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Bill 02-19-2008 09:27 PM

Most Embarrassing Moments
I was 14 years old, and an active wrestler and roller-skater, and my cousins invited me to their roller-rink for an all-nite skate. (Sorry about all the hyphens, "A") That's where you lock a bunch of hormone-filled, nearly out of control teenagers in a roller rink from dusk to dawn and they skate around all night in a sleep-deprived frenzy while their parents get a night off. My cousins had explained to me the night before that the head floor guard, "Lori", was a "smokin' hot" 16 year old, drove herself to and from work, and the best part was, she didn't have a boyfriend. That meant anyone stood a chance! I showed up at the rink that night, with my cousins, decked out in my finest silk shirt and my puka-shell necklace, and put on my skates. I saw Lori rolling around the rink, blowing her whistle at kids acting up, then I jumped up and shot out into the rink. (Born without fear, many things are possbile) I flew around the rink, and I could tell she was impressed with my speed and the ease at which I achieved it. I knew she was a speedskating champion, and once or twice we locked eyes and smiled at each other. After a few hours, and the standard hokey-pokey dance was over, they brought out the limbo bar, and I did well, but then Lori joined in and shot under the bar in an inhuman twisting of limbs that to this day mystifies me. After she shot around the rink she called for a free skate, and I skated into the boy's restroom to check my "look", I threw some water on my face and dried off, then shot back onto the floor. After a half loop around the rink, I noticed Lori smiling at me and skating straight for me, and I got ready for the "hey, how you doin'?" moment, but she said,"it's girls skate, only, and you got about 5 feet of toilet paper trailing off your skates, you gotta get off the floor." I lowered my head and said OK and went to the snack bar and just ate hot dogs until dawn.

Joanne S 02-19-2008 11:46 PM

http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_21.gif http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/12/12_4_14.gif http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_2_7.gif The ole toilet paper trailing tail---I mean tale. - he he he - ha ha ha

Mgarr 02-22-2008 09:09 AM


Every time I read your posts I am crying, mostly from laughing so hard but also you are a very eloquent writer w/ great imagery surely you have considered a 2nd career as a writer or perhaps English prof.

hutchibk 02-22-2008 12:55 PM

Bill - you have truly become one of the girls. I hope that doesn't embarrass you too much!

Bill 02-22-2008 05:28 PM

Hahahahaha! You guys got me crackin' up again. I never thought about being an English professor before, or somebody's sister, but thanks to you both. Not embarrassed at all, I'm proud to be an honorary sister. Embarrassment, to me, is a form of fear, and when I was 12 years old, I fell into a pit full of snakes, and after that day, I looked at things a little differently. Love, Professor Sister Bill

kareneg 02-22-2008 09:01 PM

You are awesome Bill! I loved the story and when I was 12 thats all I lived for was rollarskating you brought back a lot of good memories thanks.

Bill 02-23-2008 10:36 PM

Ok, this thread's slippin' off the trail like a three-legged mule. The title was not "Bill's Most Embarrassing Moments", but "Most Embarrassing Moments", and you ladies and gentlemen were supposed to join in with your most embarrassing moments. I see that hasn't happened just yet, so I'll set another example for you to follow. Prom night, I picked up my date, Maria, and I escorted her to the passenger side of my '74 Vega, with Blue-Metallic Flake paint and "expensive" white letter tires, while her father gave me those "what if I just kill you right now" eyes. I walked around to my side, got in, and shut the door. As we drove through town, me in my badass white tux. and Maria in her awesome white prom dress, I noticed cars kept honking at us and waving and pointing down, and I just waved back, thinking, "yeah, that's right, I'm lookin' good and my girl is lookin' good and you wish you were us", and then we stopped at a red light. Maria says, "Billy, roll down your window, that guy is trying to say something to you." I did, and the guy says, "Man, I been trying to tell you, the tails of your tuxedo have been draggin' the street for 15 minutes, they're black as hell, you shut 'em in the car door."

Gerri 02-24-2008 09:14 AM

Okay Bill, I'll be next...
I too was 14 - this seems to be the age when everything is embarrassing! I was a freshman in high school and had worn a dress to school that day. I'll take you back to the 'pre pantyhose era', when garter belts were actually functional. (An aside here - I am convinced that a man invented the garter belt, and a woman invented pantyhose, but I am just basing that on how the two minds think.) So, I had on my dress with 'stockings' as they were called back then; holding up my stockings was my garter belt. (Boy, I'm blushing as I write this - or is this a hot flash??) Anyway, I am walking across the high school campus after school (THANK GOD, as it was pretty much deserted) with my bestfriend when PING I felt something give way at my waist. My garter belt had come undone and as I looked down in horror I saw the elastic and hooks that were previously holding up my stockings hanging down under my dress. A few feet away was a brick wall where all the gangs congregated so they could give threatening looks to everyone as they passed - fortunately no one was there. I made my way SLOWLY over to "The Wall" (as it was called), trying to keep everything up and above my hemline. When I got to the wall, I propped myself up against it and asked my friend (who by the way, was laughing hysterically and had practically stopped breathing) to go and get me the trash can that was across the way. She dragged the trashcan over and I asked her to stand in front of me while I whipped everything off in one fell swoop. I threw it all in the trashcan and put my shoes back on and walked away - pulling my hysterical friend behind me. A few years later, when panyhose came out, I was sure that every woman's prayer had been answered. Oh, and I am still good friends with my laughing, trash can dragging rescuer.

Margerie 02-24-2008 10:42 AM

LOL the days of our youth.

I wore a strapless taffeta concoction to the prom. It was even pink with a blue shimmer!! As I was standing in line for the restroom, I see in the mirror two half moons at my waist. It was my strapless bra!! I didn't have a purse, so I tossed it in the trash. Hoped my mother didn't ask me where it was!

At another dance in college, my best friend borrowed a pair of my black high-heeled pumps. We were the same size in everything, but when you wear someone else's shoes they feel a little different. She comes back from the dance and tells me my shoes were bugging her all night. When she was getting off of the boat (it was a boat dance) she looked down and noticed she had the shoes on the wrong feet........ blahahahahaha. How she danced for 4 hours with shoes on the wrong feet I will never know.

Anyway Bill- I agree your storytelling is too good a talent to waste. May I be so bold as to suggest you start a blog for the world (and us ;) ) to enjoy?

I think I will start another post on blogging.

Thanks for the laughs everyone!!

Jeanette 02-24-2008 10:48 AM

Oh where do I start. I had a few moments. Coming from Scotland we have different meanings for different things. I was a Navy wife and just moved to a new base. Our household goods were delivered and I could not find my alarm clock, sooooo I boldly asked the guy next door if he would Knock me up in the morning, he said he would if it was okay with my husband. I did not know what that meant at the time, so you know I have never lived that one down. Jeanette

Marlys 02-24-2008 10:57 AM

I am playing craps in Las Vegas when we lived there and the fellow who has the dice is doing a terrible job of throwing the dice to the satisfaction of all at the table. I comment to the woman next to me that he is really cold and doing a "crappy" job. I then look over to see that she is wearing a shirt identical to his. And she has obviously made them.
Love & hugs,

Bill 02-24-2008 03:32 PM

Hahahahaha! Those stories are all hilarious!!!

Believe51 02-25-2008 03:00 PM

I can laugh now....
On our honeymoon we went on a Carribean cruise. We are not drinkers at all but made it a point to drink and be merry all the way through it. We were on the top deck dressed to kill and I had on a very expensive outfit that I finally got to wear. Like royalty we proceeded down the stairs with Ed making the way. I pointed out that inside on the bottom floor was an older gentleman playing the piano and we agreed it was quaint. The night was perfect as the ocean breeze took my skirt and pulled it over my head in a twisted knot. Of course I did not want to spill the drink on this skirt, yet one hand to staighten myself out was not enough to be efficient. The look on the old man's face was priceless as he stopped playing to stare at me in my tiny honeymoon panties with his mouth down to his deck shoes!! In fact no one knew why he stopped playing and all gathered around him thinking he needed help. No fellas, it was Marie that needed the help!! I wanted to jump ship!!>>Believe51

Jeanette 02-25-2008 04:00 PM

Got to tell you this one. When I was pregnant with my oldest son, who is 42 now, so you can pretty much guess how old I am, I come from Scotland and the weather isn't very good at the best of times. One day walking up what we called the High street , I felt a very refreshing breeze go up my dress, and yes , you got it, no underwear, dress blowing in the breeze and my face as red as a beet. This was in the days when you wore smocks and skirts and dresses. Hugs to all, Jeanette

Bill 02-25-2008 07:07 PM

Ok, I give up. The women's posts are all so much better than mine! (A familiar voice just went off in my head, "Oh, you behave, bad boy"

Believe51 02-26-2008 06:23 AM

I love this thread
Jeanette, that is grrreat!! Glad we can laugh about it now. Ah the days. I have many more to go with that one, just thought I would start at some I never imagined getting over. The shirt above the head thing, the lack of garments.......the little old man!! This thread has nice potential to keep me laughing long after I log out!! Lots of giggling>>Believe51

chrisy 02-26-2008 02:47 PM

OH.....mine is just too embarassing@!

Believe51 02-26-2008 03:01 PM

Yeah, well how 'bout this??
My son is about 2 and loved walking, each day we would walk to run errands, get ice cream or just to bond. I NEVER leave the house without a bra....NEVER. While walking up the street he was really tired and I decided to pick him up and hurry home. As I adjusted him on my hips he kept sliding down, I bumped him back up, slid, bump, slid. Cars were passing by and beeping but this is my hometown and I know everyone here. Until I did not recognize some of the cars.....oooooh, aren't the neighbors so friendly around here???

It was a while before I realized by bumping him up I was pulling my shirt up too. Well, that was the last time I went braless outside the house!!!>>Believe51

PS: My posts so far have to do with being half dressed, but I promise that I have many more where I AM dressed!!

Jeanette 02-26-2008 03:02 PM

Come on now Chrisy, you have teased us, now it's time to fess up. I have another one to tell after, Jeanette

Bill 02-26-2008 05:56 PM

Come on, Chrisy! Tell, tell, tell!

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