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Elizabethtx 04-22-2011 12:08 PM

Hoping to get some sage advice or just thoughts on your experiences. I will finish my year of herceptin in May. I am considering reconstruction and it is consuming my thoughts! According to the surgeon who did my MX all is ready. Not sure if I am! This past year has ben long, with every treatment possible. I finally am starting to feel "healthy" again. I now know why the docs are so pushy about having immediate reconstruction! If you wait you agonize over the decision to go back into surgery. It also seems to me to be a leap of faith that I will stay NED. I know you all have wrestled with your choices. It seems so small compared to treatment for C, but here I am asking for advice. Would you do it all the same again? Did RC bring normalcy? If you don't wish to respond on the thread, please message me. I know others out there are wondering the same thing!

chekmark 04-22-2011 02:53 PM

Re: Reconstruction
Good luck with your decision. My doc told me she wanted me to wait until I was done with herceptin before getting reconstruction which will not be until November but I cannot wait .She said they want to monitor the area closely and also does not want me to have any incisions while on it. I would also like to hear some responses. I will do as she asks but for my sanity I wish I could get it sooner. Lots of luck to you. And congrats on almost being at the end of treatment.

Margaret Eleanor 04-22-2011 03:30 PM

Re: Reconstruction
Been lurking a long time, but this is my first post. I am adamant about reconstruction and this topic has over come my superstition to post.

I find your thoughts on reconstruction and the pressure (implied in your message) from your plastic surgeon interesting. Based on inital meetings with my surgical oncologist and my first plastic surgeon, the plan for me was bilateral mastectomy with immediate tissue expander placement (because DIEP would keep me out of commission for so long...my 11 year old daughter plays club soccer, sings and plays piano, and I do not want to miss anything).

I checked in with my plastic surgeon after six months of chemo, and before mastectomy, just like he told me to do. He changed his mind and doesn't do tissue expanders before radiation any more. In fact, his exact words were "I don't know why you're here. You must have slipped through the cracks. I recommended delayed DIEP for you and I will no longer put in tissue expanders before radiation. There's nothing I can do for you. Come back after I get back from my fellowship in July 2011." I was devastated. I cried.

Last week I went to see a different plastic surgeon in the same practice and he refused to even consider putting in tissue expanders and implants since I've had radiation. With ZERO discussion from either him or his partner on DIEP (I cut off DIEP discussion as soon as the original PS told me I'd be in ICU for 4-5 days and overall hospital stay of 5-7 days), he went on to tell me that I have unrealistic expectations of the outcome of DIEP, the extended recovery time of DIEP, and he does not consider me psychologically ready for any type of reconstruction. He says Herceptin has nothing to do with his decision. I was P!$$ed. I threw my purse at the closed door after he left (pretty much cementing, for him anyway, that I'm not psychologically ready). I have a hard time accepting him telling me I'm not ready for reconstruction, but he is the same PS that will do a boob job, lip job, or liposuction on an 18 year old girl for graduation.

I am frustrated and confused! I need some information, education and advise. I do have an appointment with a totally different PS, different practice, everything, in about 10 days. I will bring my purse and try very hard not to throw it.

I'd love to hear from others on reconstruction. Why you did or did not reconstruct. What options your plastic surgeon gave you. What procedure was recommended for you. What you chose to do, etc.

My stats: diagnosed 6-1-2010 @ 48 with IDC 4.5cm multifocal tumor right breast, with 2 positive axillary lymph nodes all ER+1%, PR-, Her2+++; neoadjuvant chemo, 7 treatments with taxol/carboplatin/herceptin 7-12-2010 three weeks on, one week off; then taxol/herceptin 9-13-2010 to 10-11-2010 with no break, 4 dose dense AC 10-25-2010 to 12-6-2010; surgery 1-4-2011 pathology shows nodes pCR and 4mm breast tumor remaining (a satellite of the primary tumor); 30 rads (including 5 boosts) 02-21-2011 to 04-1-2011 (no foolin!) continue Herceptin until Oct. 2011; currently on Arimidex (but not for long...LH and FSH are falling, expect rising estradiol when blood is drawn next week)

Jaimieh 04-22-2011 04:29 PM

Re: Reconstruction
I had reconstruction done at the time of my surgery and it failed only after I had my implant exchange and then another exchange, removal of all implants followed by removal of all scar tissue. After that time I was told by my local PS to find a good option that didn't include implants because of my bodies reaction to them. So I sat from Sept. thru January without anything except for prostetics to heal and at the end of January 2010 I had hip flap surgery in NOLA.

Sorry for the story but I figured that I would give you my side. While I had my implants I NEVER forgot that it wasn't my breast. I had pain, tightness and was just in a constant state of discomfort.

After I had my hip flap surgery I was never in constant pain. I had to spend 10 days in NOLA but once I was home i was off the pain medication within 2 days and I was driving. I went to my kids games I was just slow and made sure no one bumped into me. I was not flat out for 6-8 weeks, I was up and turtling along. I went back for 2 more surgeries because I wanted to look the best that I could. After stage 1 I looked better than a lot of other peoples "after" pictures but I wanted to look the best possible for my body. I now a year out forget about my reconstruction which IMO is a step in healing and recovering. I love my girls. I was never in an ICU, I was only under for a little less than 5 hours for bi-laterial flap reconstruction and within 24 hours I was up cruising the halls.

I wish you the best just make sure whatever you do, do your homework.

Elizabethtx 04-22-2011 08:24 PM

Re: Reconstruction
Margaret E,
To clarify, at the original diagnosis I visited a PS on the advice of the onc and surgeon. There was tremendous pressure to have immediate reconstruction, DIEP being the primary choice. I could not deal with all that and figuring out the protocol for the cancer diagnosis itself. I chose to delay and was told after surgery it was the right choice considering I had 2 positive lymphs that did not show up on pre-surgery scans. Because of the tissue sparing MX I also ended up with close margins! From what I understand now the radiation makes saline/silicone implants very unlikely.

I am not set on having any reconstruction. Just feel like because of the tissue remaining I must make some decision. Leave it like it is or DIEP. I am not looking forward to 5 days in the hospital and 6 week recovery! It is so difficult and personal. Hope others are willing to share their choices to help us along in this process. Glad you posted!

Lauriesh 04-23-2011 07:06 AM

Re: Reconstruction
Hi, I had a diep flap, so I thought I would give you my experience with it.

I was originally diagnosed in march, 2005. I had chemo, rads and a year of herceptin that I finished in may, 2006. I had my diep done in sept.2006.
I was 38 and in excellent health. I stayed in the hospital for 2 days and recovery took about 6 -8 weeks.

My kids were 4, 7 and 8 at the time of my reconstruction. It was difficult, but doable with help from my husband. it is a big surgery, but I have no regrets. I am so happy with the results.

I live in MN, but went down to New Orleans for my surgery, as they are considered the best in the country.

Good luck with your decisions


Sheila 04-23-2011 07:38 AM

Re: Reconstruction
I decided to have reconstruction 1 year after my mastectomy. I was part of a study, using a tissue expander that was later replaced with a silicone implant made by Mentor. During my reconstruction, I had a recurrence in the lymph nodes in my neck...they P.S> thought it was a reaction to the tissue expander. I thak God I demanded a biopsy...it was the breast cancer in my nodes, and I was node negative originally. My surgery was fast tracked, so I could begin treatment. I have pain, scar tissue and a capsular contracture. I have been in treatment ever since, and Mugas and echos are a struggle as my implant is on the left, and it is hard to visualize the heart. Even last year, when I had a pericardial effusion, I required thoracic surgery as the implant was obstructing them doing a needle aspiration. Reconstruction is a very personal decision....in my case, I wished I would have left well enough alone. I actually felt less deformed before the reconstruction! 8 years later, i am back to wearing a symmetry shaper to even out what the reconstruction lacked.
Many have had excellent results....if its a choice you make, be sure to research the plastic surgeon...you only want the best...many insurance companies dictate who you can go to.....this is not fair. Do your homework!

Elizabethtx 04-25-2011 06:39 PM

Re: Reconstruction
Thanks for the responses, starting to think flap surgery, as long as the recovery is seems to have less long term issues. So many people have complained of implant issues. I have an appt with the PS in May to talk about all the alternatives. Only two more Herceptin, so I am really looking forward to that!

Mary Jo 04-25-2011 08:00 PM

Re: Reconstruction
Hi Elizabeth - I just read your post and would love to tell you of my experience. I was dx in June of 2005. Stage 2B - had right breast mastectomy in July 2005 and started chemo in Augustv2005. March 2006 had left breast prophylactic mastectomy because suspicious area of calcification was found near chest wall. Had biopsy and it was benign but decided I wanted breast removed. All surgeries, chemo, radiation and one year of herceptin were completed by Oct. 2006! I was so happy it was all behind me but learning to live with a cancer dx was hard for me. I NEVER thought of reconstruction and knew more surgery, doctors and hospitals wasn't something I wanted to sign up for. I really was fine being (as I would often say) breastless and my main goal at this point was to be healthy and strong and to get back to the business of living. This was 2006 at 46 years old. Then it was 2008 and I was 48 years old and a 3 year survivor! Things were changing! I was healthy and strong and was definitely back in the land of the living! All of a sudden the thought of having breasts again started like something I might consider. I started doing my homework and realized that the only reconstruction option right for me was DIEP. I met with an excellent plastic surgeon who specializes in DIEP, Dr. John Hijjawi at Froedtert in Milwaukee, WI and the rest is history. I had bilateral DIEP in June of 2008! The surgery was a complete success. I recovered quickly and completely. I have never regretted my decision to have this done when I did. I could never have went through this at the beginning of my journey. No way! I had plenty to deal with then......like living! Having or not having breasts wasn't important to me at that time - living was. To be perfectly honest with you, the hardest part of making the decision to have this surgery for me was that whether I had it or not I was perfectly happy! I didn't have to do it for me to feel whole again, because I did feel whole. I started to feel as if I wanted this for me. I could do it if I wanted too. I was 48 years young and thought ..... Why not? So, I did it.

I hope this helps you somewhat. If you have any questions whatsoever please don't hesitate to contact me.

Praying you will be led to the right decision for you.

Mary Jo

Mary Jo 04-25-2011 08:34 PM

Re: Reconstruction
Hi Elizabeth - I just read your post and would love to share my experience with you. I was dx in June 2005. Stage 2B. Had right breast mastectomy in July of 2005. Started chemo in August 2005. When chemo and radiation were finished a "suspicious" area of calcification was found near my chest wall in my left breast. I had a biopsy and it was benign, however, at that point I decided I wanted that breast removed. So in March 2006 I had a prophylactic left breast mastectomy. By October 2006 all surgeries, chemo, radiation and herceptin were over. Now I had to learn to live with my new normal and that was hard for me. Reconstruction was NEVER something I thought about doing. I could never have dealt with all that while going through everything else. Especially psychologically. No way! My main goal at this point was to become healthy and strong once again. Not having breasts was never an issue for me....NEVER. I was happy with breasts and I was happy without. I wanted to live again - I wanted to be healthy and I was determined to put this all behind me and to move forward with all I had learned and to start to give back. --- Fast forward to 2008! Maybe reconstruction is something I might consider. I am now 48 years young ( in 2008 that is - today I am 51) I started to think that maybe this was something I could do for me. So, I started to do my homework. After learning all I could I realized that DIEP was the only option right for me. I was afraid of implants and being 3 years out from dx realized DIEP was a natural and good option for me. I met with my wonderful plastic surgeon, Dr. John Hijjawi in Milwaukee, WI at Froedtert and my decision was validated. It WAS a great option for me. I was healthy and strong, both physically and emotionally. So I decided that yes, I was going to do this for me. Not to make me happier - not because I didn't feel whole. Just because I could. You see, I was happier than I had ever been.....actually felt more whole than before cancer. Being (as I would always say) breastless, was ok with me....ok with my hubby....we were fine! But then I thought, why shouldn't I do this for me. What a gift to give myself. After much prayer and soul searching I went ahead with the surgery and in June 2008 had delayed bilateral DIEP. It was a complete success with no complications whatsoever. Cosmetically speaking "they" were/are beautiful. As I had no regrets being breastless, I now have no regrets having had the surgery. It was right. However, dealing with all the "other stuff" first was what I needed to do. I needed to heal physically and especially, emotionally first.

Elizabeth, in some small way I hope my story helps you. I will pray and ask God to lead you to the right decision. If you have any questions please contact me.

Gods peace and love hold you close.

Mary Jo

Mary Jo 04-25-2011 08:37 PM

Re: Reconstruction
Oops! You now have 2 posts from me. Almost identical. I thought I lost the first post so tried to think of everything I said in the first post and rewrote it. Now I see the first one posted. I will leave it their too. This makes 3! Geez Louise what a pest I make of myself. Haha!

Elizabethtx 04-26-2011 03:26 PM

Re: Reconstruction
Thanks Mary Jo,
maybe I need to hear it twice! Part of the problem is I am a great big chicken and all my life have avoided doctors! Crazy thing to say after a diagnosis of cancer. I felt like you during the early process could not even imagine thinking about reconstruction. Everytime the surgeon and PS started talking all I heard was blah, blah, blah. Now here I am one year out and the idea is starting to take hold. Thank you for sharing your story, it helps so much!
Thanks to everyone willing to share their experience good or bad!

lisagh 04-26-2011 05:15 PM

Re: Reconstruction
I had BMX on dx and TE inserted at the time of surgery. At first, I wondered if it were worth the trouble. I was just wanting to get on with the process, but did get the TE put in.
The TE have been ok- just feel stiff. I have been getting expansions during the last several months slowly. I have a very good PS. The last one was a bit uncomfortable afterwards because the size now.
I only have 2 more fills to go- and am hoping to get a date for surgery this summer after chemo! (2 more rounds of TCH to go for me). I was told I can have this done even when on Herceptin by my MO, PS, and BS. The PS and BS are very experienced in the field (I had 2 opinions for everything- that's just me).

Now that I am getting near the end, I am glad that I had this done. I don't think I would have initially without others bringing it up. The TE surgery for the exchange is minor. The TE insertion wasn't long either.
Personally, I don't like recovery from long anesthesia- I was worried about surgery- that's just me. I was glad to go home the day after my BMX and TE procedure and did fine.
My exchange will just be an OP procedure- my PS said probably about 45 min per side.
It's a tough decision. I am glad I had this done- and am happy w/ the type. I can't say though it was easy doing chemo and having fills some during that- but glad it's done. The fills are nothing compared to chemo.
My PS discussed all options for me- he also does many other procedures well. It's a matter of what is best for you. Not an easy decision in this tough journey we are on.
Best wishes.

Cal-Gal 04-26-2011 05:40 PM

Re: Reconstruction
Hi Elizabeth,

I chose to NOT have reconstruction at the time of my bilateral mastectomy surgery.

I have never regretted this decision for one moment.

The only adjustment I have had to make is in wearing clothes e.g. not being able to wear tops that are too deep in the front, otherwise my prothesis shows!!!

I am not even conscious of wearing prothesis any longer(I go flat around the house) when I get ready to take a shower and take off my bra--most days I say to myself-
"oh I forgot!! I have no boobs!!"

Good Luck with your decision,


I dont even think about this

mmoons 04-27-2011 10:58 AM

Re: Reconstruction
I, too, chose not to reconstruct. I had a double mastectomy in May 2009. I think this was the best decision for me because I am tall and thin. No one can tell. Most all the time I go without any prosthesis.

It is SUCH a personal decision. This just happened to be the right one for me. However, when I made my decision, the "opinion givers" came outta the wood work. I was 43 and single. People were incredibly vocal about the mistake I was making. Crazy, huh? I have loved being boobless and free. I can out-jump my kids on the trampoline. LOL :)

I feel terrible that anyone feels pressure to do anything that is not in their heart. It is an individual's decision.

Love to you all,

Cal-Gal 04-27-2011 01:28 PM

Re: Reconstruction
Agree Maureen,

This is a personal decision one has to make by oneself, I too had all the opinion givers coming out of the woodwork...I too am single....again, I have never regretting the 'no reconstruction' decision for one moment.

In fact my Dr. shared with me that 100% of the women he knows that make this decision (no reconstruc) are happy and that only about 50% of the women who reconstruct are happy-he feels that it is because they have some expectation of having their original breasts back-of course none of us will ever have our original girls back.


swimangel72 05-13-2011 04:06 PM

Re: Reconstruction
Before making any decision about breast reconstruction, including Diep, and other tram surgeries, be ready to read the fine print. I skimmed over that part - and was very upset when I ended up getting MRSA in my abdominal incision. It's so important to find the most experienced PS you can, especially with Diep or other flap surgeries - and be get yourself in tip-top shape. Your immune system needs to be at it's best.......please visit www.hospitalinfection.org to learn the stats of hospital acquired infection and how to help yourself avoid this nightmare. Good luck with your difficult decision!

yanyan 05-18-2011 10:26 PM

Re: Reconstruction
I am having double MX with immediate reconstruction next week. Did tons of research online and decided to go with latissimus flap with expander for the following reasons:
1.Good cosmetic result on the front ( with skin sparing mx, a circular incision is made around areola. Tissue from the back is harvested and tucked in the chest. A round piece is cut from the harvested tissue and stiched together. The nipple reconstruction and tatooing can usually cover the incision)
2. Latissimus flap tolerates radiation better than implant only
3. I only have enough abdominal tissue for one breast
My surgeon, plastic surgeon and oncologist didn't mention anything about delaying the reconstruction, i am very surprised to be honest since i am stage 3 grade 3. The recovery time will be longer though since there will be additional surgery on the back and ofcourse scars on the back as well. I didnt want to go with only the tissue expander because it does not tolerate radiation very well. i didn't want to take the 50% risk. With lattismus flap, the risk is 20% to 30%. Also, with only tissue expander, there will be a horizontal scar, maybe not as wide as a mastectomy scar but still very visible. It kinda of defeated the purpose of immediate reconstruction in some degree.

dberg 05-22-2011 09:24 AM

Re: Reconstruction
I see the tx in your user name and can't help but think you might be in Texas. I live in San Antonio and want you to know there is a plastic surgery group here (PRMA) that deals extensively with DIEP, among other autologous reconstructions.

I also delayed my reconstruction and from personal experience it did take 6 weeks to recover completely. However, after a couple of weeks I was able to function very well, just did things a little bit slower.

I know other women that have used this practice. Let me know if I can help.

Westcoastgirl 05-22-2011 05:34 PM

Re: Reconstruction
Hi all, I had a double mastectomy Jan09 and at the time my ps was adamant that I should wait until everything was done before moving ahead with reconstruction (small implants), which was done Nov2010. I had lots of time to think about it and often thought I would not bother to reconstruct. I took really good care of my skin and the original surgeon left a lot of skin so I could go direct to implants. (I had so much skin and the two sides were very different so that if I had not done reconstruction I probably needed to do something to clean the excess up.) I know with radiation it was iffy whether I would have a good result. It was a lot less surgery (day surgery) than a flap method but it was painful enough, soon forgotten however. I was not willing to have them cut and scar any other part of my body thus implants were all I would consider; that or nothing. I am pleased with the result and can almost wear anything that I used to. I look down and I have cleavage even. I have become partial to padded bras to even everything out and will have a minor surgery in 6 months to fine tune the breasts (make them the same size) and to create nipples. I am happy with the results and am pleased I did it. I am smaller and NOT almost perfect like I was once upon a time but I am happy to be alive and healthy and these breasts were done with minimal surgery and I am pleased with them. Just a lovely perk at the end of all this....yup perky.

snolan 05-24-2011 02:01 PM

Re: Reconstruction
Just joined this group. I was dx 6/8/10 with DCIS, elected to have bilat mast with reconstruction. When I got the path reports back after surgery they found the HER2+ stage 1 and the DCIS was up agaisnt my skin and to my chest wall. What was supposed to be a quick in and out, as far as C treatment goes, has now turned into a longer journey. My PS advised me to take out the expander on the L since I now had to have radiation but my radiologist recommended keeping it in. But when the drains came out the L side got infected. The PS worked with me as best we could to save it with multi doses of antibiotics and draining the fluid but to no avail we had to take it out. I now have to wait 6-12 month (PS recommends 12 mon) for reconstruction. I have elected the lattissimus flap since I am a very active person I do not want to have my abdominal muscle removed. I am through my chemo and radaition. I will finish my herceptin in Aug. I know I could go to Houston to have just the skin flap done but with young kids and the trouble I have had I just want to stay in town. I have had only good advice from all my Dr. My PS has been very patient with me and has tried to follow what ever I have have asked (within reason of course) to try to keep me away from the more invasive surgeries. I still have the expander on the R which will be finished when we do the L.

Catherine 05-25-2011 08:29 AM

Re: Reconstruction
Great replies and insight. Just a little note about me. I chose not to have reconstruction, because at my initial DX at age 58 and the year of2006, my oncologist said that radiated skin did not do so well with reconstruction. I guess I never gave it much consideration after that. Yes, I miss my boobs, but I am still very happy with my decision. I also, do not like surgery etc.

All the best in your decision. There is a great thread here someplace about people's feelings pro and con...a few years after their decision.

Margerie 05-25-2011 08:41 AM

Re: Reconstruction
There are muscle-sparing procedures that use abdominal or upper thigh tissue (DIEP, SIEA and TUG) Lat flap is not muscle sparing. I had bilateral DIEP a year after diagnosis. I had to travel 4 hours and stay in the hospital for 5 days. My three kids were very young at the time. It took 2 good weeks before I was able to drive, etc. But I wake up every day thankful I took that route. It was a small price to pay for my current quality of life.

I know there is not a one-size-fits-all reconstruction choice, and some women do not want reconstruction at all, but I really encourage women to explore ALL the options that are available. This website is excellent and it includes patient testimonials.


Margaret Eleanor 05-25-2011 04:42 PM

Re: Reconstruction
I went to UCLA two weeks ago to meet a fourth plastic surgeon. I like him alot. He has more experience than any of the PS I've met so far and doesn't make a decision against DIEP before actually looking at the veins and arteries. I meet with a breast surgeon next week. Please keep your fingers crossed that the three of us (me, PS and BS) can get together on July 26th. The date is important because it will allow me to be recovered enough to come home for my daughter's first day of 7th grade...I don't want to miss anything!

Elizabethtx 05-25-2011 08:36 PM

Re: Reconstruction
dberg: I am in San Antonio too! I did call PRMA and they book a few weeks out. It looks as though I will not be able to have the surgery this summer. Maybe that is for the best as I have too many uncertainties rolling around in my brain. I think I will take the advice of Mary Jo and give it time. I don't need to be in a rush and need to feel at peace with my decision. Thank you for all your words of advice!

BonnieR 05-26-2011 12:20 PM

Re: Reconstruction
Wondering if we have a "DEconstruction" thread somewhere? I have a friend who would like to hear from others. Thanks!

vlcarr 07-09-2011 02:22 PM

Re: Reconstruction
Just wanted to share that I'm 6 weeks out from DIEP on my right breast. My surgeon wanted me to wait a year from radiation before seeking recon. I must say that at the time I really thought I would not even be interested, but changed my mind during the year waiting period.

My remaining breast is not huge but is large enough that the fake one I had to wear really bothered me. It was hot and heavy in order to match my other breast. I also had a caved in area in my chest so it really impacted what I could wear and I decided I wanted it fixed.

I am extremely happy I decided to do DIEP. I was in the hospital for 6 days, around 3 in ICU. The first 24 hours they came in every hour on the hour and listened for a "pulse" in the transplanted tissue. I was so happy it lived. The recovery wasn't a cake walk but doable. In addition, the bread basket all the women in my family have is gone! My surgeon did a wonderful job. I will have another outpatient surgery in 3 months to lift the left breast and make them match a little better. My surgeon said they would be sisters, not twins, but the outcome so far is much better than what I expected.

I was also concerned because I have lymphedema--it didn't make it any worse. Too bad that can't fix that with surgery. I haven't posted in a while but wanted to share this since I'm only 6 weeks post surgery. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Wishing you the best in making your decision.

fauxgypsy 07-14-2011 05:36 AM

Re: Reconstruction
I am considering DIEP because it doesn't involve muscle. The length of the surgery and the long recovery are an issue for me. I am just not sure if I am willing at this stage to give up six weeks of my life (in the summer)and undergo the pain of the surgery for this. I had so many problems after my mastectomy that this scares me. On the other hand I am so tired of a hot prosthesis and would like to be able to wear whatever I want. I has a Diep scheduled but that is another thread,

Who are the surgeons in NOLA? I have been lokking and I cam across a group there that sounded good.

Jaimieh 07-14-2011 06:47 PM

Re: Reconstruction
The NOLA group that you most often hear about when it comes to Diep or free flap is The breast Restoration Center with Dr. Sullivan, Dr. Dellacrose and Dr. Trahan. I went there for my reconstruction (hip flap) and had a fabulous surgical experience. Here in MD where I live I was told 2 seperate surgeries just for Stage 1, 6 weeks apart and that they might be able to get me to a small B. Dr Sullivan just asked what size I wanted to be and that is what he was able to achieve :). I love my new girls, my scars are there but flat and very symetrical. I know it sounds silly but I worried about things like that.

If you have any questions I would fill out a consult form (it cost nothing) and NOLA would be happy to talk to you. They have Katie who takes care of all of the traveling and it really is a LOT easier than it sounds.

Oh besides cosmetically results, I was a double that was done in under 5 hours.

fauxgypsy 07-14-2011 07:03 PM

Re: Reconstruction
Thank you. I had so much pain from the mastectomy that the idea of more surgery scares me. It helps to hear others stories. I will fill out a consult form and learn more.

Jaimieh 07-14-2011 07:05 PM

Re: Reconstruction
I had such minimal pain and really the only pain that I had was from the JP drains. I was shocked and expected to be in a lot of pain but I wasn't. I had more tightness and low blood pressure than anything.

Oh one other thing that I love about St. Charles is that they listened to me as the patient. I told them what medications had worked in the past and they used them. If they wanted me to do something different they would ask and I got to feel like I was in control which I didn't have at my local hospitals.

fauxgypsy 07-14-2011 07:41 PM

Re: Reconstruction
Other women have told me that they experienced little pain. I hurt so bad I could not move. The surgery was so much worse than the chemo. After surgery I developed something called cording. It took months for it to go away. Then lymphedema. A wonderful lymphedema therapist helped me get past that.

Jaimieh 07-14-2011 07:56 PM

Re: Reconstruction
Oh the mastectomy hurt like crazy but I was considered a delay reconstruction because I lost my implants 4 months before my flap surgery. The flap while it wasn't a picnic the end results are worth those silly JP drains.

fauxgypsy 07-14-2011 08:00 PM

Re: Reconstruction
I am going to look into it further. NOLA is about 6 hours from my house.

Tracie 01-25-2012 06:59 AM

Re: Reconstruction
Does anyone have any experience with a latissmus flap? I'm posted for that later this month. I had expanders and implants only and failed after two infections on the radiated side. Now I have only one implant. I hate being lopsided. I was ok being flat, but would love to have 2 boobs and not have to wear a bra!

chemteach 01-27-2012 09:23 PM

Re: Reconstruction
Lots of options and lots of information to digest it seems. I had my breasts removed and tissue expanders placed during the surgery. I just couldn't believe that this was all happening to me so quickly, and I wanted to be "normal" again as soon as possible. I healed well and had my first expansion on each side of 75cc. The chemo regimen of taxotere, carboplatin, and Herceptin followed, and my PS would not expand during while I was on the TC. That is behind me and I am on Herceptin only until September. My expansion is complete, and I have implant exchange surgery scheduled for early March. The expanders are stiff and awkward, but they've done their job quite well. I didn't want to be hospitalized and recover and have extra scars and so on. I think this was the right decision for me, and I have no regrets. Yet. I won't.

KsGal 01-28-2012 01:41 AM

Re: Reconstruction
Wow..I surpriesed by some of these stories. I had a double mastectomy in November with immediate reconstruction with expanders. Those horrible JP drains were the worst thing about it. Gosh those things hurt. When they removed them in the office I about jumped off the table. I didn't have any problem with infection, although I did have to have a revision of my scar because the skin around it died. The expanders are hard and awkward and look strange...but I don't have to wear a bra and look somewhat normal in clothes. After my first fill I found out I was stage IV, and went through a time where I just didn't see the point in going on with the fills and reconstruction (was having a pity party). I think now I will finish with the reconstruction, but I don't think I want to take it on until my rounds of TCH are finished. My doctors were borderline on me having radiation (I had 3 positive nodes, and apparently they feel four positive nodes indicates radiation). My PS said radiation would ruin the reconstruction. Of course now Im stage IV, I would think I will have radiation at some point. There was a woman in my PS office when I was there who had undergone a reconstruction three years previous, and she was having her implants removed and regretted ever getting them.

fauxgypsy 02-01-2012 07:26 PM

Re: Reconstruction
I just realized that I am very close to my 5 year cancerversary. I have made an appointment to have my surgery at PRMA in San Antonio in May for DIEP. I met with Dr. Pisano in December and all went well. I was torn between PRMA and the practice in NOLO but even though it is farther for me to go, I have to say that the billing practice in San Antonio brought it more into my budget (they don't balance bill). From everything that I have been able to find out they are both excellent.

I have been considering having a prophylactic mastectomy and a double reconstruction. I have not been tested for the BRCA gene. My oncologist seems to think that it is not necessary. I am a little worried because I only have a medical history for my mother's family. I still haven’t made up my mind on this.

When I was first diagnosed the surgeon and the first oncologist pretty much told me that I was going to die, so I wasn't real worried about reconstruction at that point. Since then I have given it a lot of thought. If I had had a double mastectomy I am not sure that it would bother me as much. What I have noticed though, is that I am always aware of the prosthesis. It is hot and uncomfortable in our Mississippi summers and I don't spend as much time gardening, swimming or any other activity as I used to. I have always been fairly active and I really don't want muscles moved. When I first heard of the DIEP surgery I was interested. I had hoped to have it last summer but it didn’t work out and considering the difference in experience between the surgeon I will have and the surgeon I would have had, it was for the best.

The mastectomy was the hardest part of my cancer experience and I really dread more surgery so I just keep telling myself that I will be glad once I get through it. Y’all be thinking of me.

StephN 02-01-2012 10:26 PM

Re: Reconstruction
Dear Leslie -
May is just around the corner!

So glad you have come to this much of your decision. Choosing the what, how and where, as well as WHO are the biggest steps.

You will have good vibes and prayers coming your way when you need them. Just keep us posted here.

Swimming and gardening - look out, here she comes!

Pray 02-02-2012 05:58 AM

Re: Reconstruction
I hope all goes well Leslie!

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