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Andrea Barnett Budin 10-08-2007 10:44 AM

Gaining Control Of Your Life
My Keys To Success that brought me to PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT...!
<HR style="COLOR: #cc0033" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Ladies, As so many have asked for this list, I am repeating it in this new thread. This list was designed for me -- with my particular pathology. I am NOT a medical professional. (As I think Marie says, I only play one in real life!) I AM a professional patient if ever there was one (since '95) and have read extensively for a layperson's understanding of Supplements. The Internet is a fabulous tool for information, as you all know.

I "met" Dr. Mitchell Gaynor when I read the first page of his book, HEALING ESSENCE. It gave me goose bumps and changed my life (in '98 w/mets). It was in a stack sent by caring friends. I would take one off, reject it, and move on. Hard to concentrate when you're staring at your own mortality. Then one early morning of sleeplessness, at 5 AM with pitch blackness outside, I went in to my bathroom, closed the door, not to disturb my husband, turned the light on and put the toilet seat down. I sat and began to read. IT TURNS OUT THAT THIS BOOK WAS GIVEN TO ME BY MY BABY DAUGHTER (now thirty something). It led me to Dr. Gaynor's door. Consequently I have defied the poor prognosis handed me as a 4th stage metastatic invasive lobular carcinoma patient (2 out of 21 nodes+, recurred in multiple tumors throughout my liver, HER2+ 80% (in '98 that's how they categorized me). Vitamin H has saved my life, but so has Dr. Gaynor and all he taught me. Lobular and Her2+ are highly unusual and is an extremely aggressive form of bc. SO WHAT?

If you GOOGLE -- DR. MITCHELL GAYNOR -- www.drgaynor.com --
you will learn much about this remarkable healer, running an INTEGRATIVE ONCOLOGY CENTER in Manhattan. I love this man and was surely led to him through divine intelligence. It was SYNCHRONICITY at play...

You can contact Dr. Gaynor's office -- 212) 410 - 3820 for a copy of the book I speak of above, or for an appt. His credentials are within the SITE above. Do yourself a huge favor and take the time to check out his recent TV appearances (by clicking on the bottom of the site! IT IS MESMERIZING. YOU WILL BE TRULY INSPIRED AND ENLIGHTENED!! May the information touch your Soul and bless your life!

My spiritual journey has assisted me along w/all listed in my signature below. Feeling mortally endangered I was moved to draw on every resource I possessed. I sensed a great force within me. Going deep within myself, meditating and using guided imagery, I tapped into the mindbody link, knowing it was TRUE. My terrified emotions became quelled as I soared up into the Universe and became The Witness. As The Observor I connected with and merged with MY SOUL, my True Self! We are each sacred beings! The Soul is composed of fragments of divine energy from our Creator. Wehave yet to use 95% of our brains, scientists tell us. We have much to learn about our empowerment and ability to heal and manifest our most deeply desired destiny.

Healing powers were awakened in me, as I called upon the Universe to conspire with me to bring healing energy to my body. I had seen the look on the faces of the doctors and nurses. I had been hugged by a nurse at the outset. I felt her chest heave as she fought back tears, having read my chart. I WILL PRAY FOR YOU, she whispered into my ear. I KNEW I was in big trouble! Peeks at bc bks confirmed my suspicions. My prognosis was beyond poor. So, instead I turned to HEALING ESSENCE, Wayne Dyer's books, Seat of the Soul, The Power of Now, slowly making my way to joy and harmony and wellness despite it all.

I opened my heart to discover a whole new world. I live with a Knowing -- the Spiritual Realm touches us daily with the power of Guardian Angels, Teachers and Guides sent to be at our side. WE ARE NEVER ALONE. NEVER! I have come to identify myself as a Spiritual Being, with a mind and a body. I now see others as the Souls they truly are. This perspective changes everything! I turned my back on a sense of frantic helplessness and despair, fear and dread. Instead I have embraced my WHOLENESS, my True Self. I feel my Oneness w/all that IS. My personal crisis became a spring board to fresh Awareness, epiphanies and perceptual alterations. To awe and wonder. To feeling more alive than ever before. I am beyond grateful for each of my blessings, recognizing each that was there before but unrealized. I live with humble gratitude for my discoveries. I believe my wellness is more than miraculous. It includes the expertise of my surgeons and oncologists, my supplements boosting me up in every which way from the onset, and my awakening to a new reality that is sublime and EMPOWERING!!!

This is precisely what I wish for every one of you, my sweet Soul Sisters. I offer you my list below to be considered, based on your own pathology. I have included the supplements I take to fight off my 22 yrs of suffering from hot flashes. They are bold, and approved by Dr. Gaynor, but I hesitate to offer them as they are so controversial (including phytoestrogens, which some studies say can better bc outcomes and others fear). I am ER/PR-! So if you are plagued by constant flashing and desperation, think about these. My Plan B is to go on short term progesterone (pill or cream), hoping to stop the cycle.

Sending much loving, healing energy to all you wonderful women warriors with the courage of legions... ANDI


Asidophilus (AKA Lactobacilius Asidopholus) Probiotic, friendly bacteria/30 billion viable cells per capsule, maintaining healthy microflora) (major uncontrollable all day gas, pain and spasm relief) -- AM/PM
Alpha Lipoic Acid – 300 AM/PM (detoxifies liver, antioxidant, neutralizes free radicals, protects cells from damage, can cross the brain barrier, energy)

Biotin – 5 (AM) (healthy hair/nails)
B-6 (P5P50 activated B-6 -- AM (healthy heart)
B-12 – 1000 sublingual -- AM (boosts energy)
C-1000 w/Bioflavonoids 200/Green Tea 299/Proline 300 (AM) (enhances immune system, reduces recurrence of cancer)
Calcium – 600 w/D 400 -- 2 AM/1 PM (increases bone density)
Chromium – 400 mcg -- PM (boosts energy, maintains sugar levels)
Co-Enzyme Q-10 – 150 -- AM/PM (enhances immune system, prevents cancer cell proliferation,energizes, healthy heart, good gums)
D-3 – 1000 -- AM (STRENGTHENS bones)
DL-Phenylalanine – 500 (appetite suppressant, mood enhancer)

DIM-PLUS (Diindolylmethane) – 100 -- AM/PM (metabolizes estrogen) GOOD FOR "ME" -- as ER/PR-

E – 400 X 3 -- 2 - AM + 1 - PM (healthy heart, relieves hot flashes, immune booster, inhibits metastases, decreases tumor burden) HAS NOT INTERFERRED W/CHOLESTEROL #s AND IS OK W/CARDIOLOGIST TAKEN AT THIS LARGE DOSE

Echinacea – 300 w/golden seal – 100 -- AM/PM -- l wk on/1 wk off (staggered w/Thymulus) (immune booster)
Thymulus – 750 w/Astragalus – 250 -- AM/PM -- 1 wk on/1 wk off (staggered w/Echinacea/goldenseal) (immune booster)

Exhilarin – 615 Holy Basil Leaf Extract, Ashwagunda Root Extract (AM/PM) (relieves hot flashes, ENERGIZES)

Evening Primrose Oil 500 -- AM/PM (relieves hot flashes)

Fennel (Seed) – 480 X 1 AM/1-2PM (relieves gas, stomach pain, spasms, helps rid intestinal tract of mucous)

Flaxseed Oil – 1000 + -- AM/PM (heart healthy, anti-cancer, detoxifies, improves brain function, helps painful, severely dry eyes since Taxotere ’98) NOTE: I AM ER/PR-!

Ginkgo Biloba Extract – 60 -- AM/PM (mental alertness)

Grapeseed Extract 150 -- AM (anti-oxidant, can cross blood-brain barrier and protect brain and spinal nerves against free radical damage, enhances anti-tumor effect, protect liver, strengthen connective tissue, including heart system, supports immune system and slows aging)

Green Tea Extract Reservatol – 200 -- PM -- or drink 3 cups daily (anti-oxidant, heart healthy, anti-cancer)

L-Carnithane Fumerate – 500 --AM – empty stomach (amino acid, assists in gastro absorption, energy, heart, assists weight loss)
L-Glutamine – 500 --AM – empty stomach (amino acid, assists in gastro absorption, energizes)
L-Lysine – 500 --AM – empty stomach (amino acid, assists in gastro absorption, energizes, lowers triglyclerides)
Magnesium – 200 and Potassium – 545 -- PM (bone healthy, helps sleep, regulates bowels, energiezes, healthy heart, lowers blood sugar and triglycerides raises good cholesterol, prevents stroke)
NADH – 5 Co Enzyme 1 -- AM/PM --on empty stomach, 1/2 hr before eating (relieves chronic fatigue/ENERGIZES, improves mental acuity. DNA repair. good for muscle/joint pain)
OMEGA 3+ -- MEGA EFA (OMEGA-3 EPA (800) & DHA (400) -- AM/PM (suppreses tumors, inhibiting their growth, may slow or prevent recurrence of cancer, improves blood glucose, anti-inflammatory properties) NOTE: I add 1 pill when having belly pain...
PERFUSIA SR (L-Argenine) – 350 --AM (EJECTION FRACTION elevator, strengthens heart)
Phyto Formula – 1 scoop of soy lechitin powder. Spirulina barley grass powder, tomato powder, wheat grass powder + MULTIPLE powdered FRUIT/VEG anti-cancer lycopenes and antioxidants … in 8 oz potassium rich OJ (relieves hot flashes, promotes ENERGY BIG TIME, boosts immune system and mental clarity, helps regulate bowels)
+ 1 banana a day for potassium/strength/energy
Garden of Life RM-10 Immune System Proten-zyme Mushroom Blend – 1165 (w/Aloe Vera 36 + Cat’s Paw Bark 305 + SELENIUM 200) -- AM/PM – empty stomach (regulates immune/stimulates immune system, anti-oxidant, detoxifier, heart protector, anti-inflammatory, reduces recurrence of bc)

Zinc – 30 (PM) (anti-cancer) NOTE: Any more upsets my stomach

+ I AM TAKING BLACK COHOSH ROOT 80 w/Motherwart 100 and Lemon Balm Leaf 50 -- AM/PM to relieve major constant hot flashing per Dr. Gaynor. I am ER/PR-! This has improved my QOL enormously, though has not totally eradicated the hotness. No long sleeve tops for me...

I get most supplements from: VitaCost, Nutriceutical Science Institute, Vitamin Shoppe, True Nature -- or VitaHealth Apothecary (free shipping) 212) 628 - 1110 in Manhattan through Gaynor...
<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->__________________


With LOVE, Andi

lilyecuadorian 10-08-2007 10:48 AM

thanks very very much for share ...I' take a note for some ..of them thanks

hutchibk 10-08-2007 10:58 AM

Thanks Andi. What a wealth of knowledge. You are an incredible inspiration!!

(I think it is worth mentioning that for any folks currently on any type of chemo (not on Herceptin by itself as Andi is, but in combo with one or more chemos) - this list on the whole does not apply to you... as many supplements can interfere with the efficacy of chemo. So please be careful. I think this wealth of info applies mostly to early stage folks, those who are NED, and/or those who are on Herceptin by itself...)

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-08-2007 11:41 AM

When You Need Supplementing Most...
Thanks Lily and Brenda for your comments. Just to clarify -- when I had my recurrence in Aug '98, that is when I went to Dr. Gaynor. I had read his book in Aug '95 when initially dx.

I began Taxotere Sept '98, as I was told by my onc that I needed to start immediately and not wait to try and get in to clinical trials on Herceptin. As it was, they rejected me as I had had too much Adriamycin. And w/ongoing tests at the outset, my bc was fast progressing. Vit H was fast tracked by the FDA as of Sept 28, 1998 and became available to every one at that time. My docs waited till my first 8 wk set of CT scans to be certain the Taxotere was working. Then in Nov '98 I began H and have remained on it since. Stayed w/Taxotere through May '99 when I was declared in remission.

It is important to understand -- I BEGAN MY SUPPLEMENT REGIMEN IMMEDIATELY, in conjunction with my metastases. Dr. Gaynor believes that when your immune system is under siege from the chemo -- that is when you are most in need of supplements!

And I have stuck w/the program ever since. For a while I thought the demandng daily requirements were controlling me and my life. Then, I realized that taking the supplements put ME in control of my life. They further EMPOWERED me, beyond eating *right*, meditating, using guided imagery, scripting mantras for my daily mental chatter to incorporate and in fact come to dwell on (versus the fear-riddled thoughts, equating my weakened condition w/defeat, living w/thoughts full of uncertainty and helplessness). I troll for these thoughts with each day, confronting my negative and honest emotions at their arising. I investigate them and experience them, as repressing them is surely not healthy OR HEALING. Then, I move on, to programming my thoughts, reflecting what I truly want (vs what I fear most). I know to be careful what I think, as whatever it is I am concentrating all my energy on and focusing on will come to materialize in my life. This is a key truth I have learned and embrace. It is both the good news and the bad. It is up to us to choose our thoughts with clear intention and explicit expectation!!

What we think all day determines how we will feel (emotionally). It impacts our psyche and -- becomes a predictor of our fate! Once we own our BELIEF, we claim our power and can thus alter outcomes... Self-prophesying is the end result of what we dwell on all day.

The energy of our thoughts go out from us on varying frequency waves, depending on their makeup (positive or negative). The Universe (and others) sense this energy and respond to it -- IN KIND. So by envisioning myself as a Survivor I was calling upon the Universe to collude with me to bring me and make manifest what I consciously chose to infuse my mental dialogue with...

It is quite miraculous to discover how empowered we each are. We are so much more than we ever imagined. We are sacred beings indeed, meant to claim our birthright, granted us as we drew our first breath on earth...
Andi http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201e05fca/06

hutchibk 10-08-2007 12:11 PM

Hi Andi - not at all to discount what you and Dr. Gaynor have done in your case, but if I'm not mistaken, I have learned that a lot of research in the last 5 years or so has yielded some solid knowledge of interference of certain supplements with different chemos... I don't mean to mislead anyone or cast question on your tremendously successful experience! It is definitely up to the individual to pursue their own path. I guess it would be most prudent for someone to find a good and reputable cancer nutritional expert and follow their guidance. Dr. Gaynor is amazing from what I have read. I love mine, too, Dr. Dan Labriola in Seattle.

Love you Andi! Thanks for the valuable info.

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-08-2007 12:23 PM

Nut Oncs -- Where Are You...??
So true, Brenda, Finding an oncologist who is knowledgeable about supplements is a tough task, but so very essential. Conventional oncs/rock star oncs have asked me -- when I give them my alphabetized list of supplements -- YOU REALLY TAKE ALL THIS "S**T??? They are off put by the photo estrogens and fearful in general, as they are not at all familiar w/the efficacy. I can take their laughter and snarky remarks, as I have been blessed w/ my very own nut onc/healer...

Our medical schools do not train our docs in herbal remedies, much to the detriment of all of us. I am thankful to have found my gem/guru of an onc. My nut onc. Such great credentials and yet I would imagine most of his peers see him as off the wall, w/sound therapy, meditation and such. Yet he has saved many lives w/his INTERGRATIVE theories that surely soothe the Soul at the very least. Being dx w/bc is one of the most terrifying experiences a human being could be faced with. And it is ongoing, even if you are DANCING WITH NED... A daily, full time job!

Every thought is like a prayer. Every prayer is a potential miracle! The power of the energy of our thoughts and prayers is mighty! Not to be negated...

Annlyn 10-09-2007 01:42 AM

Dear Andi
I think you left one off the list!!!!

...and an occasional glass of wine...


jhandley 10-09-2007 07:20 AM

natural progesterone cream fro hot flashes
Hi Andi
I take a lot of similar supplements to you. I use natural progesterone cream for hot flashes it works a treat and helps you sleep. There is some evidence that it also normalises the p53 tumour suppressor gene.


6.5 yr survivor

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-09-2007 08:25 AM

A Thread Of Thinking That Needs To Be Followed...
http://her2support.org/vbulletin/images/icons/icon4.gif The Mindbody Connection Is Real...
<HR style="COLOR: #cc0033" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Brenda D started a thread -- CAREGIVERS AT RISK? This is a copy of my post on that thread. Any others have similar stories around the time of dx?

I think it's important to share and note the connections...

The mindbody link is undeniable. Stress and anxiety compromise the immune system, lowering T cell count, disturbing sleep, lowering our Spirits... And that takes its toll on our bodies. Psychology is reflected in our physiology!

I too went through similar problems with my Mom and her *dying brain cells* causing her to have Alzheimer-like symptoms, become paralyzed, not know her name or mine, unable to care for herself ('89-'92). I arranged for round the clock nurses (like a little mini hospital administrator), plus visiting and stocking the house w/food and medical supplies of a large variety, arranging for ambulette to take her to doc appts as getting her in to the car was too much for me and a nurse. The wheelchair could go up and down the ambulette's ramp. Then, I found a nursing home for her (after scoping out all possibilities) and packed up her apartment, closed it down (as if she were dead) and moved her in to the geriatric center. Saddest day... Pathetic to see the shell of what used to be my Mother, unable to speak, communicate, feed herself... The works.

Mom was in that home from '92 - '01 when she died. I was dx in '95 and recurred in '98. Stressed out is an understatement. Broken-hearted. Grieving for her for so many yrs. That's when UNHEALED old traumas and old anguish come to the surface. We must learn to go deep within ourselves and do some self-investigation to bring resolution and transformation, to be the strongest, healthiest person we can become. Deep reflection can be transforming. NOW I know this. And I try to share my discovery with others, for their own good and wellness. We must all become aware of the impact of our stored up resentments and sorrows to best serve ourselves.

Thank you all for sharing this information. It is extremely helpful in learning to make the connection...
Ever pensive, Andi

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-09-2007 08:29 AM

Oops. Almost Forgot...
Oh my Heavens, Annlyn... I MUST HAVE FORGOTTEN TO TAKE MY MENTAL ACUITY PILLS! Absolutely -- a glass of wine is essential to QOL.

My family laughs cause my favorite *glass* is a balloon glass (which is 24 oz large), on a long stem. I use it for my 10 8-oz glasses of water a day, carrying it from room to room.

And I use another for my wine. I only fill it half way up. Now, that's a glass of wine...Andi http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201e05fca/16

StephN 10-09-2007 11:55 AM

Balloon glass
Hey Andi -
I was beginning to WONDER what you drank out of that 24 ounce glass!! A full bottle of wine is exactly 24 ounces (Magnum is double that amount). Beginning to look as if you drink your wine "by the bottle" instead of "by the glass!!" Glad I read to the end of your post ...

Was hoping an intervention for you and Tipsy would not be necessary, as healing oneself is one thing and over self-medicating another!

Mary Jo 10-09-2007 12:15 PM

Thanks Andi for the all the information. It is mind boggling for me BUT my mind boggles easily.http://www.her2support.org/vbulletin...cons/icon7.gif I do take some of the supplements you recommend, however, not all.

I will go the website of Dr. Gaynor and check this all out. It is interesting, to say the least, and learning new things is ALWAYS a good idea.

Thanks for all the work you put into this post.

Mary Jo

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-09-2007 12:15 PM

Thanks For Piping In, Jackie!
Jackie/Survivor! Way to go... Thank you so much for hearing my silent plea for help in this area. Interesting about progesterone cream. It keeps popping into my life. I hot flash all day, going from clammy and hot (at best!) to dripping wet and feeling like I'm on fire and trapped in my own skin. Did somebody turn the air off in here? No funny punchline to me.

How much do you use it (%/dosage)? Do you do it daily? Vaginally? How long have you used this? I know some bc women who've been on for yrs, w/no ill effects and all the benefits. And you raise an addl perk re p53 tumor repressor gene. Have to google that one, but it sounds great to me.

Thanks for the info, Jackie. I need some help in this area, to be sure. BE WELL! Feel blissful...

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-09-2007 12:20 PM

Attaining A Harmonious State
Hi Steph,

You know that blissful, serene look on my face? And meditation is good too... PLEASE NOTE: Not *medication*.

All the above are essential to good health. Moderation, I know. My family keeps me in line, don't worry.


StephN 10-09-2007 01:08 PM

Harmonious state
Hey Andi -
Next thing you know we will be referring to you as our Resident Buddha - teehee.


Do you have a mantra for Tiptoe?

PinkGirl 10-10-2007 08:14 AM

Tip's mantra
Good one StephN..... how about aum....I am one with the rodent universe

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-10-2007 04:11 PM

The Great Compassion Mantra
Thought I'd bring my post from the TIPTOE THE HAMSTER thread over here, apropos of Steph's quest. For those who don't know, Pinkie shared w/us that Herceptin is derived from Chinese Hamster Ovaries. After much fun, wondering if their was any lead involved and understanding why some of us had sprouted whiskers, Pinkie adopted a little hamster from The Republic Of China. After staying at the Pink One's house in Canada, she has arrived at my door (in Boca), w/blue blingy stud earrings and a Journal. She is scheduled for a world tour, heading for Marie (BELIEVE 51) and Ed in R.I... Check out the whole thread for a good laugh. And keep on smiling...

In Search Of A Mantra...

<HR style="COLOR: #cc0033" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->
Tiptoe is an enlightened being, full of peace and compassion, strength and fortitude. She tells me that the Great Compassion Mantra contains great healing power! It is like a magic spell or password to invocate or communicate with The One.

AUM MANI PADME HOM is cleansing and transforming. It allows the one chanting those syllables to attain the exalted embodiment of Compassion, Love and Wisdom. It puts you in touch with the awareness that your body and mind are empty without your Spirit! All the answers to all your questions lie within you.

In silence and meditation, you become free to connect with your Essence, or Soul. In so doing, you tap in to the powers of the Universe. Hail the jewel in the lotus. Be motivated to seek Compassion, Love and Enlightenment -- and peace and balance will fill you up to overflowing.

(I'm just telling you what Tiptoe explained to me...)


Mary Anne in TX 10-10-2007 04:54 PM

Andi, I loved reading your list of supplements! My husband takes a couple of handfuls (well, maybe that's a bit of a stretch) each morning after his oatmeal doctored with ginger, garlic, red pepper, etc (yes it is dreadful smelling)! He had a major heart attach 12 years ago and began a serious study to take care of himself! He has had heart tests every year and always comes out smelling like a rose! (Actually, he amazes them each time. They couldn't get his heart rate up any higher while running this past week) He is faithful to exercise, eating no trans fats, meat, etc...you know the routine....and taking those yucky supplements! I say yucky because he chews them up! Ugh! But he does it. He gets criticism from people who think he "needs" some meat (including his mother) and his just overdoing it! He's 65, works every day outside in the heat and loves his life. He had spent 25 - 30 as a marriage and family therapist (still slips now and then and says yes to helping folks) and so doing stuff with his hands in the heat is wonderful to him.
Anyway, I say all that to say that for 10 years he has continued to get even more healthy and be so happy. He has been an inspiration to me to add supplements (one at a time....I'm such a hesitant pill taker) as I watch him be so healthy!
I know we need to be careful what we do, but for a "doubting Thomas" like me, I need to be a bit more open minded. I'm getting there!
I know that he comes from a family that is basically "long livers", except for his dad who had 3 major heart attacks and died a bit early.
My family has kinda, "one of each" disease to run from. But I have to think that what he has done would do me good, so I'm working on adding a bit every few months to see how it goes.
I totally admire the "healthy eaters, tea drinkers, supplement takers, and all who have such great self discipline. I'm really trying to be one! Well, part one anyway!
Thanks to all who question and make us think!
Mary Anne

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-11-2007 08:49 AM

One By One, Step By Step...
Hi Mary Anne, That's how I add supplements -- one at a time. What a few wks to see how I feel. Better, worse, AOK, stomach issues. Then I go off for a few days. Then I retry. Then I either eliminate or incorporate. I was previously not a pill taker. Swallowing one was a studied swallowing ordeal, like a drama queen. Still I take one at a time.

My husband pops a batch in his mouth and swallows it down. He can take a pill without water. He also doesn't understand why I need a knife (to cut up my food) as he just shovels in large mouthfuls. Paul had a heart attack in '85. Father died age 47, big bro at age 53, middle bro quadruple bypass +++. But Paul is under control and robust and (I can't believe I'm saying this) is turning 70 next week! He looks fabulous. I met him when he was 28 and I was 21. Wow!

I am still thinking about thinking about exercising. Actually my goal is a 10 min walk for starters. But can't drum up the energy to get dressed, unless I have to. So this is an issue... Still smiling and enjoying Life! Andi http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201e05fca/06

fullofbeans 10-11-2007 10:16 AM

Hi Andi,

I enjoyed reading your post and since we have had same dx but that you are writing this 8 years later: I salut you!

As you know I also value very much mind and body connection and I am not saying that it is the crutial factor for everyone but I know that it is extremely important for me. Since to me the crash of my immune system due to stress was the cause of my cancer, I think that being full of hope and enjoying life and keep away from stress can only help my immune system, this is medically proven..eating healthy organic food will also improve one's immune system, fact.

Power of the mind is factored in most medical study too (placebo effect). Even for animal it is important. Many animals die when put in cages, even if they are fed, if they are released before death, some make fantastic recovery. Sometimes for human our cage can be our own easily worried atitude, an inherited mindset or feeling of inadequacies.

Continue smiling Andi, sure you'll find a great Mantra soon!

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-11-2007 10:48 AM

You Make Me Smile!

SO, FULL OF HOPE ISN'T JUST FULL OF BEANS! Good for you. Yes, similar dx, though I have to check out FEC, TACE and LITT, from your signature. Am very interested in THE VACCINE TRIAL you are in! You are in Seattle, or you are in UK? I'm confused. What else is new?

Your words -- "Many animals die when put in cages, even if they are fed, if they are released before death, some make fantastic recovery. SOMETIMES FOR HUMANS OUR *CAGE* CAN BE OUR OWN EASILY WORRIED ATTITUDE, AN INHERITED MINDSET OR FEELINGS OF INADEQUACIES" are full of enlightened awareness in my book.

Our thoughts can haunt and taunt us, OR, if we consciously choose to rewrite our internal dialogue we can elevate our mood and call our desired destiny to us. We can FREE ourselves from the cage of living in fear and sorrow, anger and resentment. We have that power! Along w/the power to instruct our bodies to HEAL... Talk about EMPOWERMENT! It is a stunning discovery once you come to see and BELIEVE...

AUM MANI PADME HOM -- for cleansing and transformation, healing and harmony.

Andi http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201e05fca/06

PinkGirl 10-11-2007 02:10 PM

is this an example?
I did this last week (really) !!!

I had a tooth pulled. My dentist told me to wait one day and then start rinsing my mouth with warm salt water. I left the salt shaker on the bathroom vanity. At suppertime, I remembered where I'd left it, and went to get it. It was the pepper shaker. I had rinsed my mouth with warm pepper water and I swear to gosh - it tasted like salt. Is this the mind/body thing? Did it taste like salt because I thought it was salt? I really did this - couldn't believe it !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-11-2007 03:58 PM

Yes, Just Like That!
I met a lovely older woman (late '70s at this stage defines *older* woman) in the chemo room. She sat beside me. We chatted. She mentioned having gone to the gastro doc for stomach issues. He gave her something yucky to drink, which she did. Then, she said, two nurses stood her up and grabbed her by the arm/elbow and SHOOK her up like a malted. Then she lay on the table for pictures. NOTHING. They said, I want to THINK about the most delicious thing you think of it. SEE yourself eating it and FEEL how yummy it tastes. She did this. AND THEN THEY GOT THE PICTURES THEY NEEDED. I think that's a fabulous *visual* to explain the mindbody connection...

If you THINK it and BELIEVE it and can SEE it -- you own it. That's how I made my way to Survival. Do this daily. It really works! I swear!!

Andi http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/clip_art/gstres/celebrte/heart

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-17-2007 04:13 PM

Mantras Help You Manifest Your Desires
Hi Fullofbeans,

My mantra has been I AM STRONG, BRAVE AND DETERMINED. It is my goal at the very least. I am mindful that I am a role model for my children, demonstrating firsthand how to deal with adversity of any kind. So my every word and deed has this awareness as its Essence.

Also, I try to live by I WILL NOT WORRY UNTIL I HAVE DEFINITIVE REASON TO BE CONCERNED. That's a really tough one, I know.


I actually instruct my body daily -- NO MORE CANCER! Making my *Intention* and *Expectation* clear and impassioned. I focus my energy on STAYING WELL AND HEALTHY, and inform my body of this routinely. Your body hears every thing you think and whisper... And it obeys! Expectation = Your Reality.

Wishing you, and all our Sisters decades upon decades of dancing with NED... And stay out of cages that entrap your mind...

With love,
Andi http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201e05fca/06

dhealey 10-17-2007 05:45 PM

Andi, Thank you for your wealth of information. I will try some of the supplements. I agree stress plays a part in whether or not we heal. When I think back to the year before my diagnosis it was filled with nothing but stress, my husband and I lost our house that we had bought from my dad because of outstanding loans he had on it that we didn't know about, my husband and I both changed jobs (very stressful), my daughter was diagnosis with a precancerous cervical condition and my son who was 17 was always getting into trouble. All made for a very depressed me. All is better now, we bought a house and 2 mos later I was diagnosised. I have learned alot in the last year about letting go of past hurts and leaving the stress behind. I think of myself as a work in progress. In some ways the cancer has changed me for the better. I am going to try some of the supplements you suggested and get Dr. Gaynor's book and my gosh I am going to have a huge glass of wine which I have obstained from the past year. This weekend marks my one year survival!

PinkGirl 10-17-2007 07:07 PM

supplementally challenged
Hi Andi
Right from the beginning of my cancer adventure and all the book reading and internet surfing, I have been overwhelmed by all the info out there regarding supplements.

If a person (me) was going to start taking supplements, which ones would you suggest I start with. Right now I take calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, celexa, and arimidex. I have a big jug of flax seed and a coffee grinder, but I am afraid to take it because I am ER+ and I read somewhere that flax seed is a phytoestrogen. My onc. told me that phytoestrogens have never been "proven" to be a problem for ER+ people and he even said I could take Black Cohosh for hot flashes. It is also a phytoestrogen, I think.

So, what do you think I should start with? My main complaints are joint pain from the arimidex and fatigue. I would like to start out small and work up but I don't know where to start.

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-18-2007 11:11 AM

1 supplement for 3+ days, then move on slowly...
When I started taking supplements (as a person who didn't swallow pills well on the rare occasions I had to) I took baby steps. Ever put on a long slinky dress that you couldn't sit in, and when you walked, each step was a delicate little wriggling along?

I took 1 supplement. Started at lowest dosage. Waited days and noted bodily reactions. If all was well (no belly cramps, bowel issues, less tired, more energy) I progressed. Increasing dosage for a few more days and noting any changes, till I got to recommended dosage. Then I'd add another supplement to my regimen. (I researched everything by Googling and taking notes.

Yesterday on Oprah, Dr. Christiane Northrup was on for the full hour. I have her first book, WOMEN'S BODIES, WOMEN'S WISDOM. I want to get THE WISDOM OF MENOPAUSE.

Her premise is that when women change the basic conditions of their lives that lead to health problems, they heal faster, more completely, and with far fewer medical interventions. Dr. Northrup is an OB/GYN trained at Dartmouth Medical School and Tufts New England Medical Center and is Assistant Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Vermont College of Medicine.

She addresses not only the symptoms but examines what is going on in your life, seeking balance body, mind and Spirit. She speaks of holistic ways to prepare and heal faster if surgery is necwssary, embracing contemporary medicine at its best, combining new techniques with natural remedies and the miraculous healing powers within the body itself.

We can have an emotional breakdown, or a physical one. We should see it as an opportunity to learn and come to know our True Selves. She calls it a breakthrough moment. You go into labor with yourself, she explains. Too much has been swept under the carpet by you and your Spirit is saying, What about me?! It gets your attention by manifesting in bodily malfunction.

Northrup says all illness begins with CELLULAR INFLAMMATION (presenting as headaches, back pain, joint pain, heart disease and cancer). So, she says that after age 35 we just have to eat less carbs, less caffeine and seek to regulate our blood sugar. She touts OMEGA 3S AND GROUND FLAXSEED as being anti-inflammatory and having many additional benefits, like elevating mood! YEAH! So, I'd start w/those. I take Flaxseed Oil. I am ER/PR-. I know Flaxseed is an area of concern for many in the med profession, but so are all supplements unfortunately due to the lack of education in medical schools in this area. Conventional med has not caught up yet w/ancient Eastern remedies or adjunctive therapies.

Northrup says more than genetics is at play. Even twins, with the same DNA, can have different health issues -- due to environment. You say, But they were raised together. Yes, but... It's all about your the environment within you! Your thoughts and your emotions (which derive your behavior) can contribute mightily to your health -- for good or bad.

The doc talks about becoming depleted of Co Enzyme Q10 through stress and our heart's need for this. So I would add CO ENZYME 10. Long ago, I was taking 75 mg when I first met Dr. Gaynor. For energy. When I met with him, he waved his hand, Is it helping? No. Not really. You need to take 100 2X a day. Later he upped me to 150 2X a day. I also take B-12 SUBLINGUALLY (could get B-12 shots at regular oncs office for that). I do this every morning and it really helps. Even more so, PHYTO FORMULA POWDER that has no taste and no texture when mixed w/a 6 oz glass of OJ kicks in after about a month and then WOW. Soooo much better.

NADA -- Co enzyme 1 -- 1... 5 mg pill taken 1/2 hr before meals 2X a day is great for mental acuity. (In other words, I'd be even more at a loss for the right word, name, title, whatever, without it.)

Dr. Weill of Harvard fame says you must take SELENIUM and a little ZINC (too much will give you stomach pains). C w/BIOFLAVINOIDS is essential. CALCIUM w/D + D3 are essential. (NOTE: I take Selenium within RM-10 Immune System Mushroom Blend.)

For bowel and tummy problems of all kinds (mucositis from chemo can be really painful and create spasms and gas big time) -- ACIDOPHILUS PROBIOTIC changed my life + FENNEL SEED to use as needed is enormously relieving in this area. Chemo kills everything, including the healthy, beneficial bacteria in your belly. This Probiotic re-balances your messed up belly and all its issues!

Healthy heart -- B6 and FOLIC ACID, still despite some reports out saying was yes, now no. Gaynor says still yes. 9 yrs of Herceptin and I'm still working so I'm sticking w/that program.

CHROMIUM very good and necessary. DL-PHENYLALALINE is a natural mood enhancer. My mood is good so I'm keeping this one. You can add later, if you choose. E -- important anti-oxidant, inhibits mets. decreases tumor burden.

Immune boosters -- I alternate one wk on w/ECHINACEA/GOLDENSEAL and one wk off. During the off week I substitute TYLMULUS/ASTRAGALUS -- so as not to build up an immunity to one or the other.

GINGKO BILOBA also helps mental alertness. And I need all the help I can get.

GRAPESEED EXTRACT helps protect the brain and spinal nerves, protects liver, enhances anti-tumor effect, strengthens connective tissue, including heart system, slows aging! I think it's working... http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201e05fca/06

GREEN TEA RESERVATOL EXTRACT -- Gaynor says drink 3 cups of Green Tea a day. I'm a tea drinker, but not so fond of Green. During the yr of my met I drank green tea all day. Helps shrink tumors. Healthy for heart.

Amino acids I googled and also found on Gaynor's list -- L-CARNITHAN, L-GLUTAMINE, L-LYSINE -- I take on empty stomach -- assists in gastro absorption which is an issue for me, but also energizes and I see listed by many experts. (I always keep my eyes peeled and love corraboration.)

PERFUSIA is for good Ejection Fraction, which is key for anyone on Vit H http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/clip_art/gstres/thghts/smile.

Then FOR ME, I have a host of hot flash helpers listed at the beginning of this thread. Also there are all the dosages I take. Please note I take them AM and/or PM -- with a meal!!!! OR, I have noted those I take on an empty stomach, which is as I wash my face first thing.

I hope this helps make THE LIST look a bit less daunting... Choose the areas that are most important to you to correct or support and begin there. 1 at a time.

I had tried Gaynor's LYCOPOM (pomegranate juice and tomatoes gel pill) -- powerful anti-oxidant, anti-cancer. I can't eat most fruits due to IBS. This pill gave me problems for 2 days. I stopped for 2 days, and was fine. I started again, and was cramping, doubled over, diarrhea. Threw them out. I eat tomatoes in salad and dishes and marinara sauce and I'm fine. I tried Gaynor's recommended Wheat embryo oil. Wheat is a trigger for me for IBS. 2 days on, problems w/bowel and pain. Stopped -- fine. Started again -- problems. I threw those out. I don' consider it wasted $$$ but a wise move. My body can't tolerate those things, which YOU may find beneficial. The latter is for hair and nails. I take Biotin. A little help, maybe. No hairline, thin, frail hair w/no body (vs thick, wavy hair before chemo). I'll live with it...

Lastly, I forgot -- ALPHA LIPOIC ACID -- is a must include. Detoxifies liver, antioxidant, neutralizes free radicals, protects cells from damage, can cross brain barrier, energy. This is also on many experts lists, I've noted lately.

So good luck. Dr. Northrup says -- make yourself a priority. Remember depression is anger turned inward. It's okay to be angry, but know that you don't want to live angry. She says -- we are all supposed to serve, BUT WE'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THE MAIN COURSE. Women must learn to receive too. Giving is good, but nourishing yourself is essential to being able to give from the fullness of what you are. Don't give out of exhaustion, it will deplete you and make you physically ill. Don't give out of guilt. Give when you can to feel that joyful sense of gratification, not to feel rent and used.

UNDERSTANDING THIS PHILOSPHY IS PREVENTIVE MEDICINE! Dr. Northrup says -- MEDITATE, EXERCISE (even if it is one 10 minute walk a day) AND HAVE SEX (even if it is "self-cultivation" -- Eastern Daoist teaching vs Western *masturbation*). Love yourself just as you are. See your beauty. Feel sexy and empowered to heal yourself and nurture yourself (before you try to nurture others). All these stimulate those endorphins and get them flowing. And that in turn will make you feel joyful and ready to enjoy good health.


Andrea Barnett Budin 10-18-2007 11:15 AM

Hooray Deb...
DEB, CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU ON YOUR ONE YEAR SURVIVAL! That's great for starters. Praying you will stay in the NED Club for another 50 yrs at least. That's my plan...

I love the idea that you become free to call yourself a Survivor even in treatment! It's an attitude. Living with a Survivor's mentality.

Andi http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201e05fca/06

dhealey 10-18-2007 05:15 PM

I considered myself a survivor the day after I had my first mastectomy.
That's what all us breast cancer sisters are wariors, survivors, and thrivers. Congrats to all of us!!!!

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-20-2007 12:32 PM

Harnessing The Power To Heal...
Dr. Christiane Northrup book WOMEN'S BODIES, WOMEN'S WISDOM begins by quoting the authors of THE PARADIGN CONSPIRACY. "...a society that builds social order on institutionalized soul denial gets progressively violent rumblings, until it looks as if civilization is coming apart at the seams". I saw our lives reflected in this bold statement.

Dr. N goes on to say "Consciousness creates the body. Ourbodies are made up of dynamic energy systems that are affected by our diets, relationships, hereditary, and culture and the interplay of all these factors..." Healing cannot occur...until we have critically examined and changed some of the beliefs and assumptions that we all unconsciously inherit and internalize from our culture. We cannot hope to reclaim our bodily wisdom and inherent ability to create health without first understanding the influence of our society on how we think about and care for our bodies.

I had goosebumps reading her words which are the very core of healing, which is what I pray each of us will learn to recognize within ourselves and claim -- empowering us to call our desired destiny to ourselves. Our innate healing abilities await...

With the help of modern medical and scientific advances, we must utilize our own often latent capabilities to bring wellness to us. We cannot assign this task to others, but must personally participate in healing.
With passion, Andi

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