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fullofbeans 06-02-2013 10:44 PM

I am still at the hospital..
Dear friends,

Well I did not go back home Tuesday and I took my 2nd vinorelbine... which ended up with me in pain after been leaving the hospital few hours after. I had to go to a&e (emergency) and was on morphine shot for 2 days ( stomach trachea I think lost there linnings and bad tumours'pain lung and neck).

After all this the tumours in my neck are actually quite bigger than before the chemo (4 days ago). All I can see on net is not positive about that.

I still cannot eat unless I have an anti sickness machine plugged into me 24hr a day, even drinking has only resumed yesterday. At least pain is under control.


BonnieR 06-02-2013 11:58 PM

Re: I am still at the hospital..
Oh Beans, so sorry to hear this. I don't have any word of wisdom except my mantra: keep the faith

Pamelamary 06-03-2013 01:02 AM

Re: I am still at the hospital..
So sorry to hear this, FOB. But at least the pain is under control. Thinking of you and hoping you can return home soon..... Pam

Paula O 06-03-2013 02:53 AM

Re: I am still at the hospital..
I'm sorry that you are going through all this, FOB. I'm glad the pain is better and hope your health improves soon. I wonder if there is a courtyard or somewhere at the hospital where you could have a nice, cheerin'uppin' visit with your pup. Maybe ask your doc? Wish I could smuggle him in for ya. :)


NEDenise 06-03-2013 05:12 AM

Re: I am still at the hospital..
Thank you so much for the update! You have been on my mind and in my prayers nonstop! How sweet are you to think of us when you'e feeling so crappy?!
No wonder so many of us love you, and are worried when we don't hear!

I'm sorry you had such a bad reaction to your last treatment...but I'm glad your pain is managed.
I know, you know this already...but please don't trust what you read on the web too fully. Lots of it doesn't apply to us individually...and some of it is just wrong.
And besides...
your are Full of Beans...
winner of many battles...
beloved friend...
beater of odds...
defy-er of statistics...
so uniquely strong, much admired, and equipped to kick cancer to the curb...AGAIN!
The internet doesn't know any of that!

It's easy for me to say, from thousands of miles away, but...Try not to let these latest hurdles drag you down.
Like Bonnie says, "Keep the faith"! Let all of us lift you in prayer. And lean heavily on God.
Let your friends who are lucky enough to be nearby support you.
Let your care team pamper you. Don't be brave about the side effects...tell them about everything so they can make you comfortable and manage the symptoms! Remember!! Comfort is a right, not a privilege!!

FOB, I hope you can feel the glow of all the love we're sending you. And, I hope it helps you stay strong, both spiritually and physically. Please try to check in again soon to let us know how you're doing.

Lifting you again in prayer...and sending warm, healing energy your way...

europa 06-03-2013 05:23 AM

Re: I am still at the hospital..
FOB, it just breaks my heart to hear this news. You are in my prayers and I think of you often. I hope you are able to go home so you can be with your dog.
Sending you lots of love.

'lizbeth 06-03-2013 07:51 AM

Re: I am still at the hospital..

Glad that you posted to let us know how you are doing. I'm so sorry that treatment is so rough on you.

Sending you love & prayers.

Cat 06-03-2013 08:07 AM

Re: I am still at the hospital..
FOB, I am so sorry you are struggling so much. Praying they find something that you can tolerate and works.

Mary Anne in TX 06-03-2013 08:31 AM

Re: I am still at the hospital..
Beans, I'm pulling for ya and sending lots of love and belief your way. I'm so sorry you're in such a rocky place right now, but I'm wishing and hoping and prayin' for go times to slip in soon. Hope you have a peaceful day.

jra40 06-03-2013 08:45 AM

Re: I am still at the hospital..
So sorry to hear of your struggles FOB - you are in my thoughts and prayers everyday. Keep on fighting Warrior Woman!!!

Jackie07 06-03-2013 09:07 AM

Re: I am still at the hospital..

It's really not fun to be in the hospital. But it's the safe place to be when we are ill. Hope things work out and the hospital staff figure out something for you (eat / drink) soon...

Sending you good vibes.

Ellie F 06-03-2013 12:50 PM

Re: I am still at the hospital..
Drat, drat, drat! Really upset you're having such a bad time with this combo! How many rounds do the 'experts' want you to have before they consider a swap to something else ? Wondered about maybe trying a taxane again?

Mtngrl 06-03-2013 01:01 PM

Re: I am still at the hospital..
So sorry, FOB. What a tough time you're having. Thank you for letting us know. We can't offer support if we don't know you need it.

I wish there were something I could say to make things better for you. If I were there I would pat your hand or sit and read to you, or do anything you wanted me to do. From a distance, just know you are loved and admired.

jaykay 06-03-2013 03:27 PM

Re: I am still at the hospital..
Crap! Thinking of you, try to keep your spirits up


Laurel 06-03-2013 05:39 PM

Re: I am still at the hospital..

My heart breaks at your words. I am so sorry you are suffering and pray you have some relief very soon.

Redwolf8812 06-04-2013 02:37 AM

Re: I am still at the hospital..
Still praying...

- Love, Penny

suzan w 06-04-2013 11:31 AM

Re: I am still at the hospital..
Hey, FOB!!! Great to see your post today. You hang in there and take all the meds...you are an amazing warrior-woman!!! Love, Suzan and Bette

Adriana Mangus 06-04-2013 03:43 PM

Re: I am still at the hospital..
Just like Bonnie said, keep the faith and stay positive.

Hopefully the doc will find the right medication to help you kill all the remaining cancer cells. Let's pray.



ElaineM 06-04-2013 04:06 PM

Re: I am still at the hospital..
I am so sorry to read your news.
Know that we are thinking of you and hoping for a reduction in the pain.
Take good care of yourself.

Catherine 06-05-2013 11:21 PM

Re: I am still at the hospital..
Sending good vibes your way. So sorry for the trip to emergency and the hospital stay. We hope our dear FOB can get well enough to go home soon. Wishing you the best so you can start eating and drinking and feeling better.

KsGal 06-06-2013 12:33 AM

Re: I am still at the hospital..
FOB...Im so sorry that you are still in the hospital. I know you wish you were home, and we all do too. Im am very grateful that at least with you there they are able to keep your pain under control. Dont read that stuff on the internet. Six months ago, from reading the internet, I convinced myself I had three months to live. A lot of those articles are outdated for one thing, and the other is that you are you, and not the same as every other patient. We are all different and unique.
Im sorry Beans...I wish I could give you a big hug. Im remember you in my prayers, and Im sending lots of positive energy. Try to rest...thank you for posting.

Bunty 06-06-2013 12:53 AM

Re: I am still at the hospital..
I'm praying for you everyday FOB - hope you are still getting pain relief. There is a lot of collective international love being sent to you. Keep us posted when you can.

Ellie F 06-09-2013 10:42 AM

Re: I am still at the hospital..
Hi Fob, just checking in to see how you are and if you're still in hospital.
Thinking of you
Ellie x

NEDenise 06-10-2013 04:41 AM

Re: I am still at the hospital..
Still sending love and prayers your way! :)

Lien 06-10-2013 12:51 PM

Re: I am still at the hospital..
Oh Rats! You so didn't need this. I am sorry you have to deal with all this S***.
Thanks for keeping us posted though. This too shall pass.
Am sending hugs & good vibes all the way across the Ocean, from Europe.



schoolteacher 06-12-2013 06:20 AM

Re: I am still at the hospital..
Thinking of you, FOB.


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