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Believe51 12-01-2008 10:23 AM

~Pain Medication~What Do You Use For Extreme Pain??
Percocets are just not cutting it for the big guy and he will have to start taking something stronger for pain and for break-thru pain. He has tried Oxycotin but did not like how it made him feel. I think maybe he will have to try it again since the pain was never this terrible. Right now he is trying Temador but he is supposed to discontinue the Percocets altogether.

Thoughts or suggestions?? Might be too soon but he feels they are not working alone!

He will have to manage pain before even doing the Gamma Knife again and that time is coming up very very soon. Help!!>>Believe51

Temadar manages how your brain processes pain BUT it is used "TO STOP THE GROWTH OF CANCER CELLS WITHIN THE BRAIN" (Quote).....yeahaa.....be patient Mighty Oak, help is on the way all around My Love!

Sheila 12-01-2008 10:35 AM

Has Ed tried Fentanyl patches...thesy seem to help many cancer patients for the severe pain...oh I wish you and Ed would get a break,,,you are in my heart and prayers Marie.
By the way, happy belated birthday to you both, may you share many more years together.!

Believe51 12-01-2008 10:38 AM

Not yet Lovey, but he was made the suggestion by yours truely (hint, hint Ed).

Please reread my initial post, the best part was that Temadar is used to stop the growth of cancer cells within the brain also. Double whammy!!>>Believe51

dlaxague 12-01-2008 11:32 AM

pain specialists
Marie, do you have access to providers who specialize in pain management? Some are called palliative care specialists or simply pain specialists. They are really good at what they do and work hard to effectively relieve pain (which is probably the easier part) while keeping side effects tolerable. This can require some finesse and patience, not to mention knowledge and experience. It's usually not the forte' (nor the interest) of regular oncs or PCP's.

Morphine comes in a myriad of ways and routes. Fentanyl too - it's similar to a short-acting morphine although there are ways to get it in more steady doses also (like patches or pumps). Some prefer Dilaudid (less nausea perhaps if that's an issue). Then there are the neuropathy drugs that can be a big help in relieving pain, plus the NSAID's that work well with narcotics so that 1+1 might equal 3 or 4.

I'm sure that you know that as you move up into the heavier-duty drugs, you need to be extra vigilant and proactive about keeping those bowels moving. Constipation from narcotics can be kinda like fatigue from chemo - there just should be stronger words to describe the phenomenons. Everyone has their favorites for dealing with this so Ed can pick and choose but be sure he's paying close attention. The pill that I hear mentioned most often is senokot, preferably generic as it's quite pricey.

Most people with pain issues find a baseline rate that keeps "the usual" pain under control, and they stay on that round the clock, not just as needed. Then they have a plan for something quick for breakthrough pain. If conditions are changing rapidly, it can mean frequent consults (often by phone) with the provider. Much better to stay on top of pain than to try to catch up once it's escalated.

As for pain r/t treatment - haven't I read that there can be a flare of pain as a treatment begins to kill cancer cells?

Good luck, will you let us know how this goes?

Debbie Laxague

Believe51 12-01-2008 01:12 PM

The name of the pain med is Tramadol, not Temadar, although Temadar does stop the growth of cancer cells in the brain. I do not know why I have this drug on the mind besides us discussing this recently at the OncoMan's office.

That is the next line of defense and a major option for him. I will say it again, I think I have been exposed to too much radiation and have been near too many chemotherapy drugs. No comments please....LOL....LOL!!>>Believe51

Bill 12-01-2008 01:26 PM

Hi Marie! I hope you guys get the big guys pain under control soon. Nikki was on a timed release oxycodone tablet which she took every 12 hrs no matter what, and another for breakthrough pain. Like Debbie said, constipation can be a problem, so be pre-emptive with the senekot and dietary monitoring. Also, with the nsaids, it's good to rotate them periodically so that the body can't become "immune" to them. A pharmacist friend called this a "pain reliever" holiday, ie, don't take the same ones all the time. I'll be back with more info. soon. love ya! Ps-where is the pain located?

Believe51 12-02-2008 10:06 AM

Thanks To All
Well, we will be leaving for OncoMan's in a bit and my belly is not in the best shape. This appointment will be a major one for us with much information to digest and many decisions to make. We took some time off to deal with the pain issues and to see if more brain mets declared themselves. Ed and I feel he cannot wait any longer, we let a little time slip by, by choice of course and now he is BEGGING for treatment. He knows something is going on in his body and is now screaming for chemotherapy! He is ready to kick some more butt!! (wanted to say a**-----smiling)

~Pain Management
~Chemotherapy Discussion & Final Decision
~Gamma Knife Planning & Procedure Date
~Cervical/Skull....ah...what to do with this issue
~Possible Radiation To The Spine If He Has Not Reached His Quota
~After Appointment Lunch On Me (this is getting costly...HA, HA!)

I really want us all to consider the Temadar for the brain. Hopefully we can play the Herceptin/Tykerb/and Temadar card....you know 'cause Ed and I are now doctor's....Tehehe.

Wish us luck cause...Away Weeee Gooo!!>>Believe51

Vi Schorpp 12-02-2008 10:51 AM

The best of luck
to you and Ed. It's an important meeting, and has ramifications all around. But, can't get over anything until you get through it, and this meeting will help you make decisions to get through it. Debbie and Bill are right as far as pain management, time-released medications, etc. As Sheila mentioned, Fentanyl patches worked somewhat for my husband, but he ended up with oxycontin, high doses, many times per day. I hope you come up with a pain management specialist to help Ed through this, along with the other experts.

schoolteacher 12-02-2008 03:26 PM


I hope you got some good information for the Mighty Oak. I hope to hear about your visits soon. Tell the Might Oak he is in my prayers.


Believe51 01-08-2009 02:40 PM

Still battling pain and cannot wait to start some kind of treatment since we know it would lighten up.

Just a little update on his pain meds. He uses the Fentanyl patch, Oxycontin, Tramadol and Percocets (for breakthrough pain). Things are much better but when one is in that much pain not much can help.

Atleast he can get the pain dulled a bit so he can sleep. This was a major concern since he did not get REM sleep for months with the previous brain mets. We will be scheduling an appointment at our pain management clinic at the Cancer Center but we needed to get all the important appointments finished first.

Thanks for all you do!! You guys are the best!>>Believe51

Mary Anne in TX 01-08-2009 04:45 PM

Well, Marie, the scream ride might have to be ramped up a bit! This pain stuff is really tuff! I hate that you both have to go through this. Wish I had a magic wand to send! Luv ya, ma

vickie h 01-08-2009 06:13 PM

Marie and Ed, Oh, how I wish that pain would subside! I was on the fetanyl patch also along with Tramadol and finally Morphine (liquid). The morphine was the only thing that really helped with the sleep. I was taking a few drops a night and if I woke up I would put another few drops under my tongue and go right back to sleep. I know how miserable that pain can be...had to sit up in a chair to sleep... the pain was so horrific. I'm praying even as I write this, for some relief for Ed. Please let him know that we love him and that we all pulling for him! And please let us know what the Onc says ASAP. Much love to you both tonight, Vickie

christie 01-08-2009 10:08 PM

Dear Marie,

Praying for You both as you make all the decisions, hope the pain goes off, thanks for all the love and support you gave me. I really do wish everything goes well with your husband, really praying for him.

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