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eric 05-01-2009 07:22 PM

Caryn update
Sorry for the delay with this update but we were having problems with home internet.
Caryn had the scope on Monday and thankfully they found no obstruction in her esophagus and stomach. They did find an ulcer in her upper stomach and have doubled her antacid medication. Hopefully it helps her feel better.
She didn't have a treatment this week since her platelets were too low (2nd week in a row). Her tumor markers came down slightly which is great considering she didn't have a treatment but she's still having a major problem with fatigue and digestion. She tried eating slightly and she felt full very quickly and the feeling didn't go away. Even a day later, she doesn't feel like the food's digested. The more disturbing issue though is that the fatigue has gotten even worse the past few days as she's dozing the majority of the day. I just emailed her doc and will keep pestering him to try and get an answer. My heart breaks for her as her quality of life has stunk. She's really down and I don't know what to do for her (or me, as I miss her terribly - so do my kids).

Ceesun 05-01-2009 07:27 PM

Eric, I am sorry to hear this, please know you are in my thoughts. Ceesun

Joan M 05-01-2009 07:54 PM


Caryn is in my thoughts and prayers that her low platelet count is making her very fatigued and that it will bounce back soon and she'll start to feel better.


ElaineM 05-01-2009 09:58 PM

Caryn update
Thanks for the update. I am sorry Caryn is down. Please tell her all her friends here are cheering for her and she is in our prayers.
I wonder if she wants to try a few things? I used to have a lot of digestive issues. Digestive enzymes (including papaya) are available from most health food stores and some pharmcies. Yoghurt with all its's friendly bacteria can help the stomach, esophagus, and other digestive organs. Liquid iron can help the red blood including the hemoglobin and platelets. It is usually available at pharmcies and health food stores. Iron pills can cause constipation. Some foods and blackstrap molasses has iron. Also doctors can prescribe transfusions of platelets. I have been taking liquid iron every day for years. I never needed a blood transfusion or shots due to low blood counts from cancer treatment. I depend on daily yoghurt and occassionally digestive enzymes. Occassionally I take supplements with the same friendly bacteria that is in yoghurt.
Hugs and prayers for Caryn.

BonnieR 05-01-2009 10:12 PM

Eric, you are doing it. Just being there. God bless you for being such a good man. We are with you in spirit. Keep the faith.

Mary Anne in TX 05-02-2009 03:03 AM

Eric, it is a lonely job caring for someone who we love so much and doesn't seem to make lots of progress. I think it forces us to have microscopic vision to see the tiniest of things to celebrate. But it is so hard. I send you and the kids much love and prayers. And to Caryn's doctors I pray for extreme wisdom and creativity. For Caryn I pray for peace and a huge sense of the love we all send her daily. May those platelets snap back into action and give her strength. With prayer and admiration, ma

Pam P 05-02-2009 05:36 AM

Eric, you and Caryn are in my thoughts and prayers. I admire you both so much. Keep the hope for improved strength.

WomanofSteel 05-02-2009 05:56 AM

Eric, please tell Caryn that she is in all our thoughts and prayers on a daily basis. We are all hoping that the docs can help her with her current issues. I know it is frustrating, but she has to be strong and you have to be strong for her. Most of all, you have to be her voice with the doctors and help her get all the treatments she needs. I am keeping my everything crossed that Caryn should feel better in the coming week so she can continue her treatment.

Sheila 05-02-2009 07:21 AM

You and Caryn are both in my prayers continually, hopefully Caryns counts will bounce back so she can resume the chemo...stay strong for her.

Bill 05-02-2009 10:27 AM

Eric, you and Caryn and your kids are in my thoughts and prayers. You guys hang in there and stay strong.

Julie2 05-02-2009 11:00 AM

Hoping it is just a set back and Caryn will recover fully in few days. Stay strong and positive.


Rich66 05-02-2009 11:59 AM

Is there an intervention possible to increase platelets?
Might not be appropriate to Caryn's situation but I came across this:

A number of drugs may be used to increase the platelet count including;
* danazol
* dapsone
* prednisone and related drugs

Believe51 05-02-2009 02:37 PM

Eric, I do not want to be your personal cheerleader here but I really do know the feelings you have and must express my support, caregiver to caregiver. My heart is breaking for you since I do know the feelings of helplessness and how you miss your dearest and very best friend. I can relate also to her appetite problem, Ed has fought an appetite and sometimes a nutrition issue. I understand how you are standing in the side lines fighting for her and watching her quality of life become so uncomfortable. I cried when I read this post since these feelings rang so true for me, I too stand in the same side lines. Please know that as a friend I feel very helpless for you and wish I could offer you more than just saying I understand but it is all I have. I understand Eric, I send you all my love while you see her through this tough situation. It is so awful to watch these wonderful people we love more than life itself travel this difficult journey, it downright stinks.

I have now dried my eyes and give thanks for the lower tumor markers. Please let her know that she is in my constant prayers and thoughts, an all day vigil especially for Ed and Caryn. These candles burn as bright as the love we share with our mates, and it is a candle just for them. So as I end this post I add that all I can offer is my unconditional love and understanding to you. Remind you that your family is right in my heart as life seems to move in fast forward. My love just to you this moment.>>Believe51

lkc Gumby 05-02-2009 03:26 PM

Eric, My prayers are continuing for Caryn, the children and you.

Patb 05-02-2009 05:32 PM

My thoughts and prayers are also with your family.
I pray daily for good news and that the tests will
be better each time. God bless you and take care.

karen z 05-02-2009 06:31 PM

You and Caryn and the kids are in my thoughts and prayers.

Lien 05-03-2009 06:37 AM

Dear Eric and Caryn,
I'm sorry you are going through such a tough time. It is hard to watch someone who is feeling miserable and not being able to do anything about it. I do think that just the fact that you are there for her means a great deal. I hope the doctors will find a way to make Caryn feel more comfortable a.s.a.p. I think the medication she is getting for the ulcer might slow her digestive system. The feeling of being full & the fatigue could also be symptoms of food intolerance. Perhaps mixing teaspoon sizes of different foods could help there. It's called the very, very mixed diet and the trick is to mix small amounts of e.g. rice, buckwheat, oats, broth made from chicken, beef, turkey and lamb, various vegetables, tiny bits of meat, and blend them into a thick soup. Take small sips and see how it goes.

That way she gets plenty of nutrients, without the irritating symptoms. Ofcourse there could well be other causes, but this is one thing you can do yourself which might alleviate her symptoms a bit. It may take a few days for this to start working. It could be a good idea to add some probiotics, if that's ok with her docs.

I used the very mixed diet once after I'd been in a carcrash. It helped my digestive system get back on track. I just made one big pot of soup, divided it into portions, froze the ones I didn't want to eat that day, and drank the rest.



alicem 05-03-2009 07:31 AM


I am so sorry that your family is having to deal with this. After reading all the posts, I see that no one has mentioned a dietitian or a nutritionist. I don't know if there is one associated with your oncologist's office or not. I have a friend who had surgery for ovarian cancer about a month ago and is about to have her 2nd chemo treatment. She told me that she had a visit from the "Nutrition Police" (her words, not mine) because she had lost 32 pounds in that time frame because she was not hungry and not eating. Now I know that her situation is completely different from Caryn's, but perhaps a nutritionist might have some answers as to how she can best overcome this obstacle. Could the fatigue be related to the eating?

My heart and prayers go out to you. I am hoping that you can get some answers that will give you some ideas for action. I think it is the not knowing what to do that makes things worse.


CindyE 05-03-2009 07:27 PM

This is a tough time for you and Caryn as you continue to battle. You are both in my thoughts and prayers. I'm lifting up prayers right now for both of you to have strength and comfort as you march on. Take care and take comfort in knowing that so many others are praying for you. God is near and hearing our prayers.

Shobha 05-03-2009 10:04 PM


I am praying for Caryn, your children and for you. May God bless you with strength and peace.

TSund 05-04-2009 05:01 AM

Eric I feel for you too. It is the worst feeling in the world feeling helpless to help those we love. Marie put it quite eloquently.

The digestive enzymes and probiotics are a must. I'd be careful around the iron; as cancer cells are rather fond of it. A dietary approach would be wiser there than a supplement.

I send my love and support as a fellow caregiver.


vickie h 05-04-2009 08:36 AM


More prayers flowing in from California for you, Caryn and the kids. What a difficult time this is for all of you now. Please know that you are surrounded by love and support. May God wrap his arms around Caryn today and give her the strength she needs to continue her treatment.

Love, vickie

chrisy 05-04-2009 09:19 AM


Stay strong. This has to be unbearably difficult for you, but your main job right now is to let Caryn know how much you love her. And you are very very good at that.

Much love to you all,

Catherine 05-04-2009 09:25 PM

Dear Eric and Caryn,

I wish all the angels on this site could fly over your house, drop in for tea and wave our magic wands.
In the meantime, please know that we are all here for you.

Hugs and Love,

Believe51 05-04-2009 10:15 PM

Eric, reminding you that your family is in my constant prayers. Gently hug Caryn and let her know it is from Marie. Sending my warmest regards.>>Believe51

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