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Believe51 05-10-2009 01:11 AM

~My Angel Mother-in-Law Has Earned Her Wings!~
It is with a broken heart I write that my Mother-in-Law has earned her wings with beauty and grace. I was not going to post this on Mother's Day but I deemed it appropriate, what better a way to tribute her? This is dedicated to a woman I view as my very own Angel, one of the toughest warriors I have ever known.

She just made it out of a coma and a seven week ordeal, she made it to the comforts of her home. Although she left the rehab against medical advice, I must admit she was almost ready. I spoke to her the night before chemo and she started with the same old conversations. Mom was happy to see her son so well loved and always said this was her dream, her only child being so complete. She mentioned what a terrific Daughter-in-Law I was and how blessed she was to have me. Although I am uncomfortable with compliments I valued her opinion. For the first time ever she was mad at me though, stemming from the rehab and me not springing her. I cried a little as I asked her if she was still mad at me. Her reply was that she is over it and we have already moved on. We spoke of our love and our blessings.

I was stunned by this news of her passing because she actually looked better than she had in years. On Saturday, May 9, Mom G earned the wings that all her life proved she deserved. As sad as I am I need to just say that she passed in her sleep like all Angels should, she was with her cat, in the woods. Mom passed before her son did and this was something that was really important to her. I am not so sure she could handle his journey from this day forward, rocky roads must be crossed. While we waited for the home to come she was surrounded by the friends and family that flourished on the love she gave. We told stories from the past and it was healing. She had no unfinished business, no admends to make, she was so very tired, so full of pain. I went into her room and told her I loved her and I thanked her for loving me. I spoke in her ears that I would always take care of Eddie and she would never have to worry. I kissed her for the last time. Ed went over Thursday because he thought he would be sick today and left a card to be opened only then. We have opened the card together for her a little while ago. The news has not sunk in for him and he is just going about a bit aimless right now.

I found it so special when I learned of her prayers to us here at Her2, she prayed daily for us all for years. She thanked you when she heard of your prayers for her. This meant alot to her. I know she will join others in Heaven because I know for sure God has plans for her. Thank you back my friends for allowing me to share her with you in numerous other posts. This was a woman I am so thankful to have loved. My heart is broken and time will have to mend it but she no longer hurts, she is free. Happy Mother's Day Joan, you have made me a better person just by knowing you.>>Marie

Midwest Alice 05-10-2009 04:26 AM

Marie, You life is a testimony of Gods blessing of hope and healing He promises all of us. I more I get to know you, the better I understand and the stronger I become. I'm glad for Joan that she made the finial journey and now rest with our Lord.
Blessings to you my dear Marie.

Sheila 05-10-2009 04:44 AM

I am so sorry to hear about your Mother in Law.....Please know that she is still above, watching over you and Ed, and showering you both with prayers....how lucky she was to have you for a daughter-in-law.

nitewind 05-10-2009 06:06 AM

Marie, I am so sorry for your loss.

WomanofSteel 05-10-2009 06:22 AM

Marie, I was very shocked to sign on this AM and read about your Mother-in-laws passing. I know she had many health problems, but that doesn't make it any easier for you and Ed. I offer our deepest sympathies to you both and hope you know that we are here if you need us. I hope that Mom is finally without pain and at peace. I am sure she is telling them what to do up there already.

jml 05-10-2009 06:23 AM

What a beautiful tribute to your Mother in Law, Marie.
Thank you for sharing this & her with us.

God bless,


Lien 05-10-2009 07:14 AM

I am so sorry Marie. The tribute you wrote paints a picture of a warm, loving, generous woman, who deserves to be pain-free. You have both been blessed to have loved each other the way you did. The way you do. Because that kind of love lingers on in the universe.



Lori R 05-10-2009 07:25 AM

Dear Marie,
Your posts are always so beautiful. I agree that you loving tribute was ideal for mothers day. What a blessing you were to your mother in law. There is no greater gift then to allow your mother in law to leave this world in peace, knowing her child is loved and will be cared for.

Your strength and generosity never cease to amaze me.

There is certainly a special place for you in heaven.

I hope the circle of family and friends provides you with comfort as well.


Mary Anne in TX 05-10-2009 11:08 AM

Marie, all I can do is send prayers and love. What a task you have at hand. But I know God is good and will open some doors for ya. luv u, ma

atdec05 05-10-2009 11:24 AM

Dear Marie,

I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for taking the time to share with us your beautiful tribute to your MIL. I agree this was very fitting for this day. And I also think that she got her wish of passing before her son.

take care all,

Gerri 05-10-2009 02:17 PM

My sincere condolences to you and Ed for the loss of such an important person in both of your lives. May you find peace and comfort in the memories you hold dear.

All my best,

alicem 05-10-2009 03:06 PM


I am so saddened by your loss of such a special person in your life. Your mother-in-law was truly a blessing for you. I don't know what heaven is like, but I would like to believe that Ed's mom is now an advocate angel for him just like my dad is now for me.

I hope you are both able to find that peace that passes all understanding in the coming days ahead. A funeral and chemo on top of it is going to be very trying. May God bless you with that peace. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.


ElaineM 05-10-2009 03:40 PM

~My Angel Mother-in-Law Has Earned Her Wings!~
Thank you for sharing this experience with us. Even though you and Ed are full of sadness now the memory of your mother in law will warm your hearts forever.

Faith in Him 05-10-2009 03:46 PM

I am so sorry Marie. She was blessed, like all of us, to have you in her life. She must of had such peace knowing that her beloved son was well taken care of and so deeply loved by you. I am sure that she is whispering special blessings in God's ear for Ed and you.

Love & Hugs,

Paty 05-10-2009 05:25 PM


I am very sorry for the loss of your mother in law and the sadness that it brings to you all. I am sure that all the love that you gave one another will help the healing to come sooner. Once again ... it amazes me how strong you are. Please, let Ed know that I am with you both during this very sad time.

Much Love,


Joan M 05-10-2009 05:39 PM


I'm sorry to hear about Ed's mother passing. Her thoughtfulness in praying for us is really a wonderful gift. She is in my prayers.


Barbara H. 05-10-2009 06:17 PM

Hi Marie,
My heart goes out to you and to Ed. Please accept my sincere sympathy. You are such a sincere kind person.
Barbara H.

eric 05-10-2009 06:46 PM


I am so sorry for your and Ed's loss. I hope both of you have a relatively easy grieving process and know that my thoughts are with you both. On a positive note it sounds to me that both you and she were pretty lucky to have each other in your lives.


caya 05-10-2009 06:52 PM

I am sorry for your loss Marie. It sounds like you had a lovely relationship with your mother-in-law - very special indeed.

all the best

Bill 05-10-2009 06:52 PM

I'm sorry to hear of your loss, Marie. Please know that you and Ed will be in our thoughts and prayers.

lexigirl 05-10-2009 06:59 PM

Dear Marie and Ed,

I am so very sorry. Your mil sounds so precious. I am happy that she is not in pain any longer. I hope that will bring Ed some comfort.

Big hugs to you both.


flynny 05-10-2009 07:08 PM


My heart goes out to you. Losing someone you love and care for so deeply is so difficult. She was lucky to have you! I pray that she is watching us all.

karen z 05-10-2009 08:26 PM

I am very sorry to hear this sad news Marie and my heart goes out to you and Ed.

jones7676 05-10-2009 09:20 PM

I am sorry to hear of your mother-in-law passing, but also thankful it was peaceful for her at that moment, and feel blessed by her past prayers for us.

I hope that you two will be able to come to peace with it as well as I know you both face many challenges.

God Bless You.

michka 05-11-2009 12:10 AM

Marie, I am sorry to read this sad news. I am sending my love to both of you. Your post is beautiful.

schoolteacher 05-11-2009 04:59 AM


I am so sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. I know the Mighty Oak has to be sad.

May God give you and him both peace at this time.


tricia keegan 05-11-2009 05:55 AM

I'm so sorry for your loss Marie. My deepest condolence's to you all.

Shobha 05-11-2009 08:44 AM

Dear Marie and Ed,

I am very sorry for your loss. As you said, your Mother-in-law is definitely an angel watching over both of you. She must be so much at peace knowing how true your love is for Ed. God bless you both and give you peace.


Andrea Barnett Budin 05-11-2009 09:25 AM

My sincerest and most loving condolences to you, Marie and Ed. The loss is deep, but as someone mentioned -- please believe that this gift of a woman remains in your lives. She is at peace now, and looking over you. One day, you will surely meet again. And, no doubt, she will be sending as much assistance as is angelically possible to you as you continue your difficult journey, wanting all that you want for yourselves, and far more...

naturaleigh 05-11-2009 09:55 AM


I was sadden to log in today and see your post. You and Ed are in my heart and prayers.

StephN 05-11-2009 10:11 AM

Dear Marie & Ed -
My thoughts were running along those of Andi.

Dear Mom will be gathering whole bands of angels to sing into and uplift your souls. Think about all those ancestors she has met, and call on them for their love and support that is flowing in your bodies. Just be open to that and Peace Be With You.

Her passing possibly explains to me Mightly Oak's inability to continue with his treatment last week. I think he wanted to be as clear as possible at this time.

MJo 05-11-2009 12:26 PM

I'm sorry for your loss. Please take care of yourself during this difficult time. My experience is that the love remains and is remembered with joy.

Jean 05-11-2009 03:15 PM

Dear Marie,
I am deeply sadden to learn of your mother in laws passing. In reading your post my second thought was
"what a lucky Lady your mother in law was to have such a fine and devoted daugher in law. Every mother of a son wishes for someone like you. Marie my dear you are one in a million. Comfort yourself with the knowledge that your mother in law is now free of pain and watching over you and Ed.

Kindest Regards,

Mary Jo 05-11-2009 07:44 PM

Dear Marie and Ed....

Please feel my love and condolences from across the miles.

Gentle hugs to you both,

Mary Jo

Yorkiegirl 05-11-2009 07:57 PM

Dear Marie I'm so sorry for the loss of your Mother In Law, and to Dear Ed I'm sorry for the loss of your Mother.

Please know you both will in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

sassy 05-11-2009 08:07 PM

Dear Father,

Please lay your healing hand upon Marie and Ed, giving them comfort, peace, strength and understanding.

Believe51 05-12-2009 12:42 AM

Thanks to you all during this sad time in our life. Ed and I looked for a nice picture for the obit but no luck. I just wrote her obituary and it is simply devine, I will have to share it when it is official. I guess the peace I feel about this has allowed me to write without really crying. I can only hope I can speak when I do the reading I wrote for her 'Celebration of Life'. Right now we are waiting for out of state relatives travelling from Colorado and Florida. She is getting cremated so the grieving process feels like it is ongoing and without some closure. It will all happen with time. Thanks again for giving me the special thoughts and strength to do such hard feats no matter how relieved I am for her. I miss her already and I keep thinking I will wake up.>>Believe51

Jackie07 05-12-2009 01:00 AM


My Mother-in-law passed away January 6 after a lengthy suffering of Alzheimer's. What you had written about your Mother-in-law could well be a description of mine. So I can understand and feel your grief.

Please be strong for both Ed and you. My husband had supressed his grief for quite a long time after the funeral. It's often hard for men to process their emotion. Especially that Ed is the one who's battling cancer, you are really shouldering lots, lots of the burden. Be sure to take good care of yourself.

Believe51 05-14-2009 10:12 PM

Jackie, funny that you post these feelings because I remember the way I felt when you wrote about your Sweet Mother-in-Law. I cried when she passed because of the way we both felt about these special women. I am not sure how to get over this except give it time. Right now I am packing her life into boxes so it is hard to move forward.

I wanted to share something very special with you. The time she went into the hospital before the accident for something not related to it, she took her religious medals. This woman slept with them on the side of her, she prayed with them, she valued them the most of all her belongings. She swore that they threw them away or misplaced them there at the hospital. When Mom got home, her and a close friend of the family that I call my sister, moved furniture looking for it. They never found them and it only made Mom more sad. I felt sad also because they were so valued by her and I shared her loss.

Today Mighty Oak went to treatment finally, huuuuhh, easy for me to say! We went home and I got him comfortable and asked what he needed before I left. I had to go pack her home up and I needed to do this alone, I wanted to be alone. As I moved into the living room closet I knew I would keep myself busy. Something made me go over to her end table and clean out the assorted meds. I cleaned out these tables so it would make my mind think I was making some kind of headway.

I cried as I cleaned and asked her to forgive me but I needed to mourn. It is tough to get past these emotions when you lose an Angel. God certainly has work for her and I understand. I talked to her about many things as crazy as that sounds, but it felt natural at the time. Jackie, I found her medals on the chain they have always been on and believe me, these ladies looked hard for them. I would like to think that she made me find them and know that she is still watching over us.

Ed had a dream that she told him not to worry about a thing. I asked him if she was speaking of her death and its peace or his treatment and cancer. He said everything, do not worry about anything. I would try I told him.......but now I will try even harder. She is busy in heaven getting things ready for her son when it is his time.

For now we will fight and we shall believe. Thanks for listening. I feel such a special bond with you and even more so since hearing your glorious emotions shared in the past about her. I feel so much better now.>>Believe51

rinaina 05-15-2009 09:17 PM

I would like to add my most sincere condolences and hope you and find comfort from each other during this sad time..

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