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Cynthia 02-16-2006 04:40 PM

Herceptin Sinus Issues Revisited
I know there has been a lot of discussion recently about sinus issues possibly associated with Herceptin. I have had many sinus related problems in the past so I am reluctant to chalk this up solely to Herceptin. However, these symptoms are new (they started about three months after I began receiving Herceptin once every three weeks) so I thought I would see if anyone else is experiencing this.

My biggest gripe is that the inside of my nose itches like mad. I also have a lot of crusting around the nostrils and I blow out a fair amount of icky bloody stuff (though my nose isn't bleeding per se). Pretty images I know. I thought perhaps it was a sinus infection and took a round of antibiotics, to no avail. Any theories about a Herceptin connection would be greatly appreciated. Also, any suggestions about relieving these symptoms that are driving me nuts (particularly the itchiness) would be most welcome.

Thanks much.

Sherryg683 02-16-2006 05:22 PM

My nose isn't itching but it has started getting crusty. The past few morning I have been blowing out some bloody stuff, although it's not actually bleeding. I have an appointment tomorrow morning with my Dr. and I am going to discuss this with him. Pretty sure it's the Herceptin, seems to be common with those of us on it..sherryg683

Lolly 02-16-2006 06:26 PM

If infections are ruled out as a cause of these symptoms, a good thing to do to help the inner nostrils is a saline nasal spray. This was suggested to me by my ENT early on in my Hercepin use. Sinus "things" happen off and on with me, since Herceptin, and as long as the discharge is not greenish or brownish, I don't worry too much about it and the nasal spray helps keep the sinuses hydrated and clean. Seems to help me anyway, but be sure and bring it up with your onc who may then want an ENT's opinion just to make sure there isn't any infection.

<3 Lolly

Oliviab 02-17-2006 12:12 AM

Nose problems

I have had similar issues since Herceptin. Saline spray doesn't do much for me. However, there is a saline gel by Ayr that is wwonderful. Relieves any irritation.....

It's a bit hit or miss as to who carries it. Walgreens, WalMart....

It has helped a ton. The mist evaporates so quickly but the gel lasts so much longer.

Hope this helps


Roz 02-18-2006 06:29 PM

Hi I have the same thing. When it gets bad, I use Aloe Vera gel, just wipe it inside my nostrils with my little finger. but most of the time, it dormant enough to ignore it.

Lisa 02-18-2006 07:56 PM

I've had a runny nose and eyes for the past 2+ years due to Herceptin. Genentech says that a certain percentage of users develop sinus issues. I've found that Claritin does the trick and prescription eye drops eyes the itching. But everyone always thinks I'm crying or have a cold. What I SHOULD have is stock in Kleenex!

Love and light,


Chelee 02-18-2006 09:49 PM

Hi Cynthia, I am glad you brought this subject up as I just started my chemo two weeks ago. Which it includes Herceptin. My first chemo was Herceptin, Taxotere, and Carbpotin. I did notice that night my nose and throat felt very dried out...but just put it off to all the drugs in my body.

But my 2nd chemo last week was JUST Herceptin alone. I felt ok until I had went to bed and woke up to empty my bladder and my nose was all stuffed up. I could hardly breath it was that plugged. I sounded like I had a heck of a head cold in just a few hours of going to bed. I was FINE earlier before the Herceptin. Then the next morning I woke up to find my that inside my nose was already dried out and getting crusty...that fast!

That was five days ago since I had the Herceptin and believe me...I will be talking to my oncologist this Monday about it. Inside my nose is absolutely killing me. Its so sore. Last night I rinsed it out with some warm water...then opened a brand new chapstick that I knew had no germs on it. (Don't feel like getting sick if I can help it.) Took a Q-Tip and wiped a bunch of chapstick on it and wiped a good amount inside of each nostril before bedtime. It DID help me alot. My nose is not as sore today. But still hurts to try to blow it. But I am going to continue to put more chapstick in there till I see what the oncologist suggests for it.

So your not alone on this one...it IS the Herceptin causing the sinus problems. It has to be. I had NO sinus problems at all until my last chemo of the Herceptin. I was shocked when I woke up that night and sounded like I had one of the worse head colds around. (It happened that fast.)

And from the other posts here I read...seems everyone is experiencing this same thing.

Maggie 02-19-2006 11:10 AM

Runny/crusty nose
Hi ladies,

I've had 4 treatments of herceptin, every 3 weeks. The first 3 weeks, my nose ran quite a bit. I had posted here about about it and realised I was not the only one that was carring around tissues all the time for a runny nose..

The fourth time I had no symptoms of a runny nose and thought I had it beat, but, after a few days I did notice my nose was crusty inside and I couldn't understand why???? I thought I was getting a cold or had a drip but no cold or sinus problem. I did have blood sometimes too, if I blew my nose.

I'm sorry to say I'm glad I'm not alone in this. My next treatment is wednesday. Lets see what this brings.

I have noted some things to try that were posted on the board here. I will also talk to my onc about it.

Thanks for posting them! :)


Maggie 02-19-2006 11:37 AM

Saline Gel
I just looked up Ayr Saline Gel. Looks like everyone's comments are listed here.

Ayr Saline Nasal Gel - 1/2 oz.

Ayr Saline Nasal Gel helps you breath better. Ayr moisturizes and soothes dry, stuffy, sore noses. It is a non-medicated, non-greasy saline gel that contains Aloe Vera.

Ayr gel is useful for soothing your nose when you have a cold, allergies, fly alot, are pregnant or you are using oxygen therapy. One very useful application for Ayr gel is if you are suffering from nosebleeds due to a dry work or living environment.

Ayr gel is useful at preventing discomfort from having a dry, crusty nose. It will also help you avoid the embarrassment of being caught with your finger up your nose in public.


OliviaB 02-19-2006 01:52 PM

Ayr saline gel
Run, don't walk, to a drug store that sells it. My nose was so irritated until I found it.

Cynthia 02-19-2006 03:49 PM

Thank you so much to all who responded. I will certainly try the Ayr Saline Nasal Gel. But in the interim, my family practioner suggested plain petroleum jelly. I have been using it and it too seems to help.

Thanks again to all who took the time to reply. Here's to more comfortable noses.


sadie 02-19-2006 10:11 PM

I noticed that my nostrils would feel better after a shower, so I took the hint and started using a Q-Tip after wetting it with warm water.
It's a temporary fix, but it works immediately.

Oliviab 02-20-2006 05:49 AM

petroleum jelly
I used petroleum jelly - but it is no match for Ayr. Promise

mts 02-20-2006 06:30 AM

I too have had the "crusties"... It gets worse when the heater is on...

I have been rubbing a q-tip over regular chapstick (enough to coat the swab) and then I rub the inside my nose. The chap stick stays on really well, feels very comfortable, keeps the crusties at bay!


Monique M 02-20-2006 08:50 AM

I use a q-tip with neosporin on it-- works great.

Her2nSue 02-20-2006 09:08 AM

Herceptin and sinus problems
Hi All, I've been reading through everyone's comments on runny/bleeding noses after Herceptin. What a relief to see that it just wasn't me with this problem. I've had 3 treatments of Herceptin with Taxol and my nose started right off with the constant drip. That didn't bother me as much as waking up with the stuffy nose and blowing it and discover blood clots. I've tried the saline spray and I'm not seeing much improvement. Guess I'll try the gel from Ayr. See if that works any better. I get to have these treatments once a week now through the end of april. My nose should look and feel great after all that.
Good luck to all dealing with this

IndyAnnie 02-20-2006 10:26 AM

Herceptin sinus issues
Thanks to all for your suggestions on combating the effects of the crusty/drippy nose....! I've been on Herceptin for months and never connected the nose issue as a side effect. I can hardly wait to purchase the Ayr. I had tried Neosporin in the past and it really did not help....the crustiness seems to remain the same no matter how many times I apply it. I've just resigned myself to the fact that if I bend over my nose will just plain drip....kleenex always at the ready.

Thanks and happy nosing around! <g>


Unregistered 02-20-2006 12:36 PM


Since pushing up my omega three in the form of fish oil to between 2-3 grams on average EPA DHA a day I have had a "wetter" nose than ususal.

There are several trials suggesting a link between omega three and HER.

I would wildy guess there is some common ground there somewhere.

Can anybody on Herceptin and "high" levels of fish oil comment on their experience.


SandyBB 02-21-2006 09:33 AM

Nose problems back after 4 week MUGA break
I had to take a 4 week break in Herception since my MUGA score had dropped. (I was on a weekly schedule.) I also got a break from the nose issues.
I started back up 2 weeks ago and so did the nose dripping and the crusties both! - and so did heartburn, and tiredness...eye burning/itchyness ...
but I am happy to be "protected" again.

nancymarie 02-27-2006 09:36 AM

Ayr Saline Nasal Mist
Just wanted to say thanks to those who recommended the Ayr Saline Nasal Mist. I picked up a bottle at Walmart this weekend and my nose is much better (I'm not even blowing out blood anymore and the "crusties" are much better too!).http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_2_26.gif

Thanks again!


Peggins 02-27-2006 02:29 PM

I use Vit E on a Q-tip to help with the bleeding and "crusties". Works great. It has gotten better in the last month, never put it together with the increased omega 3 I've been consuming but it could easily be the reason. Ground flax and more tuna and salmon have been added to my diet.


Kimberly Lewis 02-27-2006 03:50 PM

Someone said that it might be the speed in which the Herceptin is given. I had no problem untill they put it up to the fastest delivery(about 40 minutes). Last time I asked that they slow it down a bit and I had no problems! For me it seems the cause for sure!

Sherryg683 02-27-2006 05:15 PM

Terrible sinus problems here, I have also had this dull thud headache by my temples now forever that just won't go away. Having a brain scan tomorrow. My doc says its from the sinus stuff. I have always suffered from sinuses and now that I'm on these chemo drugs it wont' go away.

MCS 02-28-2006 12:39 PM

You are all fantastic!

I was going to ask a question regarding runny nose and there you are. You are my source!

I will go out and get the Ayr gel and see how it works.

I feel like I have a constant allergy


MCS (maria)

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