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Mary Jo 06-22-2008 03:42 AM

I'm Home
Hi everyone,

I'm home now and feeling pretty good. It seems to have caught up with me since being home (where I can really relax) and yesterday, after 2 days with no sleep, kind of broke down and cried a little and realized how huge this all was.

All that being said, my recovery is going well. CONSIDERING it's only been 5 days since my 9 1/2 hour surgery I'm feeling pretty darn good. I'm able to do our stairway in our house just fine and pretty much can do most things EXCEPT OF COURSE - lifting or driving (haha) - but hey, you do what you canhttp://her2support.org/vbulletin/images/icons/icon7.gif!!!

I was able to have 1 drain removed before leaving the hospital yesterday...so...came home with 5. Tomorrow we go to Dr.Hijjawi's office for a "look see" and I'm confident at least 1 more drain will go - my guess though is 2. The output isn't huge. The ab. drains (2) put out a bit more fluid and I'm sure they will be sticking around for a while BUT 2 is better than 5, right? I took myself off of all narcotics on Thurs. evening after starting to have bad dreams (percocet - spelling?) I told the nurses I only wanted Tylenol....plain old tylenol. That was fine for me and as of last evening haven't taken any of that. Pain doesn't seem to be an issue - a little discomfort - pulling - lower back stuff - but nothing major. I did come home with an order to take one 325 mg. aspirin a day. I was given an antibiotic infusion every 6 hours (Ansef) the entire time and came home with no antibiotic..............so..............that's that in a nutshell. As always after surgery - especially it seems when I have drain tubes in place - not to mention the stress placed on your body - my resting heartrate is a bit higher than normal. Normally my resting is around 58 - 60 (often lower than that) but since surgery is now hovering around 80 - 84.

For those of you who have had DIEP......I have this fear that "something will happen to them" if I'm not really, really careful. Did you feel that way too? I'm sure you did but I'm wondering how long it takes till you realize they are here to stay. Example.........yesterday right before leaving the hospital, I was giving my day nurse a hug good bye...as I walked out the door I bumped my new right boob against the door and I was afraid I'd have putten a dent in it......http://her2support.org/vbulletin/images/icons/icon9.gif I didnt!http://her2support.org/vbulletin/ima...ons/icon14.gif

So, for those who are considering DIEP and following my prognosis, here is an update.

Have a great day everyone.

Mary Jo

Sheila 06-22-2008 05:03 AM

Welcome home, sounds like you are doing amazing....don't overdo...you will look hot in those Harley shirts now!!!!!!!!!

Margerie 06-22-2008 07:38 AM

I was never so glad to be home with my own bathroom LOL. I was warned not to be "rambunctious" and I had to make sure the kids,dogs, cats didn't jump up on me. I was sure I was going to mess the new girls up by occasionally breaking the "don't raise your arms up over shoulder height". I don't remember when that fear went away, probably slowly, along with the abdominal tightness.

I am sure that pretty soon you won't be worrying about losing them, you are going to worry about how much money you can spend on cute new clothes!

Good luck and I hope you get those drains out soon! I think my abdominal drains came out day 8.

swimangel72 06-22-2008 11:55 AM

I'm so happy you're home now Mary Jo! Wow - 5 drains! I was such a cry-baby about my 3 drains, but I wasn't allowed to shower until they were all removed. Are you able to shower yet? I wasn't worried about my new foob - I was more concerned about stressing my stomach (which happened anyway with all the cat scans I needed - laying flat probably contributed to the reopening of my abdominal incision). So take it slowly and be kind to your tummy and foobs - and drink tons of fluids!

IRENE FROM TAMPA 06-22-2008 12:17 PM

congrats Mare Jo
So good to hear everything went well with your surgery.
You are so funny - just be carefull in your maneuvering until you get used to your new girls - haha

You will do just fine and look marveloussss darhling

Bill 06-22-2008 03:19 PM

Welcome home, Maryjo! It sounds like you're doing great. Thoughts and prayers for you. Love ya, Bill

TSund 06-22-2008 04:14 PM

welcome home!
Congrats on the additions and may you heal quickly. You have been missed here!


Mary Jo 06-22-2008 05:48 PM

Thanks friends and thanks for missing me. I missed you MORE. You truly are a part of my family in a "cyber" kind of way.http://her2support.org/vbulletin/ima...ons/icon12.gif

In answer to your question Cathy aka swimangel - Yes I can shower with my drain tubes in. ( I could also after my original mastectomies.) I could shower on day 5, my last day at the hospital. I did use a chair in the shower on that day because of the lower back pain that accompanies this type of surgery but have not used a shower chair at home yet. That shower is probably the best part of my day. It feels so good.

Margerie, I hear ya on the dogs thing. My first night home I'm sitting in the recliner watching TV and it started thundering.........our 34 pound sheltie hates thunder and is NOT a lap dog BUT when it thunders he takes it upon himself to hop up and it's always in the recliner onto my husband's lap. (I rarely sit in this chair) Well, guess who he started to jump up on. Yep! Unfortunately, I had to take my arm and leg and raise it up to block him and he fell down. He's fine but I felt bad for him that I had to knock him down that way BUT naturally, had no choice.

I continue to do well. We have an open staircase in our house with the bathroom upstairs. I go up and down quite a few times during the day. Physical therapy told me to do it the "one foot" way and not alternating feet as you go up as that causes less stress on the abdomin. So I listen.

Tomorrow is my first appointment with Dr. Hijjawi since being at Froedtert and I'm rootin' on 2 drains to be removed BUT we'll see. In all honesty, these drains are the worst part - just a pain in the you know where. Oh well - this too shall pass.

It's all gone as well as I was praying it would - maybe better - and I am thankful.

Thankful for each of you also...................

Mary Jo

kareneg 06-22-2008 06:15 PM

So glad everything went smoothly you are always in my thoughts and prayers my friend! All my love.

Liz J. 06-22-2008 06:57 PM

Good to hear from you
Hi Mary Jo,

I saw your post last week about having this procedure and although I did not reply, I was praying hard for you that the doors would stay open. Obviously they did. Thank God all went well. I give you much credit for having the courage to go through this. You have probably opened a new pathway for many on this board. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


Liz J.

harrie 06-22-2008 07:42 PM

HI MaryJo!
Thanks for the update! Sorry I missed you (and everyone) on chat tonight. I logged on too late.
You did really well with those pain meds. Some DIEP pts continue the IV drip of the heavy duty stuff the entire time they are in the hospital and and some have to be prodded out of bed!...but YOU...Lady Superwoman...did outstanding! Good for you! I didn't do well with the narcotics either. I think it was what kept up at night.
Are you sleeping in your recliner at night or are you able to sleep in bed with the pillow props? My friend lived in her recliner for the first wk or so.
Those drainage tubes that look like dangling balls of fruit punch are a hassle. When the last one is finally gone you feel so much freerer.
AND...I remember that very first shower in the hospital. I tell you, after that shower I felt 100% better and more alert and refreshed.
Did you notice this different kind of odor from your body? (And I am NOT talking body odor from no shower either..LOL!) During that time in the hospital I could smell this faint funny odor and I think it was coming from my pores from all the meds and my hunch is that it was due to being under anesthesia all those hrs.
Was really wierd.

Mary Jo 06-23-2008 04:02 AM

Oh Harrie, I never would have thought to bring the "odor" thing up but this is when it's nice to compare notes with someone else. Yes, I did and still do have that "funny smell." It's way better now and don't smell it as often but still do. It must be a healing thing - what's going on in our body - drugs (which I'm not on anymore) old blood - tubes - etc. (Sorry to gross you out - wheeewww)

Hey how long did you have drain tubes in? I had 6. Have only 5 now and have to go to the doc this morning and am rootin' on 1 or 2 being pulled today. Oh I excited to am to have them all gone. I've heard the abdominal ones hang on the longest and have heard of some women who have had them like 5 or 6 weeks. That will NOT be me. Hahahahahaha! Time will tell I suppose. One more thing................I can't wait to get back to my exercise routine. Of course I know it will be awhile but would you say 4 weeks is when you can get start getting somewhat physical? Of course I know this all has to go through my doc but just wondering how things worked for you. It all seems pretty standard.

Oh well.....thanks Harrie.........

Love you...

Mary Jo

Louise O'Brien 06-23-2008 07:33 AM

Mary Jo:

Can you tell me if you did anything in advance to prepare for the surgery? Any kinds of exercise?

I asked the surgeon and he said no, but I can't help but think that some exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles (even though they're not touched) might help with moving around.

Also, I'm wondering about weight. I've lost weight since treatment and am now down to 158 (5' 7 1/2 inches). I'd like to get down to 150 before surgery and the surgeon isn't discouraging me. He doesn't want me to lose too much though. Is that a good idea?

Colleens_Husband 06-23-2008 07:58 AM

Mary Jo:

Congratulations on a successful surgery. I hope everything works out well for you. Remember, you are in out thoughts and prayers.


DebbieD 06-23-2008 07:59 AM

Hi Mary Jo,
I had the double mastectomy with TRAM flap recontruction on April 9th. Then I had a problem with the blood flow on the right side, so they did the right side over with the latissimus dorci flap on April 12th. I went home after 5 days and had 6 drains. I went to my 1st check up with the drains in a fanny pack! Two came out after the 1st check up (10 days). Then 4 came out after 2 weeks, the final abdominal one came out after 3 weeks. It felt amazing to get rid of the drains.
I am still having problems with my abdominal muscles. My muscles are bulging and the PS said he could repair that by adding mesh. Since they had to do the right side over, I have an expander on that side. Everything has had one problem or another. I am trying to deal with it all and I hope that when everything is done it will be worth it!
My recovery was longer since they took part of the stomach muscle, but I went back to work at 6 weeks. I hope your recovery goes well....

swimangel72 06-23-2008 08:24 AM

Mary Jo - you sound fantastic! I'm so happy you can shower, but please don't rush getting your drains removed - don't pressure the surgeon at all. I think because I complained, my surgeon removed mine too soon.....and thus I developed three pockets of fluid in my abdomen, and the resulting staph infection. Also, my drains weren't putting out a lot of fluid because I was just sitting all day - but once he pulled them and I started walking more - the fluid would just FLOW out of the holes! So as much as you hate your drains, keep thinking to yourself, "the drains are my friends"! You do NOT want to get any seroma anywhere in your body......so take it very slowly! And also don't rush about exercise.....other than your arms. It's good to move your arms so you don't lose range-of-motion - but nothing too strenuous. "Slow and steady wins the race"........sorry to sound like such a worry-wart, but you're doing so well recovering, I don't want you to end up with problems like mine!

michka 06-23-2008 09:28 AM

Hi Mary Jo,
I am so happy the operation went well! I thought of you very hard. I figure there are still some difficult days but now you are going up the hill again. In a few weeks please tell us how you feel with your new "friends".

Jean 06-23-2008 11:15 AM

I am glad it is over and behind you.
I know how concerned you were.
Now, relax, enjoy and rest up to have some with
your new friends.


Joan M 06-23-2008 01:35 PM


Welcome home!

Your description reminds me of my own DIPE surgery. I had immediate reconstruction.

At first you'll be very cautious, but after a while they'll seem like they've always been there.

Best, Joan

Mary Jo 06-23-2008 01:39 PM

Hello everyone,

Thanks for your well wishes and now I'll answer those of you who had questions or address your concerns for me.

First of all to Louise, I've always been a very active person who exercised faithfully so that was just a normal thing for me. I eat right and took a multi vitamin and D3 until about 3 weeks before the surgery. Then I stopped everything. As far as weight...I was 153 pounds the first time I consulted with Dr. Hijjawi and he said I had enough fat and tissue for 2 barely "B" breasts. That was fine with me. However, for contouring purposes (I have a very pronounced sternum and without breasts it was super noticeable) I decided to gain some weight. Dr. Hijjawi never encouraged or discouraged it. When it was all said and done I was 158 at 5'5" tall and Dr. Hijjawi was pleased. I had enough for 2 nice B's with wonderful contouring. I have already lost 4 pounds since the surgery (and no that isn't because they remove your abdomin - they only transfer that fat to another area) and am back on the "healthy train." Enough of all the crap. So I am confident 10 pounds more will follow. So just eat well - exercise, exercise and exercise. Go into the surgery as healthy as you can. It's all for you benefit.

Thank you Lee for your well wishes on my surgery. I appreciate your prayers and kindness. http://her2support.org/vbulletin/images/icons/icon7.gif

Hi Debbie, I'm sorry you are having so many problems with your TRAM. That is the main reason I didn't want the TRAM. I am way to active of a person to have my abdominal muscle removed. I hope your issues can be resolved and you get back to yourself soon.

Swimangel, Thanks for your continued reminders on ways to spare me from any troubles. I do appreciate them greatly. However, please understand, that as much as I don't enjoy drains I would never "complain" to Dr. Hijjawi just to get them removed. For that matter any surgeon in good standing would never remove drains that were not ready to be pulled and if he did he surely isn't a good surgeon. Behavior such as that would only be detrimental to the patient and complaining or not, they are there for a purpose. That being said, I had 3 drains today that were ready to be pulled. For the right reasons. The output was small for the past 48 hours (less than 20 cc's each day - way less) so they were ready to go. The abdominal drains are the only ones left and they too are outputting minimal fluid. Dr. Hijjawi was quite confident they would be out by the end of the week or the our next scheduled appointment, next week Monday. To address your next issue about activity and seroma's. I've been active for the past few days already. I'm not a sitter. Maybe a bit slower but definitely not a sitter. My surgeon told me today that I am healing incredibly fast and if it wasn't for the fact that I had stitches everywhere - looking from the neck up he'd never know I had surgery. I totally understand the "take it easy" appraoch and once again, I am abiding. I know I must care for myself and I surely am. I eat well - walk a lot - do things around here (that I can) and rest when I feel I must. I think that is how we should care for ourselves. So, once again Kathy, thank you for your reminders and advice. It's always nice to hear from those who have been their.

And last but certainly not least - dear sweet michka and jean - thanks for your well wishes and support. It feels so nice to have breasts again and I didn't even think I missed them that much. I've shed more tears the last few days then I ever would have imagined. Three years ago tomorrow I heard those dreaded words - you have cancer - and here I am 3 years later - happier, stronger, way smarter and with 2 beautiful soft and warm breasts that look like I'm 18 again. How cool is that?????

All that being said....don't think for one minute I'm trivializing the journey or the new breast thing. I'm not. I know how hard it all is....I've walked the road like all the rest of you...........I'm not speaking flippantly about my new "18 year old breasts" I'd way rather have my 48 year old hangy ones and never have to think of the damn "C" word again but that isn't how it is SO you just go with the flow and make the best of the situation you're in.

I'm in a great situation and I wouldn't be half of what I am today if it wasn't for each one of you wonderful people. You can trust me on that one.

Love and God's Peace to each of you.

Mary Jo

harrie 06-23-2008 03:44 PM

In regards to how long it will take to get physically active. From 4 - 6 weeks my physical activity was limited to walking, and I mean LOTS of walking. I did some gentle stretching at home, but that was it. After 6 wks was when I started back with the yoga and wt training at the gym. The wt training btw was started conservatively with significantly lighter wts.
I found yoga to be extremely beneficial for stretching out the chest and arm areas. YOu can also consider physical therapy if you feel like you need it to for your range of motion.

jones7676 06-23-2008 07:40 PM

Glad to hear you are well and recovering! Enjoy!

caya 06-24-2008 02:19 PM

Hi Mary Jo,

I am so happy for you - you sound great, recovering well. I'm sure the "girls" are amazing - does it feel weird having them back again - or is it like riding a bike, you just get back on and don't remember what it was like without?

all the best

Mary Jo 06-24-2008 05:42 PM

You know Caya, it's amazing but it doesn't feel wierd. I'm not sure why but it doesn't. They feel so natural and look so "real" that it just feels right. So, in answer to your question, I guess it's like just getting back on the bicycle.

I find myself checking them out like every 10 minutes as I'm amazed. I always want to make sure they are still there and didn't leave or pop. Hahahahahahaha! So far so good.

Love to you,

Mary Jo

Bill 06-24-2008 06:42 PM

Maryjo, it's so good to have you back with us and hear the happy, positive tone in your "voice". I'm so happy for you. It sounds like your healthy lifestyle and God, of course, is healing you right up. Love, Bill

Mary Jo 06-24-2008 07:01 PM

Thanks Bill. I appreciate that. It's good to be back as well. Yes, I do try to take good care of myself and of course, yes, God has been good to me. Why? I'm not quite sure but He continues to use me where He wants me and I just keep following. Not a bad gig I guess.http://her2support.org/vbulletin/images/icons/icon7.gif

Today was a good day but a bit rougher because I think I pushed myself a bit much. That's my personality, unfortunately, and I need to learn that rest is my friend. Ugh!

I have no pain in the front anywhere - just a bit of pulling from where they pulled my stomach tissue back together but because of that pulling and tightness I have developed some lower and middle back issues. Just some achiness and a bit of spasming if I bend to much or over do. Today I overdid. Walked outside about 1/2 - 3/4 of a mile - plus all the walking around the house and doing a bit much. My husband says I need patience but you know what........................when God was handing out patience...I got impatient and left the line and never got any....so I'm workin' on that.http://her2support.org/vbulletin/images/icons/icon7.gif

So would you mind keepin' those prayers coming....continued good recovery and healing? I know you will and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Love to you...

Mary Jo

sassy 06-24-2008 07:09 PM

So glad to hear things are going well and you are home and happy with the girls. Just like two old friends, huh!? I'll be following your experience in case I decide to do the same! Thanks for leading the way.

TriciaK 06-25-2008 12:34 PM

Hi Mary Jo! I've changed emails and was offline a few days, but the first thing I did today was check for a post from you about your surgery. I did a lot of praying for your on your surgery day and thought of you all day. I am so happy to hear all is well and you are happy with the results. I had silicone replacement 23 years ago and have had a lot of problems since, so I am glad your new procedure is a much better improvement than the old way. Such good news! You are truly an inspiration with your positive, cheerful attitude. I always love to read your posts. Hugs, Tricia

swimangel72 06-25-2008 03:12 PM

Way to go Mary Jo!! You sound so fantastic - you're STILL making me feel better, when it should be the other way around! Not to rush things (I'm the one who said take it very slowly, lol) but when did your surgeon say you should get Stage 2? Or don't you need Stage 2 revision surgery? Will you go for fipples??

Mary Jo 06-25-2008 03:27 PM

Well Kathy, I know it's too early to tell yet (it's only been 8 days) so far they look perfect. Perfectly symmetrical and contoured. Dr. Hijjawi did an absolutely beautiful job and as I've stated before I couldn't be more pleased. However, time will tell.............but my guess is that stage 2 won't be happening to me. All has went so wonderfully I believe it will just continue.

On a side note.........for those of you midwestern girls that are looking into DIEP reconstruction I would highly recomment Dr. John Hijjawi. His credentials are awesome - he's done about 200 of them now - hey, Prevention Magazine just did a piece on this and talked with him - he must not be a schmuck. LOL LOL! I'm just kidding. Seriously, he is a very intelligent and gifted man - known for his "work" and the results he produces. He has not had a failure. To top that all off, his mother had breast cancer and reconstruction so breast cancer and reconstruction are near and dear to his heart. As we've all said before......having a smart doctor that is on top of new things is the most important thing BUT if they are kind and caring, well, that's the whole package and he definitely is that.

Thanks guys........

Mary Jo

swimangel72 06-25-2008 04:00 PM

Mary Jo I just found this video of your wonderful doctor and his partner. I like how they said they perform a special cat scan on your abdomen BEFORE they begin surgery in order to find the perforator vessels which gives them more time to sculpt the new breast (the area where my PS seemed to have less skill, as evidenced by my hamburger foob.) I'm going to tell my PS about your doctor's use of the cat scan so that, even if he didn't use it for me, he'll think about using it for his future patients so they can have better Stage 1 outcomes.


mimiflower07 06-25-2008 07:31 PM

hi Marejeo
just wanted to let you know that i to have been through recon..also have had the mid to lower back pain. It really is a pain but does get better over a longer period of time. When you over do it your body will let you know. It takes time...but ice packs work wonders!! I must admit its nice having breast!
Good luck..if you have any questions just write. It will one yr in Sept since my surgery.

harrie 06-25-2008 11:49 PM

Swimangel, how are you doing with the recuperation from your DIEP?

MaryJo, are you noticing any significant improvements in your lower back? I know you are a lot like me and we tend to overdo it. Rest is as important as exercising, so please make sure you get enough. In fact it is during rest, that the body is able to build and heal itself. Your body has been through a lot and there are significant amounts of healing and adjustments needs to take place. Listen to your body.

Mary Jo 06-26-2008 03:40 AM

Thanks Suzanne and Maryanne....

You are right Maryanne...I am like you and pushing myself is what I do best.http://her2support.org/vbulletin/images/icons/icon7.gif Haha! But, seriously, I have been MAKING myself rest and know it's what I need to be doing. I even took a nap twice this week and I NEVER take naps. So, I'm being a pretty good patient.

Yesterday my lower/mid back felt better but I listened to my body more and didn't PUSH as hard. The day before (when my lower/mid back really ached me) I took a 1/2 - 3/4 mile slow walk outside plus whatever other things I did inside....so I did NOT take a walk outside yesterday. So, yes, it did feel better. My docs PA did prescripe me a muscle relaxer if I needed to take it but I didn't take it yet.

Suzanne, so the ice really does work huh? My docs office told me that also but haven't tried it yet. Did you just rest with ice periodically throughout the day?

Thanks Ladies....I appreciate your input. Afterall, you're completed with reconstruction I'm first going through it so it's nice to compare notes.

Mary Jo

dhealey 06-26-2008 04:13 AM

Welcome home Marejo. I am so glad things went well for you. Praying you have a speedy recovery and can get those drains out. I thought 2 were bad when I had my mastectomy, I can't imagine 6! Take care of yourself. God Bless.

Mary Jo 06-26-2008 04:22 AM

Hi Debbie,

I hear ya on the drains BUT it hasn't been just too bad. On Monday I had 3 more of the 5 remaining drains removed. So only have the 2 abdominal ones in yet. They can be put in my pants pocket - so - not bad. After stripping and draining those 2 this a.m. I may call because I think at least one may be able to be pulled. It will feel so awesome to have them all out. Oh well, I'm not complaining though - it all went so well so drains are just part of the package. I know women who had to have abdominal drains in for 4 or more weeks so I feel fortunate that 9 days later mine are ALMOST finished.

Love to you debbie,

Mary Jo

harrie 06-26-2008 09:20 AM

MaryJo, you can experiment with the ice packs. Ice is generally used to reduce inflammation. Heat is good for increasing circulation and loosening up tight muscles.

Mary Jo 06-26-2008 10:53 AM

Hi Maryanne,

I think inflammation in my back muscles is what the problem is. When I sit or lay down it feels fine - after being active the muscles like to give me a bit of trouble. Not too bad, just a nuisance.

So today I started taking 3 - 200mg. ibuprofans at a time - every 4 hours. This morning I took a 1 mile walk outside....naturally, I took it easy and didn't "push" but walked a nice, slow pace concentrating the whole time on pulling my ribcage up and staying straight. It was fabulous.

My scars are starting to itch and things are just super duper. Feeling great 9 days out. I'm totally back on the "healthy eating train" and that too makes me feel fabulous - not only physically but mentally.

So happy I made the decision that I did. It was a scary decision to make and a hard thing to "walk" into but I'm so glad I did. I kind of feel like I smacked cancer in the face....it's a GREAT feeling.

Love you guys...................

Mary Jo

StephN 06-26-2008 11:21 AM

Hey Brave Lady!

So glad you are feeling like a champ and ready to spar.
Must be a great feeling to have those "curves" back in the right places. I am sure it does give you a feeling of winning another round.

Just in time for tank tops, too.

naturaleigh 06-29-2008 03:10 PM

How ya doing?
I was thinking about you today and just wondering how you were doing? I hope all of your drains are out and you are able to slowly get back to you naturally active self!!

Any word on doctors for your friend?

God bless you and everyone on this site!!


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