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ginnyg898 04-15-2011 02:04 PM

Did chemo put you into menopause?
When I was diagnosed at age 41 with BC my Oncologist said that I most likely would be forced into menopause by the chemo since I was most likely close to it anyway (my mom and grandma started in their mid-forties).

Since I was diagosed last August and went thru chemo I have only had 2 periods, both of which were long and very heavy. I keep asking my dr. if there is any tests they can run just to confirm if I am in fact in menopause; his answer is always that I am.

I do have some menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, but I also get the typical PMS symptoms whenever I am due.

If anyone has any experience with this please let me know...there is a lack of information out there :(

Becky 04-15-2011 02:43 PM

Re: Did chemo put you into menopause?
I was 45 when diagnosed. I had my period the same day I had my first chemo (AC) that night (I was due to have it). I had my second period about a week late or so and, like you, it lasted 3 weeks and was so heavy I almost considered a diaper. After that, I did not have a period again.... I thought I was done.... but NO, six months after my last chemo, I started up again. The first one was like the last one, very heavy but not as long (10 days or so) and I started menstrating as usual. I did get my ovaries removed to stop for good about 2 months after that because Tamoxifen and I did not get along well and I am ER+ but PR- so I thought an AI would work better.

My onc also told me that I was "done" but I wasn't and was closer to the menopause age because by the time I was done with chemo, I had turned 46 (and my mom was late with menopause - 54) so I probably wasn't that close to it. I felt a bit bad to complain because I got "late" herceptin starting 4 months after my last chemo (wasn't available prior to that for me) and I had a "late" Herceptin buddy who was in my boat. She was 33 and desperately wanted to have a baby but she never got her period back ever so I didn't complain that I did. It didn't seem right.

You can get a test for LH and FSH but do not let them do just that. Have them test your estradiol level too. That is very important.

KDR 04-15-2011 05:12 PM

Re: Did chemo put you into menopause?
Chemopause (or chemo-induced ovarian failure).

ginnyg898 04-15-2011 05:13 PM

Re: Did chemo put you into menopause?
Thanks for the info Becky!

I can understand how much tougher it would be if I wanted to have more children; fortunately we are done. For me this about trying to figure out what is going on with my body...Chemo blazes a trail, as you know ;)

ginnyg898 04-15-2011 05:16 PM

Re: Did chemo put you into menopause?
@KDR: If you dont mind me asking, how old were you when you completed chemo?

Congratulations on your NED! So awesome...

Jackie07 04-15-2011 07:02 PM

Re: Did chemo put you into menopause?
My period stopped after the 2nd chemo infusion. I was 43 1/2. There were tiny spotting off and on for perhaps 6 months. I did not experience serious menopausal problems. Because of other health issues and the fatigue caused by the treatment, I really couldn't tell the difference.

After another full-dose of chemotherapy for recurrence at age 47, I was sure that I became permanently menopausal. But my doctor continued to give me Tamoxifen. Even after I had undergone hysterectomy/oophorectomy, he wrote me a note after my 6-month check: "Just want to be sure that you are still on Tamoxifen."

I then looked up the literature on PubMed and saw that Tamoxifen is effective even after menopause...

Trish 04-16-2011 12:33 AM

Re: Did chemo put you into menopause?
I was 46 and pre menopausal when diagnosed. Had no periods and did have hot flushes after chemo but when I was considering Arimidex (for which you have to be in menopause) I consulted a gynacologist who did an ultrasound and decided there was still some ovarian activity. Hence I had an oopherectomy prior to starting on Arimidex.

tricia keegan 04-16-2011 02:28 PM

Re: Did chemo put you into menopause?
I was 46 and my chemo stopped my periods almost straight away.
When I finished my Onc did an Estradiol test and felt I was in menopause but warned my period could possibly re start even a year later. I decided to have my ovaries removed and take arimidex as I was highly triple positive and really did'nt think Tamox was for me, so far I'm almost six years out so happy with my decision:)

Ellie F 04-17-2011 12:43 PM

Re: Did chemo put you into menopause?
I was 50 when diagnosed. Had 2 periods whilst on AC then nothing further.

Paty 04-17-2011 12:51 PM

Re: Did chemo put you into menopause?
I was diagnosed at 43, almost 5 years ago. My periods have showed on and off very rarely, last one just last week. I have probably have about twelve of them since my last chemo. Have no idea when they will stop for real. Symptoms, I believe the symptoms I have are more of menopause rather than the normal ones before/after the period. I have not paid to much attention to it and have not discussed this with my doctor lately.

msleslie 07-13-2011 03:57 AM

Re: Did chemo put you into menopause?
At age 39, my last period occurred Aug. 19, 2010 which was also the date of my 1st chemo. I completed chemo Dec. 2010. I had the LH and FSH testing done and have been informed that I'm post menopausal and my cycle will not return. My numbers were FSH=136 & LH=57.8. WooHoo!Additionally, I have a family history of early menopause. I showed signs of being in menopause prior to chemo such as hot flashes. I pray that I'm truly done because I don't desire to have additional children and I'm enjoying not having to deal with a monthly cycle.

Laurel 07-13-2011 07:15 PM

Re: Did chemo put you into menopause?
Went straight to chemopause, but was 48, nearly 49 at the time I began chemo. My mother was in her early 50s when she reached menopause, so I probably went into menopause a year or two early due to the ACTH.

Unregistered 07-13-2011 11:17 PM

Re: Did chemo put you into menopause?
I had just turned 40 when diagnosed, I went into menopause after my second AC.
I have had my bloods checked every 4 months to check that I was in menopause as I was taking Arimidex, bloods showed Estrodial below 3 and FSH high each time ..........fast forward 6 months, 2 3/4 years since going into menopause and my period has returned, so far I've had 2 very normal periods a month apart, now taking tamox, bloods show I'm not in menopause any more.

flynny 07-14-2011 04:04 PM

Re: Did chemo put you into menopause?
I was 34 dx and I had my first AC tx and then I never got my period back until a year and a half. My doctor kept telling me after the year mark, if you haven't had it already, you probably won't get it back, but I did. It was very heavy the first 2 and I have been charting them since (November 2009). They are all over the place, except for the past 5 months, they have been about 30 days between each (give or take). I was always a 28 day cycle, so its interesting the difference. And they are much, much lighter! I hope this helps. I will have been on Tamoxifen for 3 years this November.

Kmswilson 07-18-2011 05:59 PM

Re: Did chemo put you into menopause?
I am 36 and have always been very, very irregular. Since starting chemo, I've had three periods in a row, 28 days apart, during my off-week from chemo. My husband wonders how messed up my body must be to finally regulate while on all this chemo! I asked my oncologist, and he said it was opposite what usually happens during cheno, but I should only worry if I had any bleeding between cycles.

sarah 07-19-2011 02:39 AM

Re: Did chemo put you into menopause?
I think chemo and particularly the anti-estrogen drugs can give you PMS reactions, also depression can also be a cause - depression isn't just about being sad but over reacting to things - anger, sadness but heightened.
If the PMS symptoms are creating problems with your family and friends, consider going on an anti-depressant for a while until the treatment is over or you feel calmer, etc. It doesn't have to be forever - that was my worry. A friend told me I was depressed during chemo and I laughed at her having never been a depressive person but then she pointed out the other symptoms and then I spoke to the chemo doctor about it and she said yes and suggested I do a mild one for a short period of time, which I did and I stopped getting angry quickly or frustrated and felt much better. and then I stopped and life is normal again. Mine was called Paroxetene but I'm in France so might be different. I'm glad I did it because during chemo my sweet husband once said to me "I don't know what to say anymore, everything seems to be the wrong thing"
take care
health and happiness

ArmyMomLisa 07-20-2011 06:24 PM

Re: Did chemo put you into menopause?
I turned 45 a week after my first chemo. Had my usual period the next week, and then nothing since (that was in February) My onc too told me that ifyou don't have it again after a year, it's probably not coming back. (That was the case w/ a friend of mine - she is 3 years out from chemo and hasn't had it again.)

The hot flashes are plenty and annoying, but in some odd way make me feel a bit more 'normal' after all of this. Even if it is chemo induced, it's something that was coming my way anyway - a proper, normal womanly right of passage so to speak - and I am craving normal desperately now after finishing chemo and wanting to be my old (or is it new and improved??) self. :-)

Been on Tamox for a few weeks now, so hard to tell what symptoms may be left from chemo and what may be from that.

Pray 07-25-2011 12:20 AM

Re: Did chemo put you into menopause?
I had blood work that showed after treatment I was in menapause and two months later I told my onc. I was having cramps he checked again and I am no longer in menapause!

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