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JillaryJill 02-21-2014 08:34 AM

Does the worry ever end? I have a sensation on the right corner of my mouth, that feels sort of burning and tingling. Of course I asked Dr. Google and found some scary stuff regarding a facial nerve, originating from the brain stem that may be impeded by a tumor. I have a call into my onc which of course will lead to a brain MRI, which of course will lead to scanxiety. I was just starting to take a breather...since I am 3 years and 4 months out with no issues so far. Just looking for some words of encouragment, anyone have these symtoms that led to a brain met diagnosis?

suzan w 02-21-2014 07:59 PM

Re: Scanxiety
The worry never seems to end! I had a pain in my right kidney area which let to me wondering if my pants were too tight...or perhaps the seat belt was too tight? The next day I felt worse...and Dr.Google found a condition that included tight pants causing pain and numbness. Aha...yea, I was starting to have an area of numbness, burning and itching. The next day, after consulting with Dr. Google I knew it was a tumor in my neck compressing the nerve. A few more days of very uncomfortable numbness and itching on my right side it was making it uncomfortable to sleep.
Today I finally broke down and cancelled my appointment with Dr. Google...and went to see.my primary care doc. Even her nurse knew what I had...when the doc came in she listened to my tale of woe. And told me the dreaded words... I have SHINGLES.
What??? SHINGLES??? Go figure...Dr. Google must have slept through that lecture!!!

Laurel 02-21-2014 08:46 PM

Re: Scanxiety
Susan! Shingles! Ouch big time! Prayers for you to heal quickly. You and Jill had me laughing outloud over "Dr. Google!" I have visited that quack too many times to count, though I will say that he has talked me down off the wall more times than I can count, too. Good luck, Jill. My bet is it will turn out to be nothing, but you are right to investigate it fully.

Redwolf8812 02-22-2014 03:10 AM

Re: Scanxiety
Do you still have the sensation, Jill? I'm wondering if it's an allergic reaction of some sort. Keep us posted.

- Penny

Mtngrl 02-22-2014 06:37 AM

Re: Scanxiety
I'm amazed how many times I notice some new complaint and immediately think "cancer." But I never thought of Dr. Google!

I was consulting Dr. Google last night about lung nodules. He/she can be helpful, but it's necessary to filter and evaluate.

Good luck with the new maladies!

JillaryJill 02-22-2014 07:08 AM

Re: Scanxiety
Brain MRI scheduled for Monday, should have the results Monday afternoon or Tuesday. Its a very minor sensation of burning just in the corner of my mouth on the right side. Feels like I have hot sauce on the lip area there. Let the scanxiety begin!!!

Mtngrl 02-22-2014 08:36 AM

Re: Scanxiety

Don't forget to breathe! And stay in the Now.

I'll keep you in my thoughts.

Becky 02-22-2014 11:18 AM

Re: Scanxiety
About 7 years ago I had my onc schedule a brain MRI just to be sure even though I had no symptoms. To get it approved by insurance he said, "you have headaches, right?". But I was symptomless but wanted one "because". I was still a train wreck. So I understand. As an aside, did you ever suffer from mouth sores. Sometimes your mouth wants to produce a cold sore and the tingling is a symptom whether or not one actually erupts. I have not had one in years and years but it is a sign for me.

BonnieR 02-22-2014 02:07 PM

Re: Scanxiety
I agree with Becky's suggestion. Your description sounds like what I experience when a cold sore is approaching When we have had cancer the tendency is to always fear the worst but we are still susceptible to "everyday' ailments too ( although I think we should get a free pass!) Often it's best to think of the simplest answer first, rather than the scary one
Let us know what happens. But don't borrow trouble
Keep the faith

JillaryJill 02-22-2014 02:58 PM

Re: Scanxiety
thanks Becky...I hope I break out into the biggest cold sore ever! I have not had one in years either. The biggest thing that scared me is when I reported the symptom to my onc she was very quick to order the brain scan. I think that scared me more than anything. Well, it might be nice to get a look at the brain at this juncture anyway! For the last year and a half, I really have not worried that much, normal aches and pains etc. This is just such a weird symptom...I felt compelled to report it.
Thank you for the encouraging words everybody! I just found out this morning I am going to be a Grandma for the first time...so I need to be around for a long time!!!

CoolBreeze 02-22-2014 03:03 PM

Re: Scanxiety
Dr. Google is ONLY helpful when you already have a diagnosis and want to look up something in regards to it, or ask for definitions. He is a horrible diagnostician and is wrong most of the time. He will always give you what you are looking for, because the only search terms you know are the ones that come up with cancer. Unless you have enough medical knowledge to look for all conditions regarding that nerve, you probably are always going to find ones that involve cancer. Plus it knows your search history and pulls from stuff you have searched for before, so cancer is going to pop up more often.

So my best advice -try not to consult him, you get what you pay for. :) Wait until you are told something, then do you research.

As for the worry - as a person who has mets, I can't answer your question. I would think that at some point you have to realize that you are likely in the category of healthy and are going to be one of those who live out their lives having had cancer. Women like Betty Ford, one of the first people to go public with the disease, lived her natural lifespan and most women do - just plan to be among them, I guess. :)

I don't have scanxiety much now, even though I have liver mets. I can't tell you why but I had made peace with the bad news so I am only pleased when I get good news rather than disappointed when I get bad news. (I'm stable now)

I hope you do find peace!

Carol Ann 02-22-2014 09:44 PM

Re: Scanxiety
Jill, I just wanted to say I am thinking of you and keeping my fingers crossed that it is all NOTHING!!

Congrats on being a future grandma!!

Carol Ann

Bunty 02-23-2014 02:40 AM

Re: Scanxiety
Hi Jill, as soon as I read your post (before reading a few others with the same thought I had) is that it sounds like a classic whopper of a cold sore brewing. That's how it feels for me on the odd occasion I have had one.

Just remember to breathe (that is such good advice as I often forget to breathe, and that leads to all sorts of problems for me at times).

Ann, I understand what you are saying about scanxiety becoming easier - I think that comes with living with long term Stage IV disease.

Best wishes Jill, and will be thinking and praying or you.

Marie x

Aussie Girl 02-23-2014 03:36 AM

Re: Scanxiety
Hang in there, Jill! Wishing you "no abnormality detected" on your scan report.

Aussie Girl

Pdearborn 02-24-2014 04:46 AM

Re: Scanxiety
Good luck Jill! Sending you positive vibes and wishing NED on your scan report!


JillaryJill 02-24-2014 06:22 PM

Re: Scanxiety
Scan report...perfect...NED in the head!!! So relieved. Thank you for your support...I don't know what I would do without you guys!

Laurel 02-24-2014 07:13 PM

Re: Scanxiety
Hey, Jill! That bright light shining tonight is my pearly whites and not the moon as I grin from ear to ear! Wonderful news!

Carol Ann 02-24-2014 07:20 PM

Re: Scanxiety
YAAAAAY I am so happy and relieved for you JillaryJill!!

Carol Ann

Becky 02-24-2014 07:59 PM

Re: Scanxiety
Yippee Skippy! Give it a name and buy it a drink.

Carol Ann 02-24-2014 08:03 PM

Re: Scanxiety
Oh I love that, Becky, I'll have to remember that one ... I am sitting here in my pjs with that yucky chemo taste in my mouth, etc etc almost halfway to midcycle of chemo #5, and this just made me laugh, thank you!!

Carol Ann

sassy 02-24-2014 08:17 PM

Re: Scanxiety
Yea Jill!!!

Redwolf8812 02-25-2014 06:44 AM

Re: Scanxiety
Yay! Thank You, Lord!

:-) Penny

Jackie07 02-25-2014 03:44 PM

Re: Scanxiety

I have a history of brain tumor - a rare and slow-growing type. When the corners of my mouth started to have problems, I looked it up and decided it was cheilitus. So I started to take a daily multivitamin. Either that or by sleeping on my right side (to keep the one by the Thalamus away from it), I've been feeling great. No peeled lips (caused by low-grade fever) and no cheilitus ...

Mtngrl 02-25-2014 07:44 PM

Re: Scanxiety

I'm so glad your brain is OK! That's fantastic.

Thanks for letting us know.

caya 02-25-2014 10:00 PM

Re: Scanxiety
Great news Jill - thanks for sharing!
And congrats on the future grandchild too!

all the best

Joanne S 02-26-2014 12:30 AM

Re: Scanxiety
Unnecessary worry.... I think we all do that as it comes with the territory.

So glad results show your brain is clear... (haaa --- My brain is pretty foggy).
Good night Dr. Google.

Healthy Wishes & Congrats grandma-to-be!
Joanne S

Joanne S 02-26-2014 12:34 AM

Re: Scanxiety
Susan W. I am so sorry to hear of your shingles diagnosis. I understand it can be quite painful and hope that's not the case with you. Shingles needs to take a long and far away vacation.
Praying for your improvement. Take care.
Joanne S

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