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StephN 08-25-2007 12:13 PM

Oh shoot! Got something needing checking out ...
Well friends, I hope my dance with NED is not over yet.

I have discovered a VERY HARD area above my right clavicle. It almost looks like I have been pumping iron on one side and have an overdeveloped muscle between top of shoulder and my collar bone.
I can't really distinguish any individual lumps like swollen nodes - the whole area is hard and swollen. However I have no pain or real stiffness, just a bit when I turn my head way to the left.

For those of you with troublesome nodes:
How did the area feel/look like and what else can you describe about it??

My med onc is in China so another covering for her ordered an ultrasound with possible biopsy on Monday morning.

My last markers in mid July had not moved from my normal, but have not had the HER2 serum assay since spring. I have blood draw again this coming Wed. when I get my Herceptin, as I am on a 6-week schedule with that.

I can use some positive thoughts and prayers. Thanks, angels!

Sheila 08-25-2007 12:54 PM

Oh Steph
I hope its not the BC rearing its head again....but I must say that I found my own, noticed it when I turned my head to the side, this lump that popped up and was more defined..it wasn't tender...I honestly would never have thought of a recurrence, even my plastic surgeon and my regular surgeon thought it was reconstruction related...well the biopsy revealed Her2+++ ER PR - just like my primary...if in doubt, get it biopsied....here hoping you have just a overdone muscle in the area, or inflammation from something. Haven't your tumor markers been reliable in the past? Mine have not, so mine were normal when this was discovered.
Sending you prayers and healing thoughts that this is nothing and you can continue your dance with NED for a long long time.

VaMoonRise 08-25-2007 01:02 PM

Thinking of You & Praying it is Nothing!
Hi Steph,

I am so sorry to hear that you have something new to worry about. I hate times like these. The waiting and not knowing is brutal and having your Onc. out of town sure doesn't help matters.

I haven't had any node problems thus far, knock on wood, so I am of really no help in that regard. This area that you are describing is it on the same side as your port by chance? Just wondering, that if it is, could it possibly be related to port trouble that has gone undetected?

Just want to let you know that I am thinking of you and praying that it is nothing and that you remain NED for forever!

Please keep us posted.

Love, Hugs & God Bless,

Barbara H. 08-25-2007 01:18 PM

Hi Steph,
This is not the news that I wanted to hear from you. It's possible that it could be a lipoma, or a lymph node that is hard because of infection. I will try to think positive, until you hear otherwise.
I'll be thinking of you.
Barbara H.

Julie2 08-25-2007 01:19 PM

I am thinking of you and hoping it is nothing. We want you to remain as a symbol of hope for us.


StephN 08-25-2007 01:19 PM

To quickly clarify. Thanks for the replies.

I never had reconstruction as I had a smallish lumpectomy. The area in question is on the surgery/radiated side or right.

Port is on my left side. And the area near my neck and collar bone of the left is normal or only a very little bit swollen, and not hard at all like on the right side.

IRENE FROM TAMPA 08-25-2007 01:34 PM

Positive thoughts going your way

Am praying for you and that this is nothing more then a muscle "gone wild"

My tumorous nodes have been in areas where they cant be felt, so can't give you much there.

Here's praying that your markers are good. Let us know

fullofbeans 08-25-2007 06:42 PM

My thoughts are with you and yes indeed please remain a symbol of hope for us..may you dance with the NED for many years to come.
All the best for Monday and lots of positive thoughts and supportive energy coming your way.

tousled1 08-25-2007 07:22 PM


I'm praying that the suspicious area turns out to be nothing more than perhaps a pulled muscle/tendon. Your tumor markers have always seemed to be a good indicator for you and since they are unchanged it's a good sign. You will be in my prayers.

Becky 08-25-2007 07:40 PM

My thoughts are with you. Thinking nothing but positive vibes.

StillHere 08-25-2007 07:48 PM

Steph, keeping nothing but positive thoughts for you this Monday. Peace be with you and let you be calm enought to get the rest you most certainly need. Luv Karen

Sherryg683 08-25-2007 07:56 PM

Steph, here's hoping that everything will be fine for you. I am so lumpy around my lumpectomy that I am afraid I wouldn't know a tumor from scar tissue. I depend on the scans..sherryg

kareneg 08-25-2007 08:12 PM

I am also praying that this is nothing and you have a lifetime of NED!

sassy 08-25-2007 08:27 PM


Praying for "nothing" has become my prayer for all of us. So praying for this area to be "nothing".

Chelee 08-25-2007 09:16 PM

Steph, I won't be of any help but I just wanted to let you know I will be thinking positive thoughts for you. I hope its just some nasty infection or some sort that can be stomped out with antibiotics or some other un-expected thing. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.


Roz 08-26-2007 12:31 AM

Hi Steph,
I too had a lump "firm" mnot hard" where you describe. I was a bit worried, but had in the back of my mind that there used to be a lump thing there when I was swimming every day. (Prior to br cancer). Turned out that it was not cancer recurrence. I must have pulled a muscle a little while swimming, and as I swam in the same fashion every day, it stayed the same. Hope that yours is just a muscle pull.

Mary Anne in TX 08-26-2007 04:58 AM

Well rats, Steph! What a deal!
I'm sure believing it's nothing serious and that you'll be NED still!

Lani 08-26-2007 07:40 AM

Steph N can you be more specific about the location
of the bump.

The clavicle (collarbone) goes from the sternum (breast bone) to the A/C
joint (where it joins a part of the scapula or shoulderblade that "turns the corner") The A/C joint is prone to arthritis, with spurs on the joint giving the appearance of a bump or can occasionally get benign bone tumors, and can separate after trauma and "ride high" giving the appearance of a bump. Lymph nodes usually lie about half way between the joint formed by the sternum and the clavicle and the A/C (acromioclavicular) joint.

Ultrasound doesn't go through bone, so the ultrasound you are scheduled for may show lymph nodes, but wouldn't show an arthritic or separated A/C joint or a benign bone tumor. If your problem is not anywhere near the bone or the A/C joint, then it would seem to be probably involving soft tissue only and the ultrasound capable of giving an answer.

If it doesn't, imagineg which allows the delineation of bony problems (xray, CT or MRI) might provide more answers.

Just food for thought...

Joy 08-26-2007 08:01 AM

I'm here for you too Steph
Unfortunately not with any answers. Just hoping it is some other weird thing that can happen with our bodies and I am waiting anxiousloy and hopefully for good test results! Prayers and much love to you!

dorinda 08-26-2007 09:44 AM

Oh Goodness. I Will Pray For You. Try Not To Worry To Much. Easy To Say But Not To Do. I Remember My Pastor Once Said That "worry" In Greek Means To "strangle". Boy ,it Really Does Stangle Us When We "worry" And It Sure Does Not Change The Situation,does It. I Will Pray That God Will Give You Peace And Joy Durning This Trail. Keep The Faith.dorinda

sherri 08-26-2007 10:27 AM

Hi dear Steph,

My thoughts are with you and I'm hoping there is nothing and we hear the good news soon.

Much love,

chrisy 08-26-2007 11:25 AM

hi Steph,
Well, I hope you get the answer that this is some other thing completely unrelated to cancer. I'm sending positive vibes for tommorrow.


dhealey 08-26-2007 11:34 AM

I have no words of wisdom for you, just wanted you to know I will keep you in my prayers and send tons of positive thoughts your way!

StephN 08-26-2007 12:22 PM

Lani -
The swollen area is between my shoulder joint and where my neck and collar bone come close together. So, the joints don't seem at all affected. It is a soft tissue thing, hence the ultrasound approach first.

I used to be a swimmer so have strong muscles at the top of my shoulder, but this is not where the problem is. It is just below that and fills in the gap to my collar bone.

It is almost feeling like the fibrosis I have around my lumpectomy from the radiation I had. But this is strange to have come on so suddenly

I will let you know what they tell me tomorrow.

Sheila 08-26-2007 05:11 PM

I'll be thinking of you.....wishing good things to be causing this....you are in my thoughts and prayers.

hutchibk 08-27-2007 07:28 AM

My nodes have all been deep in chest, so like Kate, they can't be seen or felt. Crossing all my fingers and toes for you today!

StephN 08-27-2007 03:00 PM

Dear, dear friends -
I am much relieved to report that TWO doctors doing separate ultrasounds of the area all around my neck and collar bone area could not find anything to account for the hardened, raised area I told you about.

The doctors each said that all the nodes they imaged were normal in size and shape (shape is important), there is no thickening of my skin (which could signal another disease process), and even my tissues do not look inflammed to them. I am not surprised at the last as there is no tenderness.

So, we seem to have a little mystery on our hands. These doctors did not think the radiation I had almost 7 years ago would have this effect on that area, but I may have to call my rad onc about that just to rule it out.

Thanks for all the prayers for "nothing." Having now had the scanning, I feel a weight lifted that had been deposited with the discovery of this "new muscle." We just never know when our bodies will decide that the cancer is sneakier and smarter!

Audrey 08-27-2007 03:18 PM

Steph, Hooray for normal nodes! Congratulations on the good news, I'm so happy for you! Whew, what a big sigh of relief.

tousled1 08-27-2007 04:07 PM


Thank you for updating us and especially with good news. Yes, our bodies are a strange invention -- we never know what may crop up. I'm so happy that everything turned out well.

lilyecuadorian 08-27-2007 04:27 PM

thanks GOD !!!
what a relief ..you know that your are one of our role models ..so whatever happen to you ...happen to me (spiritually) so thanks again for the good news ...I was all day long worry about it ....and now I fell strong again and encoraring ...full with hope hope hope ...

Julie2 08-27-2007 04:35 PM

I am so relieved. Thanks for the good news


Barbara H. 08-27-2007 04:41 PM

Great News!!!!
Hi Steph,
I have been waiting all day for this news. What a relief!!!!!
You will have a good sleep tonight.
Best wishes for continued NED!!!!!!!
Barbara H.

michele u 08-27-2007 05:13 PM

Steph, have you been doing any lifting or excercising on that side? Maybe it is something like a pulled muscle

fullofbeans 08-27-2007 05:32 PM

I am so releived for you that it seems to be a false alarm, so releived.
All the best

chrisy 08-27-2007 05:45 PM

Steph, that's such great news! And I'm so proud of you for your diligence - knowing is better than ignoring it, especially when you find out it really is NOTHING!


RhondaH 08-27-2007 05:48 PM

Yea Steph!!!!
Have a glass of wine to celebrate:) Take care and God bless.


Becky 08-27-2007 06:01 PM

Woo hoo!!! I am glad it was nothing. You are a true Warrior Woman against cancer and I want it to stay that way!

Ceesun 08-27-2007 06:38 PM

Sending positive hopes for a good result. Ceesun

mamacze 08-27-2007 07:21 PM

I'm Glad I logged on tonight!
Good grief Steph! Weird things like this certainly put us on high alert; I am relieved that your ultrasound looks good... but I will still keep watching your posts waiting to hear exactly what the heck it is. I agree with Rhonda...time to open the red wine....stay with us and let us know what it turns out to be....Love Kim from CT

Kim in CA 08-28-2007 09:32 AM

A little late to this thread
But just wanted to say that I'm sooo glad that your scans didn't show anything in the nodes. We are like sentrys, forever on duty with this disease. Unfortunately we can't afford to let our guards down, and must be ready to attack if need be! I know you're getting good at this Steph, just gets soooo old sometimes!

Big Hugs to you, Kim

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