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Believe51 09-21-2009 07:05 PM

~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
It won't be long now. I ask for pleasant peaceful thoughts and prayers as we walk to the end of this journey. He told me he is not going to make it any more than a few days.

Please pray for him to be taken quickly, he is so sick and frail. Hospice has different views this week. I am losing him to the _____ing disease and I am bitter and angry!!

A part of me feels already dead as I watch this disease steal what little is left. I am so lost and broken I do not know how I am going to make it through.

FU cancer, I will never be done with you!!! I have not even touched you yet!!

Yorkiegirl 09-21-2009 07:42 PM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
Oh Marie DAMN, DAMN this DAMN CANCER. Please know that you and Ed remain in prayers.

I pray this end of the jouney is peaceful for Ed.

I wish I was close to just give a a big hug. Please know many, many prayers are being said.

caya 09-21-2009 07:48 PM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
Sweet Marie

My thoughts are with you and Ed, I am praying for a peaceful passage for Ed.

You are stronger than you know, you will make it through - we will all be here whenever you need us.


Patty F 09-21-2009 07:51 PM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
I am also praying for a peaceful passing. Marie please know that you and Ed are loved.

jml 09-21-2009 07:59 PM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
Praying for serenity for Ed and may you both find comfort & peace in the love you share and will always live in your heart.

God bless, Marie through this transition.
Stay strong, sister and when you can't, lean hard.
We are all here for you~


Brenda_D 09-21-2009 08:20 PM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
Marie, I pray for peace for both of you. You've both been through so much, I pray for a peaceful end.

notamrnpsn 09-21-2009 08:39 PM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
Dear Marie, my heart breaks for you both. you have fought the good fight as they say. I really hope that your Mighty Oak slips away peacefully and you are by his side like always. you truly were a great team. This damn disease sucks, too many good people suffer.
My thoughts and prayers are with you both, Jeanette

Faith in Him 09-21-2009 09:10 PM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~

I'm am praying for Ed and I pray that you find comfort in the love that you share. We're always here for you.


ElaineM 09-21-2009 09:17 PM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
I add my prayer for Mighty Oak - Ed. Hugs to both of you !!
Marie you will be okay.

ElaineM 09-21-2009 09:27 PM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
I add my prayer for Mighty Oak - Ed. Hugs to both of you !!
Marie you will be okay.

alicem 09-21-2009 09:35 PM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~

My prayers are on their way.


mcgle 09-22-2009 01:24 AM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
I have been following your story, Marie, though rarely post anymore, but just had to add my hope that your husband's passing will be as peaceful as possible, and that you may gain strength and support from all the wonderful women on this site.

Mcgle (UK)

Pam P 09-22-2009 03:37 AM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
I have no words to convey my sorrow for what you and Ed are facing - my thoughts and prayers are going out to you both.

whatz 09-22-2009 04:13 AM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
My words fail. My heart breaks for you. May god comfort you both. Prayers and hugs.

Mary Anne in TX 09-22-2009 04:54 AM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
Marie, I'm praying that God sends many angels to circle Ed's bed and your heart. May they lift you beyond the hurt and give you minutes of comfort and peace as you have done for Ed so many times. So many prayers fill the heavens for ya girl. One minute at a time with God's angels and the warriors prayers and love. May you be chased down by blessings for the love and care you have given Ed and all of us. Luv U muchly, ma

Lori R 09-22-2009 05:01 AM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
Dear Marie and Ed,
You both continue to be an incredible example of how beautiful a loving relationship can be. A supportive partnership through the journey we all are on.

Marie, please take comfort in the knowledge that Ed will ALWAYS be your partner, supporting you through your upcoming challanges. You might not be able to see him but he WILL be here for you. I am hoping you can tap into that knowledge that you will not be alone.

I am pleased to hear you say that you are going to continue to fight this X*&# disease on behalf of Ed and all of your sisters and brothers who love you so dearly.

Blessings to you and Ed....Love....Lori

Unregistered 09-22-2009 05:17 AM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
((((((((((((((((((((((Marie))))))))))))))))))))))) )

Mighty Oak has had a long hard battle and he fought it with all he had, and you fought this battle with him. May the end be peaceful and gentle.

Your in my every thought and pray, please call if you need anything.


Soccermom 09-22-2009 06:29 AM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
1 Attachment(s)
http://her2support.org/vbulletin/C:\...ts\My PicturesFrom me as well,Ed and Marie

alicem 09-22-2009 06:30 AM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~

You know my heart and so I hope you accept that what I write here is with the best of intentions. I just feel the need to share this with you in hopes that it will be helpful.

As I shared with everyone here, my father died on April 4th - he was 88. We had called in hospice on April 2nd. At that time, they told us he was in the "pre-active" stage of dying and that he would pass in about 2 weeks. As it was, the whole family was in town so we went to Houston to be with him. On Saturday, my brother and I spent the morning with him and I remained as my brother went home for lunch. After he left, I had the best conversation with my dad - even though he had had a stroke and couldn't speak. (He could squeeze my hand to let him know he understood.) I talked to him about all that you might imagine one would say at a time like this. Most importantly, I told him that even though we would miss him terribly - we would be okay after he was gone. I told him that mom (who died Sept. '09) was waiting for him & I knew he had missed her terribly and was ready to be with her; we were prepared for him to join her. At this, his eyes filled with tears. He actually looked up towards an upper corner of the room. I believe he could see my mom. I then made 4 phone calls to his brother and 3 sisters. I told them what was going on and that dad couldn't speak but he could listen. One at a time, they were each able to give their love to him and to tell him goodbye. I could tell by the expression on his face that he heard them. During the last phone call with his youngest sister, his expression changed and I suddenly realized that he had passed. I was at first shocked because I thought we had more time, but then I realized I had given him permission to die and I truly believe that made a big difference.

Marie, I only share this because you are praying for a quick end with little suffering. You have probably already had a similar conversation with your Mighty Oak. But even though I have only known you since I met you at this forum in January, I feel like I have known you AND Ed much longer. I thought there might be a small chance that he is hanging on for you and his love for you.

Finally, when my mom died ten years ago, I had no idea what the dying process was like and was really caught off guard. I wanted to be more prepared when my dad took this journey. I found the following link from Hospice that described both the "preactive" and the "active" stage of dying. I am including it for you in the hope that it will be helpful.

http://organizedwisdom.com/helpbar/index.html?return=http://organizedwisdom.com/Physical_Stages_of_Dying&url=www.hospicepatients.o rg/hospic60.html

You are both, as always, in my prayers. We are all with you in spirit even though we can't be with you in person.

With deep love, and respect ----- Alice

RhondaH 09-22-2009 06:52 AM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
Marie...peace for both Mighty Oak and you...HUGGS!!!!Take care and God bless.

lisajones4 09-22-2009 07:20 AM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
Marie - Both you and Ed are in my thoughts and prayers. I am so so sorry. Peace be with you too.

lexigirl 09-22-2009 07:38 AM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
Dear Marie,

My heart is aching for you. I can't express to you how I am feeling, but please know that I am praying right now for God's comfort and strength to surround you both as Ed prepares to move on.

Love and Prayers,

suzan w 09-22-2009 07:55 AM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
It is a sad time indeed. Love and prayers to you both. XO Suzan

Mary Jo 09-22-2009 08:51 AM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
I am so sorry Marie.

Terri B 09-22-2009 09:05 AM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
Awww Sis, I really hate this for you. Remember, I have very large shoulders. We are all here to catch you.

Shobha 09-22-2009 09:42 AM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
Dear Marie,

Praying deeply for Ed and you. May god give him peace.


julierene 09-22-2009 10:14 AM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
I hate Mr. Cancer running rampant in our loved ones... but at one point I realized DAMN IT! We're all terminal. Then I didn't quite feel so alone anymore. Cancer was my worst enemy, until it made me stop taking my life for granted, and living every moment I could to the best of my ability. I used to think it was the most inhumane unnatural way to die, but now I've changed my tune (a little). After the anger settles some, (and it took me over 15 years after my mother's, brother's, uncle's, and grandfather's death from it) I realized it was kinda nice to have a warning. My mother was the first to go at the age of 33, and after years of wishing I had told her goodbye, I got the chance with all my other relatives.

As I sit and write the memoir about my life, I am almost thankful that I was pushed into doing it by cancer. I was pushed into making scrapbooks for my children to cherish when I am gone. There are some good things, but much anger when dealing with being taken too soon. I've already lived 4 years longer than I thought I would and at any given point, it might be over. I wish there were more I could say to comfort you, but it's a cherished treat to be able to hug the one you love, tell them how much they mean to you, and how much you will miss them.

As I said 'goodbye' to a friend I had met in the chemo room, the ole' man hugged me and said I helped to brighten his stay in the dreary days he spent getting chemo. I got to hug this newfound friend, on his way back to his home state, where he spent the last few days. He hugged me in a way I will never forget and always cherish. I hope you will too someday be warmed by all the good memories... No matter how comforting you can try to be, "The more you love, the more you ache". I know you loved him so much that it hurts. You have an amazing amount of love and support here to lean on. What a tribute to his memory. I know it's gagging sometimes to get people's advice, but here is mine: "let people help you and try not to rob them of that wonderfully giving opportunity". Lots of love, Julie

juanita 09-22-2009 10:23 AM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
i can't say it any better than any of the others have. just adding lots of love for both of you and LOTS of prayers.

CourtneyL 09-22-2009 10:41 AM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
Marie, my heart breaks for you. I have been praying for you and Ed since I first read about your journey. I am holding you up in prayer right now as you spend this time with Ed and help him on his journey. No words can really say what I want to say. I am so sorry sweet lady.

I never spoke with God,
Nor visited in heaven;
Yet certain am I of the spot
As if the chart were given.

- Emily Dickinson

ammebarb 09-22-2009 10:50 AM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
Sending my love, Marie, and praying for comfort for you. Someone told me when my Mom passed that to live well, after she was gone was the greatest tribute I could pay her. You are a remarkable woman, Marie, and you will carry on in tribute to Mighty Oak.

Barb A.

Lien 09-22-2009 10:54 AM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
Dear Sweet Marie & Ed,

I am sending waves of peace
Oceans of acceptance
Cleansing white light
And love

We are all with you, during those last days, those last hours. We hold you in our hearts and share the burden. You are surrounded by love.


WomanofSteel 09-22-2009 10:57 AM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
Marie, my heart goes out to you. I pray for peace for you and Ed. You know I am only a phone call away if you need me.

janieR 09-22-2009 11:02 AM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
Dear Marie,

My heart is breaking for you.

Everyone here is with you and for you and your lovely Ed.


Leslie's sister 09-22-2009 11:46 AM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
I'm so sorry Marie. You and Ed are in my prayers.


Patb 09-22-2009 12:41 PM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
So so sorry, may peace and love be with you both
as you go through this.

Margerie 09-22-2009 12:44 PM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
Peace and strength Marie

I am so sorry this is happening to you and your mighty (always mighty) oak

michka 09-22-2009 01:31 PM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
Dear Marie. I am with you in thoughts. I hope Mighty Oak, I admire so much, is not suffering. My words cannot express the sadness of my heart. I send you both all my love and strength. Michka

lkc Gumby 09-22-2009 01:32 PM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
Deart Marie, I will continue to keep you and Ed in my prayers. May you both be blessed with peace at this very difficult time.

Karen Wheel 09-22-2009 02:03 PM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~
Marie - I am so sorry! CRAP! I read this as I came home from vacation and I have my best friend here in Italy from Seattle and I started to cry when I read this and couldn't stop --- I am so sorry to hear this.
You are so right to hate this f-ing disease! IT SUCKS! It is bad and evil and it is all things that are not good --- I thank god every day I found this group so that I feel like we all have a connection and can try to fight this. We are all warriors and we have to somehow find a way to kick this beast in the back side and win - if only in a small way every day.

You are still winning as the C can never take your joy. It can never take the love that you and Ed have for each other ... this will always be and will never leave you.

The only words of comfort I know to share now is that I lost a soul mate when I was 25 --- sudden and without saying goodbye and this somehow shaped the next 10-20 years, for me, as it changes you forever. I chose to not let it change me for the negitive, but I chose to find some sort of good and I sense that Ed would like you to do this too. Also, I believe we live more than once, so we have more than on chance at this thing we call life... so, that also means we will find our true soul mates again in the next life. So tell Ed you will find him again --- it is only a matter of human years - and you two will love again, I am sure. It helped me many years ago - and I hope it somehow helps you.

I am sending you lots of love and good energy from my little island paradise - praying for you, crying with you.

With love - Karen

schoolteacher 09-22-2009 02:29 PM

Re: ~It Won't Be Long Now! Poor Mighty Oak!!~

You and the Mighty Oak are in my prayers. My heart aches for the both of you. God be with you both.


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