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Joy 07-24-2007 03:39 PM

oh my goodness
I am shocked! I just got back from the oncologist to go over scan results for the first time since starting tykerb/xeloda. The doc walked in and said, "you want to see some pictures?" Which she never said before and I don't really like to look at the pictures because it makes it all too real and interferes with my visualizations. I must have looked scared because she said, "they are good and I want you to see." So my sis and best friend and I took a field trip to her office and looked on the computer at the last 2 scans. She explained all I was seeing beautifully and.........50% reduction in tumor burden in liver, lungs look great and ALL liver function tests are......NORMAL for the first time in a looooong time!!!!

I'm still in shock. I said one woman, you Irene, in Florida has been on this for a year and doing well and my onc said, "Why not? Let's think several years and by then there will be another her2 blocker."

So I will turn 40 after all this year and I'm energizing way more than that.

I said when we hugged that she made my whole day and she said I made hers as I'm the first in her practice to be on this combination and for her it is very exciting.

I told her about getting a period and she said, surprisingly, that she felt it was no problem at all because sometimes we treat bc with estrogen and my cells have not seen estrogen for so long that maybe it is helping AND if the estrogen aggravates the cells they will uptake more xeloda and tykerb. So she said since we are monitoring things so closely we will just take it as it comes and it did not worry her at all. And when she is worried it is obvious and her concern is very great and readable.

So I just wanted to share these encouraging results as so many have encouraged me! Thank you so much!

R.B. 07-24-2007 03:45 PM



Lolly 07-24-2007 03:49 PM

Joy, I'm thrilled for you!!! What wonderful, wonderful news. You've made MY day too! BIG HUGS :)

<3 Lolly

Grace 07-24-2007 03:52 PM


I rather thought from your title that it was good news, and it was. Very happy for you and we all agree with your doctor--there will be plenty of other blockers coming along soon.


Barbara H. 07-24-2007 03:57 PM

I am so happy for you. This is really great news. I have been following all your posts and I'm glad that this combo is working for you.
Best regards,

doh2pa 07-24-2007 04:03 PM

Oh Joy, you have made my day!!!!! I am thrilled for you. My onc said the same thing about being on this for a long time (years?? I didn't think I had years - what a glorious word - YEARS!!!!) This is the first time I have felt any measure of HOPE in 2 years since my initial mets. We are on the cusp of something very big and wonderful. Congratulations! What are you doing to celebrate?


Carolyns 07-24-2007 04:04 PM


This is GREAT news! I am so happy for you. Thank you for sharing!

Love, Hope, and Peace,


CLTann 07-24-2007 04:06 PM

Joy to the world. Ever since I came to this site, I have been following your well-being. I remember well I wrote you about your nice picture. This time my congratulation is much more important -- your health. Enjoy life and have many years to follow. Best wishes.

sherri 07-24-2007 04:13 PM

Joy you brought joy to this site with your news. I'm soooooooooooooooo happy for you.

lexigirl 07-24-2007 04:25 PM


Yippee!!! That is such great news! I am smiling!! Yes!! I am so happy that you received such terrific news!


KellyA 07-24-2007 04:29 PM

Oh Joy! I am so happy for you!! What terrific news! I hope that you have been able to celebrate with your friends and family! I think of you often and hope that you continue to have success on this combination for a very very long time.

Love, Kelly

Mary Anne in TX 07-24-2007 04:53 PM

Unbelieveably GREAT News!!!!! So very happy for you!

chrislmelb 07-24-2007 04:54 PM

Joy, that is such good news. I am so happy for you.

chrisy 07-24-2007 05:08 PM

Oh Joy,

I am so happy for you!!!!!! That is fantastic news, I'm so glad to hear you've responded so well and so quickly. I agree with your onc - lets start with 4 years on this one, okay?


tousled1 07-24-2007 05:13 PM


That's wonderful news! Guess you found the magic combo!

kareneg 07-24-2007 05:32 PM

I am so happy!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!! Here is to many many more great scans. Relax and do something nice for yourself you deserve it.

Beckie 07-24-2007 06:11 PM

I have been very interested in following your progress since coming to this site, and I am so thrilled for you! How wonderful to think in years!


Patb 07-24-2007 06:15 PM

Great news Joy. Wishing you nothing but the best news from now on.

lilyecuadorian 07-24-2007 06:28 PM

thanks for sharing it make so so happy

Kimberly Lewis 07-24-2007 06:52 PM

yippie skippie! Great news Joy - thanks for sharing!

eric 07-24-2007 07:00 PM

Such great news! You deserve it. Enjoy, Eric

IRENE FROM TAMPA 07-24-2007 07:06 PM

Joy Joy Joy to the world
I am so very happy to hear such good new's from you.

This IS a wonderful combo and I expect many more to follow in the future for us all.

We are FIGHTERS, we are VALIANT, we are the HOPE for everyone who follows.

Keep up the good work Joy.

Mary Jo 07-24-2007 07:17 PM

Oh Joy.......................(no pun intended http://www.her2support.org/vbulletin...cons/icon7.gif) My heart absolutely REJOICES with your great news. I cannot image how it must have felt. Probably the same when I felt when initially diagnosed and they did a PET/CT scan to see if my cancer was elsewhere. I'll never forget waiting in the office for those results and then the pure JOY I felt when he said "you are fine."

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY and SOOOOOOOOOOOOO thankful to God I am for your great great great news.

Wrapping my cyber arms around you, holding you close and hugging the begeebies out of ya.

Mary Jo

Vanessa 07-24-2007 07:37 PM

I agree, fabulous news! So happy to hear it. I wish you continued success!

hutchibk 07-24-2007 07:40 PM

Joy!! WOW! Congratulations! YIPPEE!

I like the way your onc thinks. That is how my onc thinks. And I have started to think that way too. The was I see it, my job is to get as healthy as I can, stay as healthy as I can, figure out how to tolerate whatever they need to throw at me, dig in, grit my teeth and wait for the next her2 blocker to hit the market. Luckily for me for now, Ty/Xel is pretty darned easy and seems to be doing it's work very nicely, too... I visualize it working nicely for many years.

caya 07-24-2007 07:59 PM

Great news Joy

Wow - fantastic news. So happy for you.
all the best

Patricia 07-24-2007 08:09 PM

Oh Joy!
What wonderful news! Congratulations on this great progress. Thank you so much for sharing with us, it is so encouraging to hear such a great reaction. Go and celebrate !!!!


Bev 07-24-2007 08:20 PM

Yeah! And Congrats. The news gave me goosebumps. So nice to hear good news. Thanks for paving the way for the rest of us. Bev

Leslie's sister 07-24-2007 08:23 PM

great news
It was so uplifting to read your WONDERFUL news. I'm "rejoicing" with you. I always look forward to your fun posts.

Margerie 07-24-2007 08:28 PM

So happy for you. It could not have happened to a nicer gal!

Here's to 40!!!!!!!!!!

mslinda 07-24-2007 08:58 PM

Praise the Lord for the wornderful news, Joy. I am so happy for you.

S. Mississippi

Karen Weixel 07-25-2007 12:23 AM

I love reading posts like this!! I am very happy for you Joy.


Believe51 07-25-2007 05:23 AM

Happy Happy Joy Joy
Joy I got chills all through my body and tears of happiness streamed down my cheeks as I read your post. I am so very happy to hear your wonderful news, it is all you have been striving for.

My husband will be starting that combo after his whole brain & pelvis radiation is finished and I am hoping for the same small miracle. (Actually no....that huge miracle!!!!!!!!!!!)

Thank you Joy for taking me on your journey, you have taught me so very much!! Keep up the great work. Big hugs and prayers coming out ta ya!!

Waiting For A Miracle....and commanding one soon!!>>Believe51

MJo 07-25-2007 06:44 AM

Congrats. EnJOY, EnJOY.

suzan w 07-25-2007 08:17 AM

Joy...JOY is what I feel after reading your post!!! Because we are all 'sisters' here I feel so happy for you!!! And I want to thank you for doing all of your treatments, so that doctors can figure out what works!!! AND that is the operative word here...it is working!!! YAHOOOOO!!!!!

Joy 07-25-2007 08:50 AM

WOW you guys!!!
What a BEAUTIFUL surprise to one up this thread today and find so many posts! THANK YOU SO MUCH. I feel warmed and good because of it. I just love all of you so much and feel a connection here that I don't get even with all the amazing people I have in my life. It is cliche, but they just don't know like we know how this disease affects you-AND I HOPE THEY NEVER KNOW the way we do. But you guys are great and I mean EVERYONE here. I, for real and true, thank GOD for all of you and my fabulous family and friends twice every day and often more. I write things on the calendar so I know who on here I need to be 'holding' on tough day and celebratory days. So know you are always thought about.

with happy tears and gratitude,

Morgan 07-25-2007 09:04 AM

Hi Joy, don't post much, just read everyone else's! but had to congratulate you on your great news!

Love Morgan

Becky 07-25-2007 09:14 AM

What wonderful, wonderful news for you. I can't say enough about how happy I am for you.

Gerri 07-25-2007 09:25 AM

Postively JOYFUL!

I'm so happy for you! Thanks for sharing.

Hopeful 07-25-2007 09:33 AM


There are no words for what I feel for you. This is fantastic news! Enjoy!


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