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Andrea Barnett Budin 03-31-2013 10:56 AM

Why i take supplements


If you're interested, please check the SURVIVORS thread for my list of supplements I've been taking since October of '98, 2 mnths after my discovery of "very very slightly elevated liver enzymes".

One of my oncs is an integrative medicine specialist who is an expert on supplements, meditation and more. (In Manhattan.) He provided my annually tweaked supplement list -- tailored for me and my specific cancer.

My oncs were not concerned. Told me not to worry. 3 mnths later from regular blood work -- same scenario. 3 mnths later -- same same. My Inner Voice told me to be worried anyway.

My tumor markers were still within normal range. It was my insistence on a sonogram, that led to a CT scan, which led to a liver biopsy, followed by gripping fear and multiple opinions. Then my chosen chemotherapy.

(My metastasis throughout my liver occurred 3 yrs after my orig dx -- July '95 -- 4th stage bc, 9cm tumor in my left breast, 2 out of 21 lymph nodes effected.)

In Aug of '98 I asked to be tested for the HER2 gene, having read about it in the intervening yrs. I was 80% positive. Herceptin was still in clinical trials.

The demand was great. Women were being diagnosed w/4th stage bc

I was in the right place at the right time. (As you know, Vitamin H is now available to first liners!)

I bless Dennis Slamon all the time. I have met him, in an exam room, where I stood on the tables step, in my heels, and found him nose to nose, eye to eye with me. I threw my arms around him, and managed to say -- THANK YOU FOR SAVING MY LIFE!

That was around 5 yrs into being on Herceptin. I continued for another 5 yrs, and have been FREE and STABLE for nearly 5 years.

The above link I recently found summarizes to a large degree why I take supplements, religiously, every day, 2 x a day.

I believe we all can be miracle. We each can defy the odds. With a combination of approaches.

With all my love, compassion, dedication and gratitude,

ElaineM 03-31-2013 04:22 PM

Re: Why i take supplements
Thanks for sharing this information.

ElaineM 04-01-2013 03:14 PM

Re: Why i take supplements
I can't find you on the survivor's thread. Can you please provide a link to your list of supplements.
I also believe in integrative medicine.

Andrea Barnett Budin 04-01-2013 04:39 PM

Why i take supplements

Swallowing all these darn pills is a laborious task. One at a time. That's my method. My husband tosses a bunch of his pills in his mouth at one time. Misses a few on the way. I can't even entertain such an idea!

I put them all in the plastic lid of a container (so they won't roll away), situate myself in front of them and the TV and try not to think about anything other than what I'm captivated with on the screen.

I find swallowing pills difficult to say the least. I BUY ONLY CAPSULES, OR SOFTGELS. NO TABLETS! Impossible for my throat. I think of peristalsis which I learned about in high school. The power of the natural wave like muscles in our throats to move food or pills to their destination is compelling. The key is to relax and not over think...

My longggg list of supplements come from my oncological integrative doc in Manhattan, who helped save my life in 1998 when I metastatisized with tumors throughout my liver. I will share the key ones for those who are interested. (I purchase through Vitacost.com, as their quality is excellent and their prices can't be beat.)

Devoting the time in the AM with a meal, and again at 4 o'clock w/a banana -- every single day -- takes tenacity to be sure. But I feel I am worth it. So are you! The investment is serious. To me, it's a matter of Life and Death.



Alpha Lipoic Acid 300 AM/PM -- detoxifies liver, antioxidant, neutralizes free radicals, protects cells from damage -- AND RELIEVES MUSCLE PAIN -- IN COMBINATION WITH THE NEXT 2:
Co-Enzyme Q10 -- 150 AM/PM -- which also enhances immune system, prevents cancer cell proliferation, energizes, healthy heart, good gums -- RELIEVES MUSCLE PAIN -- IN COMBINATION WITH Alpha Lipoic Acid and L-Carnitine 500 AM/PM
L- Carnitine 500 AM/PM -- assists gastric absorption, energizes, heart healthy, immune booster -- RELIEVES MUSCLE PAIN

B-6 50 AM, heart healthy, energizes, helps repair nerve damage, good for skin
B-12 sublingual (3,000) -- energy

WHEN I HAVE MY COMPREHENSIVE BLOOD WORK DONE I ASK THAT B-12 AND D BE INCLUDED SO I CAN KEEP TABS ON BEING IN THE NORMAL RANGE. I save every report ever written about me and keep them in a NO MORE CANCER file at home. I compare the new with the last, line by line.

That is how I -- yes "I" -- found my metastases. Asked for abdominal sono, which led to CT which led to biopsy. My tumor markers were still within normal range. But my liver enzymes were ever so slightly different from MY USUAL. Doc kept saying, I wouldn't worry about it. It is very very slight. Well, YOUR #s generally follow a trend. If they vary, I see red flags. Just saying...

C-1,000 w/bioflavonoids 1,000 -- enhances immune system, reduces recurrence of cancer
D-3 -- 50,000 a week. I take 10,000 over 5 days a week. For healthy bones, blocks breast cancer cell growth, meets your body's organs increasing need for D as we age. BE KIND TO YOUR ORGANS. THEY DEPEND ON YOU.
DL-Phenalalanine 500 AM empty stomach -- mood enhancer
Evening Primrose Oil 1,300 AM/PM -- relieves hot flashing, down-regulates HER2 by binding to extra cellular HER@ receptor, down regulates internal proliferation
Folic Acid 100 AM -- red cell booster, heart healthy
Gingko Biloba Extract 60 AM/PM -- mental alertness
Grapeseed Extract 150 AM -- anti-oxidant, can cross blood-brain barrier and protect brain and spinal nerves against free radical damage, enhances anti-tumor effect, protects liver, strengthen connective tissue, including heart system, supports immune system and slows aging
Resveratrol 250 AM/PM -- anti-oxidant, heart healthy, anti-cancer, HER2 blocker
NAC (N-Acetyle Cysteine) 600 AM -- supports healthy liver function, rids body of toxins
NADH -5Co Engzyme 1 (AM/PM) 1/2 hr before eating -- relieves chronic fatigue, boosts mental acuity
Omega 3 - 2,126 -- suppresses tumors, inhibits their growth, may slow or prevent recurrence of cancer, improves blood glucose, good for muscle/joint pain, anti-inflammatory, down regulates HER2 receptor
Phyto Formula -- 1 scoop w/OJ -- promotes energy BIG TIME, reduces chronic fatigue, boosts immune system and increases mental clarity + 1 banana a day!
Potassium Citrate 99 AM/PM -- bone healthy, energizes, healthy heart, prevents stroke
RM-10 Garden of Life Immune System Mushroom Blend VEGETARIAN CAPSULES -- AM/PM on empty stomach -- I take 2 instead of 3 a day because it's expensive but powerful in regulating and stimulating the immune system, anti-oxidant, detoxifier, reduces recurrence of bc
ZINC 30 anti-cancer

yes, there are studies and experts who disagree w/the findings above. i could have waited for more studies in '98, but my Inner Voice guided me to not go with mainstream conservative western medicine on this.

I began my '98 chemo regimen in September. In Oct I developed Shingles. Excruciatingly painful but the worst of it was -- no more chemo. Not till the Shingles is gone, said my onc. Your immune system is too compromised...

I "knew" I was 4th stage metastatic bc, now w/new information that I was HER2+... Highly aggressive form of cancer. Without the chemo, I feared I would die. My need was urgent, and of necessity was put on hold.

So I took all my supplements, used multiple bottles of calamine lotion and pain meds and in 10 days returned to my onc -- virtually unheard of. I was sitting on the examination table. My onc smiled and asked how I was doing. Good I reported, smiling back. Well, let's see. He was doubtful, skeptical. I lifted my shirt. He walked around me in utter amazement. YOU'RE RIGHT. ALL THE PUSTULES HAVE DRIED UP! YOU CAN HAVE CHEMO!!

I am happy with my bold decision to this day. I continue on my supplements. It is grueling. I'll give you that. But, I KNOW it is my job to be healthy and well. I take that responsibility very seriously. I chase away all negativity!

I go through inscanity when I am due, same as always, but I tell myself -- this is yet another opportunity for me to see the fruit of all my hardwork. I try my best to hold my panic in check, along w/my husband's which is greater than mine. I get same day reports. And, I remain STABLE. No evidence of disease. 15 years from my metastasis. Almost 5 years off of Herceptin (after 10 years on). 18 years since my original 4 stage dx.

I have taken the time to share all this, because I believe in YOU. I support you with all my heart, my Sisters. With love always...


Andrea Barnett Budin 04-01-2013 04:41 PM

In my supplement list, I forgot to add:

Vitamin E 400 (2AM/1PM)

+ Echinacea w/astragalus 2x a day for a wk -- then Thymulus 2x a day for a wk -- then switch back to echinacea w/astrag. Supports the IMMUNE SYSTEM, which is so key! This alternating way -- ON 1 wk and OFF the next w/substitute -- helps you not build up a tolerance to the immune booster.


KayeR 04-01-2013 05:04 PM

Re: Why i take supplements
Thank you so much Andi for taking the time to share this with all of us! I appreciate the fact that you have lived 18 years past your stage 4 diagnosis, and you still take time to post to this forum. I always read with interest any ideas and strategies you may have for us. I hope that you will continue to stay in touch and continue to share. Thank you again for your time and interest!

Andrea Barnett Budin 04-01-2013 06:54 PM

Why i take supplements
My amazing Sisters,

Please when you have some time, check out these threads. Their links are here for you to tap right in. I believe there's some really valuable information here!

MY PRAYER FOR SURVIVAL and what drove me to write it in 1998. Feels like a century ago...

My best advice when facing an adversity. We all have battles and challenges that hold us hostage. I surely had mine. And over the last few decades I've read voraciously, meditated daily, found mantras to live by and Lessons to enrich my life.

We must all feel joyful to offer our words to one another. To share ideas. (I learned a whole lot just hanging around chemo rooms in NY and Florida for 10+ years. The patients and the nurses were so full of wisdom, remedies, things my oncs never mentioned.)

Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, Gary Zucav, Ken Wilber and more have led me and taught me amazing ways of seeing Life!

It is my honor to share it all with you. Truly.

So when you have a few minutes, please read and ponder. And, then please let me know what YOU think!! Please. We're all here on earth to love and help one another, aren't we?!

With Love and Light,




NEDenise 04-02-2013 08:52 AM

Re: Why i take supplements
Thanks, Andi!

You better believe I'll be reading and re-reading.

On my way to the store to get primrose oil and grape seed extract today... :)

Andrea Barnett Budin 04-02-2013 09:15 AM

Why i take supplements sooo many reasons!

7 easy ways to boost your immune system - TODAY Health - TODAY.com

HERE'S THE GIST: Get lots of sleep -- 7-9 hrs a night. (Like stress, fatigue can cause a rise in inflammation in the body, which is the source of all bodily dysfunction and illness.)
Do yoga or meditate -- for relaxation. Andreas Bocelli's Romanza gets me there every time. Music, so soothing.

Use olive oil, not canola. Take omega 3 or Krill oil. Move, exercise (10 minute walks sev x a day).

TakeVitamin D -- we're typically below normal (as we age our organs demand more). I take 10,000 mg 5 days a week and am within normal range but on the low side! Check what works best for you. Buy quality products, not the cheapest. I find Vitacost.com gives great value.

Vitamin C (1,000 w/bioflavinoids), E (400) x3, zinc 30, selenium (200).

Think colors of the rainbow. Eat a whole lot of veggies and fruits -- or take anti-oxidants to help your body fight off free radicals. Also eat protein (antibodies that fight off disease are actually made up of protein). Also protein has a lot of immune boosting nutrients.

Garlic and carrots and yams are especially good for you.

Watch sugar and fat intake! They hamper the ability of white blood cells to overpower and destroy bacteria.

Socialize, enjoy the company of people you love and like. Hug often. Laugh with exuberance throughout the day! Smile. Life is good. Be grateful for each day. Share your joy and serenity (from your enhanced immune system) with everyone you meet. Talk to strangers. (They carry message for me, and you for them...)

Echinacea w/astragalus 2x a day for 1 wk. Thymulus 2x a day for next wk. Then back again.

With love,

Andrea Barnett Budin 04-02-2013 09:21 AM

Re: Why i take supplements
Good for you Denise! Getting a rein on THE HOTNESS makes for a happier you.

Next, maybe you can begin to boost your immune system. Trying not to be pushy. But I do believe I am here today because of more than the surgery and the chemo.

Attended a lecture yrs back given by one of my oncs who is among the top 100 in the country, so some magazine says. Paul and I went for the 7:30 A.M. lecture. (For me that is a huge mountain, but I really wanted to hear him, despite my ready access to him every 3 wks.)

He spoke of Herceptin and 4th stage and from a researchers point from view where we stand. He mentioned in the lecture that one of his patients has had miraculous success w/H. Really astounding that she has survived as long as she has.

Paul turned to me and said, You know he's talking about YOU. OMG... Not the first onc, or nurse, to tell me I am a miracle. Elates and stuns me every time.


With love,

ElaineM 04-02-2013 02:28 PM

Re: Why i take supplements
Thank you so much for sharing. I take some of the same supplements as you do. I will discuss the ones I don't take with my naturopathic physician during my next appointment.

Andrea Barnett Budin 04-02-2013 08:36 PM

Re: Why i take supplements
Please let us know what you learn, elaine.

We need to share information. Network. Expand our awareness.



Andrea Barnett Budin 04-05-2013 02:24 PM

Why i take supplements

I should have called this thread WHY WE SHOULD ALL TAKE SUPPLEMENTS. Sorry if I'm being pushy, but I believe they helped the surgery/chemo to get me to STABLE. And THAT is what I wish for all of you, my Sisters!!!!

Ever since my first chemo I have had a chronic case of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Was totally normal for the first 50 yrs of my life. My oncologist/nutritional expert in NYC told me to take 2 WOBENZYM 1/2 hr before meals.

WOBENZYM was/is a leading immune system booster in Germany, where it was developed in the '60s. I have read about it (googling) and find it is an anti-inflammatory!!!

Many yrs ago, I noted that Dr. Christiane Northrup (Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom) was on Oprah -- when Oprah was on Oprah on NBC. Remember?? Dr. Northrup is a leading doc who specializes in women's issues. I found her extremely bright, warm and full of information.

She commented that the cause of all bodily dysfunction is -- INFLAMMATION. That is the root cause. Since hearing that a decade ago, I take notice when people describe their ailment/illness. And I recall what she said. I do believe she is right on.

Womenzym helped my irritable bowel, which apparently stems from an inflammatory situation. I definitely know it helped me feel 90% better, with way more anxious races to the toilette...

Since then -- I've read that it is an enzyme containing plant-based enzymes BROMELAIN and PAPAIN -- both -- anti-inflammatories!!

Those are enzymes which help support a healthy immune system, which I believe from all I read is firmly is essential not only to wellness but in fighting off free radicals, or cancer cells.

I am not a medical person. Not a biology whiz, but this concept makes such sense to me.

Wobenzym Information Guide

So, it's good for muscle and joint pain (which come from inflammation). Good for preventing heart attacks and strokes. Good against chronic infection. Better than taking anti-inflammatory meds. NO NASTY SIDE EFFECTS.

It is known for benefiting viral injection treatments for herpes, cancer and Hepatitis C.

Lowers inflammation involved in allergies and allieviates the symptoms for the sufferer.

I now take 1 Wobenzym before each meal. Not sure if that is b/c I have a digestive tract issue or if it is best on an empty stomach. It says on the bottle that you should take 3 twice a day.

When things were acting up for me this past Sept/Oct (I was anxious and feeling stressed -- which causes flare ups) I upped my dosage to 3 twice a day.

Well, I don't recommend that. I started to shed. Losing lots of hair all over the bathroom floor. More than my usual shedding. After several months, I went to my trusty Google and asked it -- CAUSE OF HAIR LOSS IN WOMEN. I read for a while, then came upon -- too many anti-inflammatory meds!!!

So I have cut back to 2 and then 1.

BE WELL. FEEL GOOD. Supplement away, dear girl. I think it is key. Which no doubt you've heard me say. Repeatedly. Can't try to drive that point home enough.

I get most of my supplements from Vitacost.com. They have wide choices, excellent quality and discount all supplements.

I prefer capsules and softgels and avoid tablets whenever possible But Wobenzym only comes in tablets. HOWEVER, they are small round, coated and rather easy to swallow.

Garden of Life RM 10 Mushroom Blend vegetarian capsules have Selenium in them -- which Dr. Andrew Weill says is essential for all of us -- AND I SEE IT IS NOT ONLY AN IMMUNE BOOSTER BUT A DETOXIFER, ANTI-OXIDANT AND AN ANTI-INFLAMMATORY. Expensive (but the least so among the Immune Boosters). I take 2 instead of the recommended 3 a day -- on an empty stomach. First thing in the AM, last thing at night.

Just suggestions.

Co Enzyme Q10 -- 150 mg x 2 is an anti-inflammatory. As are L-Carnitine 500 x 2 and Alpha Lipoic Acid 300 x 2.


Sorry about that...


NEDenise 04-05-2013 03:22 PM

Re: Why i take supplements
Hi again...
Started grape seed extract, echinacea and evening primrose oil today! Sitting here...deep in the heart of a hot flash...reeeeaalllly hoping evening primrose is the bomb once my level build up! :)

Already take CoQ10 and fish oil because my cardiologist said, "every adult in the entire world should be taking those daily" but especially anyone who's worried about their ejection fraction....like me!

And I've been taking calcium and big doses of vitamin D for about a year at the suggestion of my onc.

Any other major anti-inflammatories or brain swelling supps anyone's heard of?

Pro-actively, Pro-biotically Yours :)
(who is so sick of having moon face she'll try whatever it takes!)

Andrea Barnett Budin 04-06-2013 09:27 AM

Re: Why i take supplements
Just another example of my human fallibility --

ECHINACEA W/GOLDENSEAL -- one wk on / 1 wk off

interchanged w/THYMULUS W/ASTRAGALUS -- 1 wk on / 1 wk off

when i do my mnthly pills i have 4 huge pill holders for AM and 4 for PM... and it takes over an hr to get all the guys into the right slot S/M/T/W/T/F/S.

please note these changes for yourself.

Andrea Barnett Budin 04-06-2013 09:48 AM

Re: Why i take supplements
My dear NEDenise! (love that name)

Are you take 1,300 of Evening Primrose Oil AM -- AND PM?

I keep a few 500 mg ones w/me at all x, just in case I hit a rough patch.

It started working pretty soon for me, and of course better and better as time goes by. Been on it forever.

Met a lady/bcer decades ago and we were shvitzing away and noted one another. She said she is much better on EPO, which I'd dabbled in. She said it really worked. I think I was taking 500 x 2. I asked her, How much do you take?????!!!!!

She looked me in the eyes and said -- WHATEVER IT TAKES!!!!!!!! So, I upped my dosage to 1,300 x 2. And keep the 500 for emergencies, which rarely occur.

I suffered since my 40s with major all day hotness. Carried a Brookstone 4 large battery fan with me everywhere I went. Restaurants, weddings. My dghtrs were horrified. I don't care. I have a condition. I need intervention, I'd explain.

I am not a drama queen.

Denise, you have such smart docs. Very impressive. Co-Enzyme for sure! As your doc said. And Omega 3 -- essential. Everyone on the planet should be taking these. You are right on, as is your doc, Denise. And all the experts I hear and read on and in the news!!!!!!!!!

Also, my onc/nutritional maven put me on PERFUSIA (Thorne) to help my Ejection Fraction out. Ejection Fraction elevator and heart strengthens. I took at first once a day, then he upped me to 2x a day.

Also, I discovered (through Dr. Oz of all people) COLEUS FORSKOLI 125 mg w/20% forskolii.

Check that out -- google it. It's been around for decades and studied. It helps your body in myriad ways. I swear it has helped by triglycerides get normal readings. It has helped elevated my EF, to the point I thought the reading was a typo or something.

Did I list all the immune boosters in this thread? I think so. Though I added a few after my initial list I know.

Pro-active, pro-biotic Denise, I just love your attitude and wisdom!!!!!!!!! We must advocate for ourselves. Cause no one cares about us more than we do. And docs are busy. Spouses don't know what to do but to love us, which is essential. So as my fav dentist once told me (she was a bc survivor) YOU MUST PARTICIPATE IN YOUR OWN WELLNESS.

BTW, I didn't even know I had moonface yrs ago. But now when I look back at pictures, I am astonished. Melon-head. Some was steroids which I took the day before and the day of chemo -- for yrs. Not sure what it's all about.

But I do know, Denise, you are beautiful inside and out
-- you sparkle. Love your posts. Love you...


NEDenise 04-07-2013 10:31 AM

Re: Why i take supplements
I could only find EPO in 1000mg gels, so I'm doing 1000 AM and PM.

When I restock, I'm going to check online...so I can up it then. Believe it or not, last night was the first time in over a year that I DIDN'T have my own personal fan blowing on me!! Oh, how I hope this is q harbinger of good (non-sweaty) days ahead!

I'm wondering...why do you alternate the echinacea with the other supplement?

And...about my name...I'm sooooooo hoping to live up to the NED part again one of these days!!

Thanks again for sharing all your wisdom and light!

Andrea Barnett Budin 04-07-2013 11:57 AM

WHY I TAKE SUPPLEMENTS and wish you would too...
Hello there NEDenise! I understand. My mantra is -- I AM STRONG, BRAVE AND DETERMINED. Even though when I started (in '98) I wasn't so sure on the brave part. I was trying my darnedest but it was -- a goal. NED is always our goal. Though in '99 what I got from my 3rd opinion and 4th opinion's radiologists who didn't know each other -- CAUTIOUS REMISSION. I grabbed it. And remain STABLE.

So -- Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) 1,000 AM & PM is starting to kick in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is soooo thrilling. Truly.

I recall during my 27 yrs of being clammy, feeling like I was in a sauna, flinching inside whenever someone hugged me, cause they'd notice I was damp, shaking hands w/someone I'd dry my hand on my pants first -- and then the relief. I too have retired my personal fan.

Remember, I keep 500 mg of EPO w/me @ all x. When a sudden flash hits I wait 5 min. If it doesn't dissipate, I pop 500 and amazingly I am good.

I get most of my supplements from VITACOST.COM. Excellent quality, many choices, discounted prices across the board, easy website, fast service, free shipping w/$50 order. That's where I get my 1,300 mg EPO. $24 for #300 of 1,300. (I checked -- $6 for #60 of 1,100.)

If 1,000 is working for you -- great.

We can build up a tolerance to any pills. It has been suggested that switching on one wk and off one wk and then back on means Echinacea/goldenseal gives me full benefits and all the efficacy I could want.

In between (on the off wks -- I take Thymulus w/astragalus, which is well known for its immune boosting properties. (When my rescue Maltese came to me he had mange which is tiny mites attacking the immune system. He wouldn't eat or drink. He was 4 mnths old and had been stuffed in a cat carrier all day while it's owner went to work. All the hair on his face and neck fell out. When I looked at him all I saw was something like a burn victim. Red, raw skin. I was sooo scared. Filled with fear.

The rescue lady gave me a book by a Cornell trained vet who after 10 yrs of practicing conventional medicine, discovered the power of supplements. In desperation, I skipped the food nutrition section and found myself in The Spiritual Realm!

The doc mentioned lots of supplements he used for various conditions and for a compromised immune system he used "astragalus". So I gave some to my boy, along w/the prescription meds that previously didn't seem to be working. I added lots of love, tender loving care, just sitting and petting him and transmitting positive healing energy. When I looked at him I said out loud YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. I LOVE YOU. I AM GOING TO HELP YOU GET WELL. WE'LL DO THIS TOGETHER vs thinking OMG he's going to die...

He is now 10 yrs old and healthy and well.

Always love your posts, Denise.

You've been through so much. Guess we all have. But the stress of it can show itself in lingering fear that puts our back in jeopardy. I've been there. It is totally painful and effects our every move, including brushing our teeth. The more pain we feel, the more fear we feel, which causes our bodies to imperceptibly tighten up and squeeze on nerve endings which causes -- more pain. Thus, we get stuck in a cycle of PAIN -- FEAR -- PAIN -- FEAR and we become trapped.

When you feel an especially gasping moment of pain -- try STOPPING EVERYTHING AND GO BACK. It is difficult, but try. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING AT THAT PRECISE MOMENT???

For me, it was always something that was tension producing (including what am I going to make for dinner). Once I proved that to myself, I SAW the connection of my thoughts to my pain
-- and the pain had encompassed my life for 2 yrs slowly dissipated in 2 wks...

Something to think about and give a whirl...

Sorry once again for my long posts -- guess I feel I have soooo much I want to tell you all.

Always With Love and Light,


jacqueline1102 04-07-2013 12:46 PM

Re: Why i take supplements
Hello all,

I, too, take many supplements which has been discussed in another post. What I would love to comment on today is our wonderful Andi. Andi, you may not realize it, but you are implementing and living the practice of visualization. I am a clinical psychologist working in a family medicine residency clinice alongside doctors and nurses and I am also a patient. Your suggestions have proven validity. We are learning much in the field of medicine and mental health the power of the mind's ability to harness health. And the health care world is just now getting it. You may read about terms such as integrative health care, biopsychosocial approach, etc... Fortunately, my team is coming around to this. The nurses were already on board. Anyway, my point to this post is our Andi comes from a spirit of knowing.

Take care,


If anyone is interested in research along these lines please let me know. I still work fulltime and hubby and I are busy trying to just do life. Please PM me if you want or if you feel this information would be appropriate to pass along to everyone.

europa 04-07-2013 05:40 PM

Re: Why i take supplements
Anyone know how to find a good integrative medical professional with oncology experience? I feel like this is a field that is a bit mysterious.

jacqueline1102 04-07-2013 06:20 PM

Re: Why i take supplements

Dr. Keith Block is a specialist with integrative medicine and oncology. He is located in Chicago, Illinois. My treatment team supports his work. I have yet to make an appointment but have talked with them. You may also check around your area (the medical schools within your area). DO's support the integrative component of health care and may know other physicians whose speciality is oncology. Hope this helps,


NEDenise 04-08-2013 04:56 AM

Re: Why i take supplements
Have I mentioned lately how much you rock!?
I love the story about your boy! I have a giant black lab who came to us through a rescue. They said no one wanted him. He was only 6 months old and had already been abandoned...then rescued twice and returned because he was too aggressive. When I went to meet him, they warned me. Andi, I am not exaggerating when I say that I sat down on the ground, and this 50 pound pile of gentle love crawled right into my lap. It was absolutely love at first sight. Clearly, someone had been mean to him. He was on guard...but he knew his new "mom" the minute he saw me. His foster parents were amazed! Evidently, he normally growled and avoided new people (even them at first) for days before warming up at all!

Is he protective? Absolutely. When new people come into our home, he has to be crated. But on a walk, or at the vet...he couldn't be friendlier. I tell him constantly how beautiful he is, and he answers to Good Boy as well as his real name! Positive energy, and love...the keys to happiness...and HEALTH I hope!

Now...on to less interesting things... :) ... fortunately,, I don't have any pain. My only brain swelling symptom is that I lose my balance and my hands shake when the pressure increases. All things considered...things could be much worse. Now...don't get me wrong...I'm no martyr...I'd LOVE not to have any symptoms. But compared to what some of our sisters are dealing with...especially our dear Chrisy...I'm blessed.

You've inspired me to talk to my body as it's healing. I've been narrating the decreased swelling. I do it in my best movie narrator voice. As an elementary teacher, I've grown pretty adept at the whole reading in different voices thing. So inside my head, I sometimes get to chuckling as the narration gets more and more elaborate...but then...laughter is my best medicine!

Right now, the swelling is just a stupid, amorphous blob, that doesn't say much. But, the key players on my team are real hardasses. Yesterday, the lead butt-kicker was a Tony Soprano type guy...with a heart of gold, of course...for me it's really about the accent and the way he talks. Today, perhaps the immune boosting echinacea will have YOUR face as it kicks things into gear! Now that should be entertaining!!

Oh, and please don't ever apologize to me for long posts! I love long posts myself...and if people get bored...they don't have to finish reading. And, I like changing fonts and colors too!

Hope you have a day filled with everything that makes you glow!

Andrea Barnett Budin 04-10-2013 02:25 PM

Why i take supplements
Oh NEDenise... Hi there!

I am thrilled to hear that LOVE conquered all. Sitting down on the ground/floor w/pups and babes is one of the smartest things we can do. Though, it gets harder and harder to get back up, I must admit.

Your positive energy is felt EVERYWHERE. My computer is lighting up from you!

Just have to give you the whole story here. My rescued Maltese survived till 4 mnths w/his bro. The rescue lady wanted them to be taken together cause they'd been through so much together. So -- we took both. And both are now fine. The one I mentioned previously was the sickest, though both had mange. The littler one protected the big lug, who we thought was just dumb. But when all his hair fell out, we realized how truly sick he was. And we changed vets, which meant changing his meds. New vet said, totally wrong tx. My BOYS are now 10. AND -- we just rescued another maybe 1 yr old.

Looks like a Maltese and a Jack Russell got together. He bounces when he walks, little Jack ears. He was emaciated as he didn't fare well lost somewhere in Coral Springs. A cop found him and brought him (and his flea infestation) to the Humane Society. They shaved the poor skinny fella. He wasn't much to look at, but the moment our eyes met, I was in love. He's been with us since Feb. 1... Oh -- and we discovered -- he is deaf! All the more reason to love him. We do hand signals. And use a small flashlight to try to get his attention. Sooooo sweet. We have 3!!!!!!!!!!

So, on to less exciting things, as you say, Denise. I am hoping that the supplements will help your symptoms. Is the hotness still raging? http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/clip_art/gs...inghead-runner I truly hope you get cut a break with that one at the very least.

I love that you use method acting to tease your body into cooperating. I too use the voices when I read to my grandkids or their classes. I really get into the roles. Fun is so healthy!

The body talks to us. We have to listen. Take its cues. When it is distressed it tells us -- w/sometimes subtle and sometimes not so subtle -- symptoms. Every ache or pain is telling us we're doing something right, or we need to switch to Plan B.

Keep us all posted re your reactions. When my husband couldn't walk (from the large dosage of statins he absolutely needs to be on) I read about the L-Carnitine/Alpha Lipoic Acid/Co-Enzyme Q10 combo. In a very very short period of time he was not in pain. Was limber. Getting down on the floor w/my grandsons and playing marbles (as he'd done as a kid). You could see the joy he was having. And the kids were excited to have a playmate.

The glow from that reminds me why I am still here. I don't want to miss a thing. Not the birth of the first grandkid (who's now 16) or the second, third, fourth or fifth. Went to the Bat and Bar Mitzvah of two so far. Ready and eager for lots more to come........................


Andrea Barnett Budin 04-26-2013 05:48 PM

Why i take supplements -- WE NEED TO BE ECLECTIC...!
Feeding your Soul / Spirit is as important as taking supplements. Which means giving yourself the gift of -- seeing yourself IN VIVID DETAIL far far far into the future!!!!!!!!! Using VISUALIZATION as Jackie mentions is part of the recipe for success w/canser. Your posts are fabulous, Jackie. So much good stuff. Please -- KEEP IT COMING!!!

I have been using this Guided Imagery technique since '98 -- seeing myself at my then 2 year old first grandchild's Bat Mitzvah (which occurs on your 13th Bday).

I am past the services, at the celebration. I'm standing and clapping with all in attendance, as Josie enters the dance floor. I am surrounded by my husband and family and friends. Radiant. I look great. (If you're going to visualize, you better believe you should be glowingly beautiful, from deep down inside out!)

I LIVED THE DREAM, and then some... My granddaughter is now 16!!!!!!!!!

Elaine -- please update us. I know you take lots of supplements, but were considering more. Did you ever run any by your onc??

Denise -- gosh, I am totally aware of alllllll you are going through, but was still wondering how the hot flashing was going with the Evening Primrose Oil. You should have at least that not to worry about. In fact, I was searching for your latest update. Did I miss it? I think of your witty and wonderful Self all the time!!! Honestly!

I'm presently reading OUTLIVING CANCER -- Cancer Doesn't Grow Too Much, IT DIES TOO LITTLE & Why That Matters (Robert A. Nagourney, MD). I am only 1/4 of the way through and I am quite motivated to keep returning to it when I catch a moment. Fascinating read.

This onc is all about eliminating chemoresistance! You know how I tout CAM -- complimentary alternative medicine...

He believes that cancer is a metabolic disease; a metabolic disorder, a disease of changed energy production. That heart health equals cancer prevention. That appropriate management of blood lipids and maintenance of blood sugar are key.

Exercise induces changes in cellular physiology, effects bone density and well-being associated w/endorphin release which has a profound influence on cellular metabolism.

He speaks of psycho-neuro-immunology (one of its' father Hans Selve, MD) which our Brenda introduced me to many years ago and I readily embraced. It made such sense! Emotional stress causing disability, adrenal hypertrophy, gastric ulceration, immune deficiency -- all byproducts of chronic stress.

The close association between the sympathetic nervous system, the hypotalmic-pituitary-adrenal axis, the disruption of momeostasis that can PREDISPOSE HUMANS TO SUCH VARIED ILLNESSNES AS CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE, PARKINGSON'S DISEASE, THE METABOLOIC SYNDROME -- AND CANCER.

In answer to Europa's quest for an integrative doc, Jackie mentioned Dr. Keith Block. Well Dr. Nagourney who wrote this book I am raving about, also speaks of Dr. Block, Medical Director, Block Center for Integrated Cancer Treatment and Director of Integrated Medical Education, University of Illinois College of Medicine. HE IS STATED AS DEFINING A PERSON'S SUCCESSFUL RESPONSE TO ILLNESS AS THE INTERSECTION OF IMPROVED LIFESTYLE, BOOSTING BIOLOGIC COMPETENCE (DOES THAT MEAN SUPPLEMENTS AND EATING HABIT????) AND ENHANCING TREATMENT OPTIONS. REDUCTION OF OXIDATIVE STRESS AND INFLAMMATION.

As Dr. Christiane Northrup says, All bodily dysfunction begins with inflammation!!!


Dr. Nagourney says, I given conventional treatments unconventionally and give unconventional treatments conventionally. Hmmm...

Einstein told us that, "What you cannot see can be".

Dr. Nagourney has had over 20 years experience. During his medical oncology fellowship at Georgetopwn University, he confronted aggressive malignancies for which the standard therapies remained highly unsatisfactory. Responding to an unmet need, he pioneered the development of PERSONALIED CANCER THERAPY, applying a laboratory platform to match patients to therapies based on their unique response profiles. FUNCTIONAL PROFILING in human tumors is his thing.

I have a list of docs he recommends in Huntington Beach, Calif, Greenwich, Ct, NYC, Phoenix, Az, Mesa, Az, San Francisco, Calif, Portola Valley, Calif -- for anyone who lives anywhere near there or is willing and able to travel there. Please, just ask...

europa 04-26-2013 06:04 PM

Re: Why i take supplements
Hey Andi!

Could you post the docs he recommends in NYC? I'm in DC so that's only a 3 hour train ride.


Andrea Barnett Budin 04-27-2013 02:19 PM

Re: Why i take supplements
Okay Europa, Dr. Nagourney suggests:
Henry Dreher, MA
Cancer Guide Consultations
84 East 3rd Street, #2C
New York, New York 10003
347 - 344 - 7057

" Mr. Dreher conducts research for patients with all types of cancer, providing expert consultation on the most effective cancer treatments available. In phone consultations and written communications, he educates patients on the most promising therapies; guides them through the process of testing of their own tumor tissue for the design of personalized drug therapies; refers them to leading experts in their cancers; and empowers them to develop their own 'team' of oncologic experts.

"He also helps patients to integrate scientifically grounded complementary therapies (nutrition, natural compounds, mind-body medicine, fitness, etc.) with cutting-edge mainstream therapies."

More than 25 years experience as a researcher, educator and patient advocate. Brings a unique body of knowledge to his practice. Has authored nine books. His most recent is Mind-Body Unity: A New Vision For Mind-Body Science and Medicine (John Hopkins University Press)

Please let us all know what you learn and how you're doing. Wishing you Life's best... Keep the faith. Listen to your Inner Voice!


ElaineM 04-27-2013 02:57 PM

Re: Why i take supplements
I believe in integrative medicine too. Does the doctor you mentioned have a website Andrea?
I promised to share the names of some of the supplements I take, so since I visited my naturopathic physician last week and he adjusted my supplements I thought it would be a good time to share the names with you.
Co Q 10
Milk Thistle
Calcium and vitamin D
B 12 (He found a deficiency.)
Maitake mushrooms or I cook with shitake mushrooms
baby asprin
Evening Primrose oil
Curcumin or I cook with tumeric
(The active anti inflamatory ingredient in tumeric is curcumin.)
for an explanation of what these supplements and other supplements do follow the link below.

Andrea Barnett Budin 04-27-2013 03:51 PM

Re: Why i take supplements
This is an amazingly great link, Elaine...! Thanks for sharing.

I know the importance of selenium (which is included in my RM-10 mushroom blend immune booster). So that's 1 pill I can skip. I think 200 mg is what Dr. Andrew Weill recommends on the selenium.

So glad you had your B-12 level checked. I do this periodically along w/Vit D. I have to request that my docs include those among my blood orders.

Your article speaks of the enormous control we as individuals have within our grasp!! EMPOWERING, RIGHT?!!!

That's how I feel about my supplements. (With IBS issues since chemo, there are many foods I cannot tolerate (digestively speaking). So I can't rely on diet alone. And the large portions of fruits and veggies we are supposed to ingest a day is not so easy even for those who enjoy and can eat them. Again, the supplements supplement my diet. Sounds funny, I know...

I take 1 baby aspirin every night. Very important! (I take a whole one on Sundays.) Guards against stroke too.

I take Green Coffee Bean Extract cause I don't drink coffee (don't even like coffee ice cream!) and I know how important it is to our lives, medically speaking. It lengthens our lives, AND it helps fight against cancer.

I take Resveratrol and Green Tea. I have Lycopenes in my Phyto Formula for my chronic fatigue (w/OJ). I take 10,000 Vit D 5 days a wk and still register in the low end of the normal range. As we age, our bodies' demand for D increases. Our organs need help to function well.

I am missing a few, but I think I can't swallow one more pill -- CAPSULE/SOFT GELS O N L Y...

I do not take soy though I did at one time take soy insoflavones. My nut onc (nutritional oncologist) in NY told me to only take natural soy, no powders or pills. My hot flashes at the time were so drenching horrid, I swear if they sold Estrogen in the vitamin store I would have bought it. (I was on hormone replacement therapy for a very very short period of time, trying to stop menstrual bleeding that was more like hemoraghing (no idea how to spell that!). I am post menopause now. But the hotness continued. The evening primrose oil seems to be controlling it now, after 27 yrs of flashing...

Elaine, and those interested -- I found the following:

Henry Dreher | Omega

I see a 212 - 228 - 0322 phone # on line for Henry Dreher.

Also -- www.henrydreher.com

AND -- came upon --

Naturopathic Medicine for Cancer Treatment | CTCA

HERE'S TO HEALTH & WELLNESS. I'm sipping wine while typing... :o)


ElaineM 04-28-2013 03:25 PM

Re: Why i take supplements
Thanks for the link. I will look at it later.
Oh yeah. Mushrooms have selenium. I decided to look and see which foods have it. According to the website below several kinds of mushrooms are on the list.
Yes. I agree. We have a certain amount of control over our bodies even with cancer.
Take care.

Andrea Barnett Budin 04-28-2013 04:52 PM

Re: Why i take supplements

SEA LION???? I couldn't possibly... Selenium by pill only...


kvogler 04-28-2013 04:53 PM

Re: Why i take supplements
I heard a news story the other day saying that Gingko Bilboa has been found to cause tumors in rats and that it may be pulled off the shelves. I don't take it so I didn't give it more thought. Of course, everything seems to cause cancer one day and not the next. I'm just enjoying my coffee today because a report came out stating it prevents a recurrence. But give it a week, and it will be causing something.

Andrea Barnett Budin 05-05-2013 04:39 PM

Re: Why i take supplements
Please, if you haven't already -- check out the GARLIC, WINE AND CHOCOLATE thread.

More about supplements and foodstuffs that help inflammation, promote tumor cell death (apoptosis) -- and energy medicine!

I am having grand success w/a simple 2 minute ibs technique for -- diarrhea -- if anyone is interested in this.

Plus energy medicine for boosting your energy. Insomnia. And more. Takes a few minutes to do and works almost immediately.

I am amazed. And delighted. Life-changing...

Any interest???


Andrea Barnett Budin 05-14-2013 06:13 PM

Re: Why i take supplements
It occurred to me yesterday, midst OUTLIVING CANCER book (Dr. Robert Nagourney) -- MUST READ! -- that my supplements are in fact my MAINTENANCE THERAPY.

They aided me in not succumbing from all that nasty but effective Taxotere -- gotta just bite the bullet and go for it. My supplements helped keep my ejection fraction up (Arginine 500 immediate and 500 sustained release) actually works. Opens the blood vessels. Keeps the heart strong to withstand it all.

The stuff I still take for energy, just always low on the stuff, truly HELPS BIG TIME.

And though I am nearly 5 yrs off Vit H (Herceptin as I always refer to it, after 10 yrs on it) -- I would not even consider for a second stopping my MAINTENANCE THERAPY aka supplement regimen.

It's a pain in the butt. 2 x a day. Every darn day. Swallowing one at a time, stationed in front of the TV, focusing on whatever rather than the swallowing process -- is a true chore. But I am dedicated. I see the miraculous results. I feel the results. I KNOW I am doing all I can to remain healthy and well, stable, energized, no pains (co enz q10, alpha lipoic acid and carinitine), also Wobenzym 1 pill 1/2 before meals. D. All the Bs. C. Calcium. Omega 3 (RB is surely proud of that).

I go in to detail way above in this thread, for those who are interested in dabbling. I order on line @ Vitacost.com cause their quality is good and their prices discounted. Order $50, easy, and you get free shipping.


Much love,

Cat 05-15-2013 06:22 AM

Re: Why i take supplements
Hi! I have a question. I have read so many things regarding nutrition etc. from fasting before during and after chemo to "starve" the cancer cells to adding all sorts of supplements. Is it different in remission vs treatment? I am so frustrated because I want to keep my body healthy and do what I can to beat this thing back. I asked my onc about the idea of not nourishing the cancer during a previous tx and he suggested holding off on supplements around tx days. Now I am reading about other things I was not aware of like selenium etc. and don't know if it's something to worry about if/ until I get to remission. Thanks for all the great info I get from this whole site you ladies are so informative and fun to listen too.

Andrea Barnett Budin 05-15-2013 09:15 AM

Re: Why i take supplements
Hi Cat,

I hear you. I was just where you are now in '98 (when my 4th stage bc spread throughout my liver). After my initial dx/mastec/tram flap reconst ('95) I received loads of beautiful flowers, heaps of books and an outpouring of love and support. I was 50 yrs old. Way too young to die, I kept thinking.

I'd read Dr. Mitchell Gaynor's book (one of the stacks of books I'd received). It was 5 AM and I'd gone into the bathroom to read, not to wake my husband. With the lid down, I sat and read. On the 1st page I was covered in goosebumps. I KNEW I WAS GOING TO LIVE! Dr. Gaynor is an integrative oncologist, including meditation, guided imagery and sound therapy. He is an expert in all and most especially in nutritional supplements. I call him my nut onc.

He is not your average brilliant onc (I had accrued about 5 between NY and Fla where I lived at that time).

He totally believes in the mind/body connection -- WHEN THE MIND SPEAKS THE BODY LISTENS is a thread I started, you may want to find (if it isn't on page 1 -- it's on page 2 of the threads). I'd had personal experiences with 2 yrs of debilitating back pain, when my kids were young and really needed me 24/7. Also when I had a kidney stone the size of Texas that I refused surgery to remove and used my mind. And gallons of water to help move it along. I personally experienced the power of our minds and it was AWESOME!

So on tx in '98 my oncs all said -- wait to take the supplements -- which mainstream docs just don't know much about and don't trust. I repeated this to my nut onc and he said, rather passionately -- NO! DURING TX IS THE MOST IMPORTANT TIME, THE TIME YOUR BODY MOST NEEDS HELP TO COPING WITH THE SIDE EFFECTS OF TX!!!!

My Inner Voice told me that made perfect sense. I tend to listen to my docs direction, but in this case, with my gut feeling so strongly against what they were saying -- and it being MY LIFE we were talking about -- I bravely chose to take the long list of supplements, every one, that my nut onc recommended.

I KNOW it helped me get through the ravaging effects of Taxotere! I KNOW it helped me stop the shingles I acquired about 1 mnth into that tx (my immune system being so compromised). Generally shingles can last mnths, even yrs. I was firmly told I COULD NOT RECEIVE CHEMO WHILE I HAD THE SHINGLES. I knew I had less than a 15% chance of living for a year, 5 yrs tops. I planned on living till I was 100, and in good health with a sharp mind!!

I took more supplements targeting the Shingles virus. And in 10 days I returned to my oncs office. How are you doing?, he smiled and asked congenially. I'd known him for 3 yrs and we were close. He had 3 dghtrs and empathized perhaps even too much w/my situation(s).

I'm good, I said. He almost laughed I could see. He said, Let's have a look. I was seated on the exam table. My husband in a chair by my side, as always. I lifted my shirt. My onc circled me, checking out my torso, and was amazed. You're right! All the pustules have scabbed over and healed up. You can have chemo today if you want.

I wish you the very best, Cat. I almost said best of luck. But I believe we help create our own luck with knowledge, insight, unwavering fortitude, positivity, self talk (talking to your body and leaving commands for it to get its' act together), an open mind and an open heart.

I am sending you Love and Light. Please keep us all posted on your journey. Sharing is what this fabulous site is all about. We are here to help one another and grow...


Cat 05-15-2013 02:48 PM

Re: Why i take supplements
Andi, Thank you so much for your positive input and support. I became teary eyed when I realized how long you have been going strong. It does make a lot of sense when you put it that way. I think I have tolerated the chemos I have been through quite well and have missed only 1 tx due to a staph infection and fever so I wonder if it has something to due with my attitude of "it's not my time". I hope so. I have always taken eating right and getting lots of water seriously even though I "supplement" my healthy food with some "junk food" too! My onc has come to respect my instinct so I will be looking for Dr. Gaynor's book and hopefully I will get goosebumps too. Thank you again

Andrea Barnett Budin 05-15-2013 03:05 PM

Re: Why i take supplements
Keep listening to your Inner Voice. That's your Spirit talking to you. It is full of eons of wisdom and it wants what you want. It loves you more than you love yourself. So trust it. Stay in touch with it. Connect with it. Align yourself with that "Knowing". It is the True You. Many call this Inner Voice their gut. Their instincts rising up...

If you KNOW a thing (deep down at your core) -- it will be. IOW, if you KNOW you're going to fail -- you are sealing your destiny. Whereas, if you KNOW you can and will prevail -- you are calling your desired goal to you!!!!

Your gut is your Inner Voice. It's your SOUL! It guards and protects you. It nurtures and sustains you. LISTEN TO YOUR INNER VOICE. It is an eternal sacred entity that is always with you! You are never alone. Never. (I talk to mine all the time!! Yes, I talk to my body, and I talk to my Spirit -- at the very Essence of my beingness.)

And Dr. Gaynor understood this as I read his book, Healing Essence. I couldn't even make sense of the title when I read it in 1995. Now, I see! Your Essence is your Spirit. Your Essence is alive and getting well. Believe in its power!

Sending Love, Light and Positive Energy. I live in the Land of Yes! Join me, please...


conomyself 05-15-2013 06:14 PM

Re: Why i take supplements
I like to visualize too...

I picture my husband and me at age 100 living in the old folks home with our iPads :)

I try to really imagine it in detail every day...

Thanks for all your great posts Andi, I love to read them!!


Andrea Barnett Budin 05-15-2013 07:55 PM

Re: Why i take supplements
Guided imagery and affirmations or mantras are amazing tools. Essential to wellness.

I tell myself every day, throughout the day -- I AM STRONG, BRAVE AND DETERMINED. Even when I was scared to death, felt vulnerable, frail and emotionally shaken, I did know I was/am stubborn as all get out. The rest were goals. I drummed them into my brain, which communicates with my body all day long, and takes its cues from the mind's thoughts, images and emotions.

I would add, HEALTHY AND WELL. And after a while, I included -- NO MORE CANCER...!!!!!!!!! To be perfectly clear.

Stating my Intention and Expectation emphatically. Never wavering. Okay, yes, I had my weak, scary moments, naturally, but I did breathing, in and hold and out, over and over, to calm myself. And replaced my OMG I could die. I could be missing at all the holidays. My family gathered and me absent. Then I got myself together and literally saw myself there, for many yrs to come, laughing, loving, hugging, eating (of course) and being full of gratitude.

Every day, I look up and say, Thank you for my life. It brings me watery eyes as it comes from my Soul, my core. I know how blessed I am. I never get cocky. Never take anything for granted.

And I remain all along on maintenance therapy. 10 yrs of Herceptin. And 14 yrs of supplements twice a day, every darn day. (I've been off H for almost 5 yrs. My now annual scans due in June. Along w/my now ev 6 mnths bloodwork.) I expect to remain stable.

Wishing you all the same.


Andrea Barnett Budin 05-23-2013 05:38 PM

Re: Why i take supplements

What is Alpha Lipoic Acid?

Alpha lipoic acid is a fatty acid found naturally inside every cell in the body. It's needed by the body to produce the energy for our body's normal functions. Alpha lipoic acid converts glucose (blood sugar) into energy. Other names for it include lipoic acid, thioctic acid, and ALA.

Alpha lipoic acid is also an antioxidant, a substance that neutralizes potentially harmful chemicals called free radicals. What makes alpha lipoic acid unique is that it functions in water and fat, unlike the more common antioxidants vitamins C and E, and it appears to be able to recycle antioxidants such as vitamin C and glutathione after they have been used up. Glutathione is an important antioxidant that helps the body eliminate potentially harmful substances. Alpha lipoic acid increases the formation of glutathione.

Alpha lipoic acid is made by the body and can be found in very small amounts in foods such as spinach, broccoli, peas, Brewer's yeast, brussel sprouts, rice bran, and organ meats. Alpha lipoic acid supplements are available in capsule form at health food stores, some drugstores, and online. For maximum absorption, the supplements should be taken on an empty stomach.
Why People Use Alpha Lipoic Acid

1) Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy can be caused by injury, nutritional deficiencies, chemotherapy or by conditions such as diabetes, Lyme disease, alcoholism, shingles, thyroid disease, and kidney failure. Symptoms can include pain, burning, numbness, tingling, weakness, and itching.
Alpha lipoic acid is thought to work as an antioxidant in both water and fatty tissue, enabling it to enter all parts of the nerve cell and protect it from damage.
Preliminary studies suggest that alpha lipoic acid may help. In one of the largest studies on the use of alpha lipoic acid, 181 people took 600 mg, 1200 mg or 1800 mg of alpha lipoic acid a day or a placebo. After 5 weeks, alpha lipoic acid improved symptoms. The dose that was best tolerated while still providing benefit was 600 mg once daily.
2) Brain Function

Alpha lipoic acid can cross the blood-brain barrier, a wall of tiny vessels and structural cells, and pass easily into the brain. It is thought to protect brain and nerve tissue by preventing free radical damage.


This 3 supplement combo is like a secret recipe -- for deep muscle and joint pain and for all the above reasons.



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