notice is being extremely tired that day of herceptin & about two days afterwards. Plus I did have quite a few headaches due to herceptin.

But strangely enough towards the end of my year I had absolutely no problems at all. It got to the point that my body was so use to it I couldn't even tell I had anything. I would swear the bag was full of water. lol That's how normal I felt. No side affects of any kind. I wasn't even tired like I use to always be. I'd go for my herceptin and feel great.


harrie 04-21-2007 09:07 PM


I am so happy to hear of your great tolerance to Herceptin. I have been reading on other threads of women who are reporting many, many significant side effects. I have been on herceptin since end of 1/07 and so far I have some side effects, but I couldn't tell you if it was from my TCH chemo or the herceptin. And the side effects I am having are very manageable. I am keeping my wt down, do notice some tiredness but nothing to keep me from excercising after that week following chemo. I have my last chemo in 3 wks and it will be interesting to see how I feel with just the herceptin. Before getting any treatments, I remember my doctors telling me that herceptin is a very tolerable treatment with minimal if any side effects and so that is what I expected. I was so surprise to read about some of the problems other women are experiencing and in the back of my mind I was wondering if i will also later on.

Thanks for responding to my inquiry.

harrie 04-21-2007 10:23 PM


So far, when I go for my herceptin I feel great also! I leave the facility, go grocery shopping, clean house, maybe go to yoga later or walking. "maybe" a few days later I might feel something, like vague tiredness, but not really sure of that. It just gave me a startle when I read about others getting such bad side effects.
It was great to hear how well you are doing.


hutchibk 04-21-2007 10:59 PM

Harrie -

I have been on Herceptin for 20 months. For about 7 of those months I was on Herceptin by itself (without additional chemo). I have to say that I have had such an easy time with it. Even in conjunction with chemo. Most of my symptoms (and there aren't many) are chemo based for sure. All I have really noticed with Herc is drippy nose and watery-ier eyes (I have always had watery eyes, allergy sensitive).


Chelee 04-22-2007 12:06 AM

Harrie, There are many women that do have side affects from herceptin...but I find more don't then do. (Or so it seems that way to me.) I did TCH also and I know when I was doing all three drugs I couldn't tell which one did what for sure. But I can tell you once I was off the taxotere and carb...herceptin was a piece of cake. I did forget to mention as Brenda said...I did have a runny nose most the time. It gets old to say the least. But again, towards the end of my year even that quit. :) I think you will find herceptin is like being on pretty much nothing. Its a breeze after you get through your chemo.

It sounds like you are tolerating herceptin rather well already...so I wouldn't worry to much about all the posts you read about women having side affects. We all react so different to these drugs. I can pretty much bet you it will be a breeze for you too. I think you will find being tired is one of the worse side affects the day of herceptin. Other then that maybe the darned runny nose & headache off and on. I am so serious...towards the last 5 months of herceptin...I felt no side affects. It was great. :) Good luck to you, you will do fine.


Hopeful 04-22-2007 10:29 AM


I have not had chemo, but 8 months of 3 weekly Herceptin with no noticeable side effects. In fact, the worst time I had was from the pre-meds I got with the first infusion. I got the onc to stop them after that and all has gone fine.


Jean 04-22-2007 10:51 AM

Happy for you!
Glad to hear that herception is going easy for you. I had very little side effects from the herceptin. Runny nose, nails not worth much very thin and breaking down to nothing. I think you will find after TC herceptin will be a snap.

I will finish my year very shortly....I was able to exercise and work plus housework and cleaning shopping...etc.

How is the beach? Our weather has finally turned into Spring. Today is just beutiful with the temp in the 70's...too bad for me I am at work. :(
but my son took my car (a convertable ) is off to the Jersey Shore!

Let us know when you finish your chemo so we can share your joy!

harrie 04-22-2007 04:59 PM

Thank you everyone for responding to my thread. It makes me feel a whole lot better. I was beginning to get a little concerned like possibly the worst is yet to come. I think I will do just fine. It will be very interesting to see how I feel with the TCH finished. I tell you though, on the days when I get herceptin alone, I feel very normal. Your responses have surely made me more relaxed. Thank you so much.


janet11 04-22-2007 06:31 PM

Hi Harrie,

I finished my TCH in January and am on every-3-week Herceptin now. In february, I finally realized that the premed benedryl was no longer putting me to sleep (I enjoyed my infusion naps). Instead, it was giving me 'restless legs' and driving me nuts. So with my onc permission, we stopped doing the benedryl premed before the Herceptin. I noticed NO difference (I STILL have the drippy nose (*laugh*), but no other changes or side effects. I drive myself to my Herceptin appointment, relax and read during it, then go shopping or go back to work. No sides at all.

Good luck,

nitewind 04-23-2007 07:40 AM

I was beginning to get a little worried when I had no side effects from the Herceptin. I've been on Herceptin alone for four monthes and I'm getting along great. Finished the last of 33 radiation treatments last Friday. I go in for my herceptin once a week and will continue until December. Like I said, I got a little worried that I wasn't having any problems, like maybe it wasn't working. I hear everyone talking about the drippy nose and such and I haven't had any of that. I'm so thankful because I had a bad time with chemo. I guess we just need to have something to worry about or be concerned about, but my onc says everything is going fine. Wouldn't it be great to get thru this part of it without any problems? Let's keep the good thought!!


Donna 04-24-2007 09:29 AM

Dear Harrie,

I have to say that I am having absolutely no effects from Herceptin. It would be fairly easy to pin alot of things on it if I didn't already pay attention to all the little health glitches I had before herceptin, but having done that, I am experiencing no new symptoms whatsoever. Yay!

Have a great day!


LisaElder1972 04-24-2007 10:31 AM

Love my Herceptin!!!!
I have been getting Herceptin weekly since 12/05/06.The only side effects are fatigue and nosebleeds.I have tx on Wednesday and am tired until Friday.Small price to pay for this miracle drug.

Zoid 04-24-2007 03:38 PM

side effects
Hi Harri,
I was on Herceptin and Navelbine for 2 1/2 years and my only side effect was feeling a little fatigued at the end of each cycle, but not so fatigued that I couldn't still play ice hockey.


harrie 04-24-2007 04:24 PM

Thank you everyone!!! Very, very encouraging!!!! SO GLAD I started this thread. I really needed to hear of these positive kinds of experiences.


Margerie 04-24-2007 04:51 PM


I have been on herceptin for over a year now. My only symptoms are weird smelling urine for 24 hours (I don't know why this bothers me the most, but it does), some fatigue the afternoon of the infusion, occasional and unpredictable watery nose (it does make life entertaining). Things that may be herceptin, but could also be arimidex- crappy nails and insomnia.

All and all not a bad deal!

Mary Jo 04-24-2007 05:38 PM

Hi Harrie,

I experienced very little in the way of "side effects" from herceptin. The side effects I did experience are hardly worth mentioning. I did have some joint aches, breathlessness at times (mainly the 1st week after an infusion) a bit of gastroinstestinal issues (very minimal effects to that area as well). But really............overall.............I felt really good. More bloated and more trouble getting weight off (lost 17 pounds since herceptin ended in Oct. 06) and most of that came off with in the first couple months since being off herceptin.

Honestly, I didn't find any of it that bad. I don't know why. To be honest with you, I hardly remember much of my chemo. God's way of protecting us, possibly......I'm not sure..........but for the most part I got through it all quite well and feel blessed that I did.

Life is good...................

Mary Jo

skye 05-01-2007 05:39 AM

Harrie, I just had my 4th Herceptin one week after my last Taxol. So far Herc does not seem to bother me too much. When I had it with the Taxols I got Benadryl but the two times I've had Herc alone, the Herc was given alone. The first sole infusion, I had a rash on my shins but it went away by morning. This time I developed a rash on my hands, but I took Benadryl myself at home and it was gone overnight. I did notice a mild drippy nose, and I was pretty fatigued in the afternoon, but otherwise I'm fine and expect to do well. Compared to AC and Taxol, it has got to be a walk in the park! BTW, I also appreciate this thread as the other one seemed so dire. It's great to know there are plenty of us who tolerate the drug well. - Skye

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