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Lyn 12-16-2003 03:57 PM

Well ladies I am sitting here on my own and just got the news I didn't want to hear. I can't ring anyone and tell them the bad news because I haven't got over it yet myself. The lump on the right side of my neck, which I have been trying to get sorted out since June has cancer cells. Radiation has been suggested. I rang for the result at home because if I am to get bad news I would rather not be in a public place. So much for my CA-15 marker being 7. I guess I need encouragement now, I still have my fractured left shoulder which has now caused me to have RSI in my right shoulder because I have to use it more and I can't take anti-inflammatory tablets because it causes fluid on my lungs and around my heart, where does it all end. One good thing my Thyroid is beautiful but I now have 2 leaking Mitral valves instead of one, I don't do anything by halves. I see my onc on Friday and she tells me to remain positive, I don't know where this will put my reconstruction or should I even bother, this year has been one of the worst since I can remember. Looks like I am going to have to surf the net for some more big guns. No doubt I will back to my old self soon, but I just had to share with someone, and wipe the tears off my key board.

Love & Hugs to you all.

kathy 12-16-2003 10:40 PM


So sorry to hear about your news. Hang in there. You've beat this thing so many times and you'll do it again. You've just got to put those ole boxing gloves back on. Just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers.

eleanor 12-16-2003 10:42 PM

Hang in there Lyn.....
we're all rooting for ya!
You're going to get through this!!!
Lots of hugs

Sarah 12-16-2003 11:04 PM

You surely received some rotten news. The news is something we all dread and worry about. I am sorry that you can't have a bit of a break from all of this. But, with faith and hope and courage, you will persevere!!! Pull out the ammuntition you've had in reserves for this possiblity and go after this crummy disease. You CAN put yourself back to NED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God Bless and Keep you.

shelley 12-16-2003 11:10 PM

I'm so sorry, Lyn. I wish I could give you a big hug. Just hang in there and stay positive. You'll get through this!!


JaneP 12-17-2003 12:00 AM

Lyn, I am sorry. I know you will get your emotions on track again soon and that you will return to your fighting self! We are with you.


Sandy 12-17-2003 02:07 AM

Hi Lyn: I am with you, am going through, the same thing myself. Its sucks to be going through all this around the Holidays. Trying to determine which way to turn. Have to keep our heads up and be brave. All my friends say maybe, there will be a cure over night!! You are in my prayers. Big hugs to you. Sandy

Lolly 12-17-2003 02:33 AM

Lyn, I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm sending you BIG, BIG HUGS...I know you will find something to knock this on it's keester. You've been such an inspirition for all of us when we needed you, now I hope we can return the favor and give you the boost you need. The tears are good, they'll help wash away the despair and then you'll be ready to fight, fight, fight!
Love and more BIG HUGS,

Lisa 12-17-2003 04:52 AM

I hate to hear this. Such a rollercoaster we're all on. Just remember to breath and take this one day at a time.I'm sure you will continue along the healing path after this detour.

Much love and light,


Kitty 12-18-2003 03:06 AM


Sorry to hear of your news. It always seems to knock it out of you just when you think things might be going along just fine. There's always hope - please do not give up. We are all pulling for you.


Linda in Calif. 12-18-2003 05:09 AM

Hi Lyn: I'm so sorry that you have recieved such depressing news. I wish I had some kind of magic wand that I could wave for you (and everyone else) and make this horrible disease go away. We try to appear strong for loved ones when we are really crying on the inside. Remember, whenever you need to talk about how you REALLY feel or just to get things off your chest we will always be here for you. Be gentle with yourself and give yourself some time to adjust to this new set of circumstances. I really do feel that there is a combination of drugs out there that will do the trick for you. Take Care, Linda

lindaw 12-20-2003 03:52 AM

Dear Lyn
you have been so supportive to so many including myself. i wish I could help you now. I know you will get throught this and we are with you.


LizDT 11-01-2007 04:59 PM

Dear Lyn,
I'm new here, but not to this beast called breast cancer. In my mind I am giving you a hug and telling you I will be there for you, my hand is offered. You and all are in my prayers. LizDT

Mary Anne in TX 11-01-2007 05:46 PM

Oh, Lyn, what a deal! I'm so sorry that you got rotten news. But I just know that you will fight the good fight and do battle once more. Please be sweet to yourself and call someone who can put their arms around you and hug you tight! Lots of love, ma

BonnieR 11-01-2007 06:14 PM

Lyn, it's okay to have that cry tonight too. Then start tomorrow ready for action.
Keep the faith.

Cathya 11-01-2007 07:37 PM


I am so sorry to hear your news. I had a tumor in my supraclavicular node which they blasted with radiation. It's a bit of a mess there but that was three years ago nearly and my most recent ultrasound of the neck showed no tumors.....SO.....in addition to all the other stuff they will give you....radiation does work!!. Hang in there. We're all here for you.


Sherryg683 11-01-2007 07:55 PM

I am so sorry, it's got to be awful to get this news. Once you digest it, you will be ready to fight again. you are in my thoughts and prayers..sherryg

Chelee 11-01-2007 08:28 PM

Maybe I am wrong, but isn't that post a old one from our dearly missed and loved Lyn? Its dated 2003.


Yorkiegirl 11-01-2007 08:38 PM

OK I have noticed several times that OLD, OLD posts just show up all of a sudden.

This particular one was dated 2003.

tousled1 11-01-2007 08:57 PM

These old posts do come up once in a while. What happens is that someone reads the message and doesn't notice the date and replies to it.

Sherryg683 11-01-2007 10:02 PM

I was kind of wondering if we had another Lyn that spelled her name like that. ..sherryg

Sheila 11-02-2007 03:37 AM

I notived that too, actually several who replied to this post are no longer here. Lyn, Lisa, Sandy ...this lets us know they are still watching over us. I wonder if Joe could put a line below the signature part on our post if we have passed on. It would help to newcomers....like in memory of...and the date they passed away.

mts 11-02-2007 05:11 AM


I hurt for you and hope that you get back on track as soon as possible. Please know I am sending you warm vibes and a big fuzzy hug...


IRENE FROM TAMPA 11-02-2007 06:56 AM

Great idea Sheila
That is a wonderful idea Sheila - make sure that Joe see's it.

Sometimes it difficult to take everything in and the names might be similar.

Are are you doing my friend? Hope you are feeling well

IRENE FROM TAMPA 11-02-2007 06:56 AM

Great idea Sheila
That is a wonderful idea Sheila - make sure that Joe see's it.

Sometimes it difficult to take everything in and the names might be similar.

Are are you doing my friend? Hope you are feeling well

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