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madubois63 10-07-2006 07:46 AM

madubois63 update
Okay, okay...I am finally getting around to updating. It has been a mental thing for me. I just couldn't find the mental energy to do this - coping thing I guess. I have been feeling pretty good lately and just don't want to be preparing to be feeling like crap again. Last week, I got a call from the transplant hospital. They have identified MY donor. She is 25 and lives outside of the US (they won't tell me where). She is a 10 out of 10 match - genetically speaking, she is me but younger. They offered her 3 appointments to start the process. The first date has passed, so I will not be going next week. The next appointment for her would put me traveling on the 16th and then the last date would put me at the 23th. It all depends on her. Right now, I feel like I am in the last weeks of pregnancy. Everyone keeps asking me, "When." I get, "Oh, your still here?? I thought you'd be in the hospital by now." Ugh! While she gets shots to boost her marrow and then donates blood 3 times, I will be getting dental clearance (pulling teeth may be necessary - I will not be able to get dental work for the next year, and there is no time for root canals because of my immune system). Then we'll having a family meeting where they teach my mom and sister how to care for my catheter and keep my (30) pills in order and also last minute labs for chemo dosages. Her blood will be frozen and then flown to NY. It then gets treated and separated. I will then be admitted and 5 days of chemo will be administered to completely kill my bone marrow/immune system. I get one day off, then the transplant - which is no more than a transfusion. The marrow amazingly knows where to go. The cells just swim to where they need to be (smarter than most men - I said MOST). The chemo is a rough combo - worst than any BC chemo I've ever had. The hard part of this is getting through is the side effects of chemo, transfusions until my counts recuperate and being isolated and so far from home. I will be there for many weeks but I am determined to be home for Christmas! I will miss Halloween (my second favorite holiday - my house looks like the great pumpkin spit up) and Thanksgiving (mom's stuffing), but I'll do my best to remember what I am gaining! The docs will be watching me very carefully for what is called Graft vs Host Disease. Basically, it is a rejection of the bone marrow and it usually shows itself in the first 100 days after the transplant. There are more medications to combat this problem if it should occur, and the better the match the less likely it is to occur. I've met someone that is now going through a mild case, and it ain't so pretty. It has effected her skin. I know what to expect, but I am praying (real hard) that it doesn't happen! I've had tons of tests again for preadmission. The breast cancer is still in remission, as is the leukemia (yeah). So if I am in remission, why do the transplant you ask?? If I don't have the transplant it could take weeks, it could take months, but in time the leukemia WILL come back. Genetically/medically speaking, my prognosis sucks! The chemo goes for keeping things stable and in line, the transplant goes for a cure. I want a cure!! So that's it for now. I promise I will post before I leave. I will have internet access and hope to be up to posting. ..Thank you all for your friendship, prayers and well wishes!! I love you all...

Tom 10-07-2006 08:30 AM

Best Wishes
We all love you too, Mary Ann. Thanks for the detailed update. I have to say that you're "packin more in your shorts" than most men I know. I have seldom seen such determination and faith in a person faced with life-changing decisions. To say that you are an inspiration, is a gross understatement. When I read your posts, I sometimes wonder how in the world you keep your momentum.

If anyone else encounters the same problems you have with treatment for BC, they will certainly have a road map to follow. Keep us informed please on your progress if you feel up to typing. We will all be praying out collective behinds off for you. take care and keep your chin up.

P.S. I never WAS much of a swimmer, but I did do a lot of hardcore New Jersey deep-wreck diving in my younger days. Although now that you bring it up, I did have a hard time finding my way back out of a sunken tugboat once...lol Geeez!!! GUILTY as charged.

Joy 10-07-2006 08:50 AM

I'm in awe of you.

Consider yourself surrounded with love and strength and light continuously from all of us.

RobinP 10-07-2006 11:27 AM

Wow, sounds like a lot on your plate. I 'll keep you in prayer,and you keep up the fight!

tricia keegan 10-07-2006 11:36 AM

You go girl!!!
Maryann will be thinking of you and wishing the very best outcome.


Barbara H. 10-07-2006 12:46 PM

Thank you for the update. You are an inspiration. You have been in my thoughts and I wish you the very best with your transplant. A friend of mine's sister went through this quite a few years ago and is doing well.
Best wishes,
Barbara H.

suzan w 10-07-2006 12:55 PM

Best wishes and prayers to you...will look forward to your updates. A friend just went through a pancreas transplant...18 months after a kidney transplant (diabetes) she went through alot but it was well worth it. It will be for you too!!!

RhondaH 10-07-2006 01:48 PM

Prayers will continue and
ALSO, that you will be home by Christmas. Take care and God bless.


rinaina 10-07-2006 02:27 PM

Prayers that all goes as planned and for a perfect outcome. You are so strong and such an inspiration to all. Don't know how you manage to still keep us informed but glad you do. You have certainly taught me to count my blessings. I sincerely hope that the transplant works well and that you soon will be "cured".

lindaw 10-07-2006 04:23 PM

Dear Maryanne

You are so brave.You have a difficult time ahead of you but I know you will get through it. We will be thinking about you - all the best .


Andi 10-07-2006 04:41 PM

Maryanne - your courage is so strong, it is such an inspiration! My prayers are with you that all goes well with your transplant and you have a speedy recovery.

chrisy 10-07-2006 05:01 PM

Thanks for the update. I can't believe how you make everything sound like a big adventure! I especially liked the description of your pumpkin-house. YOU GO for that cure! Knowing your determination and how you make things happen, I have no doubt you will be home for Christmas, and am praying things go well for you so that that can happen.

I wonder...since your perfect match donor is from overseas, do you think you may start speaking Hungarian or (worse yet) craving some indescribably gross culinary delicacies? Hmmmm.

Take care
Much love and prayers,

kk1 10-07-2006 07:37 PM

sending prayers every minute of every day


Bev 10-07-2006 07:54 PM

I thought of you earlier today. Where is Maryann? Glad it's working so far. You better get out of Buffalo before Christmas. you'll be snowed in til April. Best of luck. BB

michele u 10-07-2006 10:45 PM


I hope you can post from the hospital. I would do just what you are doing==trying for a cure. It's what we all want. You are such a fighter. I'm reading a great book about Quantum Healing. You should get on Amazon and look at the different books about it. It really talks about how we can boost our immune systems and heal ourselves. It would be a good thing for you to do while in the hospital. I believe it is in us to survive. Our bodies want to live. We just haven't found the knowledge to study this yet. When we do watch out, it will blow us all away.

sarah 10-08-2006 01:05 AM

Maryann you are so brave and such an inspirtaion and your spirit is so strong.
When you are home and healthy I think you should read your emails and posts and think of writing a book about this whole experience.
I am so happy for you that this is happening and I send you a BIG cyber hug and my heart is with you all through this treatment.
hugs and love

sherri 10-08-2006 01:26 AM


You are my hero and you are an amazing woman. I salute your will and your guts. LiveStrong!

Much love,

tousled1 10-08-2006 05:46 AM


I wish you all the best and hopefully this process will soon be over and you'll be on the road to recovery. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

eric 10-08-2006 09:16 AM


Your courage and will is an inspiration to all. Thanks for sharing. My thoughts are with you and I hope it's an easy road to cure for you.


Vanessa 10-08-2006 12:19 PM

I have to applaud your courage. I will be praying for you during this time and hoping that everything goes as planned. I hope you have the best Christmas ever after this is over. You will deserve it. I am praying for a CURE!!! Keep up posted if you can.

MCS 10-08-2006 12:25 PM

Oh Maryann,

I hope the very, very best for you. You are incredible in strength. My prayers are with you.


MCS ( maria)

lisahammo 10-08-2006 05:05 PM


So great to hear from you, and I wish you all the best. I just know that you will get through this and be home for Xmas. I agree about the book. Your story is certainly enough to inspire anyone to keep going, and you have such a way with words. Keep fighting, and I will be thinking of you.

Love Lisa

sassy 10-08-2006 06:44 PM


You are incredible. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Lolly 10-08-2006 06:55 PM

Maryann, let me add my voice to the chorus of well wishes for a successful transplant and swift recovery. Christmas will be truly a time of joy for you and yours. I send my prayers.

<3 Lolly

Sandy H 10-08-2006 08:01 PM

Maryann: You sound so brave! You are such an inspiration. Just reading your posts makes me tired with such a full plate. You have been and will continue to be in my prayers. Sending you a big hug, Sandy

Tami 10-08-2006 08:53 PM

Wow Maryann a 10 out of 10 match...it looks as though you are in very good hands. I will continue to keep you in my prayers as you walk this walk and hope that you are home well before Xmas. All the best, tami

al from Canada 10-08-2006 08:58 PM

I'm in complete awe of your strength and tenacity. I always knew that women are tougher than men and you sure do prove it. Also, you sharing your journey with us can only help others so thank you; because what you share is extremely personal. Sharing has also let us see what a beautiful soul you have and that optimism........is why you will continue to be a survivor.
Thinking of you, Al

Sheila 10-09-2006 04:41 AM

You are such an inspiration in both courage and fight...I was reading an article yesterday about a girl who had the same type of leukemia, went through the chemo, blood, more chemo, bone marrow transplant etc, and is doing fine after 20 years.....with your fight and will, you will double what shes done. What a great gift for Christmas to be done and be home and have all this behind you.
It truly will be a Blessed Christmas.

margo 10-09-2006 10:07 AM

You have tremendous strength and courage. You are an inspiration to me. I am praying for you.

Helen 10-09-2006 10:28 AM

Thank you for sharing. You are an inspiration to us.

Best wishes,

mom22girlz 10-09-2006 02:40 PM

you will be in my thoughts and prayers. sincerely, susan

Val Pfeiffer 10-09-2006 05:47 PM

I wish you all the best in this. I love reading your posts....they are informative and funny and inspiring all at the same time.... I look forward to reading more of them soon :-)


sabpri 10-09-2006 09:02 PM

I know it has been said before, but you truly are my hero. I know you don't even know me, but when I get down about my BC, my prognosis, my future, I think of you, and how you have hung in there and beaten all odds, overcome the unimaginable and maintained your determination. Your spirit shines on this board. I wish I could meet you in person. I can't imagine how hard it must be to be so far away from your family. It will all be worth it when you are with them at home for the rest of your very long life.

And Halloween is my second favorite too, so I will buy an extra decoration and hang it with my kids in your honor.


madubois63 10-10-2006 05:21 AM

>>And Halloween is my second favorite too, so I will buy an extra decoration and hang it with my kids in your honor.<<
Natalie - Don't make me cry!!! Thank you!!

>>I was reading an article yesterday about a girl who had the same type of leukemia, went through the chemo, blood, more chemo, bone marrow transplant etc, and is doing fine after 20 years.....<<
Sheila - The challenge is on!!! Do you no where you read that article??

>>When I read your posts, I sometimes wonder how in the world you keep your momentum.<<
Tom - Like I have any other choice?? And you are one to speak...you have never given up on your mom!!!

>>A friend of mine's sister went through this quite a few years ago and is doing well.<<
Barbara - thank you! These are the stories I want to hear!!!

>>I can't believe how you make everything sound like a big adventure!<<
Chris - In a way it is. I would rather jump out of a plane (with a chute), but this is the ride I am on at the moment. The ups and downs are like a roller coaster. I pray there are no brick walls at the end of this ride. I do believe there is work for me to be doing when I achieve my "cure."
>>...since your perfect match donor is from overseas, do you think you may start speaking Hungarian or (worse yet) craving some indescribably gross culinary delicacies?<<
I already eat some pretty weird stuff, but wouldn't it be great if I could speak the language, play piano and be an amazing athlete???

>>I'm reading a great book about Quantum Healing.<<
Michele - I will look in to it. I am bringing along essential oils for aromatherapy and music for imagery and mediation. I practice Reiki and will look in to massage therapy while in the hospital (the hospital near my home offers massage).

>>I think you should read your emails and posts and think of writing a book about this whole experience.<
Sarah - The only problem with that, is that I don't WANT anyone to have to buy it!

To everyone else that has replied and to all that haven't but have kept me in their prayers - thank you!!! I do not reply to all the posts, but wish I could. You are all in MY prayers and I pray for the day that we can turn this site in to a recipe exchange or knitting circle!!!

I am off to the dermatologist for a full body check (as everyone should do) to make sure I don't have skin cancer - now wouldn't that be a kick???
..·´¨¨)) -:¦:-
¸.·´ .·´¨¨))
((¸¸.·´ ¸.·´
-:¦:- -:¦:-
((¸¸.Maryann -:¦:-´´

Cathya 10-11-2006 10:21 PM


I am so pleased you have found such a great match.....and what a wonderful person she is to be doing this. God bless you and help you through this next stage of your ordeal. One step at a time you are concuring this beast.


jessica 10-12-2006 08:57 PM

As one of my dearest friends said to me, "Stay Strong, and when you can't, Lean Hard!"
That is what we, and all the folks that love, respect and admire you, are here for. I hope you know that if you receive even half the love, support, prayers, guidance & comfort you have offered so many of us, what great abundance surrounds you!
Prayers, Faith & Courage,
...and HOPE~there's always HOPE...

Much Aloha & God Bless~


Moni 10-18-2006 05:53 PM

Please keep up the strength, courage, and faith to go through it all. My prayers are with you and your family.


TriciaK 10-18-2006 06:43 PM

Maryann, I could hardly read your post for the tears---not tears of pity , either, but of joy for knowing such a tremendous spirit! I will be off line for a few days due to our move to Utah, but I will be adding my prayers for you to all the others. I will be anxious to hear how it all went. You are truly loved and admired on this website, and I hope you will remember that all of us are thinking of you and praying for your complete recovery. Hugs, Tricia

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