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kareneg 01-07-2008 10:17 AM

As I thought
The cancer is progressing again. I have several tumors in my liver but two stubborn ones are progressing. And I have a few nodules in my lungs and he said it look like some of them are growing not much he said though, and I also have a tumor on the tail of my pancreas and that stayed stable. So he put me on Gemzar It seems I can't find any treatment that will last longer than four months I pray this one will. I am not going to stress about this just positive thoughts that all I will allow. But I would love to hear some responses from my lovely ladies who have been on Gemzar and how they made out and if any side effects. Thank you all I love you!

nitewind 01-07-2008 10:27 AM

Karen, I've not been on this medication, I just want you to know that you have all my best thoughts and I'm keeping you in my prayers. I surely pray that this is the one that will do the job for you.

BonnieR 01-07-2008 10:44 AM

Just stopping by to offer support and love. I am sure that those with experience on the drug you refer to will be coming on board soon with good information. Meanwhile, keep the faith.

Believe51 01-07-2008 10:54 AM

Hello Love...
I am sorry to hear this news today, I have you in my continued prayers Sweet Neighbor and have been saying them 'louder' just in case I am not heard the first time..(smile). Soon you shall hear from these fines Warriors who have been on Gemzar and they shall help you out further. If there is anything I can do gathering anything you may need on clinical trials coming to Rhode Island please speak out and I am there. For now I will leave you with some of my positive energy, with prayers that you can remain strong until the next move comes up. IBelieve you when you say you are not going to stress because I know you firsthand, I can hear your voice!! Keep your attitude for the upcoming fight and remember that I love you too>>Believe51

Sheila 01-07-2008 02:42 PM

What about Avastin and Abraxane or Taxol with the Herceptin...I had great results from this combo, and even though I am off the Avastin, I remain on the other 2....the Avastin did a number on my B/P, then the insurance refused to pay for it, but all in all it did work well. It blocks the blood supply to the tumors so they can't grow, and eventually die. Sending healing thoughts and prayers to you.

Mary Jo 01-07-2008 04:59 PM

Hi Karen,

I cannot offer any opinions on the treatment but did want to send my love and prayers to you. I care.

Mary Jo

kareneg 01-07-2008 07:11 PM

Thank you all for the love and support. Sheila I don't think he will put me on Abraxene or Taxol right now because I progressed on and Taxotere. He is going to email the doctor I had at Dana Farber to get more ideas so maybe Avastin will be in there some where. I pray that Gemzar does something for me if not he said he will put me in the hospital to heavily pre medicate me and give me the Carboplatin. As for the new drug IXEMPRA he is going to wait to give this to me since I just failed the taxotere, I am so confused and of course I was alone this morning when I went to see him so all I remember is bits and piece's in between all the tears. So thanks again for all of the love it helps me to be stronger and never to give up this fight. And if anyone can give me some info about there adventure with Gemzar I would deeply appreiciate it. I love you all so much and thanks again for all the support.

Sheila 01-07-2008 07:19 PM

I think Lolly was on Gemzar if I recall...hopefully she'll post, or you could private message her....even though you failed on the Taxotere, you may not on Taxol with the Avastin....I'll be anxious to see what they say....until then, remain strong, you will beat this again, you are in my prayers Karen.

dhealey 01-07-2008 07:22 PM

Karen, I can't offer any input on these drugs, just want you to know I am thinking about you and praying they find the right combo for you. Keep on fighting!

Carolyns 01-07-2008 08:21 PM

Hi Karen,

I am sorry to hear that you got this news of progression. I have been on Gemzar and found it easy to tolerate. I was tired and had to go with 2 weeks on and 1 week off rather than the 3 weeks on and 1 off originally intended. My counts dropped on the 3rd week so we switched.

I used Zofran (don't know if I needed it) but never got a bit sick. Did not lose my hair (thinned a bit and hurt at the scalp) and just felt a little tired. The best part is that it kicked the liver mets to the curb. I hope the same for you!

Love, Hope, and Peace, Carolyn

PS - That is one beautiful baby you are holding...but, I'll bet you have heard that before.

lexigirl 01-07-2008 08:30 PM

Dear Karen,

I am sorry that you are dealing with progression. I do have some positive news re: the gemzar tx. There is a gal from the bc.org who had liver mets upon diagnosis of her bc. She was on gemzar+ herceptin and it kicked those mets right to the curb! She has been NED ever since. I believe it's going on 5 years!! There is hope!!

Please know that you are in my prayers for an awesome response to your new tx.

Hugs and Prayers,

lilyecuadorian 01-07-2008 09:02 PM

Oh my Dear Karen ...I write this post to get this pop up and someone savior and smart then me give you more ideas ...you was not alone because I was thinking about you and pray also ..in the morning when I was getting my infusion; hope you keep in you heart what Lexigirl said about gemzar ..!!! how long you have to wait for start treatment again !! love you my friend and keep the fight attitude

sassy 01-07-2008 09:03 PM


Just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Hope the new treatment works wonders.

Vanessa 01-07-2008 09:13 PM

I have not been on Gemzar, but I want you to know that I am thinking and praying for you daily.

madubois63 01-07-2008 09:27 PM

Karen - I too have no experience with Gemzar, but wanted to send my prayers and support. I truly hope this treatment lasts long enough to put you in to NED and keep you there. I will be starting a new treatment (new for me - xeloda), so I understand your angst. Good luck sweetie...

Mary Anne in TX 01-08-2008 04:31 AM

Hi Karen!
I've not used Gemzar, but hope it is THE one for you! I thought of you this morning as I opened and read the message from Lani about the case discussed that showed good results for brain mets with someone who stayed on herceptin after diag. with mets and added chemo. I think that keeping a totally open mind about all these drugs and how to combine them and retry them, etc is so important. I think so often that we close too many doors too quickly. I'm praying for you and sending lots of positive, hopeful, fighter type thoughts your way! Take some time today to kick some "fear butt" and then get ready to kick some bc cell butt! You're terrific, courageous, and very loved! Start getting ready for "THE BATTLE! Lots of love, ma

sarah 01-08-2008 06:51 AM

What about Iressa? Isn't that good for lungs? or is it just for lung cancer not bc?
there are solutions, stay strong
hugs and love sarah

mslinda 01-08-2008 04:40 PM

Karen, don't give up. I don't have experience, but I have the ability to pray for you, which I am doing.


charlotte 01-08-2008 05:21 PM

I was on gemzar and taxatore... It put me in remission for about 18 months....gemzar was tolerable... Hang in there...

StephN 01-08-2008 07:32 PM

Dear Karen -
Sorry you had such a rough day.
Don't know what your onc is thinking. I also failed on Taxotere for adjuvent treatment. But that did not prevent my med onc from putting me on a combo with TAXOL only six months after I had finished Taxotere.

Taxol is a good drug that has synergy with other drugs. It worked for me with raging liver mets.

chrisy 01-08-2008 10:17 PM

Gee, Karen. You sure are having a tough time finding a combo that will work well and for a long time. I'm so sorry you are having to go through this again. You have such a strong spirit - I know you are saddling up again for the Gemzar and I hope this will do the trick.

Much love and prayers

tousled1 01-09-2008 07:32 PM


Even though you failed on Taxatore that doesn't necessarily mean that the other taxanes won't work. The Taxol/Carboplatin seems to working for me right now. You're in my prayers.

Lolly 01-09-2008 10:39 PM

Karen, I agree with Kate that Taxol/Carbo are a good combo. I'm on a triple right now that is Taxol,Carbo/Avastin week 1, Taxol week 2, Taxol/Avastin week 3, rest week 4. I've finished one cycle and just started the second cycle today. But even after just the first cycle we've seen improvement in my affected lymph nodes and chest wall skin lesions which have been very stubborn since last spring.
I was on Gemzar/Herceptin for almost 2 months last spring, but it was pretty hard on my counts. I was supposed to have it weekly but only got it every other week due to low counts. It kept the lesions and nodes stable but I wanted to see shrinkage and so did my onc, so we switched gears. I think if I had tolerated it better and been able to stay on schedule, it may have been more effective for me. Discuss strategy with your onc about keeping keeping counts up, and it could well be different for you. Other than low counts, it was very tolerable, no naseau, some tiredness, some thinning hair, but not bad. Best wishes, sending good thoughts to you :)


hermiracles 01-09-2008 11:27 PM

Hi Karen ~ sorry you are having to deal with progression ~ hope the new drugs are a big help to you.

Chelee 01-10-2008 12:53 AM

Karen, First of all I am so sorry you have to deal with all this. The only thing I can add is I know two people personally that did well on Gemzar. One person was my Mother...although she was battling advanced lung cancer. That being said she was 77 years old with lots of other health issues and I have to say she did REALLY well on a combo of Gemzar & carbo. Her side affects were very managable and she told me she felt pretty good all things considered. She had a good response from Gemzar & Carboplatin which I was happy about due to her age & other medical issues. So here's to gemzar doing what the other chemo's couldn't. I really believe you will have little problems from Gemzar. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.


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