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hermiracles 08-05-2008 10:37 AM

PROGRESSION: lung +++ ?brain mets -> Palliative Care
Hello dear friends ~ I have just returned home after a week's stay in the local Palliative Care Unit ~ which has been good for me. Life itself has been very hectic and I have had increasing pain.

I am so very, very sorry that I haven't posted in ages - I do love this group - but I have had a hard time coping with the loss of Kate, then Michelle, then Lolly and now Karen! and I hardly knew these wonderful women half as well as many of you here. Really I've been having a hard time coping with my diagnosis - and as the emotional pain has got worse so has the physical.

I had been in contact with the Palliative Care nurses trying to manage my pain at home - but it didn't seem to be working too well. So they suggested I try a stay for a while in the PC ward for pain mangagement and some respite.

Anyways while I was there - they bought my scans forward and found new mets in my lungs - looks like my lungs must have lit up like a Christmas tree - they are 'numerous' and what looks like a met in my brain.

I'm glad I was in a safe place to try and process some of this new information and what it means. The staff and everyone were very kind. Anthony and the bubbas came to visit every day, plus lots of friends & family. I was well looked after and we got to do more work on the legal side of things necessary to ensure that everything is inplace for my bubbas when the time comes. It was all pretty challenging but Im glad we got through it and its good to be home. I even got to have my birthday in there! - can you have your birthday in a Palliative Care Unit!?? - apparently you can - lol! - and really it was a wonderful day - thank You God.

So... what next? Well it looks like the Herceptin hasn't worked particulalry well, so I will probably be switched to Tykerb/Xeloda and at some stage have whole brain radiation. Death itself is certainly becoming much more of a closer reality to me, though I hope it is still a loooonng way off yet!

In the meantime I continue to pray and hope and spend time with my hubby and my beautiful miracles who never cease to amaze me every day with their incredible zest for life and learning and laughter! I do my best to look after myself and I really hope I can spend more time here in the group with each of you - this group has been such a gift in coming to terms with this whole HER2 business - I thank you and Im thinking now that the pain is a bit better controlled I will be more up to contributing. I know Im certainly going to need your love and support that you give so freely and hope I can return some of the same.

So thank you sisters and brothers! (That caregiver forum looks like such a great idea - I'll be letting Anthony know about that one) Thanks for being here and sharing the journey.

Blessings all

Pam P 08-05-2008 10:59 AM

Hermiracles - I am so sorry to hear of the progression and all you've been through. I hope you'll find the tykerb/xeloda a miracle combo for you. I got over 3 yrs of stability on it before I had to switch to a new treatment. The photo of your little babies is so beautiful. What a joy they must be. Praying for effective treatment & better news for you. Blessings, Pam

mts 08-05-2008 12:04 PM


The little bubbas are absolutely adorable !!!

I really hope that your new Tykerb/Xeloda concoction perform the way they are intendend. Your letter to all of us brings with it sadness yet at the same time much hope.
I pray that things go well so that we can have you back in full force soon.


MJo 08-05-2008 12:50 PM

I am glad you got some rest and care in the palliative care unit. A good doctor is a blessing, but there is nothing, and I mean nothing, like a skilled nurse for making you comfortable. I visited a friend of mine in the oncology unit at our local hospital yesterday and she was fast asleep with a smile on her face. I knew it's because she was getting the rest and pampering she needed. When I was in the oncology unit for a few days, they gave me hand massages. Sigh.

I am hoping and praying that the Tykerb/Xeloda beats back your tumors and that you get the three years of stability that Pam enjoyed. After that, there will be another treatment.

Love to you and yours down under.

tricia keegan 08-05-2008 01:27 PM

Hermiracles, I'm so sorry to read of this latest progression and will also be keeping you in my thoughts and prayer's for a good response to xeloda/tykerb.
I can only imagine the courage it must take to sort out legalities etc at a time like this and truely hope it's something you can now forget about for a looong time.
My very best to you as you begin this new tx.

CLTann 08-05-2008 01:38 PM

Such a well-written message. I thank you for writing it. I also hope that miracle will happen to you and the combination med will be working for you. Good luck.

dhealey 08-05-2008 02:35 PM

Praying for a miracle for you. Keep us posted on your progress.
Your two little miracles a just beautiful.

Becca 08-05-2008 02:46 PM

Dear BC Sister, I had noticed you had not posted in a long time and was hoping the reason was you were doing well and much involved in the care of your sweet little ones. Your pain must have been terrific and hopefully you have help with it now. Our times are in God's hand--if we can only put our complete trust in his desire for us. Many of your sisters here will be praying that you get better and are able to care for your bubbas. You are special, you are loved. Thanks for sharing what is going on with you.

Bill 08-05-2008 03:03 PM

Hermiracles, I'm sorry to hear of your latest scan results. The Tykerb/Xeloda combo. is a good treatment, and alot of women here have been on it and can help you with any questions you may have. Your bubbas are wonderful. They make me smile every time I see them. You are all in my thoughts and prayers, Bill

Mary Anne in TX 08-05-2008 03:05 PM

You are a miracle girl! You have produced 2 of the most beautiful little guys I can imagine! Your attitude is amazing. I'm praying for yet another miracle for you and your family with the new treatment scheduled. When does it start?
My prayer for you is that you have to change all those legal documents time and time again as those little bubbas grow up and older and you win battle after battle.
You are so brave and bold and wonderful. Thank you for your note to update us and let us know just what to pray for.
I'm prayin' and believin' for you. Lots of love, ma

R.B. 08-05-2008 03:35 PM

Hi Hermiracles,

Thanks for the post.

I have had a look at some of your posts and did not see much on Omega 3s and 6s.

You might like to look at the Greek Diet thread and show it to your Onc if he or she is receptive.

I posted the item below some while ago. It is isolated but thought provoking.

Some work has also been done on Omega Three infusions and various cancers. Infusions would arguably produce much more immediate effects. This is strictly unknown territory and I hesitate to raise it but in the circumstances how could I not.

There are also positive trials with Omega 3 and cachexia.

Omega three has synergies with some chemos. If you have any problems I will do some searches for you to see what I can find.

Clearly it is one for you and your onc if of any interest. I am not qualified and can only try and bring focus on research and papers.

I am sure everybody is very proud of the way you are dealing with this.


PS The link seems to have gone I will try and find another one. Here is a summary. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16201843 I cannot find the full trial which was online.


I post this with caution and trepidation.

It is one report only. I have not followed it up. At face value it looks like a very serious article.

It certainly is VERY thought provoking.

I would stress very strongly that if anybody with no other options is tempted it should only be considered in consultation with professional and with strong regular assessment and follow up - like everything else needs DOUBLE DOUBLE checking as to source etc.

High level fish oil supplementation has on occasions been reported to have adverse effects through excess circulatory effects, thinning etc.



nitewind 08-05-2008 03:41 PM

Hi Hermiracles. I was so happy to see your post today but sorry to hear about the progression. I, like Becca, was hoping that you were just to busy with those beautiful babies to post. I hope you'll continue to post when you have time, we love hearing from you. I can't believe how big the bubbas have gotten. Keep your faith and your attitude and remember there is always something else out there to try as lots of women here can attest. I'm keeping you and your beautiful family in my prayers.

WomanofSteel 08-05-2008 04:47 PM

Nice to hear from you, but I am so sorry to hear your news. I hope that your new treatment turns things around for you. I will continue to pray with you. In the meantime you enjoy your beautiful family all that you can. Good luck to you!

NanaKaren 08-05-2008 04:54 PM

Hermiracles , You have the cutest Bubbas ever! They are so sweet. I am sorry for your progression, but it sounds like a great place to be( Palliative Care) and they were very focased on you. I know that a miracle is on it's way to make you better in no time. You have a lot to live for in your darling children. Lots of Love, NanaKaren

StephN 08-05-2008 05:10 PM

Your news is delivered with such verbal skill - I can tell you are more rested and have your thoughts in order.

Miracles are not new to you, and I pray more will come your way in the form of tumor regression, less pain and more happy days with your family.

Hope your docs will decide that you do not need WBR right now, and will treat the single met stereotactically ASAP. I know you have a lot to think about with a new chemo plan, but that met can be treated at the same time. Find a good radiation oncologist. Maybe they can treat some of the bone mets with radiation as well. This has worked out well for many!

{{{{Cyberhugs coming your way! }}}}

BonnieR 08-05-2008 05:16 PM

Well, I think the word "miracle" has appeared in most every post here so far. Because we believe in them along with you. Let me add my prayers to the others. And I know you will continue to keep the faith.

Mary Jo 08-05-2008 06:44 PM

Hi Hermiracles.....
Hi Hermiracles....I was so happy to see your post yet sad to see that you had progression. BUT, that being said I'm certainly not giving up on you - DEFINITELY NOT!!! Where there is life, there is hope dear sister.

I am praying your new treatment is just what you need to blast these mets right on out of here. I'm also sending you my love and prayers for continued peace and joy as you raise those beautiful bubba's of yours.

Hugs to you "sister!"

Mary Jo

sassy 08-05-2008 07:36 PM


My prayers are that your rest has given you renewed strength that will combine with your new treatment to bring you to stability.

Each time you speak of your Bubba's it brings a smile to my face and warmth to my heart. Nothing outshines a mother's love.

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

TriciaK 08-05-2008 07:44 PM

Hermiracle, though there is sadness in your post, yet the hope shines through, and like all the others here, let me also express love and prayers for you and your sweet family. Just as fear and faith cannot coexist, neither can despair and hope. We will all focus on the hope with you. You are a strong warrior and you have such good reasons to keep fighting. God bless you that the miracles will continue to bless your life for a long time! Hugs, Tricia

Paty 08-05-2008 08:04 PM

Dear Hermiracles,

Just a short line to let you know that I will keep you in my prayers, and that I am sending you a big hug. I definetly loved the way you transmitted your thoughts. God bless you.

madubois63 08-05-2008 08:23 PM

Sweetie - I am living proof that miracles do happen, BUT you have to help things along. You have a lot of work to do. It is good that you are honest with yourself and preparing for the worst, but you have 2 of the most important reasons to fight this stupid horrible disease. I agree with RB that you need to change your diet and add complimentary supplements to your diet. Talk to your doctor about speaking to a nutritionist. Most cancer centers/hospitals have them on staff. I don't know if you've know what has been happening to me, so I'll give you a rundown. 8 1/2 years ago I was diagnosed with stage IV Inflammatory bc (not a very good prognosis), but I beat it and had 4 years of remission. It then came back to my lung, liver and far side nodes (even worse prognosis). I beat it again, but then I got acute myeloid leukemia (worse than worse prognosis). I had an unrelated bone marrow transplant and lots of transfusions. My liver rejected the transplant and I was given 3 months to live. I did treatment with horse serum and survived. Then new spots of bc were discovered on my lung again. I started Herceptin and a few other things again and now I have a PET on Thursday to see if the bc is gone. Then I went jaundice again. I had a HUGE iron overload in my liver from having over 70 blood transfusions. I now get phlebotomy weekly (they take blood). I was told it would take over a year to fix the iron/liver problem. Besides the traditional treatments, I use complimentary treatments and have reduced the iron in my liver by half in just 2 months - docs are amazed. I changed my diet and have added supplements that include herbs and lots of green tea, do physical therapy 3 times a week, meditate, do reiki (sometimes), get massages as often as possible and have as much fun as possible. I tell you all this because I want you to see that there is no reason why you can't live to see those little guys grow up!! My kids (not so young anymore - 17 and 19) are my happy place and my reason for taking whatever life dishes out. If you would like to talk, send me a private message and I'll give you my number or call you. You need to clear your head, BREATH and get to work. Please do not let this set back get the best of you!!! Those babies need you...

ElaineM 08-05-2008 08:55 PM

Hi Hermiracles,
I am sorry to hear about the progression. Please take good care of yourself and try to stay positive. I know it is easier said than done, but it is important. I am glad you are getting some TLC from the nurses. I am glad they are there for you when you need them. Sometimes we need that.

hutchibk 08-05-2008 09:15 PM

Please, consider a few things before you start talking about death at your doorstep-

Also, it is probably not a case of "Herceptin not working particularly well for you" - it is a case of Herceptin only being one of the combo of targeted agents that researchers suspect are necessary to turn off all of the pathways that HER2 uses to escape and proliferate. Many of us, (including me) who have already been on Herceptin once, and switched treatments, are already planning for our future to add Herceptin back in WITH Tykerb - and many are getting nice results from that. So don't count Herceptin out at all. It is probably in your future again. But, for now, switching to Tykerb might be a very powerful option for you as it has been for many.

As far as WBR - Please get all the info available here on our site before you agree to that route. If you truly only see one met right now, WBR sounds to me to be overkill (like using a machine gun to kill an ant... it might cause collateral damage and is probably not necessary just yet, maybe never). One small met can better be knocked out with targeted radiation like Cyberknife or Stereotactic, and save WBR as a last resort for sometime in the very very distant future.

The two considerations you need to deal with right now are:

1. What type of treatment will best deal with the lung mets (which many of us have successfully knocked out more than once)

2. What type of treatments will succesfully deal with the one suspected brain met.

Tykerb/Xeloda both cross the blood brain barrier and can help treat and hold brain mets inactive for some time. And potentially help protect the brain from future mets (researchers are currently monitoring that prospect)... I believe that they can also work fairly well on the lung mets. Or it may be that your doc can consider the Tykerb with a different chemo that can deal even more powerfully with the lung mets... and use targeted radiation to knock out the brain met.

There are many options left to work with, several different combinations are possible. There is not only one way to kill or stun this rat that we call Her2 breast cancer... these days doctors are becoming more and more creative in their combinations and they are having some amazing results. One thought might be combining the Herceptin with Tykerb and a chemo which can offer a powerful punch that can treat the body mets as well as brain met. But I am not an ocologist, I just try and keep up with the research and always ask my doc lots of questions. He loves it. Ask Ask Ask your doctor many questions. Be as compelling a patient as possible!! Get your info in order. We can (and will happily) help you put together your list of very informed questions to ask your doctor as you proceed.

Please don't let this get the best of you. I am glad you got some support and rest in the PCU, but you have so many more options. We just have to work on staying as emotionally, mentally and physically strong and healthy as possible so that our doctors can keep throwing whatever they need to at our cancer to knock it back and render it inactive... until it pops up again and then throw the next thing at it. There is a lot in the pipeline and researchers are chasing HER2 pretty feverishly, so please just keep on keeping on and challenge your docs to be visionary and absolutely open-minded and confident in your treatment. Promise them that you will do your part to be as healthy as possible to tolerate whatever you need to fight this for many years...

Progression is only progression... and it can become regression very easily with creative combinations and visionary treatment. Always keep that in mind.

Love, Brenda

Sherryg683 08-05-2008 09:43 PM

I am praying for you. Those beautiful little boys will keep you fighting. I can understand how it can be hard to come to the board when there are losses like Lolly, Karen, Michelle and Kate, it hits too close to home for us stage IV gals. Please know that we are here if you need to vent or someone to talk to. I will pray that they find a combination that will work and knock back those mets..sherryg683

SoCalGal 08-05-2008 10:10 PM

ABOUT WBR - one more thing
You have a lot of great advice here. Since I just had gamma in February to a brain met I just wanted to add one thing my doc told me. He said in many places without the gamma knife machine - they still use WBR as standard of care for brain mets. Please make sure that they are not suggesting Whole Brain Radiation because there is no gamma knife or sterio-tactic facility available.

I had one met zapped on February 8th. I was in at 7:00AM and home by 11:00AM. It was an amazingly easy procedure - all things considered.

I have mets sprinkled throughout both lungs and also in my sternum and also in some random surrounding lymph nodes near the sternum. Nothing I can feel - all in my body. And then I had the one brain met.

I also started off with Tykerb and am now on Tykerb along with Herceptin & Avastin every 3 weeks. And zometa every 6 weeks for bone mets. It's taken 6 months on this but finally it seems like things are getting better. Please don't give up hope.

PAIN robs you of so much - I know when I was in pain my whole life was shut down and it became about managing that pain. You have many people pulling for you - me included.

loveher 08-05-2008 10:14 PM

i cant believe there are people as strong as you women.
Hermiracles, as a child of a mom with cancer, the best thing my mom's ever done for me is to fight on. so keep going, think positive! im so proud of my mom and im sure your hubbas are gonna be very proud of you too!

harrie 08-05-2008 11:43 PM

Hello hermiracles! So good to hear from you again. I am sending you tons of love straight from my heart to yours.
Take care Precious....
Your bubbas are oh so sweet and beautiful!! Just like you, I'm sure!!
Maryanne (HarrieCanarie)

Sheila 08-06-2008 04:49 AM

You have been given great advice from the brain mets crew here...please consider it. As far as the herceptin, I must agree it needs a bump...by adding the Tykerb Xeloda and keeping the Herceptin, it may be the magic combo....those little ones need you here, so please remember you are in my prayers that the new treatment with control the mets...you have 2 miracles now, I now you will be blesed with another. Sending much love and a big hug..

goops 08-06-2008 07:32 AM


I am so sorry that you are going through so much pain as well as progression. I will pray that they find the right thing to help you.

AlaskaAngel 08-06-2008 11:15 AM


Your post is so eloquent. A very intelligent and courageous woman here taught me not to equate any choice about treatments with "giving up".

I especially want to say also that taking care of legal issues is something that we all can do to spare our caregivers and/or surviving family from that added stress, whether or not we have any illness.

Thank you for your gentle wisdom,


Patb 08-06-2008 05:48 PM

I am praying for another miracle for you. You have
received so much good information on this Board so
I cannot add to that but wish you the best. Your
babies are great.

Joan M 08-06-2008 07:13 PM

Hi Hermiracles,

The babies are adorable and they're getting so big!

I'm sorry to hear about the progression. But it's good to know that you got a rest and good care in the palliative unit and that your pain is under control.

Tykerb and Xeloda are a good combination, and then there are always other treatments on the horizon.

You are in my prayers.


hermiracles 08-07-2008 12:14 PM

Oh my goodness!!
You folks are amazing! Thanks you so much for your kind words, encouragement and information! It will take me a bit to understand it all.

There's so much I want to say to you but right now I have to keep it brief - it's 4.30am here in Australia!! I seem to have become insomniac recently! though Im very tired now and obviously do need to go to bed.

Monday I will have what I think is my last dose of Herceptin. Even though I have read the research on the good outcomes with combined herceptin and tykerb - apparently here in Australia you are not allowed to be on them both at the same time! - and if you do start on Tykerb you cant go back onto the herceptin at all!?

Then I will see my Onc after that and discuss more about the next Step.

Thanks so much for sharing your love and courage and wisdom.
Blessings all


PS My Onc reckons he has patients with lung mets who have been stable for more than 4 years ~ so I guess where's there's life there's hope eh? Anyways how could I give up when I wake up to these 2 smiling faces every morning? :-)) Thanks so much for being here.

harrie 08-07-2008 05:02 PM

Hermiracles, so great to hear from you!! Thanks for the pics of your little miracles!! They are getting so big and just cuter and cuter!!! You are so lucky to have those little ones to give you the strength and courage to do what you gotta do! It is amazing what love can conquer!!

KathyH 08-07-2008 05:44 PM

thoughts and prayers
Dear Friend,
I am so sorry for your difficulty. I have a friend who did not respond to Herceptin but went into complete remission on Tykerb. I will hope and prayer for the same result for you. Your strength amazes me.
Blessings, Kathy H

G. Ann 08-07-2008 09:09 PM

Add my prayers to the group's. There is strength in numbers. Your beautiful spirit shines through your posts. Thanks for sharing pictures of your two miracles--they are so precious. I know you'll be a mother bear as you begin your new treatment.

Catherine 08-07-2008 10:25 PM

Hi Hermiracles,

Your post was so nicely worded. You described your situation so openly and shared the good and the bad with us. The Bubbas are darling and so are you. Glad that the PC was such a respite. (I am not sure if we even have that in the U.S.) Glad you could get the support you richly deserve at the PC. Love and prayers to you and your dear husband and family.


Believe51 08-08-2008 09:32 AM

Hello Sweetheart
Sorry to hear about your progression, you, your great hubby and those gorgeous bubbas are always in our prayers. Wish I could beat up those cancer cells for you myself!! I cannot believe that those little ones are getting so big, their pictures made my heart smile. Continued prayers and cyber-hugs, today and always!!>>Believe51

lexigirl 08-08-2008 11:22 AM


I am sad to read that you have had progression. But, after seeing those beautiful babies smiling, you will find strength and determination to get over this "bump in the road" and continue on to enjoy every minute with your bubbas.

Hugs and Prayers,

Ruth 08-08-2008 02:52 PM

Hermiracles ~

Your babies are beautiful and thank you for sharing them with us. You are a special lady and I pray the best for you and your family.

Hugs ~ Ruth

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