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linn65 02-05-2014 12:37 PM

Pain is exhausting and a crying again. Help...
Today we had more snow and my boss said don't come to work the roads are shut down.

My onc did the hormone test and it says I am post menopausal and retest in two months. He switched me to arimidex.

I am past the point of thinking of a reoccurance it's this pain. I feel like I am trying everything; tens machine, alpha lipoic acid vitamin, pain meds, and now they added neurotoin which I did that faithful for a week (maybe not long enough).

I scheduled a 2nd appt for a second opinion with Dr. Kathy Miller for today but can't go because of snow. Rescheduled for feb 20th.

I think is this neuropathy? Sometimes I think yes maybe so and then I think maybe it's not. The top of my ankle bone where it meets your foot hurts really bad and when I flex it back and forth it pops. My hands hurt on the palm below my thumb. I go and do to try and take my mind off of it but it wakes me up at night too, so I don't ever sleep all night despite taking an ambien. I just feel like I want to cut my hands and feet off for relief. Like pulling a tooth out...oh and my toes are always ice cold ( but they don't hurt) it's the ankle bone.

I read about neuropathy and it doesn't feel like bees stinging me. Tingly and numb.....it hurts and it's driving me crazy. I don't know how people do continuous treatment because if I did reoccur I just think this isn't the life I want. And I know every ones different, and I admire everyone that's tough and can keep doing it, and I don't know how you do.

Today, I am just tired in every way. And I think has anyone had this pain like this ?

As usual thanks for letting me vent.....

tricia keegan 02-05-2014 01:09 PM

Re: Pain is exhausting and a crying again. Help...
Hi Linn,

Sorry for all your pain but I'm fairly certain this is not neoropathy but something else, my friend had similar symptoms and in her case it was Reynards disease, I hope you get answers soon and would definately seek another opinion.

lkc Gumby 02-05-2014 02:11 PM

Re: Pain is exhausting and a crying again. Help...
nope.. doesn't sound like neuropathy or mets pain to me.. Good to hear you're getting a second opinion. Hope you get relief soon.

Jackie07 02-05-2014 03:10 PM

Re: Pain is exhausting and a crying again. Help...

What you've described sounds like the problem hubby's youngest niece has. You
might want to get it checked out by a specialist. (And hopefully your appointment on February 20th will shed some light.) She had gone to several and finally ruled out bunch scary stuff and is now doing fine with pain medication.

Hope you will feel better soon.

linn65 02-05-2014 03:59 PM

Re: Pain is exhausting and a crying again. Help...
I never had this until treatment for cancer, and I have struggled with it for several months now. I talked about it on this board.....and if you read back they did echogram?

I have noticed going out in the cold weather makes it worse. So back a circulation problem but isn't that what neuropathy pretty much is....I even tried to be preventative and where two pairs of socks.

I think will I ever feel normal or before cancer again?

'lizbeth 02-05-2014 05:38 PM

Re: Pain is exhausting and a crying again. Help...

Go see an acupuncturist. I swear by them. I've had pain 10/10 after taking pain meds, and the acupuncture treatments nipped it in the bud.

linn65 02-05-2014 08:06 PM

Re: Pain is exhausting and a crying again. Help...
Really, I will do that! and at one time years ago a chiropractor's office did that. Is that the type of place you go still? I never did it, but I saw in one of his rooms he did.

vlcarr 02-05-2014 09:51 PM

Re: Pain is exhausting and a crying again. Help...
Sorry to hear you are having so much pain. I started acupuncture a couple months ago and I'm having awesome results with pain management! It can't hurt to try-that was my attitude and I'm so glad at did!

3twins 02-05-2014 10:58 PM

Re: Pain is exhausting and a crying again. Help...

I'm sorry you're in so much pain. My daughter has Reynaud's and it does have similar symptoms to what you're experiencing. I can relate to the feeling that every ache and pain is scary as it immediately triggers dark thoughts.

Dr. Kathy Miller is my doctor. As a matter of fact, I have my 6-month appointment tomorrow afternoon. I'm in the Indy area (although my info. still says TN.) If you would like to grab a cup of coffee when you're here on the 20th, just PM me. I'd be happy to meet a fellow traveler.

BonnieR 02-06-2014 12:58 AM

Re: Pain is exhausting and a crying again. Help...
Linn, sometimes other things happen to us that are not necessarily cancer related. Which I think is a bum deal! Anyway, as others said, these symptoms could be Reynauds
But if it's neuropathy, you need to give the Neutontin more time
Sounds like a second opinion is in order
Meanwhile, keep the faith

Becky 02-06-2014 06:25 AM

Re: Pain is exhausting and a crying again. Help...
Well, you did just start Arimidex and that causes alot of joint pain for some people. You can test the theory by calling your onc and stop for a few days, see if it goes away. If it does, ask your onc to try another AI such as Aromosin or Femara. Its good you're getting it checked out as it could be something else but it may be this.

KDR 02-06-2014 08:41 AM

Re: Pain is exhausting and a crying again. Help...
Hello Beauty,
I jumped into your skin for a moment. Concerning pain, I think the most likely culprit is neuropathy. Acupuncture works for many. I'd give it a go. I suffer from ever-present neuropathy, and when it flares up, I check my sugar intake. Bingo! Usually, I have slipped in that area.
I also would recommend doing something extremely personally fulfilling to take the edge off. Take an art class, yoga class, organize a party for a special occasion you make up. Feeling extremely tired is normal among us, and you've also have additional challenges, so I'd add a consult with a psychologist, as challenges breed fatigue. Perhaps he/she can act as a conduit to help you sort your challenges out.
Force a smile, exercise and get that second opinion.
A cancer diagnosis really warps our sense of selves, our futures and our overall well-being. I think you are on the right track.


Aussie Girl 02-07-2014 06:17 AM

Re: Pain is exhausting and a crying again. Help...
Hi Linn,

You could have multiple things going on here. I'm sorry your are having so much pain. Usually neuropathy should have at least some numbness associated with it. It may feel cold and can be painful, especially if anything is resting on your skin.

Nerve damage from nerve compression (eg carpal tunnel syndrome in your wrist, or nerve compression in your foot) can cause pain. It is not uncommon.

Raynaud's causes pain and cold and burning feelings, with changes in skin color and is often episodic. The cold can really stir this up.

Diagnosis is based on the history and examination by your doctor and sometimes nerve studies. It can be hard if multiple things are happening at once. Try to note if there is any thing that makes the symptoms worse or temporarily better - it can be a clue to the cause.

The ankle could be a secondary problem - possibly joint damage or arthritis. It's easy to damage your joints if you've got neuropathy.

I agree that acupuncture may be helpful and that Neurontin may take awhile to kick in. I'm attaching a link to Raynaud's syndrome in case helps. http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/heal...opics/raynaud/

Adriana Mangus 02-07-2014 02:36 PM

Re: Pain is exhausting and a crying again. Help...

A friend on mine was on tamoxifen for 5 years and said it was worse the remedy than the possibility of a recurrence,
But she did it. Then seven years later, she found she had developed cancer this time in her other breast. This time around and because of her age she opted for a double mastectomy, which in the first place her doctor had recommended, but husband did not want to. Argh...

Present time, she's doing fabulous. Just thought I would share my friend's story with you. Hang in there.


linn65 02-08-2014 12:43 AM

Re: Pain is exhausting and a crying again. Help...
I found out today that my blood work on b12 was a little lows but b6 was okay so a multivitamin to take, the biggest deal is I am very vitamin D deficient they want me at 30,and I am at 14. So he is going to call me in a high powered vitamin D pill to take 1 a week for 12 weeks,,,,,I guess that effects your joints/bones with pain. So I hope that's the kicker and helps me. I already have taken a multivitamin, omegaplex vitamin, alpha lipoic acid, and probiotics. So was surprised but maybe it could help. I hope so. ��

sassy 02-08-2014 08:41 PM

Re: Pain is exhausting and a crying again. Help...
Exposure to sunlight could help with your vitamin D level, and it personally helps my emotional health. Taking a walk in the sunshine, even on a cold day could give you a boost.

DragonMom 02-08-2014 09:04 PM

Re: Pain is exhausting and a crying again. Help...
I have and had the same pain, so far with all 3 AI. My mom and I researched and found that it AI Sid effects and I have added Turmric to my green smoothies and borage oil, it has subsided and most days at least tolerable. The only other options are to come off of the AI or live on pain meds.... no thank you onc. Hang in there

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