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radiant 01-24-2012 02:47 PM

Building a Freeway of Love for Courtney - TONIGHT!
Hi Ladies:

As Jay's latest post to Courtney's Caring Bridge indicates - Courtney is in need of our love and prayers. Her husband is asking that we all do this for her tonight, as the dr's make their decision tomorrow:

" . . . tomorrow AM the medical team will determine if we can tackle the underlying problems."

I live in the SF Bay Area, and feel quite lucky to have met this Earth Angel called Courtney. She has done an exceptional job of uniting bc women!

So, whatever your method is to embrace the light, please do so tonight for Courtney!

In hopes to create a thread that showers love, prayers, and hope on Courtney - feel free to post any verses, sayings, and/or images that speak to you in this time.

This has always been one of my favorite images of Courtney's - I was SO blown away when I saw it!

Thanks ;-)



Jaimieh 01-24-2012 03:08 PM

Re: Building a Freeway of Love for Courtney - TONIGHT!
Left my thoughts and prayers on her CB site. I hope they come up with the best plan for Courtney. She has always amazed me with her ability to take complete control over her care.

StephN 01-24-2012 03:19 PM

Re: Building a Freeway of Love for Courtney - TONIGHT!
This calls for the Big Guns, so to speak. I have posted this verse a couple of times here over the years, but it is time once again. For you our dear Courtney.

St. Patrick's Breastplate

I gird myself today with
the power of God:

God's strength to comfort me,
God's might to uphold me,
God's wisdom to guide me,
God's eye to look before me,
God's ear to hear me,
God's word to speak for me,
God's hand to lead me,
God's way to lie before me,
God's shield to protect me ...

KDR 01-24-2012 04:30 PM

Re: Building a Freeway of Love for Courtney - TONIGHT!
Have been thinking of you today, too...wondering what the group out there is doing...almost travelled to get vegan chocolate...your favorite lavender, to feel closer to you all out there...please let us know when YOU know what is happening. I have this overwhelming sense of activity. I loved that Courtney was doing laps with her walker...I wash the floor on my hands and knees when I'm playing Big Time Fighter Girl...
Warm love to you all, and especially Jay and the one and only Courtney,
Your NYC sister

v-ness 01-24-2012 04:33 PM

Re: Building a Freeway of Love for Courtney - TONIGHT!
i just read jay's post now and burst into tears. courtney is such an amazing person and i hate what cancer is doing to her. i am not much for prayer, but i will do so for her tonight. i just lit candles to burn until i go to sleep, just for courtney. burning fervent prayers that she gets through this. she will be on my mind all night. valerie

bejuce 01-24-2012 04:52 PM

Re: Building a Freeway of Love for Courtney - TONIGHT!
This news just fresh from our local support group of young women in the Bay Area:

"Courtney's husband, Jay, is rallying all her troops to send their prayers, thoughts, and loving kindness to Courtney in a huge way at 6pm tonight.
If you can stop and take some moments to send your thoughts and prayers for Courtney at 6pm tonight, you will be uniting with many, many others who are sending Courtney the power of our love, all at the same time."

Let's all do a current of prayer and love for her.

Angels of God,
our guardian dear,
To whom God's love
commits us here,
Ever this day,
be at Courtney's and Jay's side,
To light and guard,
Rule and guide.

radiant 01-24-2012 06:56 PM

Re: Building a Freeway of Love for Courtney - TONIGHT!
Thanks everyone - this is great!

- Kim

chemteach 01-24-2012 07:55 PM

Re: Building a Freeway of Love for Courtney - TONIGHT!
Power and energy and thoughts and prayers of hope and love and peace to Courtney....

chrisy 01-24-2012 08:37 PM

Re: Building a Freeway of Love for Courtney - TONIGHT!
Somehow, all that comes to my mind is Aretha Franklin...another powerful, full of life, unstoppable woman.

Wind against your back, Courtney and Jay..

Much much love

ElaineM 01-24-2012 08:51 PM

Re: Building a Freeway of Love for Courtney - TONIGHT!
Consider it done. I will remember Courtney in my prayers tonight.

DeenaH 01-24-2012 09:56 PM

Re: Building a Freeway of Love for Courtney - TONIGHT!
Courtney has been such a support and inspiration to me. From my first contact with her through an email as I lay on the gurney before getting my port, to phone calls, information sharing, and she and Jay opening their home to my parents and me the eve of my mom's surgery at UCSF (while they were out of town). I last had lunch with her in August, and she was still so positive. I have not been able to stop thinking of her all day today. I am continuing to hope and pray that she will once again pull through this latest struggle. We love you, Courtney!!

Pray 01-24-2012 11:55 PM

Re: Building a Freeway of Love for Courtney - TONIGHT!
Courtney, My prayers are for you and your family. Gods blessings to you Wonderful Sis.

bejuce 01-25-2012 12:37 AM

Re: Building a Freeway of Love for Courtney - TONIGHT!
Jay just posted this update:


Not much news to report – we are waiting on some test results from Courtney’s cerebral spinal fluid. One working theory is that she has an infection in her spinal fluid which is causing the neurological issues.
Courtney is hanging on strong. She's winning the hearts of everyone in the ICU, and has the best medical team in the world.

I want to relate an anecdote of how Courtney is fighting back. She hasn’t been very verbally responsive – she doesn’t reply to many questions, although she gives you the occasional terse “yeah.”

And so, the nurse asks Courtney: "Courtney, did you swallow your pill?" No reply from Courtney. Not even acknowledgement that a person is in the room.

Again, the nurse asks much louder "COURTNEY, DID you SWALLOW your PILL?"

To whit, my wife yells back "WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT ME?!?!?” I cried laughing. The nurse just smiled.
Today was a special and moving day with immediate family. I’m just wrapping some special evening hours – I offered to read Courtney all of the emails and CaringBridge posts that have been pouring in. With her cute “yeah” of approval, and using Pandora on the iPhone to play some mellow piano jazz, I proceeded to read Courtney your messages… OK, I only made it through 30% of your messages… we paused a lot so I can confirm that she was enjoying the stories (which received several “yeahs”), but I pledge to continue reading them to her every evening.
Since we haven’t determined the exact cause of the problem, we take each day at a time."

KDR 01-25-2012 01:36 AM

Re: Building a Freeway of Love for Courtney - TONIGHT!
Let's hope the infection is under control shortly and we have our Courtney back straight away. Thanks, Jay, for keeping us all informed. We are on pins and needles, and hope that our wreath of spiritual love is wrapped tightly around you-

Paula O 01-25-2012 05:11 AM

Re: Building a Freeway of Love for Courtney - TONIGHT!
My prayers are with Courtney and her family.


Laurel 01-25-2012 05:40 AM

Re: Building a Freeway of Love for Courtney - TONIGHT!
I was not on Her2 Support last night so missed the 6pm time, but will be sending up prayers for our Courtney, Chelee, Sheila, Jessica, Brenda, Karen, and for everyone who is struggling with this horrid disease. For Courtney I pray her neurological symptoms will abate and cease whatever their etiology. God's got the day and I see Him holding Courtney in the palm of His hand. May we all feel His presence and comforting closeness this day.

karen z 01-25-2012 05:50 AM

Re: Building a Freeway of Love for Courtney - TONIGHT!
My thoughts and prayers are with you Courtney and Jay.
Jay- thanks for your posts about Courtney in the hospital. I can just imagine the nurses's reaction to C's question about- why the screaming???
Steph- thanks for your beautiful prayer. It is one that needs printed off and read each day.

Ellie F 01-25-2012 08:06 AM

Re: Building a Freeway of Love for Courtney - TONIGHT!
Hang on in there Courtney.Not only are your sisters in America praying hard but here across the pond we are rooting for you also.
Jay- thank you for keeping us posted. Please let us know how things go.

DianneS 01-28-2012 01:02 AM

Re: Building a Freeway of Love for Courtney - TONIGHT!
Love and light to you Courtney, and to your family. I didn't know about this until late tonight but you'll be in my prayers!


radiant 01-28-2012 01:26 AM

Re: Building a Freeway of Love for Courtney - TONIGHT!
Hello Ladies:

Holy Cow - Courtney is OK!!! I am sooo relieved by this recent news on the Caring Bridge - we were all getting worried after not hearing from Jay after a couple of days:

Dear friends, it is Courtney this time. (Jay is typing and I'm dictating). And I'm so thrilled to be writing you from my bed. These past few days have been the most challenging of my life, I'm not goin lie. But I feel like I'm finally turning a corner. I had a surgery today to repair - of all things on my body - my index finger. I'm writing you to say that my spirits are still here and I need your prayers.
[a note from Jay: After nearly 5 days of not being lucid, Courtney just "woke up" this morning. She's been conversational, lucid, funny, sarcastic, insightful, joyous, tearful, and eagerly asking the nursing staff when we get to leave. It was such a rapid change - I left the UCSF at 11:45PM on Wed night and Courtney wouldn't respond to her name. And Friday morning, she seems to be back. The past 24 hours were some that I will certainly never forget. Courtney and I stayed up from 9pm until 11pm tonight catching up - she had all these questions about the past week, my job, if I've been sleeping, if I've been taking care of myself, if I've been eating, everything. We were transfered from the Intensive Care Unit to a private hospital room overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge and the Marin Headlands -- a perfect place for her to rehabilitate for the coming days. ]

For now, please assume if you don't hear from us over the weekend that , we're engaged in the hard work necessary to try to come back home - it's going to be a lot of physical therapy, sleep, and continued prayers from everyone - but we can do it. Also, because of Courtney and our families' continued challenges, and requests from our medical team, we still cannot accept new visitors at the hospital. Thank you for understanding.

I wish they had a way to express high fives on this site ;-)



Paula O 01-28-2012 03:47 AM

Re: Building a Freeway of Love for Courtney - TONIGHT!
Oh, that's wonderful! Hooray is right!

Thanking the Lord for this answered prayer,


Ellie F 01-28-2012 04:40 AM

Re: Building a Freeway of Love for Courtney - TONIGHT!
YES YES YES!! Prayers answered-Thank you GOD.
Was getting really worried as not heard from them but now tears of joy are rolling dowm my cheeks.
Wonder if the index finger had anything to do with the problem?Thinking infection etc?
This news has made my day.

Lani 01-28-2012 04:43 AM

Re: Building a Freeway of Love for Courtney - TONIGHT!
yippity doodah day!


DianneS 01-28-2012 01:24 PM

Re: Building a Freeway of Love for Courtney - TONIGHT!
Wonderful news!! The power of prayer is truly amazing!

I was reading a bit of Courtney's posts about a drug she was on that caused her to have a seizure (about a week before she became nonresponsive) & wondering if it caused some of the problems she has been dealing with.

Glad she's on the mend & will keep up the prayers!

Jodykb 01-28-2012 05:50 PM

Re: Building a Freeway of Love for Courtney - TONIGHT!
Courtney I am so happy your are on the turn around now. My prayers are will you and your family

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