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Colleens_Husband 01-17-2011 08:49 PM

How to be Annoying

Colleens_Husband 01-17-2011 08:53 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
How about typing in a color that is nearly unreadable. This is particularly annoying because you have to make a special effort to choose the annoying color. It is, however a real cool secret code to prevent those people who are bi-chromatic color blind from being included. Someone who is just annoying. like myself. The joke is on me, I cannot read this post.

Colleens_Husband 01-17-2011 08:59 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
If you go to a restaurant, order a salad. When the waitress asks you what kind of salad dressing you would like, ask "Do you have honey mustard salad dressing?" The waitress will then say, "Yes we do! (See, I used an exclamation point because you still haven't crushed the waitress' spirit ......... yet.) "So you want a salad with honey mustard salad dressing?"

You answer, "No!!!!! I hate that stuff!!! Give me the ranch dressing."

That is pretty annoying.

Colleens_Husband 01-17-2011 09:08 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
Did you know that if you type in all caps, the posting software will change it to initial caps automatically? That means I had to type the first post several times to defeat the 'Politinator' function of this software. How annoying is that?

Jackie07 01-17-2011 10:51 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
Are you OK, Lee?

Uncontrolled mumbling to oneself is a sign of... ? :)

I figured out long ago that most of the e-mails in CAPITALS are spams originated from some 'Third World' countries. The exceptions are the ones from one of my junior high buddies - haven't heard from him for quite a while. Light colored print hurts our eyes and one wonders about the sender's intention.

One thing you might want to try is to type everything in your 'Word' and then copy and paste it. You should have seen me struggling with my Chinese fonts when corresponding with my friends and relatives. The 'program' fights my 'intention' like crazy (keeps giving me the wrong suggestions or just won't allow me to use the word I'd chosen because it's either at the bottom of the frequency-of-usage rank or non-exist. :)

Jackie07 01-17-2011 11:09 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
Perhaps it's only annoying when 'pink' is used?

One wonders why 'green' (and not 'pink') is used in the rhetoric described below (certainly those smart guys did not foresee the 'green' movement...:)


StephN 01-17-2011 11:30 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
All caps is NOT working...

StephN 01-17-2011 11:33 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
Saying "I'm just saying" is annoying to me.
Othewise there would be NO message.

Colleens_Husband 01-18-2011 08:53 AM

Re: How to be Annoying

You are so correct about the 'I'm just saying' thing. It is designed to leave the writer blameless of the snarky comments that were previously expressed. I use it for the comedy value, in that I have never been able to duck blame for insensitive things I say. For some reason people expect more from me and that is truly annoying.

It is like opening a statement with "In all due respect...". Whatever follows that opening is almost never respectful. Whenever I hear, "Lee, with all due respect.....", I start evasive maneuvers and prepare to duck and cover.

PinkGirl 01-18-2011 09:32 AM

Re: How to be Annoying
I get annoyed when someone types 'your' instead of 'you're' and I get even more annoyed (annoyeder) when someone types 'should of' instead of 'should have'. I am not the least bit annoyed by 'I'm just saying' ... I find it very forgiving ... I'm just saying ...

I don't like being YELLED at ...

NanaJoni 01-18-2011 04:36 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
Like, you know.

Mary L 01-18-2011 04:58 PM

Re: How to be Annoying

Bill 01-18-2011 06:37 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
In the grand scheme of things, it's a minor thing, but I get irritated when the person in the checkout line at the grocery store ahead of me doesn't put down that plastic stick divider bar thing that's supposed to go between their groceries and mine. I'm a patient man, a very patient man, so I wait, but once that conveyor slides forward, and a space is created, it should be the obligation of all civilized creatures to reach out and grab that damn plastic "thing" and place it between my stuff and yours. Once that space appears, and the person ahead of me does nothing, and refuses to make eye contact with me, I patiently count to 6 and a half and reach over myself, which I really shouldn't have to do, and grab that damn stick and slap it down hard enough to be heard all around town. At that point, there's plenty of eye contact, but I get my point across. And when someone gets in line behind me, I throw that stick down as soon as they have room to lay a carrot down, and say, "there you go, lass, that'll get you started". Maybe I didn't really get the point of Lee's thread.....after re-reading this post, it seems like I'm the annoying guy.....I just wanted to contribute to Lee's thread and add a little grease to the wheels of society....

StephN 01-19-2011 12:41 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
Q: Would you like any more (fill in the blank)?? And numerous other questions.

A: I'm good.

What does that mean? That you were BAD a while ago? Why can't people just go back to using REAL answers instead of "I'm good" to every question?

Like "No, thank you." Or "I have enough." Or "Check with me later."

American English is becoming a LAZY language.

DiDi70 01-19-2011 02:13 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
What absolutely drives me crazy is the proliferation of the word "veggies"; I can't escape it! It's everywhere! Whatever happened to the word "vegetables"?

DiDi70 01-19-2011 02:16 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
Oh, and while I am ranting, here's another of my personal and unsolicited opinions on what's annoying:

Jazz music in restaurants. Nothing but jazz.......I am unfortunate because I cannot appreciate the horns in jazz no matter how hard I try. I have had to leave stores and restaurants as the jazz horns give me a headache and a sense of disquiet. Odd, but it's my reality.

DiDi70 01-19-2011 02:18 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
Okay, okay; one last rant today:

The automatic addition of a 15% gratuity to the bill of groups comprised of more than 10 people.

PinkGirl 01-19-2011 04:21 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
Vegetables annoy me. I eat enough of them to stay alive. I will eat lots of vegetables in my next life.... maybe ... I'm just saying.

imdavidson 01-19-2011 04:50 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
What annoys me is never being able to remember if there are two "Cs" and one "S," or one "C" and two "Ss" in the word, "occasionally."

Jackie07 01-19-2011 08:12 PM

Re: How to be Annoying




[Just trying to practise the ultimate form of 'How to be annoying'. :)]

Colleens_Husband 01-20-2011 05:14 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
Another way to be annoying in a grocery store:

See someone you know in the aisle. Park your shopping cart in a manner as to block the entire aisle. Stop and chat for several minutes in a way that nobody or nothing can get by you. For bonus annoyance, park your carts in front of the Wheat Thins and Spray Cheese.

Come on people!!! Stop being such a Mamluk.

PinkGirl 01-20-2011 07:26 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
I can buy Wheat Thins here.

Margerie 01-21-2011 09:23 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
LOL PinkGirl!

How about annoying when someone is riding your butt on the highway, you move over to the right lane and then they cut in front of you and slow WAY down to make their exit??

How about people walking around the stores with little tiny headsets on that you can't see... I am always wondering if they are talking to me. I don't need that kind of stress LOL

imdavidson 01-21-2011 09:59 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
Or how about when you're leaving a downtown parking lot where they charge $1.25 every 15 minutes and the driver in front of you at the pay booth can't find her exit ticket.

StephN 01-21-2011 10:33 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
YIKES - so many annoying people out there ...

Gerri 01-22-2011 07:16 AM

Re: How to be Annoying
Stand in line at Costco behind a woman who has a cart with a small child and a few items in it. Her husband arrives with the other cart which is overflowing. So annoying!

PinkGirl 01-22-2011 11:12 AM

Re: How to be Annoying
Definition of MAMLUK
1: a member of a politically powerful Egyptian military class occupying the sultanate from 1250 to 1517

Colleens_Husband 01-22-2011 12:05 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
[history=on]There are several definitions of Mamluks. The one I was referring to were the Mamluk horse archers of the Anatolian region of southeastern Turkey. During the First Crusade the Crusaders were to cross the Anatolian desert to get to Jerusalem. The Mamluks were sent to impede the progress of the Crusaders. The desert was very hot so the Crusaders rode through the region without their armor on. The Mamluks would ride up and fire a few dozen arrows at the Crusaders. The Crusaders would have to stop, put their armor on to fight back. Once their armor was on the Mamluks would run away leaving the knights boiling in metal armor in the middle of the desert. The knights would wait until they couldn't take it anymore, and then they would have to take their armor off which would once again bring the Mamluks back.

The Crusaders were supposed to cross the Anatolian Desert in eight weeks, because of the Mamluks, it took them more than eight months. So if someone is impeding your progress to the point of frustration, you could accurately feel they are channeling their inner Mamluk.[history=off]

Colleens_Husband 01-22-2011 12:11 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
More Mamluks:

Be the first in a long line trying to merge onto the freeway. Do not accelerate past 25 miles per hour. Look in your rear view mirror and see the poor slobs behind you trying to merge into 65 miles per hour traffic while they are traveling only 25 miles per hour.

Gerri 01-22-2011 01:54 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
More freeway annoyances:

When on the freeway and traffic slows to a crawl, use the shoulder of the freeway to pass all of the dumb smucks who didn't think of this first. Obviously, you are far more important than everyone else or they would have done this too.

TriciaK 01-22-2011 05:50 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
I love "to be perfectly honest" or "to tell the truth", in the middle of a conversation. What? You haven't been perfectly honest or told the truth until now?? And when someone says "I'll be frank", I always want to say "and I'll be earnest." I don't get too annoyed much, though. My sense of humor won't let me. Most people are more laughable than really annoying---most of the time. Being annoyed takes too much energy! Hugs, TriciaK

Jackie07 01-23-2011 01:24 AM

Re: How to be Annoying

Good observation.

My Father-in-law uses that sort of 'inserts' a lot and I think it's because he has a very tiny stuttering problem. The meaningless phrase gives him time to figure out what to say next.

My Father has similar stuttering problem and he would use/repeat 'and then' in the middle of his sentence (in Mandarin Chinese :).

Even though hubby does not have the stuttering problem, he talks exactly like his Dad. I just take it as the typical Texan way for them to waste as much time as they can 'shooting the breeze'. :)

PinkGirl 01-27-2011 01:12 PM

Re: How to be Annoying

when you cry....
no one sees your tears.

when you are in pain.
no one sees your hurt.

when you are worried..
no one sees your stress

when you are happy..
no one sees your smile ..

But ...

FART !! just ONE time....
And everybody knows!!

Jackie07 01-27-2011 04:30 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
Roflmaowtime! :)

Colleens_Husband 01-30-2011 11:52 AM

Re: How to be Annoying
Is there some sort of annoying government agency which writes requirements for fireplace tools to have handles which are constantly coming loose? I have had several dozen fireplace tool sets in my lifetime and not a single one had non-wibbly handles. Perhaps it is named the Federal Bureau of Annoyance Augmentation, Fireplace Division. I'm just saying......

StephN 01-30-2011 12:39 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
Hey, Lee - Know what you mean about the fireplace tools. Ever heard of Lock Tight? I find it comes in handy when garden tool handles are loose and other uses.

StephN 01-30-2011 12:42 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
Tricia - As usual nuggets of wisdom! Ham and WRY for you?

How about the "like" button on facebook, when you want to DISlike something.

fauxgypsy 01-30-2011 08:36 PM

Re: How to be Annoying
Somedays I more easily annoyed than others. I hate it when I order a hamburger and they ask me if I want cheese on it. If I had, I would have ordered a cheesburger. Not that I eat many burgers these days. Too much fat, blah, blah, blah. I am annoyed by getting older and having to eat less and still weighing more.

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