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Jackie07 03-20-2012 04:03 PM

Sheilas posting about Christine - UPDATED
Our Founder of this site, Christine Druther has had a major setback. Seems she suffered a stroke in the past week, and the doctors found a small tumor in her brain that's affecting her ability to walk. She has been taken to a skilled nursing facility for rehab. All of this is very hard on her 2 daughters, Danielle and Debra, and they would appreciate any one in the area that can visit to do so, and the rest of us to send cards to let Chris know how much she means to all of us. Danielle sent me this message before Chris was moved to the skilled care facility.

I haven't had a chance to really sit down with any of her doctors yet but I talked to one last night that said the mass of scar tissue that's been in her cerebellum for some time now has grown and is probably responsible for why she's unable to walk (what I took her in for) and it's surrounded by inflammation, which they want to treat with decadron. The only thing that makes me nervous about that is the effects that particular steroid has on blood sugar, considering my mom has taken it before and now has diabetes because of it. The stroke showed up in her MRI but as far as i can tell, she's at her base level behaviorally and there's no particular weakness on either side specifically that I've seen. I'm just not sure if she will walk again or if the anti inflammatory properties of the steroid will help restore better function to that area of the brain.

Lets send her all our love and prayers with an avalanch of cards! She has done so much for all of us!
To send a card to let her know we are thinking of her:

Christine Druther
Emeritus of Carmel Valley Room 185
13101 Hartfield Avenue
San Diego , CA 92130


calisa71 06-14-2012 10:06 PM

Re: Sheilas posting about Christine
How I wish I saw this before. I am praying for her recovery. Lord, if you can help ldees. Finally ts to it, hy


radiant 06-29-2012 09:16 PM

Re: Sheilas posting about Christine
Holy Cow - I never come to this thread and
I just accidentally clicked this on.

Any updates on Christine?

Thanks - Kim

StephN 06-30-2012 05:30 PM

Re: Sheilas posting about Christine
Hello Kim -
I was looking for an update myself. Last I heard Christine still needed to use a wheelchair and was getting physical therapy in the rehab center.

Is she still there?

Shall we still send cards to the above address??

KymAustralia 08-16-2012 09:38 PM

Re: Sheilas posting about Christine
Hi Jackie... so upsetting to read this, is there an update on Christine?



Barbara2 08-22-2012 07:10 AM

Re: Sheilas posting about Christine
I am so sorry to learn of this and Christine will be in my prayers. If anyone has a current address where we could send a card and well wishes, please pass it along. Thank you.

Sheila 08-22-2012 12:09 PM

Re: Sheilas posting about Christine
Barbara, this address is the same as it is I. jackies posting at the top of Ris thread....,she is still in the same place in rehab.

Danielle 10-21-2012 10:02 AM

Re: Sheilas posting about Christine
I figured after a few months now, I owed you all an update on Christine, and I apologize for the delay. As I'm sure many of you know, sometimes you just want to make it to a stable place before giving all friends and family a status. But I just wanted to thank every single one of you who has sent Christine all of the cards, letters, pictures, and gifts for your thoughts and consideration. You motivate not only Mom, but both my sister and me, and whatever strength we can get from those around us is undoubtedly helpful during this time.

The physical therapists at her skilled nursing facility have decided there is nothing more to be done as far as rehabilitation. Mom is in a wheelchair now, having lost a noticeable amount of motor skills, and on a soft foods diet as her ability to chew and swallow properly has been affected not only by the stroke earlier this year, but the late stages of her dementia. She doesn't talk too often, but I do know her memory is still there. She can still recall me, my sister, the people she has known throughout her life (including all of you!), even if she can only really string together so many words at a time. Some days she's too tired to speak at all, while on other days I'm able to tell her all about my week to a response of 'That's wonderful!' 'How terrible!' 'I'm so happy to see you!' As those of you who have had a family member with dementia or Alzheimers know, there's definitely cognitive good days and bad days, but she is stable.

Her prognosis is in a pretty vague and uncertain place. The doctors feel like they can't really put her on blood thinners or change her medical regimen. Yet at the same time, they aren't entirely certain she'd be able to survive another stroke if/when it happens again. It's something that, of course, makes both my sister and me very nervous, but we try to remain optimistic and take each day with her as a blessing.

She's still at the same facility, so if any of you would like to continue to send her words of hope or anything else you'd see fit, she certainly loves to hear from all of you. I'm sure in her state, it gets a little frustrating not being able to do much physically when you want to prove to all of the other people around you that you're someone who really accomplished something with your time here. Having cards from all of you hung up all over her room has been her favorite way to show all of the nurses and physicians that come to visit her just how much she was able to achieve in the way of breast health advocacy, and there's no doubt she loves all of you HER2 ladies very much.

I hope this wasn't too lengthy. Apparently I'm really chatty on AND OFF caffeine! But I just wanted to give all of you an update on her. She's still smiling, just trying to adjust to new changes.

Hugs to all,

chrisy 10-21-2012 11:06 AM

Re: Sheilas posting about Christine
Thanks for the update, Danielle. One thing I remember ovER the years from meeting your mom was she loved to sing old show tunes. Growing up my family would play (and sing along with) broadway sound tracks all say long every Sunday. I still have boxes of old scratched vinyl LPs that I can't bear to toss because of those memories! Made me wonder, does your mom ever sing?

karen z 10-21-2012 11:06 AM

Re: Sheilas posting about Christine
Thank you so much for the update and it certainly was not too lengthy. All of us love your mom and loved your dad and we appreciate any and all information about Christine. Please also know that we think of you and your sister all the time and that you are in our hearts and minds.
karen z

StephN 10-22-2012 02:18 PM

Re: Sheilas posting about Christine
Dear Danielle -
This report is one that makes it clear how your mother is doing.
You and your sister are learning such strength after having to deal with Joe's illness and passing, and your mother's declining health.

No one should have to endure all that at such a young age. Wish I could give you REAL hugs instead of cyberhugs!

Now that we know Christine is still at Emeritus of Carmel Valley, I hope another round of cards will arrive there.

Take good care of yourself and post again.

Joanne S 10-31-2012 10:17 PM

Re: Sheilas posting about Christine - UPDATED
Thanks for the update Danielle. Super huge hugs to you, your mom and family! In my thoughts and prayers. <3

Gaver 11-04-2012 05:01 AM

Re: Sheilas posting about Christine - UPDATED
Any updates on Christine...........sending all my best wishes for this wonderful woman !!!!!!

Will be sending her a card from Mumbai,India where we live but am sure she wont get it as am confident she will be back home and out of the hospital by the card makes it halfway across the globe to California !!!

Geetanjali,daughter of Gaver

fauxgypsy 11-23-2012 03:33 PM

Re: Sheilas posting about Christine - UPDATED
I have not been on the forum recently and hadn't heard about Christine's illness. I enjoyed the time I was able to send with them in Denver a few years ago. I was very sorry to hear this. She is a very inspiring woman.

Yorkiegirl 11-27-2012 07:28 PM

Re: Sheilas posting about Christine - UPDATED
Is the mailing address still the same? I want to send Christine a Christmas Card.

Prayers do still continue for her.

StephN 11-27-2012 07:57 PM

Re: Sheilas posting about Christine - UPDATED
I think it is safe to use the address for a card. I plan to do that as well.

Danielle 01-20-2013 01:10 PM

Re: Sheilas posting about Christine - UPDATED
Thanks for all of the cards and letters, everybody. It's been nice reading them to Mom during our visits, and she's very proud to be reminded of all of the people she reached out to and touched by making this organization with my father so many years ago. Plus, it shows all of the nursing staff there that Christine is not 'just another patient' -- she's achieved and accomplished so much in her time, namely in breast cancer advocacy, and although her dementia has made it hard for her to communicate that, she certainly gets a kick out of being able to show her CNAs just how involved in advocacy she was.

Cognitively, she's become much more engaged in conversation. Granted she can only say so much at a time before she's somewhat lost focus on what she was saying, but her memory is good and her reactions are appropriate to the subject, and she can still finish the lines of all of her favorite songs.

The only problem I have is that she's lost a tremendous amount of weight. She was traditionally a size 12 or so, and now I bought her something from Target in a small size and it still seemed a little bigger. The nursing home's social worker asked me if I would want to put her in hospice, saying that because of how much weight she's been losing, many nurses working with her feel like 'it's time'. However, when talking to Mom about it (as, of course, I want this to be HER decision while she's still capable), she said that she still has an appetite, still wants to eat, and doesn't feel like she's ready for hospice at all. Some days when I bring in soup (or sneak in dessert for my 27th birthday last week), she will eat the entire thing, so I know an appetite is still there and this isn't one of those moments where she's 'given up' on eating.

So my question for all of you is: What do you recommend as far as weight gain in patients? I know as cancer patients, I'm sure you've come across circumstances where someone needed to gain weight (unless you've ever been stuck on Decadron -- that stuff is a nightmare!!), and if any of you are currently or have been caregivers in the past, you might know a thing or two about encouraging appetite and weight gain in someone who needs it. Mom's brain has been slowly bettering itself since her strokes this summer, and I don't want weight to be such a scary factor in her recovery. Hopefully, some of you have some helpful advice.

Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE CARDS AND LETTERS!! Seeing them coming in from all over the world has been giving both Mom (and me!) a lot of confidence and good warmth.

StephN 01-21-2013 11:01 PM

Re: Sheilas posting about Christine - UPDATED
Danielle -
I reposted this on the HER2 Group forum.

Many members have answered there. Please have a look and maybe you can answer some of the questions.

Would your Mom be on Hospice where she is, rather than having to move to another location? Normally that is how it is done, and the person does not move, just goes on staying where they are under a new program.

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