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Sheila 11-21-2009 06:59 AM

Chelee, Thinking About You
Wondering how you are doing and just wanting you to know I am thinking of you...hope all went well on the 18th and you will soon be back on the boards with us...
Sending prayers and healing thoughts!

StephN 11-21-2009 11:45 AM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
Dear chelee -
Hoping to hear that your surgery went well and the surgeon can give you a good report.

Lots of hugs and prayers were sent for a successful operation, and healing.

hutchibk 11-21-2009 12:11 PM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
When you can, please let us know how you are doing. Best wishes.

Ruth 11-21-2009 12:14 PM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
Chelee ~
Ditto from me. Thinking about you and hoping you feel much better!
Hugs ~ Ruth

Becky 11-21-2009 12:48 PM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You

I hope all is well with you. This part is now behind you and you can finally start your therapy like you so want to.

Happy healing thoughts from me.

michka 11-21-2009 01:33 PM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
Chelee, hoping the hardest is behind you now and thinking of you. Michka

tricia keegan 11-21-2009 02:36 PM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
Thanks Sheila, I also was wondering how you were doing Chelee and sending good thoughts for a quick recovery.
Hurry back!

Lien 11-21-2009 05:10 PM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
Yes, I've been logging on to see if you had been able to post. Hope you are doing fine and healing fast.



Midwest Alice 11-21-2009 05:15 PM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
Chelle I am thinking of you all the time and looking for news. I know you will be on the mendand up and fighting soon.

Your in my thoughts and prayers

suzan w 11-21-2009 05:16 PM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
Yes, Chelee...hope everything is going well!! xo Suzan

sassy 11-21-2009 07:20 PM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You

Hoping you are back with us soon--we're all sending healing thoughts.

WolverineFan 11-21-2009 07:27 PM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
Thoughts and prayers have been with you, and would love an update when you feel up to it.


karen raines hunt 11-21-2009 07:30 PM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
My thoughts and prayers are with you Chelee.

Karen Hunt

Jackie07 11-21-2009 07:35 PM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
Rest well, Chelee. Hope to see your vibrant posting soon.

Laurel 11-21-2009 07:48 PM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You

I have been thinking of you frequently. I know your surgery is painful. I am praying you heal with amazing speed.

harrie 11-22-2009 12:24 AM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
Yes Chelee, thinking about you too.....

Chelee 11-22-2009 02:37 AM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
Hi Shelia & the rest of my Her2 sisters. I'm still in a hosptail bed and i was suppose to be home by now. My surgery turned out to be 4 1/2 hrs instead of 3. A lot of scrapping of bone to remove tumor....and heard I lost alot of blood. :(
Woke up in recovery really nauseated!
That has never happened to me before....wow...was I sick!!! Ortho came in recovery and did say it was bc...which we all knew. It will be biopsied to see if there are any changes (Such as Er & PR)
No one gave me any food for 2 days....I'll save that for another day. No one got me out of bed for physical therapy either...and the orthos orders were to have me up the next morning walking. I was suppose to be home no later the 3 days...but today is my 5th day here.

The day after surgery they gave me a bag of potassium & one unit of blood. The the next day blood counts were still low and was given 2 more units of blood. I am really hurting as to be expected. They keep saying I will go home tomorrow but it never happens. :( They took my dilaulted (sp) pain pump away & all I Have is norco
and xanax will.

Its very hard to type on this 10 inch notebook my husband broke me so I will end this for now. Can't use this little keyboard it takes forever. I just hope I get out of here soon....I got to get back on my feet and get chemo started! Which now the oxi moniter is saying my air is only at 72 to 83 & that's NOTgood!!!!! I'm still on oxygen. Its always something? Thanks for your thoughts and prayers...I sure need them. We will see what brings?

Love to all of you!


Rich66 11-22-2009 03:10 AM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
Sorry to hear all of this. Why the low oxygen? (Usually in the 90's) Do you have a pulmonary issue?

Pam P 11-22-2009 04:59 AM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
Chelee - I've been thinking of you often too. Sorry to hear all that's going on post surgery.... glad you are on the other side of it though & now can start the healing. Get good rest - Pam

Sheila 11-22-2009 06:32 AM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
Hey Chelee, glad to know that the surgery is over....sorry you are having all the issues....hope things turn around quickly.....you are in our thoughts and prayers...at least you can log on and see that we are thinking of you...hey and thanks for the tip on the notebook computer....I thought about one, and if they are that big of pain, I will go with a bigger laptop...I am getting old ya know....was it really the notebook or the drugs causing the problem? Now dont grow a moustache or a beard while you are in there!!!

chrisy 11-22-2009 09:15 AM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You

Posting at 1:37 AM????? Glad to hear you've got the surgery behind you...and hoping for speedy resolution of the post surgery issues.

Take care,

Lien 11-22-2009 02:10 PM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
Hi Chelee! Glad you got through surgery in one piece, but what are those nurses doing not following doctors' orders? Have you mentioned this to your doc and asked him to intervene? I've heard about not giving food to someone who is very nauseous after surgery. Were you still on an IV? They may have done that to make sure your stomach settled down. I had a similar reaction and everything I swallowed came back for 24 hrs. And that was after a short surgery with minimal anaesthesia.

Don't you have someone (husband, friend, relative) who can step in for you and deal with the poor nursing? I know I had to do that for my Dad when he was admitted after a fall recently. They are so busy they forget what they are doing. Or should be doing for that matter.

Isn't it ridiculous that you have to keep tabs on your treatment plan while in a hospital? Isn't that what the nursing staff should be doing?

Anyway, hope you get out of there soon, and may you heal swiftly so you can get your chemo.



ElaineM 11-22-2009 04:11 PM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
I am thinking about you too. I hope you are feeling better by now. Please take good care of yourself and let others around you do some of the physical labor !!
Get strong, so you can get your chemo soon.

Joan M 11-22-2009 05:01 PM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You

Take deep breaths ... And I'm hoping you'll be back on the board soon.

Sending you a lot of hugs and prayers.


vlcarr 11-22-2009 05:24 PM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You

So good to see your post. You've been on my mind and hopefully the worst of this will be over. I know you want to get home--that can make you feel so much better.

And like everyone says, try to get someone else to help make sure you are taken care of.

Sending you a warm hug.

Mary Jo 11-22-2009 06:22 PM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
Hi Chelee.....Good to "see" you and hoping you are back among us soon.

Hugs and love...

Mary Jo

Shobha 11-22-2009 06:55 PM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
Dear Chelee,

I am praying hard for you and wishing you speedy recovery. God bless you!


Sandra in GA 11-22-2009 07:16 PM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
I hope you are beginning to feel better. The worst is behind you! Take it REAL easy and try and not over-do. Rest is the best healer for your body.

Take care and I will pray for a speedy recovery.

harrie 11-23-2009 12:01 AM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
Chelee, I hope you get the care in the hospital like you are suppose to get and are entitled to get. We all want you well and about as soon as possible. Wishing you a good recovery.
Much aloha.....

Jackie07 11-23-2009 04:52 AM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You

Can you ask for a referral to a Rehabilitation doctor to assess your condition and possibly get some physical /occupational therapy?

Thinking about you.

schoolteacher 11-23-2009 06:45 AM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You

Glad your surgery is over. Hope you get to feeling better.


Gerri 11-23-2009 08:09 AM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You

You know I am thinking about you. Hope you are finally starting to feel better and you will be walking - pain free - again soon.

Take care,

WomanofSteel 11-23-2009 09:36 AM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
Hoping you are feeling better and wishing you a quick recovery!

Chelee 11-23-2009 11:32 PM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
I finally got home from the hospital on Monday. (11-23) What was to be at most 3 days, turned into 5 days. As I already mentioned I was told I lost alot of blood. I'll tell you...as much as I wanted to do Tykerb right now I can't even imagine that now. I have a high tolerance to pain and this has been just excruciating. I can hardly put any weight at all on my right hip...pure torture. They sent me home with injections of blood thinners for 7 days. Usually they do that while you "in" the hospital...not sure why I get mine when I leave?

When it comes to them not feeding me...not sure what the deal was there? I thought I was on an all liquid diet since I was nauseated after surgery? But later I found out that I was on a "normal" diet and they didn't know why I wasn't given any food? So it was a little over two days before I got to eat...I was starving! (Maybe they thought I could afford to lose a little.) lol After I called my Ortho's office and told his nurse I hadn't had any food in two days...nor was I getting any physical therapy did I finally get to eat. The physical therapy was a joke...I got it twice the entire time I was there. My mother had two hip surgeries and they had her up right away and moving at least 3 times a day...along with excersise to do in bed. I was given no instructions on what I should and shouldn't doing? I was very pro-active about all this and so was my husband...not sure what the deal was.

Anyway...I'm home...and I can't tell you all how happy I was to find all the replies. :) This has been a lonely road for me with the exception of you guys. I can't tell you all how much it meant for me to find all your well wishes, support, & prayers. Thank to all of you for thinking of me and keeping me in your prayers...I sure need them.


StephN 11-24-2009 12:00 AM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
GLad you are home! Just can not fathom your NURSES not even noticing you were not getting any food. Hope they were at least keeping your water jug full or giving you juices. Boggles my mind!

Lien 11-24-2009 02:12 AM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
So good to hear you got home! Now take care of yourself and get some help. This is major surgery and you need help around the house, you need PT, you need to get your strength back for the next round, which is going after those cancer cells whith everything we've got!



Kimberly Lewis 11-24-2009 03:29 AM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
Oh Chelee, I hate that you are going through this. Thank goodness you are home. Hospitals can be dangerous but didn't think you could starve while there! I just happened to cruise by this morning. Glad I did so I can wish you well. Love, Kim

Mary Anne in TX 11-24-2009 04:44 AM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
Hi Chelee Girl! Well, you've done that! You are amazing, you know! I'm so sorry that your hospital adventure was such an ordeal! It's scary the things you've had to deal with. I'm glad you're home and in a safe place again. Best wishes for that ol' hip to start to mend correctly and with a lot less pain. Lots of love and prayers to you, ma

Margerie 11-24-2009 08:13 AM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
Chelee, so glad you are done and home~!!

I have had bad hospital experiences. (ugghhh) It is hard enough to recover physically and emotionally, you don't need to fight the hospital too.

Hope you can focus on your healing and gear yourself up to kick some butt!!

freyja 11-24-2009 09:30 AM

Re: Chelee, Thinking About You
Dear Chelee,
I'm so sorry you're still having such struggles with your doctors and nurses. I hope your husband is advocating strongly for you so you can focus on healing. If not, we need to find you someone who will. You shouldn't have to fight so hard when you are so weak. He should have been banging on the cafeteria door or smuggling in some take out or something, not to mention banging on the physical therapist's door!
Try to stay as confident as possible and keep on truckin'. You can do this. Find what strength you have and focus on that. It may be one part of your body, it may be your spirituality or maybe it's HER2 support! Focusing on your sources of strength, and it may help you remain calm and confident.
Love, Celeste

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