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LeahM 01-15-2013 06:57 PM

Found my positive outlet
Hi All,

I know I don't post much (mostly I have no advice to give) but please know that I check in frequently and pray often for all of you. I even follow a blog these days...CoolBreeze....

I wanted to share with you all (because I know you will love this) what I have been doing with my way to much spare time.

I have put into motion my 8 year old daughters (Michelle) idea to give back. We have begun to make CHEMO bags. As per Michelle CHEMO now stands for Caring. Helping. Encouraging. Motivating. Others. I love that child.

Our goal was to give 60 bags to the infusion center at the hospital where I am being treated by May 1, 2013 and thanks to some very generous donations we will reach this goal...plus 48 more. Originally I had thought this idea would be a once and done thing but once I made my intentions known (on Jan 1)my snowball idea became an avalanche.

Before I could blink twice and twitch my nose we created a website, a facebook page, recieved enough money to get us started and an offer for pro bono work to get Michelle's idea into a legal non profit organization here in PA. And it's only Jan 15. Good grief.

This whole endeavor puts a smile on my once frowning and sad face. I feel GOOD giving back. In a way that can only make sense to people who know what I am going thru, "giving back" is my way of honoring all those who "gave" to me. Like you. And you. And you!

Hugs to all of you
www.thechemobag.com (ha! who knew I had this in me?)
PS: every single person on this board going thru chemo will get a bag. Send me your address and one will arrive.

Becky 01-15-2013 07:23 PM

Re: Found my positive outlet
Dear Leah

What a wonderful and generous person you are and you're little daughter has such a wonderful and generous mind. I couldn't even think of a better idea. What's in a chemo bag? Mints, water, crossword puzzels or am I off base?

I think this idea, you and your daughter are incredible. Thanks for sharing.

LeahM 01-15-2013 07:35 PM

Re: Found my positive outlet
Becky you are not off base at all! All those things plus hand crafted hats and scarves. Bottled water. Candles. Pens. Journals. Note cards. Lotion. Hand Sanitizer. soap . Pez (don't we all love that? ) . anything someone is willing to donate. The bags are light tan (gender neutral) and will have Michelle's hand drawn rising sun silk screened on them. I'm very excited about this and so proud of my girl!

IrvineFriend 01-15-2013 07:46 PM

Re: Found my positive outlet
Wow, it's amazing what can come from such a horrible situation. I know amazing kids come from amazing mothers. How proud you must be.

You have every right to be very proud! Please thank you daughter from me.


Joan M 01-15-2013 09:01 PM

Re: Found my positive outlet

This is a truly wonderful idea and a way to show other survivors that you care about them. I get an infusion every three weeks, but I'd like to know what I can donate to the chemo bags. I visited your FB page, and think that beige-colored bags were a great idea because men also get breast cancer.

I love Bethlehem and have a friend who lives there.

What can I contribute to the chemo bags?


Pray 01-16-2013 12:31 AM

Re: Found my positive outlet
Simply Wonderful!!!!

tammymarie1971 01-16-2013 04:36 AM

Re: Found my positive outlet
Leah & Michelle, what a great idea!!!You must be raising an incredibly aware and kind young lady! Be proud!

LeahM 01-16-2013 04:45 AM

Re: Found my positive outlet
Joan M,

Thank you for the offer. If you check the "donation" page on the website you will see a list of possible items. So far I have collected water, hats, scarves and Pez. I think dollar store items such as crossword puzzle books, pens, hand sanitizer, soap would be good too. If you are crafty (I have a friend making candles and a friend making ornaments) then whatever you create would be great. Plus note cards, small journals...the list goes on.

I want to make the bags gender neutral so that they can be given to anyone undergoing chemo, not just people with breast cancer. Also the hospital where I am treated (Lehigh Valley Hospital) has a pediatric cancer ward and I would eventually like to make bags for the kids too. Crayola is just around the corner from me...

Bethlehem is a nice town, let me know if you ever come this way to visit.

PM me or contact me thru the website to further discuss donations. Thank you for the offer!!

And thank you all for supporting this idea! My Michelle and I are both very excited about it!


Paula O 01-16-2013 05:35 AM

Re: Found my positive outlet
What a blessing and encouragement! Wonderful. :)


hestko76 01-16-2013 07:09 AM

Re: Found my positive outlet
What a wonderful idea, Leah! I'll see what I can do to help you out in this amazing endeavor.. :)

sarah 01-16-2013 11:20 AM

Re: Found my positive outlet
Leah you have a wonderful daughter, great idea!
love to you both

jaykay 01-16-2013 02:07 PM

Re: Found my positive outlet
What a great idea! Went to your website - if that was you in the chemo chair - bald is beautiful!


LeahM 01-16-2013 02:13 PM

Re: Found my positive outlet
Thank you Janis, yes that was a picture of me. Chemo #5. .

europa 01-16-2013 02:34 PM

Re: Found my positive outlet
We've been doing this at my hospital but for breast cancer patients only. It really makes such an impact on those that are starting out. They just don't have to worry about knowing what to bring. I love that yours are gender neutral, that's so great!

NEDenise 01-16-2013 08:34 PM

Re: Found my positive outlet
Leah, my friend...
I am not surprised at all that a daughter being raised by YOU is so caring and wonderful! The apple didn't fall far from that tree...for certain!

As soon as I am up and around again...I'd love to make some donations to your wonderful cause. What a great, great, great idea!

Going to check out your website right now!
Just checked it out...and WOW the hairless you is gorgeous!

BonnieR 01-17-2013 12:39 AM

Re: Found my positive outlet
Brilliant. What a compassionate child you raised

bejuce 01-17-2013 12:56 PM

Re: Found my positive outlet
What a wonderful idea!!! I saw something similar during the CNN heroes show at the end of the year. A girl in Orange County with a brain tumor came up with the idea of distributing jars of goodies to kids fighting chemo. Hey, if she can be nominated to be a CNN hero, so can you and your daughter! Check it out here:



I'll definitely make a donation to your site. One of these days I'll get in touch with you to see how I can help you distribute some of these bags locally.

You are awesome!!!

BonnieR 01-17-2013 01:06 PM

Re: Found my positive outlet
I don't think we are ever happier than when we are helping others! It's powerful healing
Keep the faith

LeahM 01-17-2013 01:14 PM

Re: Found my positive outlet
Thank you bejuce for sharing that story with me. Michelle saw on TV "Matt's Chemo Bags" in the fall (www.mattschemobags.com, I think) and said well we can do this mommy. Except not just for breast cancer, for all cancer. And for kids too.

I hope to expand this into making bags for the kids too...that is my goal and a lot of Pez was donated!

Got a call from my infusion center today. They are very excited about this and the director says it's a "go" (in hindsight I should have checked with them first). Big (secret) news!! Lehigh Valley Hospital is on a mission to promote themselves as a comprehensive cancer center and would like to interview Michelle and I, hear our story, use us as an example that cancer isn't a big scary secret, that children can benifit from being told the truth. (we never lied to her about what was going on, but we did do our best to shield her from my "bad" days). Put us in their newsletter, along with pics of us. I don't know if this will come to pass or not (it has to go thru higher channels) but I'm so excited I could just burst. Can't wait for Michelle to get off the bus...

....then I am taking her to her dentist appt. Totally gonna hit up my beloved dentist for a bag full of Biotine samples...

Again, thank you all for your support!

europa 01-17-2013 04:48 PM

Re: Found my positive outlet
LeahM, I am so excited for you and Michelle! I started something similar when I finished AC. We are now in the process of filing for a 501c(3) and launching our website. If ever you need to use us (let say an entity wants to donate only to a valid 501c(3)), just let me know. I would be super happy to help out a fellow HER2+ sister. They could donate to us and we would send you the items.

LeahM 01-17-2013 05:04 PM

Re: Found my positive outlet
Thanks europa! I have a CPA friend working on incorporating us here in PA...doing all that crazy paperwork. I will let you know tho if in the meantime we would need to do that. Let me know your website and are you on facebook too? My page could "like" your page!!

europa 01-17-2013 07:35 PM

Re: Found my positive outlet
That's great! Look at us...great minds think alike. :)

Our lawyers have asked us not to launch anything until our paperwork is submitted to the state. But as soon as we're a go...I'll let you know.

IrvineFriend 01-17-2013 09:49 PM

Re: Found my positive outlet
Regarding the last post, google translated it from Japanese to English to the below. I don't know if this mean anything to those on this forum, but it very may well be meaningful.

Fuchu family funeral
Tama family funeral
Tama funeral
Rock and Roll Fashion
Vintage Fashion
Slope protection engineering
Construction environmental greening
Construction ground anchor
Meiwa Industry Co., Ltd.
Meiwa Industry

europa 01-18-2013 07:17 AM

Re: Found my positive outlet
I think it is spam. Sometimes groups are hired to add comments as it boosts the Google placement for each site. If you glide your mouse on any of the lines they are active links.

LeahM 01-18-2013 01:23 PM

Re: Found my positive outlet
hmmmm....europa...not launching anything until paper work was filed with the state...I'm afraid to ask this...but why? PM me please

Paty 01-19-2013 06:35 PM

Re: Found my positive outlet

Great idea!!! What a wonderful way to give back the blessings we have recived!! Hugs.

LeahM 03-28-2013 02:25 PM

Re: Found my positive outlet

I wanted to update you with the status of this project. The positive response from my community and beyond has been overwhelming. Donations arrived from as far as CA and Canada and a few bags have been mailed to far away states. Michelle and I have been enjoying putting the bags together and today we brought 48 bags to the Lehigh Valley Hospital-Muhlenberg Campus (in Bethlehem PA) where I have recieved my treatments. The staff made a nice little fuss over Michelle and she very graciously handed out bags to patients while they were being infused with chemo. She spoke with the patients, hugged them and wished them well. A perfect little lady if I do say so myself. We have started a blog about The CHEMO Bag if you are interested in hearing more about our morning:
Bags were made for men and women with special bags for breast cancer patients. I couldn't be prouder!!

europa 03-28-2013 02:50 PM

Re: Found my positive outlet
So awesome!!! I can't wait to get going down here. Just waiting for the IRS to get me that 501c(3).
You go girl!!!!!!

SusanN 03-28-2013 03:43 PM

Re: Found my positive outlet
Thanks for sharing Leah!!! And to have your precious Michelle blessing and loving on the patients...LOVE!!!!

Have a Wonderful Easter!!!

BonnieR 03-28-2013 03:48 PM

Re: Found my positive outlet
So proud of you and your dear daughter. Making a difference!
Keep the faith

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