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PinkGirl 08-14-2008 11:15 AM

~ Postal tracking of Tiptoe ~
Tippy and her entourage left my place on Aug. 11. They left Canada on Aug. 13 and arrived in the United States on Aug. 14.

Please keep your fingers and toes crossed that they are not held up
at customs and make it to Kathy's brother's place on time.

Sheila 08-16-2008 05:26 AM

Pink Girl
Any word on the whereabouts of Tip and the gang?

PinkGirl 08-16-2008 09:01 AM

I haven't heard anything yet. I will PM Kathy S. today and see if she has heard anything from her brother.

Kathy S in Tokyo 08-17-2008 03:53 AM

I've asked my brother to report as soon as they arrive in Ithaca. We're looking forward to the visit.

Kathy S in Tokyo 08-17-2008 07:15 PM

Tiptoe and her entourage arrived in Ithaca on Saturday afternoon and will arrive at Narita Airport on Thursday afternoon. We're looking forward to visiting the Great Buddha in Kamakura and enjoying some cool buckwheat noodles for lunch, among other things.

StephN 08-18-2008 12:29 PM

This is REALLY exciting - I have always wanted to visit Japan. Would love to have the "diary" posted here, Kathy. Having hosted the Furry Ones, they carry a tiny bit of ME to YOU!

Marlys 08-18-2008 06:32 PM

I am in agreement with Steph! I fell in love with TipToe when she made her debut with us and delighted in the addition of Tex. They were so much fun to host and I must admit that not seeing many posts about them after they left here made me a little sad! ( Actually, I was down right depressed!!) My therapist suggested I share this with you so you will understand how psychotic I really am. Anyway, please, please keep us up to date on the "kids". I am afraid that if I had been PinkGirl I would have had a hard time letting them go again.
Love & hugs,

PinkGirl 08-18-2008 06:58 PM

It's only fitting that my 1000th post be in a thread about Tiptoe.
Marlys, I don't think you are psychotic because you became
attached to Tippy. Maybe for other reasons, but not that!
Tiptoe is very special. Those who have not met her just don't

I did have a hard time letting her go after only having her back
for a day. And, I spent most of my time going through the "stuff"
that has been accumulated along the way. When she comes back
to me from Japan, I will keep her for awhile - long enough so we
can bond again.

Becky 08-18-2008 07:03 PM

When Tip was with me (Halloween 2007 - can you believe how time flies by), she got a taste of the Big Apple so NYC will be with you in Japan

Kathy S in Tokyo 08-19-2008 05:08 AM

I started cleaning the house for the visit and will look in our storage boxes for a small kimono I'm sure I saved a few years ago. We're excited about the imminent arrival of Tiptoe, Tex and the Chicken and I will be very careful to avoid the yakitori guy who has a shop down the street from us.

Kathy S in Tokyo 08-21-2008 04:56 PM

Tiptoe and her entourage have arrived! Will post more after we get back from having all of our fun. There were no edema issues from the plane but my brother did have swollen feet.

chrisy 08-21-2008 09:00 PM

Glad to hear the kids arrived safely.

I have to say, the title of this thread always makes me picture Tiptoe GOING postal!

PinkGirl 08-22-2008 09:30 AM

Wow, the kids are in Japan. I am so happy that the travel plans
worked out and they arrived safe and sound. Can't wait to see
pictures of them in Tokyo!

Chrisy, I don't think Tippy would ever go "postal". Tex might,
but Tip's a lady ... except when she drinks.

Marlys 08-22-2008 07:44 PM

Great news. Did you find the little kimono? I hope so. Have fun with the kids and do watch TipToe around saki or whatever alcoholic beverages she may come in contact with. She is probably not an alcoholic but she does have a tendency to overindulge, especially after a long trip. I want to see no pictures of her in embarrassing positions or situations.
Looking forward to more about the trip.
Love & hugs,
P.S. Remind TipToe "One Day At A Time."

LAURIE 08-23-2008 05:40 PM

I am excited they are there and there was no edema problems with them. I would like to have them for our babies birth mid feb. I should find out the sex of the kid on sept.2. such traveled mascots we have.

SoCalGal 08-24-2008 12:45 AM

could I have a turn?
I will take them shopping on Rodeo Drive and take their picture on the paparazzi's giant zoom lens cameras in front of Kitson and the Newsroom. Don't they need a vacation?
I won't keep them too long...

Kathy S in Tokyo 08-24-2008 02:07 AM

I will try to post some photos here, but feel free to check out the group I've posted on Flickr in order to get an online source to redirect pictures here. http://www.flickr.com/photos/suusank...7606917618454/

The group has adjusted well to the local time by spending as much time as possible outdoors. Overcast skies meant we didn't have to worry much about too much sun, but the second day of sightseeing was dampened by a cool and constant drizzle.

We're resting at home today as the big softball tournament was postpone due to heavy rain. I expect clear skies on Tuesday when we all head downtown for my weekly dose of Herceptin at the National Cancer Center and a tour of the classy Ginza area.

hutchibk 08-24-2008 02:32 AM

I must stick up for Tex at this point... he's a very well behaved Texas gentletiger. He has a gun permit, but he would never misuse the privilege. He is a bit wild and a little bit randy, but he doesn't have a violent bone in his body!

Have fun with the kids, Kathy!

I emailed my friend at Genentech this week and finally told him the story about Tipsy and Tex... don't know what he will do with it (if anything) but I wanted someone there to know about our 'flat stanleys' of the Her2 world!

Mgarr 08-24-2008 05:23 AM

Great pics. They look like they are having too much fun, think I can ship myself to Japan?


PinkGirl 08-25-2008 09:43 AM

Thanks for posting the pics Kathy - very cute!

Vi Schorpp 08-25-2008 10:28 AM

Your son is such a cutie! Thanks for the pictures, they're wonderful.

StephN 08-25-2008 11:41 AM

What a great reception our mascots are having in Tokyo!
Are they learning the Japanese "A,B,C's"??? Can Tiptoe write her name yet?? Does she have a favorite Japanese traditional food yet??

Looks like I need to start another thread with a new schedule, since we are just about at the end of the last one and we have some new requests.

PinkGirl 08-25-2008 11:47 AM

Hi StephGirl
The kids have to come back to me because I have all of their
"stuff" in a big box. I was going to send them to Andi and she
was going to send them to Believe.

I think a new thread is a good idea. Thanks for being the travel

Marlys 08-25-2008 01:47 PM

I love the pictures! Thanks for posting them. I have added them to my TipToe album. Enjoy! Kids look pretty precious too. Wish I could be ther as it looks beautiful.
Love & hugs,

Kathy S in Tokyo 08-26-2008 12:01 AM

I was pleased to have company on my trip downtown for this week's treatment today. I took a few more photos and have posted them on


with the other shots from our scenic weekend trip. I'm trying to figure out how to actually post them here but I think I need to size them down a bit. The photos can be clicked on to see larger versions.

Tiptoe got to see a little more than Tex and The Chicken as I was concerned about losing one of the kids in the downtown crowds. They were very popular at the chemo center.

PinkGirl 08-26-2008 06:14 AM

Thanks for the pics Kathy. They are so funny ... love the one of the
magazine cover.

I have to ask, sorry, is it the angle of some of the pictures of Tippy or
did she lose her pink hair extension? It's okay if she did, I have more.

Kathy S in Tokyo 08-26-2008 06:32 AM

I've written a note in the journal that accompanied the travellers but yes, it appears that Tip decided to make an offering to the bald and beautiful golden Buddha goddess at Hase Shrine (which had a big "no photographs sign or we'd have posted one of the kindred souls together). Either that, or that Lucky God with the pot belly decided he'd like some hair for a change. It was a case of hair one moment, gone the next. We searched in vain and asked Tiptoe but she only smiled shyly.

I let Tiptoe post in my blog http://sugio.blogspot.com/ tonight with some comments on the photos which I still can't figure out how to post here. Is it my chemo brain?

I'm relieved that you have more so Tip won't have to suffer without her extension for too long.

Marlys 08-27-2008 07:15 AM

3 Attachment(s)
I will give it a try!
If the pictures sren't there it didn't work!
Love & hugs,

Marlys 08-27-2008 07:23 AM

4 Attachment(s)
It worked!!!
Here goes more!
Andi, My grandkids are in school and I did this all by me ownself!!!
Love & hugs,

PinkGirl 08-27-2008 07:25 AM

Thanks Marlys, it worked. And Kathy, you look great!!!

hutchibk 08-27-2008 10:17 AM

Are my eyes deceiving me or is Tex wearing glasses in the first picture? If so, he is looking very distinguished! If not, he is still looking very distinguished! Great photos.

hutchibk 08-27-2008 10:18 AM

I just noticed that they both are wearing glasses. I love it!

Sheila 08-27-2008 10:54 AM

I had to take Tex to the eye Dr.....he was having some issues, so yes, he does have glasses now...but doesn't need them all the time....he has the "John Lennon" look....hes just too cool

Kathy S in Tokyo 08-28-2008 12:26 AM

Thank you Marlys! I start trying to do stuff and end up giving up because the kids are hungry or there is some other disaster (Mom, where is my other sock?).

We've had a series or rainy days this week so Tip et al have been relaxing at home with us. I had to so no when they wanted to go out on our balcony and play in the rain with my younger two though.

Sheila 08-28-2008 05:32 AM

Thanks for the pics of the gang....you look great.....

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