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Sherryg683 07-19-2007 08:55 PM

In constant pain
I hate to complain and really have no one else to talk to about this because no one here around me seems to really care or wants to hear it any more but I am so tired of being in constant pain. I had a bad shingle outbreak in January and I guess I am one of the few who the pain lasts for longer than 5 weeks. It's been over 6 months now and I still hurt terribly. My right side burns so bad and it radiates into my head like I have thorns in my skull. I also have a spot in my stomach area that has continued to hurt real bad since chemo. I have had my gallbladder checked and nothing there. I have a few liver hymangiomas (or so they think) but they are very small and have never lit up on PET so my oncologist is saying it's nothing...it still hurts like crazy. And to top it off I threw my back out and can hardly walk now, my right leg is numb. And, in the last month my dang jaw has started popping and locking up and hurts, I guess I've developed TNJ..I'm just about at my wits end. I have been to a neurologist for the shingle pain and and several other doctors and they say nothing can be done except to take pain pills, it just has to run it's course, it's just been so long and draining. I try to limit the Loritabs to one a day, I just hate depending on pain pills. Of course I always figure it's the cancer. I guess I just need a pep talk, to keep hanging on here. If it weren't for my little girl, I might just want this to all be over. I mean how long can you hurt. Any suggestions other than pain pills? Sorry I'm so negative tonight, I just hurt terribly and no one here seems to give a damn...sherryg683

sassy 07-19-2007 09:09 PM


I'm so sorry you are dealing with all this. Please know you can come here to vent any time. I really don't think those who have not been thru cancer and treatment can understand the physical as well as the psychological trauma that can continue.

I'm not sure if this would be applicable in your situation, but I have been taking Neurontin for several months and it has helped tremendously with post surgical/treatment pains. I feel much better physically, and this has had a positive effect on my mental outlook. Neurontin is just beginning to be more widely used for women with BC.

Hope this helps, and hang in there.
latin girl Webcam

Lolly 07-19-2007 09:21 PM

Sherry, my mother-in-law has been dealing with shingles pain for months also, and she finally found some relief when her neurologist prescribed Amitryptelene. It's known as an anti-depressant, but it's also used for nerve pain such as from shingles. Another drug in the same class is Nortriptyline, and it is also supposed to help TNJ.
Ask to see the neurologist again, and ask about these medications. The Amiltryptelene has really helped my mom-in-law, but she has to keep taking it or the pain comes back. Sometimes, I'm sorry to say, she's in pain anyway, but it's not as bad if she takes her meds, and since it's not a "pain" med she feels better about taking it long term.
I hope you get some feedback from the neuro about other options, as I know how painful this condition is.
If your current neuro doesn't help you, can you go for a second opinion?

Hope you get some relief, and you know we care so come here to vent anytime!

<3 Lolly

Grace 07-19-2007 09:45 PM


So sorry for what you're going through. One thing possible about stomach. I had terrible pains in stomach and had my gall bladder checked with sonograms a few times. They found nothing. I persisted and finally someone found the stone. It was located higher up than usual. When it was removed, it was completely diseased. Anyway, the pain lasted maybe four months until they
confirmed that it was my gall bladder. I knew it all along, as gall bladder disease runs in the family. Not saying yours is gall bladder, but perhaps one more check.

I also have TNJ. I use self-hypnosis to relax the jaw and it helps a lot. Self-hypnosis might help with some of the other pain as well. I was taught the procedure years ago by a doctor in New York, but you can probably find someone reputable in your area. It takes a while to get the hang of it but it does work for a number of things.

Hope you feel better soon.

lexigirl 07-19-2007 10:15 PM

Hi Sherry,

I am sorry that you are having pain. This is definitely the place to come and share your feelings and complain. I know how you feel about not wanting to mention it to your family. It's always something.

For your jaw problems, if it is TMJ perhaps your dentist could make an appliance to wear when you sleep. You may be clenching in your sleep and not realizing it. Goodness knows we do have reason to feel stressed!LOL

Let your docs know that your pain is real. Don't give up on finding what the source of your pain is. I am sure if it was their loved one they wouldn't give up to they had an answer.

Please know you are in my prayers tonight.


Alice 07-19-2007 10:18 PM

Shingles can be excruciating for a long period of time for a person that has been healthy and has not had a major illness. My Husband had shingles as a teenager and for years had residual pain. I think we all need to let you know that you are not being a whimp over this, that it is quite painful and we understand and suport your feelings of needing to vent! So go for it!!!

Jean 07-19-2007 10:47 PM

We care.....and always will...
Dear Sherry,
I felt so bad when I read your post....
Sometimes those around us just don't realize what we go through.
Lets face it before cancer most of us were going through life pretty clueless. Trivial things were once important. Not anymore, we know
better, those around us sometimes just don't get it.

So that is when you come here...

Shingles are the worst - my sister had a bout
with them and she truly suffered. Yes, it has to run its course but
maybe you should consider taking some pain meds for it. Your
immune system maybe having a harder time fighting them off.

Try not to let it get you down, I know, easier said then done.
Just hit the board and we will cheer you...
and send you lots of TLC


chrislmelb 07-20-2007 12:27 AM

Sorry to hear you are having such a rough time. Re TMJ, i can get into trouble with that when i am tense. That you need to do is constantly open your mouth and then let it flop back to relax. Just always be aware of clenching your jaw. You can break that cycle.
Good luck

Sheila 07-20-2007 05:14 AM

My Mom had shingles (she is also a BC Survivor), and the pain lasted for months....I think everyone is different and it can depend on the severity of the case. She ended up with pain meds to deal with it....the pain eventually subsides, but do get meds to help you through it....no need to be a martyr! IT HURTS!

Mary Anne in TX 07-20-2007 06:48 AM

Hi Sherry!
I had shingles in March and still have pain also. I do go several days at a time and do ok, but not for long. Same places, same pain in the neck to deal with. I have what seems to be the original pain coming back the last couple of days, so am really watching it.
Sherry, my rad onc told me that the pain meds won't be as effective unless we keep them in our system. If we wait til it's really bad, then our system has to build up again to combat the pain and the medication isn't as effective. She encouraged me to take them like prescribed (what a concept) to get the full benefit. So when I need them, I take them every 4 hours (vicadin) to get real relief.
I get this constant pain across the lower back of my head (maybe neck) that seems to never go away. And the place across the top of my right shoulder (lots of radiation exited there) is constant too. I've been taking more in the last week than I had to for a couple of weeks.
It's awful! It makes me grouchy and a pain to be with. So I take the meds. I figure that if I get hooked on the pain med. I can battle that just like all the other stuff we battle. I'm going to be happy to be around and have some fun! I've got a granddaughter to raise and just can't do it without taking good care of me.
Why not call your doc. and see what they say! Rather than fight the pain, "rule over it, girl"!!!!
I'll sure be thinking about you!
Mary Anne

Margerie 07-20-2007 07:05 AM

I am so sorry to hear your painful ordeal Sherry! It's hard to be stoic forever if you are suffering. I don't know much about shingles relief, but if I were you, I would be thinking outside the box: acupressure/acupuncture, hypnosis, guided imagery- something besides/ in addition to the pain pills. I also know a few people that had their TMD symptoms relieved by a good physical therapist.

Are you able to eat and sleep well?

I hope you feel better soon.

MJo 07-20-2007 07:06 AM

I've heard that shingles can be horribly painful. I'm sorry you have to deal with them. Please take care of yourself, including pain meds if necessary. I have TMJ. I clench and grind my teeth in my sleep. Your dentist can make an appliance for you. I've accidentally thrown two away, so be aware. You can also buy a cheaper product called Night Guard in the drugstore. Night grinding can cause you to wake up with piercing headaches, and of course I think it must be brain cancer.
Constant pain can certainly wear you down and make you grouchy and depressed. It helps to vent, and we're here to listen.

Emelie 07-20-2007 07:08 AM

Pain in the back..
I can relate. We finally got moved into our house in Denver, the furniture was 1 week late getting here, so we slept on air matteress's for the week because I could not stay 1 more night in a hotel. Of course, my back went out. Finally found a new chiropractor and I am feeling 100% better. I had to make 3 visits and had a theraputic massage that hurt pretty bad, but my back is sooo much better. As for the TMJ, I concur with the other ladies that you need a bite plate. My daughter grinds her teeth at night so her orthodontist made her one. Works like a charm.
And lastly, if you are in pain, and frankly when aren't we, please take something for it. Why suffer in pain? Even before cancer I felt every bit of my 52 years at times. We here all understand that and are hear to listen.
I hope you feel better soon and start enjoying life again.

Beckie 07-20-2007 07:42 AM

I don't have any experience with the pain, but I just wanted you to know we do care, and want to hear when you need to vent. I'm so sorry you are going through this, and feel neglected at home right now. I will definitely be praying for God's touch on your body right now, and keep on the doctors to find the right combo to help you. Just wanted you to know I will be thinking of you.


BonnieR 07-20-2007 07:54 AM

Sherry, I understand how you feel about the pain medication but it is a treatment, just like every other. To keep a problem in check. There is a great deal of emphasis these days on the importance of pain managment to improve healing and quality of life. And it is essential to keep AHEAD of the pain, ward it off before it takes hold, by taking the meds as prescribed. I have also heard that when taken as required, the medicine targets the pain and is not about getting "addicted".
Being in pain is very depressing and demoralizing. Does your treatment facility have someone you can talk with? Mine offers a psychologist and she has been really helpful.
And we are here....

suzan w 07-20-2007 08:06 AM

Hi Sherry, I do not have any suggestions for you as far as what you can do about your pain. It does look like you have gotten some good advice here! I can offer you some comraderie however and just know that we are not alone with our pains and fears as long as we can come here and share it!!! xox

Mary Jo 07-20-2007 11:55 AM

Hi Sherry,

I read your post with heartfelt concern for you as I know living in "our world" is not something those not in "our world" can understand. I believe chemo leaves us different as does the whole breast cancer experience. I don't care what the oncs say about no lasting effects from the chemo.......I think there are. Also, the fears of recurrence are REAL............the neverending monitoring of our bodies is REAL..................and the depression that sometimes hits us is REAL.

Please know dear "sister" that the concern I feel for you is REAL also. I really do care and wish that we could just sit down and chat as often times that helps so incredibly. But, this is all we have so I will do my best to convey my care for you in writing.

Try to grab a hold of today and enjoy the day you've been given. NOT always an easy thing to do I KNOW but when we can do it the day is SO much brighter.

I pray as I type now.......................that our Dear Lord would wrap His arms around you as you read this and give you His Peace. I ask this in Jesus' name.

Love and hugs I send,

Mary Jo

tricia keegan 07-20-2007 02:35 PM

Sherry I'm so sorry you're in pain, you're posts are always so cheerful and I hate to think you're suffering like this.I don't have advice but wanted you to know I care and hope you feel better very soon!

Belinda 07-20-2007 02:40 PM

Sherrie - I can offer any suggestions about how to handle your symptons. But I can offer you my best wishes for getting them sorted.

And you mentioned needing a pep talk...well, the best I can do is say you are on the right track wanting to be their for you baby - this shouldn't be happening to us or to our children, but I know how much my desire to keep loving and holding my 5yo daughter gives me the strength and determination to get through this. I can hear from your post that we have this much in common. It's the point in the horizon we can fix our gaze on the keep ourselves steady on this rocking rolling ship called bc.


Sherryg683 07-20-2007 08:29 PM

Thanks all, I woke up this morning and could actually hobble a little bit beter. I went to my chiropractor for my back and he usually helps with that. I guess I have always been the type of person that has never liked to take pills, if I have pain..I want to know why and do something to get rid of it. That's why taking the pain pills have been hard for me, I feel like I am just masking the pain and not doing actually treating it, which is a stupid way to think. And you are right Mary Anne, I guess I have bigger worries and battle to fight than taking a few pain pills a day. I took neurontin for about a month and couldn't handle it. It made me totally loopy, I was running into things at Wal-Mart one day and then realized that I couldn't even remember what I had done the day before, I took myself off them then. I am taking cymbalta which is an anti-depressant which works on the nerve system, I can tell when I miss a day. I usually can make it through the day but around 5:00 pm the pain starts becoming intolerable. The Loritabs work well with me and I don't get too groggy, I actually get more energy. I just want to wake up one day and feel like I did before all this. My mental outlook is better today anyway, yesterday was just so hard for me. My son just moved out the house for college and I guess I am just a little depressed about that also...Thank you all for being here for me, not too many people really understand how we feel...which is a good thing I guess. I wouldn't wish this on anyone...sherryg

caya 07-20-2007 08:30 PM


Vent all you want, we will listen.
I believe you should take the pain pills regularly, as some of the others mentioned, to control the pain all the time. I had shingles last fall, five days after my dx, and I can really empathize with you on the pain. I still have residual numbness around my mouth occasionally.
I hope tomorrow finds you feeling better, both physically and emotionally.

All the best

Lani 07-21-2007 07:40 AM

you are not alone--and the statistics bear you out
1: Oncology. 2007 Jul 18;71(3-4):164-167 [Epub ahead of print]
Herpes Infections in Breast Cancer Patients Treated with Adjuvant Chemotherapy.

Masci G, Magagnoli M, Gullo G, Morenghi E, Garassino I, Simonelli M, Santoro A.
Department of Medical Oncology and Hematology, Istituto Clinico Humanitas, Milan, Italy.
Objective: There is little information on Herpes zoster infection in breast cancer patients as a complication during adjuvant chemotherapy. The aim of this study is to evaluate the incidence of Herpes zoster and simplex infections in this patients setting. Methods: We analyzed 623 early-stage breast cancer patients in our Institute over a period of 7 years (1998-2005). Four-hundred and sixty-onepatients were treated with anthracycline-based chemotherapy, 116 with CMF and 46 with taxane-containing regimens. Results: Twelve (1.9%) developed herpes zoster; 9 patients, receiving anthracycline-based chemotherapy, two taxane-containing regimens, and one CMF regimen. Herpes zoster infection required treatment delay in 6 patients. Adjuvant chemotherapy was delayed for 1 week in 2 patients, while in 4 patients with more severe symptoms chemotherapy was delayed for 2 weeks. One patient, despite i.v. acyclovir, had severe postherpetic motor neuropathy with a permanent ambulation impairment, and chemotherapy was stopped. In our study, herpes zoster occurred in 55/1,000 cases/year. The reported incidence in the general population varies between 2.2 and 4.1 per 1,000 patients/year; therefore, the risk of developing herpes zoster in these patients may be 13- to 25-fold higher compared to the incidence in the general population. In addition, 13 of 623 patients developed herpes simplex. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that adjuvant chemotherapy can facilitate reactivation of herpes infection. Copyright (c) 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel.
PMID: 17641534 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

tousled1 07-21-2007 08:49 AM


I can totally sympathize with you about being in pain. I am in constant pain everyday. It is not related to my breast cancer. I had my cervical spine fused in 2002 and my entire lumbar fused in Dec 2005 and have been in pain ever since. I thought the surgery would alleviate not only the problems I was having that necessitated the surgery but that also it would take care of the pain. I couldn't have been more wrong. This has aggravated my side effects to both Herceptin and the Taxatore. I see a pain management doctor once a month. I don't like taking pills but if I didn't I would not be able to function. I take Lorcet four times a day sometimes when I'm having a really good day I only take them 2 or 3 times. I also have oxycodone for when my pain is extremely severe. I try not to take the oxycodone but every once in a while I really need it.

Catherine 07-22-2007 08:49 PM


Wow, you are putting up with a lot. Wish we could all get together with our jammies on and support each other in person. You are wise to vent your frustrations here. This is not a burden you want to carry alone. I will pray that your pain starts to subside.

Keep searching for the meds that give you the most relief. Keep us posted on your feelings. I guess sometimes the people in our own homes, don't know how to help so they just "ignore?" We are here for you.

Hugs, Catherine

lu ann 07-22-2007 10:46 PM

Dear Sherry, My husband has had good results from taking neurontin for his nerve pain. I have been on amitrypteline and a fentanyl durelgesic patch for the last 2 years for the nerve pain in my spine. I hate to be on so many meds, but I need them to have a quality to life. I will be praying for you. Blessings, Lu Ann.

Donna 07-24-2007 06:55 AM

Hi Sherry,

You have been in my thoughts - pain like you describe scares the heck out of me. I am always so cheered by your photo with your cute dog it's hard for me to imagine what you must be going through.

Have you gone to a pain specialist? Just a thought, sometimes they can come up with combos other doc's don't - everything is so specialized these days - and they can have cutting edge things that might work for you.

I wish for you pain free days a.s.a.p.!


Sherryg683 07-24-2007 08:53 PM

Thanks all, I am making an appointment with a pain management specialist this week. AND..to top it off, I shampooed my little girls carpet and sat on the floor afterwards. I ended up with 2nd degree chemical burns on my butt..lol. Funny but just another added pain in the rear...lol...sherry

BonnieR 07-24-2007 09:07 PM

Oh, Sherry how nice to see your sense of humor intact!

Mary Jo 07-25-2007 04:52 AM

Oh Sherry,

Chemical burns on your rear are definitely not funny BUT I laughed anyway. LOL LOL LOL!

Keep up the sense of humor through it all. It's what keeps us sane. LOL!

Mary Jo

Margerie 07-25-2007 09:34 AM


I was hoping you posted an update. LOL- you will have to tell us how your doc takes the news that your hiney is burned.

Hope you get some pain relief this week.

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