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Donna H 02-03-2021 04:37 PM

its back
Hi Y'all
Not happy about the news, but I was DX last Thursday with metastatic cancer - liver, spine, lymph nodes and femur. Awaiting brain scan next week. I was first DX on March 13, 2014, stage 2. Have been NED ever since...until I wasn't. I am waiting to find out if the cancer is HER2+ again. I get a port tomorrow.

I take comfort in knowing there are many long term thrivers on this site. I'm only 56. I just started my own company 3 years ago. Business is going great, life is good. Oh, the plans we had. Hopefully this is just a slight hiccup in those plans.

Stay tuned. I'm sure I will be asking for your advice and words of wisdom in the coming days.


Becky 02-03-2021 08:27 PM

Re: its back
We are here for you. What a blow after 16+ years. I am sure it was unexpected. What were your symptom to know something was up?

What was your initial treatment plan and did your onc give you any indication of what your plan going forward will be?

Hugs from me

Melissa 02-04-2021 05:23 PM

Re: its back

Many women on this site
And many I know
Personally reoccurred years ago and are
Doing incredible. This gives me hope and yes - a slight hiccup!
Keeping You my thoughts -

caya 02-05-2021 12:19 PM

Re: its back
Keeping you in my thoughts, Donna.

Like Becky, I am wondering what were your symptoms this time around.

Lots of newer meds, treatments etc. now to help you in your fight.

all the best,caya

Donna H 02-05-2021 12:35 PM

Re: its back
I really didnt have any symptoms, except back pain and weight loss. The spots were found on a follow up MRI of a liver hemangioma. And then off to get a biopsy of the new spots.

The back pain and weight loss were originally chalked up to recent gallbladder surgery/slow recovery from that. My GP was the doctor who really took the weight loss seriously.

caya 02-05-2021 01:09 PM

Re: its back
I remember when I was going to my onc. for my yearly check up, I was still on Femara - they weighed me as usual, but I had lost 25 lbs. that year. - On purpose, I needed to drop it, and I did. But my onc. was concerned, and ran a battery of tests just to make sure.

Glad your GP took it seriously.

In the Jewish religion, we have a saying- Man plans, G-d laughs.

Please keep us posted with your treatment plan.

all the best

donocco 02-05-2021 04:53 PM

Re: its back

Very sorry to hear this. Be sure to let us know what medications you will be treated with


Laurel 02-07-2021 11:10 AM

Re: its back

Unhappy news for sure, but you are a warrior and as you say, many on this site have lived long lives at Stage 4 and thrive. You will be one of them! Please circle back with updates. We are here for you and in your corner! Boxing gloves on!

You do not have your stats in your signature. Curious to know at what stage you were dx'd in 2014 and what your hormonal status was as well? You do not have to share if you feel that is too personal. Thinking if hormone positive that characteristic may open up more treatments for you.

Pamelamary 02-07-2021 09:14 PM

Re: its back
Hi Donna,
It's 9 years since my metastatic diagnosis - still stable on Herceptin and Letrozole! A real roller coaster ride, but you will feel better once you have a treatment plan in place.
Best wishes.... Pam

Lien 02-10-2021 05:56 AM

Re: its back
Oh Rats! Not what you wanted to hear. But as you say, lots of mets sisters are doing just fine. I hope you will be one of those. Keep us posted and let us know what you need from us. We are here for you.

Donna H 02-10-2021 08:42 AM

Re: its back
I was DX in March 2014, stage 2. No nodes involved. 6x TCH then just Herceptin for a year. Brain scan, femur xray and echo tomorrow. Still waiting to find out if it is HER2+ again - first test was inconclusive. It is hormone positive but not sure of specifics. I need to get that paperwork from the onc. The more I read the results, the worse it all sounds. Especially the pet scan. I see my onc on the 19th and I plan to ask for all the facts.

The crazy part is I had my gallbladder removed on Oct 13th and none of this was evident to the surgeon. So these mets have popped up since then.

Waiting is the pits. Thanks for listening!

Donna H 02-12-2021 11:34 AM

Re: its back
Hi Again -
I had my brain scan, as well as MRI of my spine yesterday. Dang the brain scan really makes the seriousness of all this very real. Plus all the noise of the machine and the crazy "cage" used to keep your head from moving....not a fan. And now I wait for results - see the onc on the 19th.

Laurel 02-23-2021 01:23 PM

Re: its back
Hey there, Donna!

Checking back after a few weeks off and see you have been riding the scan roller coaster. I was never a fan of them either and you are so right in saying how they make you feel the weight of the diagnosis. I also might add that you never feel more alone than when you enter a scan, wheel into surgery, or toe up for chemo. No one can really "go" with you. It is a lonely experience that is difficult to explain, but I know you and those here know what I mean.

Soon you will have the facts before you and can devise a plan of attack. It is true that although the treatment itself is scary, getting started is empowering emotionally. Please share an update of what you learned from you Onc on the 19th and how you intend to fight the beast.

Donna H 03-04-2021 02:59 PM

Re: its back
Sorry for my absence. Turns out the spine MRI showed a tumor compressing my spine. So I had to have surgery 2 weeks ago. Most of the tumor was removed but some was too wrapped up in the spine and nerve that it was left. I start chemo, Herceptin and Perjeta tomorrow. Rads will follow just not sure when. My back is still crazy sore - I have a foot long incision. So treatment tomorrow could be a real challenge - I can't lay on my back at all and sitting is a challenge - need a pillow or 2. One a positive note - the brain scan was clear.

I am not looking forward to taxtore again....side effects are the pits. But if this buys me time, then so be it. Any insight, words of wisdom are welcome. Thanks!

donocco 03-05-2021 01:01 AM

Re: its back

I doubt these are words of any wisdom but there is a clinical study going on using pyridoxine 50mg three times a day plus 1000mcg injectable B-12 once a month to help or reduce peripheral neuropathy from chemo . I have heard of Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) having been used before. You could talk with your oncologist.


caya 03-09-2021 10:04 PM

Re: its back
Good luck Donna with your treatments.
Glad the brain scan was clear.

all the best

Mary Jo 03-14-2021 04:13 PM

Re: its back
Hi Donna,

I came on to check in on everyone tonight and I am saddened to read that your cancer has returned. My heart hurts for you right now and I lift you up in prayer. I ask God to give you the strength and peace you need to get through your treatments and all the emotional crap that goes with it all. I know He will and I am thankful for that for you. Hang in there fellow sister.....You will get through this...You will...one day at a time. Sending you my sincere empathetic love and a gentle hug.

Donna H 03-30-2021 07:39 AM

Re: its back
Had my first chemo, along with second round of Herceptin and Perjeta on Friday. Yesterday was tough. I didnt expect to be so hard hit by the first chemo. Last time (6 years ago) my first cycle was much easier. Guess age isn't always our friend. My back has been very sore, achy, stiff. The neurosurgeon said chemo would inflame the tumor (before it starts to shrink it) so I guess that is the cause of the current discomfort. I still sit here in disbelief that I am once again going through chemo. Cancer is such a mental game. Thank you for listening.

jaykay 03-30-2021 02:23 PM

Re: its back
You can do this, Donna. And yes, it is such a mental game.

My thoughts are with you!


Becky 03-31-2021 05:04 AM

Re: its back
Rest. The discomfort is the cancer cells dying!! Be gone. We are here for you.

Catherine 04-06-2021 09:00 PM

Re: its back
Hi Donna, just checking in after not being on line for quite a few months. So sorry to hear your news. I concur with the others, treatment has come to be more and more sophisticated and definitive. No fun though to have back pain and not be able to sleep on your back. Sending hugs and support your way. We will be here for you!

Donna H 04-20-2021 06:35 AM

Re: its back
I had my second chemo last Friday. Yesterday was miserable but I feel human again today so hot damn to that! I get a pet scan on the 28th - trying not to pin too much hope on the results, but hope springs eternal. My husband I are going to take a quick trip to the ocean after the scan - be gone for about a week. I do not want to hear my results until I see my doctor on the 7th of May. Wish me luck not peeking at the patient portal! BTW- I'm bald again. Sure does save time getting ready in the morning.

Mary Jo 04-21-2021 05:52 PM

Re: its back
Donna...thinking of you and praying for you tonight. I hope your trip to the ocean is wonderful and you and your husband are able to enjoy this time away.

JessicaV 04-25-2021 05:22 AM

Re: its back
Hi Donna, I just dropped in to the page after months away. I am so sorry to hear this is happening to you. I am so glad you are sharing this time and experience with the group, where there are so many good news stories of quality survival in Stage 4, and you can share hope and despair and be here however you are. I send love and hugs and enormous good wishes that the days will each be better and the treatments you go through will bear fruit.

Melissa 05-01-2021 05:47 PM

Re: its back
Thinking of you and wishing you and your husband the greatest time at the beach!

Donna H 05-06-2021 08:52 AM

Re: its back
It was great to get away and to put my toes in the sand. Tomorrow is treatment day and I will get the results of my pet scan.

Donna H 05-11-2021 09:26 AM

Re: its back
Hi All
Friday was treatment and pet scan results. Overall, scan results were positive. 2 liver tumors are gone (i do have a tiny new one but that probably popped up while waiting to start chemo after spine surgery). Large liver tumor is stable. Lymph, lung and spine tumors have gotten smaller. The only question areas are bones (femur and pelvis) - those are lighting up like crazy but most likely because of the Zaxio shots that encourage marrow growth. So we wont really know until shots are done.

I will see the radiologist on the 24th. Spine surgeon suggested rads to my spine because entire tumor couldnt be removed. Oncologist also said there are other options for my liver tumor should traditional chemo not do the trick.

I see the throat doctor on the 26th. It would be great to be able to talk more normally! Especially since I am in outside sales and usually talk on the phone a lot.

This chemo cycle seemed a little more tolerable. So maybe I am trending in a positive way!

Laurel 05-12-2021 04:21 AM

Re: its back
Good morning, Donna! I have been gone from the board for a bit. Whirlwind of buying a new home and moving had me snowed under.

Overall, your scans appear promising. I think you are doing Taxol as your chemo? I hated that s*^t to be bluntly candid. It gave me such neuropathy in my feet that I dubbed them my "Herman Munster" feet, a reference to the old comedy The Munsters from the 60s. Remember it?

Anyway, I took L-glutamine which helped greatly and I have no permanent peripheral damage. The other alde to make Taxol more tolerable was to take 2 Aleve about 36 hours post infusion and take them twice daily for a few days. Aleve (and timing of the first dose at 36 hours--very important to "get out in front of the pain") was a Godsend. Oddly, I did not realize the importance of taking it BEFORE the nerve pain began. Then I would try to address the pain with Percocet which literally knocked me out for an hour and a half only to awaken with the pain untouched. It was just prior to my final infusion where my Onc instructed me to take the Aleve early and to continue it for a few days. That was my easiest infusion! Ah well....


Did you discover whether your mets are indeed Her2 positive? Hormone positive? Curious.

Wishing you Godspeed. Praying for good results from treatment and freedom from pain.

donocco 05-12-2021 01:06 PM

Re: its back
The Aleve news is interesting. Try to take it with food if youdecide to use it. It is an NSAID and can upset the stomach. Of course tell the oncologist you are taking it as it can reduce fever and possibly mask any infection that might occur. I do remember something about using Aleve for fevers in oncology that make its action different from some of the other NSAIDS (Motrin etc). To be honest I forgot the details and Ill look it up.


Donna H 05-13-2021 11:23 AM

Re: its back
I was told to take Aleve and Claritin for the 5 days I am getting Zarxio shots. So I do. The Claritin doesnt work against nasal drip so I always have tissue at the ready. Zarxio doesnt seem to work as well as Nuelasta but my insurance wont cover Nuelasta.

Donna H 05-13-2021 11:28 AM

Re: its back
Also, when I finally read the initial and second pet scan, it turns out the cancer is also in my pelvis and lungs. Seriously, HER2 is fast moving. Crazy.

Laurel 05-13-2021 05:49 PM

Re: its back
Sorry to hear the beast is in your pelvis and lungs as well. So it is Her2 positive mets? Really sorry you are suffering and will pray you get some relief. Chemo is a tough go. No doubt about it. How long until your next scan?

donocco 05-14-2021 02:44 AM

Re: its back

I noticed on your signature line you switched back to Tamoxifen.
If they are using antidepressants for hot flashes you have to be careful which
one they use. Tamoxifen is an inactive prodrug that is changed to an active form by means of the enzyme Cyp2D6. Antidepressants like Prozac / Paxil Wellbutrin or Celexa inhibit this enzyme and prevent the formation of the active drug. Effexor Celexa and Pristiq are much less inhibitory toward Cyp2D6'. I dont want to alarm you, just a heads up.


donocco 05-14-2021 02:46 AM

Re: its back
I meant Cymbalta as one you shouldnt use with tamoxifen not celexa

Laurel 05-14-2021 03:42 AM

Re: its back

I stopped anti-hormonals after 5 years. The reason I switched back and finished with Tamoxifen was due to joint issues with Femara. I have never used anti-depressants, but it is good information and glad you shared here. Like many cancer patients, I had to weigh QOL with the small fraction of decreased incidence of recurrence provided by an additional 5 years of anti-hormone treatment. I may live to regret that decision, but as with so many decisions in life, one plays the hand dealt and lives with the consequences.

Donna H 05-14-2021 06:52 AM

Re: its back
Yes, the cancer is HER2 again, or should I say still HER2? Not sure.

Catherine 05-15-2021 01:44 AM

Re: its back
Donna, wishing you better days ahead. So sorry that you have to go through chemo again. I’m hoping the soreness is going away in your back. Good thoughts and prayers coming your way!

Donna H 05-20-2021 07:50 AM

Re: its back
My treatment day is being moved up from Friday to Thursday to accommodate getting a Nuelasta shot. I had been getting the Zarxio shots (5 shots, starting 5 days after chemo, administered at home). The Zarxio shots havent worked. I ended up with stage 4 neutropenia each cycle. Apparently that isn't good. Of course my cheap insurance won't cover the on-body Nuelasta which is why I will have to go back to the oncology office for the shot. But hopefully this shot will work. It did in 2014 so I anticipate it will again.

Laurel 06-17-2021 06:29 PM

Re: its back

Sorry, been a one woman wrecking crew getting the old house primed for sale. Anyway, just popping on the board after a long absence. I was instructed on how to administer my own Neulasta injection post-infusion so I could avoid traveling back for the jab. I really did not suffer from nausea unless I was in a car, so self-administration was a good compromise. The injections were sent to my home and I kept them in my fridge.

Donna H 06-24-2021 08:24 AM

Re: its back
I had my fifth chemo on the 18th. My red blook count was low but not too bad. Everything else looked good enough on the 18th. This cycle has been the worst by far. I fainted on Tuesday. Food runs right through me so I am popping amodium like candy. So far, today has been a better food day. I dont know if it was the 10 radiations in between cycle 4 and 5 or just luck of the draw but yikes. Fatigue is off the charts. I see my oncologist tomorrow. It will be interesting to see how my bloodwork looks. My treatments are just taxotere, herceptin and perjeta. I really thought having only one chemo would be easier.

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