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chrisy 03-02-2009 04:04 PM

OK, so I did this to myself...but I'd like some good vibes for this week...

The good news is I'm "graduating" from the DM1 trial, having completed a year of treatment. This has me at or nearly NED as far as I know.

Because now they roll me into the follow up trial, I have to have new scans (PET/CT and Echo) and since it had been a while, I decided I wanted an MRI of my head as well.

Actually I've been obsessing over the MRI for a couple of months (after San Antonio) - and had been completely symptom free.

My doctor is in the "low threshold for symptoms" camp for ordering MRI, so I started reporting the normal herceptin head symptoms I always have. Then I threw in a couple of headaches (I think they were tension headaches) as well until the NP told me today "well you just bought yourself an MRI". Which is now scheduled for Friday.

And now I'm totally freaking out over it! Is this like when you call in sick when you're not, and then you get sick? (That happened to my mom once).

So I'd appreciate any good vibes, prayers, wishes for nothing in my head. As well as a strong heart and clean Pet/CT.

Thanks everyone.

jones7676 03-02-2009 04:18 PM

Better to be checked than to be sorry.....way to go getting the test you want. And of course I wish you a nice clean scan for this one and many to come. There is no reason why you won't, but I think it is a great idea to be monitored.

Most of all I want to say congratulations on your graduation! May the good vibes just keep on comin'!

Mary Anne in TX 03-02-2009 05:09 PM

I'm on the "Wishes/Prayers" Team!!! Here's to empty heads and clean scans! Will you do the next trial for a year also? Cheers to ya! ma

Jackie07 03-02-2009 06:21 PM


You 'will' have good scan results. Our head has a very confined space. If there is unwanted stuff there, trust me, you'd have noticed. It would not have been just the tension headaches you had 'thrown in'. :)

Whenever I had cancer, brain tumor growing..., my skin showed changes. (That's when I started making appointment with dermatologist and getting those topical creams. And I would be prone to having athlete's foot - a sign of lowered immune system)

I have an MRI scheduled this Friday also only because PHD (Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas) sent me a reminder of follow-up for the Gamma-knife treatment in 2001. I did have to 'present' my 'left shoulder pain' problem to get it approved. I am curious to find out if all the chemos I've had so far have helped shrunk the 3 tumors more. [Probably not - due to the Blood-brain barrier.]

I doubt that the GKRS I had in 2001 would help prevent my breast cancer from metastasizing to the brain. But I like to think it that way just to make myself feel better. [Is there such thing as 'pre-empt radiation' to prevent brain metastasis? Just a wild thought.]

Jean 03-02-2009 06:22 PM

Dear Chrisy,
First of all congratulations on being graduated!
That alone says so much. You have tolerated the trial, have done so great while on it, these are all positive
results. You have not been having headaches, right?
You have not been dizzy, right? Your vision has not been blurred, right?

Okay my darlin, you are just getting a baseline of your head and it is a smart head...you little propeller head you!

But even though all is looking so good, I will say a very special prayer for you....because I love you...not because I am concerned. Those PET scans, brain MRI,
Echo will be perrrrfecto!

So happy for you that you are moving up to the next trial.

Big Hugs,
Jean :)

Mary Jo 03-02-2009 08:07 PM

Geez Chrissy....all those tests and I'd be scan"nutty" too. BUT you being you I KNOW you will pull through all this with flying colors as you do everything else.

But I will still PRAY and ask our Friend in High Places to PLEASE PLEASE give our wonderful Chrissy a measure of His Peace and calm as you wait for the good news.

Hugs from me to you,

Mary Jo

Lori R 03-02-2009 08:23 PM


Congrats on your graduation. Do they provide you with some kind of a cap or gown so that you can parade around the treatment room?

I know how hard you fought to stay in this trial and it has cleared out those cancer cells. There is no reason to think they they have traveled anywhere else. I give you a high five for getting the testing that is prudent, but all prior tests indicate success.

I too had those cloudy, funky herceptin headaches (still get them on occasion) and had an MRI that was all clear. I'll be thinking of you and wishing you continued success in the post-graduate program.


vickie h 03-02-2009 08:33 PM

I love your fortitude! If one needs a headache, then so be it. I'm proud of you for being so pro active. Congratulations on graduating and doing so well.
Take some deep breaths, sister dear. You're going to sail through that MRI and come out a winner!
Much, much love to you sweet sister, Vickie

ElaineM 03-02-2009 09:46 PM

Congratulations on your graduation.Repeat after me !!
"I will get through all my scans successfully."

harrie 03-03-2009 01:00 AM

Chrisy, I think things sound very much in your favor. But for that extra assurance, you are in my prayers.
What I do when I get all freaked out waiting for results is this....I tell myself, At the present, I am NED as far as all is concerned. Fact. So I will not spoil this day of worrying about not being NED. I will save that energy for when that day comes and hopefully it will never come or if it does, it will not be for a very long time. In other words, I try to redirect my thought to what is, not what might be. (this is how I try to redirect my anxiety)

Lien 03-03-2009 04:43 AM

Oh, don't I know that feeling. First you want some test, just to be sure. And then, once the test is scheduled, you want to crawl into bed and hide under the blankets.

In my case, nothing unpleasant was ever found. Am sending good vibes, healing energy, nerve-calming waves and sincere hugs to help you through this week.



WomanofSteel 03-03-2009 08:02 AM

Chrisy, I'm feeling those good vibrations!

Joy 03-03-2009 11:02 AM

You are always in my good thoughts
but I will amp it up today. I, too, think things sound very good for you and I am TH-rilled that this has gone so well for you. DM-1 gave me headaches more so than plain old herceptin. I am glad you are having it checked and I am envisioning you feeling great relief when you get the good news!

Shobha 03-03-2009 11:22 AM

Hi Chrisy,

My prayers are going with you for the MRI. I get totally obsessed too once I decide I need some kind of scan.

I have a strong feeling that the MRI will come back clean and you will have peace once again!

PS: just got a call from onc that my brain MRI is clean. Wishing you the same results!

Carolyns 03-03-2009 01:11 PM

Hi Chrisy,

Congratulations on graduating DM1 and onto the extended trial. It sounds so promising and offers so much hope to the rest of us.

Regarding the Brain MRI - I am right with you on that after the latest findings. I just had my MRI last month. I go every 6-months so far. I wish you all of the best and NED.

Just in case you get someone like I did for your brain MRI: I went for my brain MRI and I was crazy nervous. I made it through the test and upon leaving the tech looks at me and says "Are you dizzy? Are you sure your aren't dizzy???" Oh, my goodness - Imagine where my thoughts went. Anyway, I got the results stat and have since advised the other techs that they should find another way to see if someone was stable to walk after a brain MRI.

Good luck and good vibes coming your way!


Gerri 03-03-2009 04:19 PM


Do whatever it takes to get peace of mind - a brain MRI will give you that. Obviously, from reading your other posts there is absolutely nothing wrong with your noggin - a lot going on in there and it is all good!

I hate MRIs (claustrophobic) but have found that as long as I don't look at the small opening my body is being slid into I do okay. Be sure and share you results when you get them, we will be waiting to hear.

Thanks for your insightful posts and for being such a positive influence on this board.

Much love to you,

Becky 03-03-2009 04:55 PM

Just remember that when you whoosh in that MRI machine its only because there's nothing for it to bump into but brains!

As always, I think of you.

hutchibk 03-03-2009 05:38 PM

You, me, Flori - we are all on the same scan schedule! She just had hers in the last day or two, yours are Friday, and mine are Monday... yikes. CT and brain MRI.

You will be fine. Your RunDMC trial has had those little buggers on the run, and they will find nothing on your brain MRI. Well, hopefully a brain, but nothing else. In my case they have to look really hard to find the brain... and I'm always happy when they do see just a hint of one.

SoCalGal 03-04-2009 04:20 PM

Here's my spin...When my disease was not under control, I was not that into curing my brain. They must go hand-in- hand, right? Once my brain was zapped AND my disease was under control, then I felt that there was not a bunch of untreated cancer cells trying to get into my head so I was more confident that my brain would be NED.

I think that is a reasonable assumption. You may borrow it for as long as you need it.

IMHO...There is NO WAY TO GET THROUGH SCANXIETY WITHOUT FEELING SCARED and I mean really, really scared. I accept that and am just gonna get thru until tomorrow at 1:40 when I hear my results. Using ativan. Staying distracted. Again, IMHO*, If you can truly feel detached and not scared of scan results then I say you must be dead.

So, since we are very much Un-dead, there you have it - Scanxiety. Scannic Mode. The whole shebang.

Sending hugs and prayers that we all get good news!
*IMHO I am not a ho, but "in my humble opinion" is my feeble attempt to soften my big mouth statements:)

caya 03-04-2009 04:47 PM

Good luck Chris - sending positive vibes from Canada...

all the best

Sheila 03-04-2009 05:14 PM

Good Luck on the scans..sending lots of positive vibes that everything will be perfect....you deserve the best!!!!
Lots of good thoughts for the whole scanning crew this week....you, Flori, Brenda ....looking for a triple play on the good reports!

hutchibk 03-04-2009 05:18 PM

Actually - mine are Friday, too. I learned that today when I got the reminder call. Looks like they are going to have to look a little harder to be sure I have a brain...

Believe51 03-10-2009 12:29 PM

My doctor is in the "low threshold for symptoms" camp for ordering MRI, so I started reporting the normal herceptin head symptoms I always have. Then I threw in a couple of headaches (I think they were tension headaches) as well until the NP told me today "well you just bought yourself an MRI". Which is now scheduled for Friday.

Hmmmm....sounds like something Ed would do (ahh....did and we found 10 mets!)

Here is to being proactive girl!!>>Believe51

chrisy 03-10-2009 05:39 PM

Either way, its best to know!

Darlene Denise 03-11-2009 06:46 PM

Chrisy & Ladies:

I haven't posted lately, I have been preoccupied with LOSING MY MIND over the same scan anxiety issues. I had a post cyberknife follow up MRI on 03/02. I was determined not to take Atavan the night before and no Xanx the day of. It's a four hour drive to UNC and it felt like forty. It was evident that I should have taken something to calm my mind, my blood pressure was 201 over 97 when I arrived at the oncology clinic.

I felt sure my brain wouldn't even show up since I surely must have lost it with so much worry! But, no scarecrow news, I still have a brain and it is stable (my husband finds that debatable). Last MRI 12/29 showed one gone, seven stable and one 1mm spot, not certain , might be a blood vessel. I hope so, I need all the blood vessels up there I can get! The 3/02 MRI showed 2 more gone, the remaining 5 stable and the questionable 1 mm spot presented again with zero increase in size, so, still in question.

Of course like all of us, I was hoping for miraculous news, like, your MRI shows all of the lesions have disappeared! But in the real cancer world, I guess stable and shrinking is as good as it gets, so I'll run with it until my next one in 3 months. My blood pressure dropped right after they told me NO NEW LESIONS!! I was elated for about a day and then found myself gearing up with worry about the next damn scan. Such is life as the Queen of Cancer Kingdom.

No doubt, brain mets and the fear of possible brain mets can consume your every thought and it is tough to face the tests to rule them in or out. I applaud you, Chrisy, for being your own advocate and throwing in some "creative symptoms" to get the scan done. Better to catch them small in number and size and even better to not find them at all, which is what I wish for you!!!

I am thinking of all of you all of the time and am so proud of all of your bravery and intelligence!!

Post soon with "All Clear" results so I can be envyous and happy for you!!

Darlene in Virginia Beach

chrisy 03-11-2009 08:05 PM

Hey Darlene, I love your spirit, and I agree... glad to hear that you did not actually lose your brain while losing your mind! My scans came back with no evidence of cancer, which is good, now I can stop worrying for a while, secure in the knowledge that I am, for the moment at least, a bubblehead!

Believe51 03-12-2009 05:35 AM

Yes it is best to know either way. I remember when we first started this journey and the scanity that went along with it. You happen to be one of many people who made us realize that the test results were empowerment in a way. You helped to show us that it was information about what was happening to ourselves. If the scans were good it was time to celebrate, if not we would already have the next plan of attack. This has really helped me to make sense of it all.

Now that does not get rid of the scanxieties, that would be too perfect. So that is why I am starting my morning with sending you a cyber hug and letting you know that continued positive vibes and prayers come your way today and always. Keep up the amazing work, I am so happy for your progress. Blessings.>>Believe51

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