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tousled1 03-01-2008 11:09 PM

Home from Hospital
I want to thank Marie for keeping everyone informed while I was hospitalized -- also had no computer. My computer crashed last week right before I went into the hospital but as of today we have a new computer and are back in touch with the world.

As you know I had another bout with pneumonia and spent a full week in the hospital. After getting antiobiotics (3 different ones), steroids which made my blood sugar go up which required small insulin injections, breathing treatments, 2 units of blood plus Procrit shots to try and get hemoglobin up, electrolytes off kilter so was getting potassium, daily blood draws, CTscan, bronchoscopy, etc. etc I was finally released on Friday. It feels great to be home! My plan is not to go back to the hospital. Was afraid that I'd have to come home with oxygen but thankfully I passed the resperatory test. Your oxygen level with exertion has to drop to 88 to require oxygen - mine was 90. My level at rest is 96 so that's great.

The TCH has stopped working for my lung mets so as of Monday we will be starting Tykerb/Xeloda. I have an appointment Monday at 2:30pm to pickup my pills at the oncologist's office. I'm not sure how I feel about this but I guess taking a bunch of pills should be easier than getting an infusion every week. We will do the Tykerb/Xeloda 8 weeks and then get scanned to see if it's working. Please pray that this treatment combo will just knock these pesky mets to the curb!

Now I have to start reading up on Tykerb/Xeloda. I must admit I've read some but not enough that I feel very educated about this treatment plan. I would appreciate any words of advise, wisdom from those of you who are on this treatment plan and what I can expect. Here we ago again -- into the unknown.

I'm maintaining my positive outlook, exercising (walking), and eating well. Having cancer is like a roller coaster ride - has it's ups and downs and then of course must throw that severe curve to you.

You are such a wonderful group of women/men and I don't know what I'd do without you. You've been here for me since the beginning and I couldn't ask for more concern, support and love. Thanks for being here.

Bill 03-01-2008 11:23 PM

The "Kate-ster" is back! You are such a part of this site, that when you have to take a timeout, we all suffer. I missed seeing your beautiful face with that little "chipmunk" on your shoulder.

lilyecuadorian 03-01-2008 11:39 PM

I think The Lord listen my prayer's today at church .....you are back .......

Bill 03-01-2008 11:49 PM

Katie, you probably already know, one side effect of Tykerb and Xeloda is the diarrhea. Nikki's dosage of Xeloda was 3 pills (1500 mg) in the morning and 4 pills (2000) mg in the evening. She was not on Tykerb and Xeloda at the same time. Her onc. stressed while on the Xeloda that if she had any side effects, like hand and foot syndrome, or diarrhea, to call the office immediately. Xeloda can be adjusted up or down, depending on your tolerance. I know with the Tykerb and Xeloda, it's alot of pills all at once, but maybe if you take a nausea med. beforehand, it may help. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Love, Bill

harrie 03-02-2008 12:04 AM

Kate.....WELCOME HOME!!!!
Aloha, Maryanne aka harrie

Karen W 03-02-2008 12:29 AM


Hugs, prayers and loads of positive thoughts being sent your way.


hutchibk 03-02-2008 12:56 AM

Kate - I will certainly share with you EVERYTHING I know about the beautiful combo... I have been on it almost a year now, and tolerating it really well.

Chelee 03-02-2008 02:17 AM

Kate, Its great that your back home. You've been through so much lately. In fact far too much. I must admit...I LOVE your plan, its excellent...which is to NOT go back to the hospital. :) I'm holding you to that. I happy to hear your taking good care of yourself. I will be praying hard for you that this new chemo kicks some mets butt.

Sending you warm healing thoughts and prayers.


Sheila 03-02-2008 05:24 AM

It is so good to see you back...hope the new treatment does the trick...if Brenda is any indication, the combo should supercharge you.....you remain in my thoughts and prayers

Mary Anne in TX 03-02-2008 05:50 AM

Hi Kate! So glad that you are home and will get the new "pills" on Monday. There are lots of trips to the unknown in this journey, but it helps to go on those trips with such wise and loving friends! You've got so many friends here. I can't wait to hear from you that the treatment is being tolerated well and is beating up those bc cells! I miss you on the days you can't join the back and forth chats! Lots of love, ma

PinkGirl 03-02-2008 08:59 AM

Hi Kate
Welcome home - it's the best place to be.

Wow, pneumonia and no computer. That's
a double whammy! Glad you got through both

Good luck with starting your new treatment
tomorrow. Pills will be a nice change from
the infusions.

I will be sending you lots of good vibes for
this combo to do the trick. Let us know if
you need Nurse Tiptoe back - she now has an

madubois63 03-02-2008 09:14 AM

Kate - Good to see you back home and on the computer!! I have to say your post gave me nightmares/flashbacks. One time, (at bandcamp)a nurse spilled a cup of water on my laptop (idiot). Zap!! I spent 10 days disconnected from the world! It was horrible, so I truly understand!! The broad spectrum of antibiotics and steroids (enough to warrant insulin) is also very familiar to me. I am VERY happy not to be on steroids or taking the insulin anymore. I love your plan of staying out of the hospital!!! I am on the same plan!!! I've been on the Xeloda for 3 weeks now and am tolerating it very well. I did have a few bouts of diarrhea though. Drink LOTS of water and don't forget the rice and bananas. Use lots of thick hand cream for the hands and feet. Good luck and keep up the good work!! Keep your sense of humor - best medicine.

nitewind 03-02-2008 09:25 AM

Kate, let me add my good wishes for you. So happy that you are home and equally happy that you're connected to us again! As always, you have a plan and a great attitude, just try to stay out of that hospital, we miss you so much! Love you and praying everyday for you.

Kim in CA 03-02-2008 11:08 AM

Wow Kate,

I'm sure glad to hear you are back home after such a rough go in the hospital. I am sending my best healing thoughts and prayers your way and hope that this new combo will get you on the road to NED.


Emelie 03-02-2008 12:30 PM

Welcome Home
Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers as you continue on your journey. I know the new meds will do the trick.
I also know how glad you are to be home and out of the hospital.
Keep us informed as things go forward.
Glad to see your beautiful smile again.

Andrea Barnett Budin 03-02-2008 01:21 PM

WELCOME HOME, KATE! You crashed and your computer followed. But both back up and running! YEAH! Please, enough with the hospital sleepovers, et al... Your last tx plan didn't work, so the heck w/that. NOT FOR YOU. Now, you're on a new path! I am sending hugs and prayers into cyberspace, both just for you. Time for the ca cells to surrender and for you to start posting about good reports. We're all here cheering you on and waiting for happy news from you, Kate. So, go get 'em, warrior queen!!
With love, Andi

Patb 03-02-2008 02:51 PM

So glad you are back home and with a computer!! I wish you the total
best with the new treatment. Take care.

goops 03-02-2008 03:28 PM

Welcome back, I am sorry to hear you been so sick. I hope your new treatment plan works well for you.

Jackie07 03-02-2008 03:45 PM

Welcome back! Glad to see (read) you are feeling so well - (from the well-written e-mail.) Keep up the good spirit and thanks for sharing.

sassy 03-02-2008 04:42 PM

So glad to see you here and safe and sound at home. You are sorely missed when you are gone. No more hospitals, no more crashes. Fini!

Mary Jo 03-02-2008 05:22 PM

It's so nice to see your beautiful, smiling face back among us.

I am praying that your new tx plan does just what you ask - KNOCKS THOSE PESKY LUNG MET BUGGERS TO THE CURB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love to you.........

Mary Jo

Patty F 03-02-2008 05:24 PM

Welcome back. I hope you are feeling better. It is nice to see your smiling face again.

tousled1 03-02-2008 05:30 PM

I want to thank each and everyone of you for the wonderful words of concern and support. Pink Girl I love the new picture! I truly don't know what I would do without this wonderful group of men/women. You are truly the best! When I was first told I'd go on Tykerb/Xeloda my heart dropped to my stomach and I thought here we go -- out of options. Now that I've had a few days to digest I feel much more confident. I still know there are plenty of options out there for me but I think right now we need this treatment plan. I will get to NED!

WomanofSteel 03-02-2008 06:19 PM

Glad you are back! Sorry to hear that you have had a bumpy road lately. I hope your new meds do the trick for you!

Bill 03-02-2008 06:44 PM

Yes, you will Kate! We are all there with you, praying for you and pulling for you. I just caught a glimpse of Ned. He looks alot like Sam Elliot. He's in his penthouse suite at the five-star hotel, already dressed in his black tuxedo, polishing his dancing shoes. He has already called down to the ballroom on the first floor and ordered a bottle of their finest champagne to be sitting on ice at your table. Ned has purchased a beautiful corsage for you, and as he slips on his polished shoes, he smiles. He gets up, crosses the room to the mirror, adjusts his black tie, and in his mind's eye he sees you sweep into the ballroom, a vision of sheer beauty in your flowing white dress, as he walks up to you, bows formally, then kisses your hand, and pins the red rose corsage onto your gown. "Madam, I have been waiting for you. May I have the pleasure of this dance?" He knows you're coming.

caya 03-02-2008 08:31 PM

So glad you are home Kate. I am sending good vibes that that new treatment plan will bring you to NED, ASAP.

all the best

Catherine 03-02-2008 09:19 PM

Welcome Home Kate,

So glad you are home. Just want to let you know I am on your team. So keep up the good work with the excerise an healthy eating. We are the excerise gurus. Maybe we do not pump iron but we get our bodies up and out. Happy you can do this. I hope the pills go down smoothly. You can always chase them with a cupcake. Cupcakes are my new favorite fantasy food.

Hugs and love, Catherine

Paty 03-02-2008 09:30 PM


There is no place like home, so I am glad you are back and feeling confortable. Hang on there girl!! we will all be praying for you.

tousled1 03-03-2008 12:21 AM


Thanks for brightening my day! I actually can visualize NED waiting there for me and believe me I'm more than ready to meet him. I really do feel that this combo will work for me. With all the encouragement and prayers I'm receiving I'm bound to meet up with NED.

anne2 03-03-2008 06:02 PM

Great that you are back home!! I hope the Xeloda/ Tykerb will do the trick for your lung mets. Best of health.

chrisy 03-03-2008 09:43 PM

Kate, Good plan, to stay out of the hospital! Especially now that you've got that gorgeous NED waiting to wine and dine and dance with you! You are not at all out of options - and Tykerb/Xeloda is a good one.

Take care

hermiracles 03-04-2008 01:51 PM

Really glad you are home Kate! Hope this new treatment works wonders for you.
Tell Tiptoe 'no playing up - just 'cause she's home at your place!' lol !You make a great team http://her2support.org/vbulletin/ima...ons/icon10.gif
Blessings sis

Lolly 03-04-2008 05:59 PM

Kate, I was on Tykerb/Xeloda last summer for 4 months; it was pretty easy to tolerate except as Maryanne says, stay on top of the diarreah! At the first loose stool, take action. I used a dose of Immodium and usually only had to take one or two doses for a day or two, and then I'd be good for a week. Also ate banannas and rice, but that wasn't enough for me to keep it at bay, I also needed the Immodium.
Hand/foot syndrome is something to watch for also, keep your hands and feet moisturized with a good cream.
You may get the "Tykerb rash" on the face/chest area. For me, it ran it's course in 6-7 weeks. It was kind of like itchy pimples. A face cream helps keep it from being too dry, which helps with the itchiness.

Last, SO GLAD you are home from the hospital, and I like your plan; never go there again!

<3 Lolly

Soccermom 03-04-2008 07:24 PM

Dear Kate,
Just another Her2er happy to welcome you home! Your neverending good spirits make me smile!

Big hugs, Marcia

dhealey 03-04-2008 09:02 PM

Welcome back Kate! Glad to hear you are home and have the computer up and running as you will be. Keeping you in my prayers that the tykerb works! God Bless!

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