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Lovemyboys3 09-24-2014 03:44 PM

Prayers needed... Scared
Hello All,

I am here asking for prayers please. In the past month or so I have been having pain in my lower left abdomen so went to my OB. She did an examine and cultures and all was well so she sent me to the GI. So off to the GI. He did the same thing and suggested a CT scan because he couldn't figure out what was going on. Well they called me today and suggest I see an OB Oncologist because they see a large ovarian "suspicious cyst". Keep in mind I have had numerous ovarian cysts that do get fairly large. Actually I had a 6cm cyst back in July and 2 weeks later I went back for an ultra sound and it was gone. The OB at the time said my ovaries are normal. That was back on 8/5. Now here I am scared as can be because my CT came back abnormal because of a 7cm cyst that they are saying is suspicious. I don't know what to think or what to do. I am overwhelmed! My doctors are telling me not to worry until there is something to worry about. They feel it is just another cyst that I have gotten many times before. But the fact that they say abnormal large cyst and are referring me to an oncologist is freaking me out.

Any encouraging words and prayers are very much welcomed.
I see my OB onc tomorrow afternoon and will update all once I know more.

Thank you all!

linzer 09-24-2014 03:59 PM

Re: Prayers needed... Scared
I will be thinking of you. I hope that it will be nothing, especially given your prior history of cysts etc. but I totally understand how anxiety producing this time must be for you. Try, if you can, to keep yourself busy with family / friends. Please check in and let us know any information when you are able. Hugs!! Linda

Becky 09-24-2014 05:57 PM

Re: Prayers needed... Scared
How old are you? Are you still having your period?

europa 09-24-2014 06:18 PM

Re: Prayers needed... Scared
Not sure if this will help but when I finished treatment I was thrown into menopause and it caused all sorts of female issues down there. I was constantly going to my ob and getting ultrasounds of my ovaries. I had so many cysts. They told me that my body so desperately wanted to ovulate but just couldn't and so came the cysts. It's gotten better with time, but every so often I get one that needs to be checked. I'm sure you are going to be ok. :)

LaDonna28 09-24-2014 06:26 PM

Re: Prayers needed... Scared
Sorry you are so scared. I agree with Europa, I have heard of that happening. Deep breaths and our prayers will be that it is nothing. Given the BC, you may want to think about Gene testing to ease your mind somewhat about the ovaries. Keep the faith :)

chekmark 09-24-2014 07:00 PM

Re: Prayers needed... Scared
I also fall in that category, I too had a large ovarian cyst and that is exactly what is was, I had repeat ultrasounds, every 6 months for about 2 years now just once a year. I had pain in my side from it, it appears to be gone now but I still have a yearly ultrasound. I had cysts prior to diagnosis but our minds tend to make us think the worst. Try to stay positive. I know it's so hard right now. We are here for you, please keep us posted and good luck. Prayers being sent your way.


Nurse4u2day 09-24-2014 07:34 PM

Re: Prayers needed... Scared
Oddly the positive thing that I read is that you have a hx of ovarian cysts . I would continue to hold on to the thought. The hx of ovarian cysts gives great hope that again that's what your looking at.
Prayers going on in this household tonight!!!


Carol Ann 09-24-2014 07:56 PM

Re: Prayers needed... Scared
Same here! Holding the thought that its another cyst and nothing more.

Carol Ann

Lovemyboys3 09-25-2014 07:29 AM

Re: Prayers needed... Scared
Hello All,

Thank you so very much for all of your encouraging words and prayers. I have an appointment today with an OB oncologist and hope and pray I get good news.

Becky - I am 34 and have not really had a period in over a year. Partly because of chemo but mostly because I have an IUD which normally stops them.

I have had these be pretty painful int he past and almost as large as this one so I am holding on to that for sure. I am just scared because I have never had them say they want me to see an OB Oncologist but then again the cysts have never been seen via CT Scan. I have always had them watched via Ultrasound.
My regular OB called me to try and reasure my mind as she knows I am freaking out. She said I have had these in the past, my BRAC test were all negative, and my last ultrasound was good, so she is pretty hopeful this one is a normal cyst. That does ease my mind and I am truly thankful for her calling me. Although I hear all that she says I am still going to yet another Oncologist and that scares me to no end.
I am holding on to the Lord and praying all will be ok.

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! This place has been a source of strength and comfort during such a very hard time in my life. I am beyond grateful I found this site.

I will keep you all posted once I know more.

-Nydia (Lovemyboys3)

tricia keegan 09-25-2014 01:47 PM

Re: Prayers needed... Scared
Sending good wishes and chances are it really is just another cyst, hoping for the best outcome for you.

BonnieR 09-25-2014 02:44 PM

Re: Prayers needed... Scared
Your OB sounds like a wonderful person to have on your team!
Just remember that once we've had cancer even the "normal" things come under suspicion. Which is a good thing although scary too. Our docs don't want to miss anything. I've had all kinds of scans and whatnot that I'm sure would not have been done except for the Cancer history. Better to err on the side of caution. Don't worry until you absolutely have to

Keep the faith

Lovemyboys3 09-25-2014 09:02 PM

Re: Prayers needed... Scared
Hello All!

I wanted to post an update since I just saw my OBGYN Oncologist. So he says the cyst appears to be simple BUT he does see very slight thickening of parts of the cyst wall that are a little concerning to him. Soooo... he recommends removing it. Mainly because of the size but also to biopsy this cyst. He gave me two choices.. I could remove just the cyst and biopsy that or have a full Hysterectomy. I asked him what he thought was best and he said it was totally up to me but to be safe he would probably go for the full. Crazy thing is I already have been considering this for some time. Especially with my history. I just worry that one day these symptoms are going to occur and my docs will blame it on a cyst until its to late. I know this cyst was not there in early Aug so I don't want to give it any more time or ammo to get larger or more dangerous. He did say because of my age I may need hormonal therapy and would have to watch my bones carefully.
On another note though, my normal OBGYN (over 13 yrs with her) said she saw the scan results and it appears to be a functional cyst very similar to what I have had many times before and didn't think surgery was needed. So I am so confused. I know she knows my history and me more then this new doctor but this doctor is a specialist and treats this on an everyday basis.
I am going to pray on this, as I have not set anything yet. I feel like I want to have the full hysterectomy just to ease my mind but am just not 100% sure.

Would love to hear every ones thoughts and opinions on this.

The Lord keeps me strong and holds me tight! With all of the unknowns that I know is always true!

BonnieR 09-25-2014 09:10 PM

Re: Prayers needed... Scared
It is a condundrum! I've had dueling opinions too You are a person of faith it seems
Perhaps you should just clear a channel,and let the right answer come to you. I believe in signs and I bet you get some. Maybe right here on this board!
Keep the faith

Cat 09-25-2014 09:30 PM

Re: Prayers needed... Scared
I have no input to your decision. You probably know all the pros and cons. All I can say is maybe try to quiet your mind so as not to block any signs from your prayers. I do not envy your decision but whatever it is it will be right for you. Good luck with it all but grateful that it can be taken care of.

Pray 09-25-2014 09:32 PM

Re: Prayers needed... Scared
Sending lots of hope and prayers for you and your family its just that a simple cyst :)

Lisalou 09-26-2014 09:53 AM

Re: Prayers needed... Scared
"If you only have a hammer everything looks like a nail" An oncologist will always see cancer possiblities in any lump or bump because that is what they do. Weigh out the options you would be most comfortable with and go with it. It sounds like there is no rush to decide. Perhaps repeating an ultrasound in 6-8 weeks to check for changes and decide then.
Best wishes on your decision.

caya 09-26-2014 10:44 AM

Re: Prayers needed... Scared
Have you had the BRCA testing? I don't see that in your history. Obviously if you are positive, a complete hysterectomy would be a no-brainer.

OTOH, I was diagnosed at 48, 3 years after having my uterus out. At the time I was 45, and my obgyn and I discussed whether or not I should have my ovaries out too. We decided to leave them in, because my doc felt I would not go into menopause for at least 5 years, that the estrogen is good for you etc. I left them in. 3 years later, after a clean mammo and u/s in July 2006, while undergoing a breast reduction, my plastic surgeon finds my 1.7 cm. triple+ tumour.

I often wonder if I'd had my ovaries out, if I would have avoided the BC. Who knows? BTW, I had my ovaries out last October 2013, along with a bladder lift. I had a cyst in my left ovary, and all the docs - obgyn, onc. and my homepathic dr. did not like the fact that at age 55 with my BC history, there was "activity" in my ovary. So out they came.

all the best

samiamaham 09-26-2014 01:54 PM

Re: Prayers needed... Scared
Please keep us updated. Sending loving thoughts and hope to you and your family. This is a very personal decision you have to make and one made more difficult by fear. I agree with Cat (although I know all too well how difficult it is when you're scared), try to clear your mind and find that quiet. When we pray we talk to God, when we mediate, we listen.

Carol Ann 09-26-2014 02:24 PM

Re: Prayers needed... Scared
I know you'll make the best decision for you. Trust yourself and listen to your gut. It paid off for me when I had medical professionals telling me there was no need to remove a "healthy" breast. I went ahead anyway ... because that's what my intuition was telling me to do.

(See my signature below.)

Carol Ann

Adriana Mangus 09-26-2014 04:18 PM

Re: Prayers needed... Scared
I agree with Bonnie, you have a wonderful tam member on your side.

Don't worry about it, you will be ok.

Please let us know what happens after your Onc appointment.

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