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Terri B 08-06-2008 09:40 AM

Magic Mouthwash
Anyone used this? Is it good? I'm about to get some for my mouth sores. One is so bad that it sent me to the dentist! I thought I had an abcessed tooth!

I've been using the Biotene mouthwash and mouthspray, eating lots of yogurt, but still they come. Oh well, i'm certainly not complaining. ;)

goops 08-06-2008 10:05 AM

I used magic mouth wash for just one day. After that I kept a glass of salt water in the kitchen and in the bathroom - every time I went into those rooms I rinsed my mouth out real good with it. When my mouth sore were at their worst they cleared up quickly by me holding salt water in my mouth.

Terri B 08-06-2008 10:13 AM

So the Magic Mouthwash wasn't any good for you?

Wow, it seems the salt water would sting!
Thanks for the input!

PinkGirl 08-06-2008 10:38 AM

Hi Terri
I tried several remedies and settled on warm salt water.
I used it morning and night and several times inbetween.
It helped a lot.

I was also given ice chips or popsicles during my treatment.
This is supposed to help prevent the sores. You are going
on FEC and the "F" is famous for causing mouth sores.

Make sure you tell your chemo nurse if the sores end up in
your throat. If so, there is a mouth rinse that you swish
around and then swallow.

Mary Anne in TX 08-06-2008 10:40 AM

The mouth wash only numbs your mouth for a few minutes...15 - 30 & gives you a "break". I think the salt water is better too. But sometimes I just needed a break to get through! Good luck!
You can do it, one day at a time!

Terri B 08-06-2008 11:04 AM

Interesting about the salt water! And I'm trying to cut back on my salt!! ha!

This "magic mouthwash" is from my onc, and it is a swish and swallow deal. I think i'll save it for when i'm desperate because it's pretty expensive & my insurance didn't cover it!
Thanks for the input.

naturaleigh 08-06-2008 11:28 AM

Try L-Lysine too. You can find it with all the vitamins and herbs and is wonderful for mouth sores. During my treatments I took one in the morning and one at night. Still use your magic mouthwash and you will double up on the mouth sore fight!!

Yorkiegirl 08-06-2008 11:36 AM

Now Terri please know that you don't swallow the salt water, you just swish around, around your mouth and spit it out. I always made sure the water was warm. So it shouldn't bother you about trying to cut down on salt.

Ruth 08-06-2008 01:11 PM

Hi Terrie ~

I am so sorry that you are having mouth sores! They hurt so badly ~ I remember it all too well. I needed help when I was taking dose dense A/C and my mouth was just really messed up. My local pharmacy actually made "Magic Mouth Wash" for me (per Onc instructions) and it was very inexpensive (I think $10?). This was 5 years ago so I don't know if they are allowed to create this stuff anymore in the pharmacy? It helped me by making my mouth numb enough that I was able to eat. The main problem I was having was rapid weight loss. I just couldn't swallow. I was also told not to smoke anything...especially herbs...(if you get my meaning) as this would make it worse. I am not a smoker but it was amazing how many people offered me nausea helping potion :-) during this time! I tried warm salt water too and I think what really helped me was controlling the amount of sugar intake. I had no sweets at all. I had read somewhere that yeast loves sugar and cutting it out helps your mouth.

I feel for you and hope your mouth gets to feeling better.

Hugs ~ Ruth

Bill 08-06-2008 06:33 PM

Hi Terry! I'm sorry to hear about your mouth sores. Years ago, Nikki used to get them and the L-Lysine, like Naturaleigh said, did help her. She also had a prescription for Zovirax which she was to take at the first sign of outbreak, and it really helped. Also, she had a Nystatin mouthrinse for thrush, which it sounds like, is not what you're talking about. It sounds like the salt-water rinse has worked good for alot here. Best wishes, Terri

Gerri 08-06-2008 07:32 PM

Hi Terri,

While getting A/C I rinsed my mouth (swish and spit) twice a day with a solution called 'Radio Mix'. It was a combination of lidocaine, and two other ingredients that I can't recall (sorry). The pharmacist mixed it up and it was $23.00 a bottle. It was not covered by insurance because it was a compound. It tasted nasty, but did wonders. I didn't get one mouth sore.

BonnieR 08-06-2008 08:12 PM

I have had friends get very good results from the "magic" formula.

goops 08-06-2008 08:25 PM


So the Magic Mouthwash wasn't any good for you?

Wow, it seems the salt water would sting!
Thanks for the input!
It wasn't that it didn't work - the way I understand magic mouthwash is that it is to control the pain. The salt water worked so good I didn't need the magic mouthwash more than a day.

Terri B 08-07-2008 06:06 AM

Great Info everyone, Thanks!

This "compound" that i got yesterday is a mixture of lidocaine, benedryl and malox (i think that's what she said). I haven't used it yet, but if it gets really bad, i will!

I did the saltwater rinse this morning. My mouth feels pretty good, although when i first woke up, it was throbbing so i took some ibuprofen!

Gerri 08-07-2008 06:11 AM


That's the combo I had - now I "remember"! The lidocaine numbs your mouth, so that may give you some relief. Granted, I never had the sores to begin with, but my onc told me to use it as a preventative measure.

I hope you get these mouth sores under control. I'm sure they can be quite painful.

All my best,

Pam P 08-07-2008 06:36 AM

My onc. nurse suggested I rinse with 1 tsp salt, plus 1 tsp baking soda in 8 oz water. I haven't tried it yet. But will try it the next time I need it.

dogs2 08-07-2008 10:25 AM

Magic Mouthwash
It's got Maalox and Nystatin - tastes awful. Got some yesterday. My mouth tastes like brine, extremely sore tonge, making me not want to eat/drink. Managed to do an Ensure. Am starting on Neupogen shots from now on - is it due to low white count?? Also have had searing neuropathy in bottoms of feet (calluses). I think carboplatin is the culprit? Any suggestions would be appreciated. I ended up in hosp. after first round, sicker than a dog, 1 percent white cells. And with all my gastric distress, they insisted on doing colonoscopy - glad it's done and normal. But try having nonstop diarrhea with feet you can't walk on (ugh). Almost ended up in hosp. again. Will be taking it easier for sure.


BonnieR 08-07-2008 11:02 AM

Welcome Judy. Sorry to hear all that is going on with you. I know it is small comfort but try to remember that it is all temporary. Hard to do, I know.
For neruopathy symptoms my onc recommended "Glutamine" an amino acid powder that you get in health food stores. You mix it with liquid. But right now it sounds like you have a challenge just getting nouishment. Have you tried using a straw to drink? Are you on meds for nausea?
I hope your doctors are able to find you some relief soon.
Keep us posted and keep the faith

carstell 08-07-2008 03:02 PM

Hey Terri- I really didn't like the magig mouthwash. It numbed up too much. I found that if I dabbed it on the sore areas, or just held a q-tip with the med on it for awhile that was better. I really hated the numb feeling all over my mouth.Felt like my tongue was getting in my way.Distressed me a bit. Also the salt water or biotene toothpaste and mouthwash really seemed to keep my sores in check!Good luck!

Terri B 08-07-2008 03:05 PM

Cheryl, Great advise! Thanks!

Mgarr 08-08-2008 05:30 PM

In my humble opinion, the baking soda rinse worked better than the lidocaine mix I used them both.

Best of luck.


Catherine 08-10-2008 10:23 PM

baking soda
While on AC I rinsed at least 3 times a day with warm water and baking soda. This did the trick for me.


Kavy 08-11-2008 01:41 AM

When I started chemo 3 years ago, my oncology nurse suggested the same mixture as Pam, baking soda, salt and water 3 times a day, but instead, I used Arm & Hammer Dental Care-Dental Baking Soda toothpaste(not baking soda-peroxide kind, just baking soda), and I have been using it since then. It has done the trick for me, because I've had epirubicin, citoxan, taxotere, herceptin,nalvabine, gemzar, and now xeloda, and no mouth sores.
I hope this will help you.

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