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Raz 09-30-2012 02:59 PM

Diagnosed this month
So glad I found this forum. I have great support at home but searching for outside support from other diagnosed with bc. I am the healthiest I have ever been. i workout, eat right, and get yearly mammos. This really sucks!

First I was really sad and now I am really mad..
I am 48 and I was diagnosed with stage 1 HER 2 positive over expressed with invasive and in situ grade 3. Not sure how to explain the diagnosis.
I have a lumpectomy scheduled for 10/3/12. Chemo starts 1month for 6 months. Then radiation one month after chemo.
This is so much to wrap my head around so fast considering I feel so healthy.
Any suggestions out there?

Paty 09-30-2012 05:03 PM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Dear Raz,

Welcome to the board! This is a very special site where you will find support, knowledge and many 'sisters' that will help you through your path on bc. All of us here have lived that journey. Please feel free to ask any questions should you have any doubts. Now that you are going to start with chemos, try to drink many fruit and vegetable juices. Please let us know ow you are feeling and how things develop. Welcome again.


'lizbeth 09-30-2012 07:22 PM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Welcome Raz,

So glad you found it early at stage 1. You did everything you could to stay healthy. If you had not - the diagnosis could have been much more advanced.

Have you considered a clinical trial for treatment?


Have you considered a second opinion? I would expect the recommendation would be similar for lumpectomy and radiation. But 6 months of chemo for stage I seems aggressive.

Raz 09-30-2012 07:38 PM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Thanks for quick responses. It feels good when people respond.
I did get a second opinion and it was the same. The tumor is aggressive.
Grade 3 and 7 on Nottingham scale. Staining is strong. Not sure what staining is?

I am starting to drink more veggie and fruit juicing type diet in preparation for chemo.
I'm starting to get a little freaked out about the lumpectomy. I have never been under general. Kind of scary. Hot flashes aren't helping.
Crazy stuff.

BonnieR 09-30-2012 10:08 PM

Re: Diagnosed this month
It is "crazy stuff", all of it! Good to be mad, gets one motivated and in fighting mode!
You have caught things in the early stage, got a second opinion and seem to have your ducks in a row. I recall my surgeon telling me "it might be small, but it is aggressive"
you are entitled to be scared . Does you treatment facility offer groups or a therapist you can see? Ask for a mild tranquilizer if you want. I found Ativan helped me get through scary times
Take advantage of any programs that are available to you. And speak up. You are your own best advocate.
We are here for you
Keep the faith.

Zingy 10-01-2012 01:46 AM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Hi Raz,

It's a shame to be saying "hi" here but here we all are and although I'm new too there's a lot of information and support available. I was diagnosed in June this year aged 42, recently had my 43rd birthday. You're right, the diagnosis sucks and it can be scary. I've had R mastectomy and just done my first chemo (FEC) last week. I was fit, healthy and full of energy before this and it has made me feel like a different person sometimes. All I can offer is that the science behind our treatment is getting better all the time, catching this early and taking hard, positive action makes a difference and it's ok to be however you need to be about it - angry, sad, determined - we're all different and we all find our way through by trial and error. One thing I would say is try not to dwell on statistics, they can paint a picture that's hard to swallow when you're first facing this and we're people, not numbers.
You're in my thoughts.

carlatte7 10-01-2012 03:15 AM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Welcome- there is so much support for you here, and answers to questions big and small. HER2 is a scary beast- i was healthy and a careful checker, yet my lump was almost 3 cm before i felt it, and i had a+ node. You will have good days and bad days, but I'll bet it won't be as bad as you are imagining. You will find strength you did not know you had, and will soon be looking back at all of this. Best of luck to you.

snolan 10-01-2012 08:12 AM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Welcome to the club. I too was Stage 1 and B mastectomy w chemo and radiation. My advice is just take each proceedure one at a time. It is a long journey and gets to over whelming if you worry about the whole thing. breaking it down into each proceedure will allow you to stay focused and strong and it feels great to check off each one as you finish. Good luck!

suzan w 10-01-2012 01:42 PM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Hi Raz! This is a great support network! I have been relying on the friends here for 7 years now and there is nothing I would not put out there as a question or concern!!! Most of the questions that you have, I can assure you, we have all had at one time or another, so ask away!!! The first months are the scariest as it is all new. With time it becomes your "new" you!!! New and improved because you are continuing to take good care of yourself by reaching out and learning as much as you can about this dreadful dis-ease. Knowledge is power!!! Welcome!!

Joanne S 10-01-2012 03:31 PM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Hello Raz, I am sorry to say Welcome, but welcome. Receiving a cancer diagnosis is one of the worse things that ever happened to me. It wasn't the cancer, it was the emotional shock. I think the traumatic impact it has on our emotions is the worse part. And it usually occupies our mind constantly at first. You are in a great place here. We're all different but share a close bond with each other and continue to support each other from time of diagnosis and every step of the way---through each treatment, diagnositic procedure, side effects, coping, sharing and living. It's best to educate yourself as much as you can so you understand what's going on and all your available options. I found this following video easy to understand, and helpful in my initial stages of diagnosis.
National Breast Cancer Foundation, BEYOND THE SHOCK http://beyondtheshock.com/?gclid=CLO...FYQ7Mgod1igAyA
Although this is an long video, it is divided into separate chapters so that you don't have to watch it all at one time. Don't hesitate to ask questions. Welcome!

Mary Jo 10-01-2012 04:57 PM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Hello Raz,

First let me say that I am sorry your journey has breast cancer as part of what you will go through. Scared is normal and mad is too. You've done all you could, but sadly, some things are out of our control.

You've come to a great place. Her2support is full of wonderful, caring, knowledgeable and loving people. You will be prayed for, supported by getting your questions, hugged and loved on. Everyone here gets it because we've all been where you are.

Now on a positive note. I was diagnosed at age 45 with stage 2B, her2 positive breast cancer. (See my signature below). I am now a 7 year NED (no evidence of disease) survivor.

We're here for you. Praying Gods peace surround you.

Mary Jo

'lizbeth 10-01-2012 08:00 PM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Hey Raz,

So happy that you got a second opinion.

I drove my doctors crazy trying to get out of chemo - I was diagnosed at age 44, Stage 2b, 3 positive nodes, Her2+++, ER-, PR- with Paget's of the nipple and IDC.

I'd forgotten about that scale - I was a 9 of 9.

Still I the standard of care: 6 treatments of Taxotere which they administer every 3 weeks, so that's 4 1/2 months - and I was more advanced.

So perhaps I should have asked what chemo you are doing - as I'd be curious what the current recommendation is for early breast cancer.

I would have loved to be in your shoes and had the chance to enroll in a clinical trial with only targeted therapies and no taxanes, platinum salts or adriamycin.

Well I'm sure any little cancer cells are going to get knocked out fast and hard. And will not want to come back for sure!

Pray 10-01-2012 08:59 PM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Raz and Zingy, Welcome, I hope you both feel comfortable coming here and sharing often. Please know that you are both in my prayers. Gods blessings to you and your families.

Peace my friends,


Raz 10-01-2012 10:06 PM

Re: Diagnosed this month
It felt so good to log on and to read all the support.
So tomorrow I get the dye injected and Wednesday is my lumpectomy.
I will take all your support with me.
I am with kaiser not a clinical trial. They have been great.
The chemo is a combo called TCH with hercepten hormone to follow.
I guess I am off the margarita cocktails and on the chemo cocktail this coming November. Thanks again ladies. I will sleep better tonight.


Zingy 10-01-2012 11:21 PM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Thank you kind, wonderful folks for your support. I'm in the UK and we don't have a forum like this. I'm so glad I found you all.

mschwab 10-04-2012 03:44 PM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Hi Raz,

I am so sorry that you had to join this club of brave and wonderful women, but you"ll be glad that you found your way to this site. There is so much love and support here, and a community of peers that can understand what you're going through like no one else can. I too received my care at Kaiser, and I cannot say enough wonderful things about my experience. The coordination of care was unbelievable and made the whole treatment experience so much easier to get through. You are in a wonderful place, and you will be well cared for.


Raz 10-05-2012 08:30 AM

Re: Diagnosed this month
I made it through the lumpectomy. I am on Norco now. This was my first surgery so I was not so good coming off the morphine. Good nurses at kaiser.
My home team is awesome making sure I take my pills.
Now just waiting for lymph node biopsy.
Another waiting game.

pwiswell 10-05-2012 06:44 PM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Raz and Ziggy- you are both in my prayers. I too am new to this forum, but not new to the cancer scene. I'm sure you will both do well with the current treatment options. Herceptin has proven to be beneficial. It kept my mets at bay for three years before it stopped working. I am now on another drug that is keeping it under control. You will both be fine and you are in the right place for support. I have only been around here for a few weeks and I have already learned so much. Keep the faith. I recently had the opportunity to listen to an inspirational speech by a couple of ladies who run the "Trust Your Journey" site. I have a T-shirt of theirs that says "If you can change for thoughts, you can change your world." Stay positive and treat every day like a new beginning.

Raz 10-11-2012 01:27 PM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Got my results. No cancer in my lymph nodes. Woo hoo!

However my treatment changed from chemo and radiation to just radiation

Seems odd.
Did anyone's treatment plan change post lumectomy?

'lizbeth 10-11-2012 02:33 PM

Re: Diagnosed this month

I checked the NCCN guidelines for breast cancer. Since you are lucky to have discovered Stage I cancer before it spread to the nodes the standard of care is radiation only, unless you fall into a high genetic/familial risk.

Have you done the genetic testing for BRCA 1, BRCA2 or BART?

Early stage - I would expect some studies or current clinical trials on Herceptin. You might want to explore more information on that.

Raz 10-13-2012 10:53 PM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Thank you for your response.
I take the Brca test on Monday.
I think this will help with my decisions.

Learning to live in the moment. Perhaps this is my lesson.

'lizbeth 10-14-2012 10:27 AM

Re: Diagnosed this month

It sounds like you are making good decisions based on exploring all the information you can find about your cancer.

Good luck with the BRCA test - hoping it comes back negative!

I'm not a big fan of chemotherapy, but I am of targeted therapies such as Herceptin, Tykerb, etc.

There was a study or two about 9 weeks of Herceptin instead of an entire year. I would consider using Herceptin or a cancer vaccine in a clinical trial - if you can.

Raz 10-15-2012 04:37 PM

Re: Diagnosed this month
My treatment will include chem and herceptin I chose the chemo because I do not feel there is much difference between .4 and.5 cm. I'm gonna kill this $)&@/?! Cancer.
Radiation and hormones gives me an 88 % chance of no recurrence. However the her2neu may still be in the bloodstream. It came from somewhere and since I don't know where I am going to attack it with chemo and herceptin. This give me a 94% chance of it not returning to my body. I wasn't always an A student but it is time to get better grades.

Also when I asked the oncologist to put her sister in my place she said she would recommend chemo.
Thanks for listening and reading.

laureen 10-15-2012 05:05 PM

Re: Diagnosed this month
You can do this Raz. You are not alone. One thing to try to remember to allow yourself to feel. Feel any emotion that comes along, and know that they are all normal. Keep your chin up.

Raz 10-17-2012 10:44 PM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Thanks Laureen. This forum is so helpful. Puts me at ease so i can get my head and emotions under control..

Curious about my lumpectomy. Why is the incision feeling so hard?
Did anyone else have this feeling?

Jean 10-20-2012 03:40 AM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Hi Raz,
More than likely that is scare tissue and healing forming form the lumpectomy....time in healing but have your dr. check the area to be sure.

Best wishes with your treatment...you were wise to check and move forward.

Kind Regards,

lasarles 10-30-2012 08:49 PM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Hello Raz, I was dx 3/20/12 age 44. Stage 1, Grade 3, 1 cm, node neg, er+ 90%, pr+ 90% her2+. I was first told radiation only then got results for her2+ which bought me 4 rnds TCH. I have finished Chemo, 30 rads, herceptin every 3 weeks, started tamoxifen 9/24 and feeling great. It all sucks but it's the hand I was dealt and I'm going to play it to win. My advice to you is do what they tell you to do from exercising your arm to using the creams and oils during and after radiation. Hang in there we're all in this together. It's the sisterhood none of us wanted to be a member of. Did you have a port put in?

Raz 10-30-2012 10:27 PM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Thanks everyone. I start chemo in a few weeks - 8 rounds.
My BRCA came back negative. That was a relief.

I'm worried about my heart and weight gain. So I am working out in preparation of chemo

Pray 10-31-2012 05:00 AM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Hang in there Raz, your doing great! Not everyone gains weight. I didn't gain any weight through out treatment or while on AIs. Take care and Gods blessings to you. Please know that you are in my prayers. Peace my friend. Nancy

hestko76 10-31-2012 06:17 AM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Hi Raz,
Your diagnosis is soooooo similar to mine. I had an 7 mm tumor, Stage 1, and no positive lymph nodes. I had a lumpectomy in November of 2011. My scar and area 1 inch around it is still hard. I've been told that is normal. I had 6 rounds of TCH, and 15 rounds of herceptin, so far. I get my last herceptin treatment on December 10.
You'll do fine...

Raz 11-15-2012 07:29 PM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Hello everyone,
I am starting to get really scared and nervous and wondering about my chemo decision. My chemo stars on 11/29. I will have 6 rounds every 21 days and the Herceptin to follow. My MUga test is next week along with my port insertion. This all seems so unreal.
Poisoning myself to heal myself all for a .4 cm invasive her2neu+++ tumor.
.4 cm is so f$&@ing small. Just needed to vent. Thanks for being here.

NanaJoni 11-15-2012 07:49 PM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Venting is good for you and this is the perfect place to do it. I think the waiting to start chemo is the worst time - it's fear of the unknown but once it gets going you'll feel more like the fighter you are. And remember, cancer grows if it's left alone so that tiny tumor would eventually be the beast that could do you great harm. Best to kick it's tiny little ass now. Ports are wonderful and only a little nuisance. Keep coming back and venting whenever you feel like it. And keep letting us know how you are doing.

hestko76 11-16-2012 06:18 AM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Hi Raz,
My lumpectomy scar is still very hard, and I had my surgery on 11-18-11. I go back to the breast surgeon on Monday. I plan to ask if that is normal. If I find out any earth-shattering news, I'll share it with you. Don't stress too much about the TCH. It will be ok..... just take a deep breath!

Raz 11-29-2012 08:30 PM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Well I had my first chemo today. I am recovering at home and seem to be fine aside from some heartburn. I am so happy that I took all of this advice from this forum with me. It was extremely helpful. I know it may get worse but I'm trying to live each day at a time. Thank you ladies.

lasarles 11-29-2012 09:02 PM

Re: Diagnosed this month
So glad to hear it Raz...now we begin the countdown. Tell your Dr about the heartburn...I went for quite sometime before saying anything and what a relief when I started taking something. Hang in there. 1 down girlfriend...Woohoo!!

lasarles 12-02-2012 10:09 AM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Hey Raz...just checking on you. Let me know how you're doing when you feel up to it.

Raz 12-04-2012 09:21 AM

Re: Diagnosed this month

This is rough. I am on day 5 post chemo round 1 and still feel really weak.
I was hoping to get back to work but I can't seem to pull it together.
Luckily i can work from home. Yikes. This is so hard.
For someone who rarely gets sick this is quite the challenge.

NanaJoni 12-04-2012 09:31 AM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Raz - chemo is rough and it's not surprising that you still feel weak. For me it usually took at least a week after a treatment to start feeling very gradually better each day until I felt almost good again-just in time for the next treatment. You will discover that your body is in charge now and you'll be pretty limited in energy for the time you are doing chemo. I felt better if I did just the mildest form of physical activity - walking around the house 3 or 4 times, sometimes 5 minutes on the recumbent bike but sometimes I couldn't even manage that. Just don't overdo because your reserves are just not going to be the same as before you started chemo. And let the people around you do as much as possible so you can save your energy for things you want to do. Working from home is such a great option and will help you both physically and mentally. The one thing cancer and chemo taught me is patience (which I had little of before). I would have preferred to learn it another way but, hey, my husband says it's a real improvement so I guess that's a good thing. Hope each day will be better.

twosenuf99 12-04-2012 09:38 AM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Welcome Raz and Zingy. The ladies here make the breast cancer journey less stressful. You are both in my prayers.

BonnieR 12-04-2012 09:53 AM

Re: Diagnosed this month
Joni pretty much said it all. Chemo can be rough but keep your eye on the prize! I remember days I could barely walk the dog to the corner and back. But we got through it and so will you. Keep the faith

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