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Kavy 05-04-2008 11:55 PM

Our Dear Friend Kate Got Her Wings
Sisters and Brothers,

It is with a broken heart and great sadness that I bring the dreaded news that our dear Kate, Kathleen McCarthy, went home to be with the Lord today, at 3:30 pm, sorrounded by her loved ones.
Our friend is now at peace. She is no longer in pain, no longer sick, no more suffering. She is strong and health again surrounded by beautiful angels, and by her family who went before her, specially her beloved son.
Kate courageously fought her battle until the very end. She faced this horrible disease with dignity and incredible strengh and positivity. She was an amazing person who touched me and so many others with her kindness and her support, and her posts were an inspiration for all of us.
Kate was a wonderful friend who I feel honored to have met her here on this site, and who always had encouraging and positive words when I needed most. I feel so blessed that I had the chance to get to know her better and to see what an amazing person she was. I also feel blessed that I was able to be "by her side" (phone calls) until almost the very end giving her the support that she gave to so many of us throughout these years.
I would like to thank each and every one of you on behalf of Kate's family and on my behalf for your prayers, support and kind words to our friend. Know that Kate treasured all of you and this site, and that she felt honored to be part of this family and to know that all of you were praying for her.
My heart is crying for my dear friend. I will never forget her. I know I will miss her a lot, I already am, but it comforts me to know that she is loved by all of us and that she will live forever in the heart of her family and each one of us.
God bless you all.

Unregistered 05-05-2008 12:03 AM

So Sad:(
Oh karla this is so sad, I know Kate was battling for her life but still got such a shock on seeing your post just now. I'm so sorry to hear this, you also have been such a wonderful friend to Kate and a great support during her recent fight. Kate and I had been exchanging pm's up to recently on where she stayed in her time in Ireland and how much she enjoyed it.
She was a true lady and we'll all miss her so here. As I leave to attend Carols funeral I take comfort only in knowing they are both out of pain and at peace from this disease at last.
God bless them both and help their family and friends through this sadness in accepting their loss.
Thank you Karla, bringing this awful news to us especially this week was not an enviable task.


tricia keegan 05-05-2008 12:07 AM

Sorry forgot to log in, that message above was me Tricia Keegan..

hermiracles 05-05-2008 01:22 AM

Feel so sad. Love you Kate.

michka 05-05-2008 03:49 AM

I am crying. It is so unfair. Why take away from us the nicest and most courageous person? Thank you Karla for finding all the right words about Kate. I will never forget her.

Mary Jo 05-05-2008 04:11 AM

Thank you Karla for sending us this message about our Kate. Yes, she was a beautiful person and I feel blessed in having gotten to know her.

My sincere condolences to you and her family. Although we know her suffering has ended and she now has health and peace in Heaven, our hearts are heavy with saddness in knowing we will not "see" her here again.

God Bless you dear Karla and may you all be held close by God and given His comfort and peace.


Mary Jo

belle 05-05-2008 04:28 AM

I found her very special, too. She will be missed very much here...

dhealey 05-05-2008 04:32 AM

overwelmed by sadness
I am overwelmed by sadness over Kate's passing. She was such an inspiration to me. Another angel looking down on us. Kavy my you find comfort in that she is now cancer free. May you find comfort and peace in the following days as you greive the loss of your dear friend. She will be greatly missed hear on the board.

kcherub 05-05-2008 05:28 AM


Peaceful, but sad.

kareneg 05-05-2008 05:32 AM

This is so heart breaking. I pray for Kate and her family that they are finally at peace. My deepest sympothy goes out to her family and everyone here we have suffered a great loss. All my love dear Kate all my love.

Sheila 05-05-2008 05:40 AM

This is not the news I wanted to read this morning. We are blessed in ever having known Kate....she was truly a very special person, always putting herself last. My deepest sympathy to her family. Our dear Kate is an angel now...I will miss you Kate, my friend.
In sadness

DonnaD 05-05-2008 05:40 AM

My heart is breaking. Kate fought like a warrior until the very end. She is to be remember for her courage. It has been an honor to know Kate from this site. Thank you Christine and Joe for bringing us into this family where we can meet sisters like Kate. I am at a loss for words.

Her family, Kavy and all her friends will be in my prayers. Let us continue to pray for a cure for this unfair disease.

Joe 05-05-2008 05:58 AM

We are deeply saddened by the loss of Kate and send our most sincerest condolences to her family.


Gerri 05-05-2008 06:08 AM

God Bless you Kate and make you whole again. You will be missed.

Much love,

kcherub 05-05-2008 06:19 AM

All day yesterday, I would have moments of being inbetween laundry, cleaning, etc. and would think, "I am thinking of/hoping for/praying for Kate." It was simple, but it kept her on my mind all day. I kept checking the board, and was panicked when it was down--I needed to hear how Kate was.

When I first came here, she was one of the first people to write to me. I will never forget her mile-wide grin and ever-optimistic spirit. I will never forget that new photo of her (sans hair), but still with that grin.

With a heavy heart,

Hopeful 05-05-2008 06:32 AM

My heart is very heavy from this sad news. My condolences to Kate's family and friends. They are in my thoughts.


lilyecuadorian 05-05-2008 07:12 AM

this is so broken heart news , I felt so impotence about this ..hopeless ..my prayers go with Kate who is in Heaven ...reading our post under God name and with angels on another vibration another level ...wachting her family and her friends like our group ...Please Dear Kate the Great help us wherever you are in heaven give us a hand on this ...you know how is ...knowing your genorosity I know that you will !!!!and I always remember you ......peace for your family ...and my condolence with the love one's family and friends ..

mts 05-05-2008 07:20 AM

The loss of Kate feels very personal to me... I hope she knew how much she was loved !


basset girl 05-05-2008 07:23 AM

I am so sad to hear of Kate's passing. She was such a strength and inspiration to all of us. I know now she is at peace in heaven. I hate this disease so much!! May God give Kate's family peace and comfort during this time.

mimiflower07 05-05-2008 07:34 AM

she is now free...free to continue to support and love us from above. May her family find comfort as they find their way.

nitewind 05-05-2008 08:01 AM

This is so heartbreaking. I really hesitated about checking the board this morning but found myself unable to look. Our dear sweet Kate, I will miss her so much.
I was sitting outside yesterday in our back woods, we had a small fire going and I was lost in thought. I prayed , over and over, that God would give us a miracle. I sat for a few hours and then asked God that if He decided there was to be no miracle that he would take her quickly and not let her suffer. Words can't express how I feel. I pray to God that when it's my time, He will let Kate greet me with a smile and a big hug.
Signing off for now

caya 05-05-2008 08:38 AM

So sad and totally unfair - Kate was a true warrior and inspiration to all of us on this board. Always upbeat and willing to help anyone who asked. I will miss her tremenduously.

with a breaking heart,
all the best

Faith in Him 05-05-2008 09:17 AM

Love you, Kate
I will always remember Kate's beautiful smiling face. May we all find comfort that she is now no longer in any pain or suffering and is with her beloved son. But still, my heart breaks for her family and for us, who loved her.

WomanofSteel 05-05-2008 09:25 AM

I am so sorry to hear Kate has lost her battle. It brought tears to my eyes this morning when I read your post. My deepest sympathies to Kate's family and friends. She was truly an inspiration to many, many people and a fighter till the very end. May she have peace at last and watch over all of us.

Mary Anne in TX 05-05-2008 10:07 AM

It's like being robbed of precious jewelry. That head strong, so kind, living that Kate showed us over and over was a wonder to behold. I always saw Kate as the captain of a ship, standing against the wind in a storm. What an example, what a gift she has been to us. Sending you love in heaven, mighty warrior. May your family and friends continue to be blessed by having known you and learned from you. ma

goops 05-05-2008 10:13 AM

I am so sorry to hear this, my prayers are with her family and friends.

Julie2 05-05-2008 10:35 AM

very sad
I am so sad from the news. I was hoping and praying that she would be alright after coming back from hospital. This is not the news I wanted to hear. My hearfelt condolences to Kate's family.


StephN 05-05-2008 10:54 AM

My heart hurts.

I have been thinking all winter and spring that Kate's doctor may have been remiss in not giving her a pneumonia vaccine. With the increase of this illness, they have been giving it here for a few years now. I had mine and so does anyone else at risk that agrees to take it. Just wish this complication to her treatment could have been prevented.

Kate, hover over us and show the researchers the way to a cure.

anne2 05-05-2008 11:05 AM

So sad. I met Kate two years ago and we spent almost a whole day talking. She was so wonderful and always so brave. I will remember this about her. She talked about her 2 daughters and I will remember how devoted she was. She fought till the end. I hope she did not suffer.

Barbara H. 05-05-2008 01:13 PM

Kate has been in my thoughts for the past few months. I was also given the pneumonia vaccine this year for the first time. I was later glad that I had it because a few teachers in my school ended up with pneumonia. Nevertheless, we can't really know for sure why Kate lost her battle. I feel so sad for her and for her family. Please accept my sympathy.
Barbara H.

chrisy 05-05-2008 01:28 PM

None of us will ever forget Kate, I am glad she is at peace. She is so very special, and will always be with us in our hearts.

Becca 05-05-2008 01:32 PM

Sad news about Kate, but glad she is now at peace and no long suffering.

duga35 05-05-2008 01:42 PM

This is so sad. Kate was one of the first people to say a kind word to me when I first arrived here and was scared to death.

This just isn't fair.......*tears*

lisajones4 05-05-2008 02:16 PM

So Sorry
I am sorry to hear about Kate. She always took the time to respond with kind words. My heart goes out to her family.


Joy 05-05-2008 02:17 PM

Thank you Karla
For being such a dear friend and our link to Kate. I can't say much more than what has been said by so many beautiful people here. Please share with her family that I am one more person who loves Kate and will miss her deeply. My prayers and the warmth from my heart left by her are to be given to her family.

With tears,

hutchibk 05-05-2008 03:33 PM

No no no. My heart is shattered. I can barely type this through the tears. I will miss my sweet friend and beautiful Georgia belle. I can't imagine our site without her. But I know she is keeping God in stitches with a plethora of Irish jokes... I love you sweet Kate, you are and will always be one of my true inspirations.

Colleens_Husband 05-05-2008 04:19 PM

Dear Friends:

I am so sorry to hear about Kate. She was one of the first people to answer my first post here. She was so alive and willing to help that i was shocked to hear that she passed away. She was so full of energy and her heart was big enough to allow room for perfect strangers and to help them.

I am sad to see her go, but she had a life well lived. I can only hope to be as brave and giving as she was. She will be an inspiration to me.


Becky 05-05-2008 04:20 PM

What very sad news. I feel that Kate really didn't even get her chance to fight. She always had to stop chemo for one reason or another - low counts, pneumonia, then the clot in her leg. She could never stay on something long enough for it to even fail her.

Through it all she stayed Kate. Still giving support to others and not wanting to take support from us. She is with our angels and her son, playing cards and singing Danny Boy. I will miss her.

Bill 05-05-2008 04:51 PM

Such heart-breaking news. Karla, thanks so much for keeping us posted. I'm praying for you and your family, and for Kate and her family at this dreaful time. Kate was one of the first to reach out to me, also, when I first joined the site. I loved her cute smile and fierce determination. I used to like to tease her about the "rodent-like" thing on her shoulder, before I knew the story of Tiptoe, and I think she kinda liked being teased about it. She really was a special woman. I could go on and on about her, like you all could. She will be missed. I'm glad she is no longer suffering.

PinkGirl 05-05-2008 05:18 PM

Without wanting to or trying to, Kate stood out in our group. She gained our attention because of her compassionate, friendly
and sincere ways. I am honoured to have known her.

Peace and comfort to Kate's family and friends.

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